Search run analysis for @kellyannepolls from Sun, April 22, 2018 at 14:20:07 -0700 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @kellyannepolls and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1js" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/22/18 10:59:24: I’ve long admired fellow Jersey Girl & working mom @DanaBashCNN. Makes this harder to comprehend. Amidst convo about North Korean nukes & Comey leaks/ McCabe lies, the “final q” is this? Under strain, pretends it was meant 2 be “lighthearted” …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Bad 224 (list is complete) 28% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
  • O BABY
    [original: #28, ranking: #221, date: #26] From @3006fmj on 04/22/18 11:40:52
    [original: #7, ranking: #215, date: #134] From @axiom_8 on 04/22/18 01:16:27
    [original: #18, ranking: #214, date: #125] From @richfitt on 04/22/18 01:08:41
    [original: #20, ranking: #213, date: #7] From @ifarmnhawaii on 04/22/18 11:03:23
    [original: #29, ranking: #210, date: #21] From @noh8ters1 on 04/22/18 11:31:52
    [original: #17, ranking: #208, date: #1] From @mralexniceguy on 04/22/18 11:00:16
  • That almost tops Sarah Huckabee
    [original: #41, ranking: #207, date: #30] From @3006fmj on 04/22/18 11:42:36
  • Best President ever!
    [original: #19, ranking: #201, date: #2] From @shawgerald4 on 04/22/18 11:00:35
  • Oh grow up
    [original: #70, ranking: #194, date: #66] From @deeee_jay on 04/22/18 12:29:59
  • Yep — that’s all she knows
    [original: #33, ranking: #193, date: #18] From @timshel_hope on 04/22/18 11:28:24
  • ... fyi, was referring to Kellyanne
    [original: #16, ranking: #163, date: #29] From @papasipps on 04/22/18 11:42:28
  • You're also on the wrong side of history @KellyannePolls
    [original: #51, ranking: #159, date: #119] From @realdealholy2 on 04/22/18 01:04:02
  • KellyannePolls the queen of lies!!!
    [original: #22, ranking: #155, date: #8] From @esther_gentile on 04/22/18 11:03:28
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
  • Dana Bash get this right Americans love the great job both of these people are doing. Americans are showing it in the polls. More Americans each day are believing and loving our great @POTUS for his tremendous work. The things President Trump has accomplished is astounding.
    [original: #165, ranking: #2, date: #89] From @jijivikingsgirl on 04/22/18 12:47:11
  • Oh Kelly. You are such a great fit in this admin. You can’t take the heat at all but can give it. You never want to be criticized. And you thoroughly embarrassed yourself today. What a joke.
    [original: #161, ranking: #10, date: #16] From @cheetofacts on 04/22/18 11:24:30
  • But it is fine if the President goes after Mrs Cruz (and many others) and mocks her, then it is fine? Did you scold him at the time? Double standard and unprofessional of you. It hurts when the question is so close to home, eh? Remember that the next time your boss does it!
    [original: #193, ranking: #11, date: #36] From @1stopwatch1 on 04/22/18 11:46:45
  • Why does ANY network have you on? Ever? You never answer a question. Ever. Straight to talking points. Then you talk over the interviewer so no one can even hear the question. If Trump is sure that Cohen won’t “flip” that means he has something on Trump. End of story
    [original: #177, ranking: #15, date: #209] From @bradjmclaughlin on 04/22/18 02:16:21
  • Maybe you just dont like it when people point out truth to you. I know its a hard concept for you. But at least we know your husband isnt a massive moron like yourself. He should criticize your boss more often. Hes honest.
    [original: #149, ranking: #30, date: #99] From @akemichandler on 04/22/18 12:51:42
  • A very gr8 ? by @DanaBashCNN I live w/ a Republican & I'm a Democrat, we CAN'T talk politics! I could never marry someone who doesn't share my political views generally speaking. #poorsportkellanne Nice job Dana!
    [original: #158, ranking: #54, date: #44] From @staceysmiz on 04/22/18 12:03:05
  • It is a legitimate question. You go on TV and lie for Trump. Your own husband criticizes Trump. You are so pathetic. I literally fail to understand why anyone gives you air time.
    [original: #173, ranking: #63, date: #216] From @kathybeachlvr on 04/22/18 02:21:48
  • Kellyanne Conway has the same old tired move of not answering a question by deflecting with all kinds of rambling bull****. She's as useless as tits on a bull. How in the world someone is married to her or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Yuck (not even talking about physically)
    [original: #206, ranking: #65, date: #160] From @sht63159745 on 04/22/18 01:39:24
  • I’m Jersey Girl http://too.It ’s your choice to be in public http://office.So  scrunity is normal.And Trump clearly has talked negatively&publicly about spouses. He’s been insulting&nasty.Even made fun of handicapped reporter.Where was your outrage/criticism?
