Search run analysis for @sparklingruby from Fri, February 17, 2023 at 13:47:06 -0800 (logged in)

@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 01:04:53: "It was a contractor." "No that was a different contractor." "And then there was a separate pilot." "....That didn't feed into the predictive modeling."
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@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 12:34:01: I believe that what I reported could have been regarding some sort of domestic AI/ NLP rollout to “combat” misinformation. I have a strong feeling this pilot took place over the last two years and was backed by The United States Intelligence Community. Will continue to… Show more
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  • [original: #2, ranking: #8, date: #3] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 01:01:44
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  • The mitary intelligence community, not the civilian IC community.
    [original: #9, ranking: #3, date: #1] From @stillwaterlife1 on 02/17/23 12:35:06
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@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 12:16:41: AIDA: "Finding conflicting accounts of an event" “Is that a fish tank? Is it a military tank? What kind of tank is it?” #AI #ML #NLP
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@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 12:09:31: “If you can train/ teach your image processing engine not only to recognize faces, but to recognize overlays and to read inside and say the statement about the truth of the internal content is false.. That's what we try to do now.” #NLP
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@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 12:07:30: “So the new domain we are now tackling is Covid. All of society and humanity needs to know what's the truth.” #NLP
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  • Picture the conversations: P1: How many people are standing in our way? P2: A small number. P3: No. I don't believe it's a small number. It's a large number, more than half. P1: How can we find out? P3: By reading their social media posts (w/ NLP), looking for certain phrases.
    [original: #5, ranking: #4, date: #4] From @reardongalt on 02/17/23 12:23:22
@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 11:23:18: They are not suppressing speech. They are rewriting language. It’s hard to explain. It is much larger than suppression. They are modifying behavior with RFL. This will have a tremendous impact on the future of language/ speech.
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  • Yes it is. I just mean it is much deeper than that first layer. That is the part I don’t think people realize. They stop the convo at layer 1. The dangerous part is what happens after that.
    [original: #9, ranking: #3, date: #7] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 11:31:35
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  • Steering conversation towards preferred speech is still a suppression of original speech though, right?
    [original: #8, ranking: #4, date: #5] From @jared_t_martin on 02/17/23 11:28:26
  • Orwellian
    [original: #11, ranking: #10, date: #10] From @scott_soulia on 02/17/23 12:31:04
  • [original: #10, ranking: #11, date: #1] From @placeholder_handle on 12/31/69 04:00:00
@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 11:17:18: I have a strong feeling that military grade NLP was deployed to censor the discussion of vaccine safety / masks / Covid over the past two years. Will further research this.
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@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 09:48:54: The more I discover, the more I begin to think I have uncovered something that I am really not supposed to be talking about.
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  • Post it.
    [original: #15, ranking: #44, date: #45] From @jmstradescrypto on 02/17/23 01:37:29
  • Why?
    [original: #8, ranking: #42, date: #30] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 11:11:51
  • We all have.. be careful.
    [original: #10, ranking: #41, date: #26] From @corbycar on 02/17/23 10:52:56
  • No idea what that means
    [original: #6, ranking: #36, date: #24] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 10:29:08
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  • I learned what they can do with the nano aerosols out of airplanes. Basically they can spy on anyone without anyone ever knowing. I pulled 8 of these out of the wall. We were building an app to not collect data. This nano tech is on notebook paper. Been Havana'd 5 or 6 times now
    [original: #37, ranking: #3, date: #28] From @chadwagainstwef on 02/17/23 11:04:16
  • Been following you for a while and my brain just can’t help but get this sense about your tweets: Valuing profound ideas over simpler ones can provide insight, but can also lead to overcomplication and neglect of practical concerns.
    [original: #33, ranking: #4, date: #12] From @ftxclone on 02/17/23 10:06:35
  • The scale of which information operations are being implemented and conducted in the U.S....targeting American unprecedented. The tip of the iceberg. No one has our back.
    [original: #43, ranking: #8, date: #16] From @jhouse678 on 02/17/23 10:17:33
  • No, you've discovered something that directly needs not only talked about, but thoroughly investigated at the highest levels!! You go girl!!!
    [original: #35, ranking: #9, date: #25] From @michael92333436 on 02/17/23 10:50:38
  • nah I think ur just clickbait and the 'deeper' you go (drinking your own koolaid) the more absolutely unhinged you sound. confirmation bias. look it up kid.
    [original: #44, ranking: #14, date: #2] From @aproposapropos on 02/17/23 09:51:31
  • Don’t mysteriously fall from a window, freak car accident or an Epstein yourself.
    [original: #39, ranking: #15, date: #9] From @tedj0615 on 02/17/23 09:55:09
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  • Do the exact opposite of how you feel. Ironically usually the right move.
    [original: #41, ranking: #27, date: #40] From @jacquie04063120 on 02/17/23 12:02:12
  • The more you have to talk about it!!! Keep going!
    [original: #40, ranking: #30, date: #37] From @yossishow on 02/17/23 11:31:26
  • If it's not getting clicks its not click bait.
    [original: #45, ranking: #34, date: #18] From @trippyrox on 02/17/23 10:23:46
  • Are there words that get promoted?
    [original: #42, ranking: #35, date: #42] From @larrydarp on 02/17/23 12:22:16
@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/17/23 09:30:01: I have just discovered DARPA's "Civil Sanctuary" initiative. This initiative resembles almost ALL of the research re NLP/ ML in my reporting in The Ruby Files.
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Worse 6 of 5 (reached end) 120% 0% 33%
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  • All of this is just stuff Q covered years ago.
    [original: #5, ranking: #2, date: #1] From @stillwaterlife1 on 02/17/23 09:31:47
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  • I do not even know what Q is.
    [original: #6, ranking: #4, date: #3] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 09:32:59
@sparklingruby tweeted on 02/16/23 12:22:49: The Ruby Files: Explained #RubyFiles
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Worse 11 of 10 (reached end) 110% 18% 36%
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  • Video Source: @RedPill78
    [original: #1, ranking: #11, date: #1] From @sparklingruby on 02/16/23 12:23:21
  • Listening now…
    [original: #3, ranking: #10, date: #4] From @maileprmedia on 02/16/23 12:27:23
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  • What if the whole scheme was designed to find us and count us? You said yourself that many (most) instances were determined to be non-offenses. Perhaps they weren't really looking for misinformation offenses, but rather THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO WERE talking about this? And who.
    [original: #11, ranking: #1, date: #8] From @reardongalt on 02/17/23 11:13:28
  • Expand convo to incl public AI's e.g. chatGPT & dangers for speech/thought diversity. Couldn't attach convo where chatGPT admits it's defense re a controversial subj was based on 3 exceptions & 3 outlier "experts." The chat was deleted by chatGPT, & responses changed on Feb 13.
    [original: #7, ranking: #2, date: #6] From @funva_oped on 02/17/23 01:11:00
  • What do you think happened re Elon and his engineering people when they got their hands on this codebase? Are they aware? Did they already conclude that they'd have to do the whole thing over to fix it? What ARE they working on, if not this?
    [original: #10, ranking: #3, date: #7] From @reardongalt on 02/17/23 10:39:18
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  • Hey Kristen, thanks a lot. I am playing with the idea of poisoning my tweets so all of them have to be reviewed. Any suggestions how to reach the threshold with minimal word count?
    [original: #8, ranking: #4, date: #10] From @randomnormii on 02/17/23 12:18:42
  • The language model is already poisoned so not sure adding poisoned tweets will do anything.
    [original: #9, ranking: #6, date: #11] From @sparklingruby on 02/17/23 12:21:55