    [original: #159, ranking: #67, date: #43] From @margare41869743 on 04/22/18 12:02:53
  • Obviously all couples do not agree on everything like Kellyanne is explaining, so based on what she’s saying, it is possible that @FLOTUS doesn’t agree w @realDonaldTrump & that she too thinks @POTUS44 was a better man/pres & that she even possibly voted for @HillaryClinton ? Lol
    [original: #220, ranking: #69, date: #96] From @cnicht01 on 04/22/18 12:50:06
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 988126369975558144, from: @trisharoses (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:19(HIGH,6,42,3) I would like to see KAC do ONE interview on CNN where she doesnt start and end with a chip on her shoulder ready to jump down their throats! Leads one to believe she likes the conflict. She looked foolish and overly defensive. She needs to CHILL!]
[tweet: 988139723402203136, from: @deeee_jay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:37:23(HIGH,2,38,2) When you lie for a living, you come off condescending & on the offensive, i.e. Sarah Huckabee Sanders]
[tweet: 988147240819675136, from: @kathlee64050712 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:07:15(HIGH,0,14,0) Two very dishonest, snarky, ugly women]
[tweet: 988120718255804416, from: @lynleto (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:21:52(HIGH,12,184,8) What you do has nothing to do with your spouse?? But Trump can give McCabe grief about his wife? Double standard much?]
[tweet: 988124688252657665, from: @linkus717 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:37:38(HIGH,0,20,16) McCabe wife got money from Hillary and friends. It's a conflict of interest.]
[tweet: 988132797247295488, from: @swampisfull (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:09:52(HIGH,0,47,6) Andrew McCabe was not involved in the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton while his wife was running for office. #readingIsFundamental]
[tweet: 988149556327133184, from: @axiom_8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:16:27(HIGH,0,0,2)]
[tweet: 988150591062003712, from: @swampisfull (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:20:34(HIGH,0,5,0) might want to research events on a timeline dip before you tweety your lil memey]
[tweet: 988115440495972352, from: @chairmanmoet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:53(HIGH,5,193,7) Have you ever criticised your boss for using Bill to bash Hillary?]
[tweet: 988125553441034241, from: @judybreton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:41:05(HIGH,0,12,5) Apples and oranges. Your question should have been that when Hillary was S of States, did CNN ever ask her about Bill's treatment of women. The answer is no.]
[tweet: 988143130712117248, from: @wonderdyke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:50:55(HIGH,0,6,0) Right, because the current admin has played by the rules? FFS, grow up.]
[tweet: 988115770524684288, from: @ifarmnhawaii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:12(HIGH,2,117,3) You were so throughly owned.  It was #awesome]
[tweet: 988120095066083328, from: @bbnfan89 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:19:23(HIGH,0,9,13) ? if you don't like Kellyanne why do you follow her..why do you keep up with her every move..sounds kinda scary to someone creepy...ugh....]
[tweet: 988153104976592896, from: @timothybrandso1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:30:33(HIGH,1,5,0) She's  Trump's communications voice! So we are NOT supposed to listen or comment on her? Double standard or snowflake?]
[tweet: 988124287147106305, from: @papasipps (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:36:03(HIGH,2,43,1) I'm neutral and watched it. Honestly, you didn't handle it well. Too big a moment for you I guess...]
[tweet: 988125902314852352, from: @papasipps (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:28(HIGH,2,26,0) ... fyi, was referring to Kellyanne]
[tweet: 988115283188514816, from: @mralexniceguy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:16(HIGH,8,72,1)]
[tweet: 988147598719565824, from: @richfitt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:08:41(HIGH,1,5,0)]
[tweet: 988115362095841280, from: @shawgerald4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:35(HIGH,5,37,21) Best President ever!]
[tweet: 988116067959554049, from: @ifarmnhawaii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:03:23(HIGH,1,2,0)]
[tweet: 988117678450708486, from: @michaelcporter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:47(HIGH,2,63,0) So what exactly is the problem (besides your hypocrisy @KellyannePolls)?]
[tweet: 988116090185289728, from: @esther_gentile (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:03:28(HIGH,2,53,0) KellyannePolls the queen of lies!!!]
[tweet: 988126514540564480, from: @jordan4jb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:54(HIGH,3,36,0) This is super embarassing... It's really clear that @realDonaldTrump has blown up at you about your husband. Don't get angry at @DanaBashCNN because she brought up the situation.]
[tweet: 988122096323608576, from: @caspenard (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:20(HIGH,2,35,0) You did not handle this well.]
[tweet: 988135966593269760, from: @english_musings (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:22:27(HIGH,2,11,1) Actually your response seemed unhinged & made no sense. Of course she has the right to ask you about public tweets. Why does your husband bash on the president? It is curious.]
[tweet: 988128132438904832, from: @johnferretti100 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:51:19(HIGH,0,1,4) Kellyanne handled herself very well. She's very articulate and caught what Dana was trying to do. Hang in there Kellyanne!]
[tweet: 988141334639890435, from: @winniedog2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:43:47(HIGH,1,14,0) What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.]
[tweet: 988125499963662336, from: @3006fmj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:40:52(HIGH,0,4,0) O  BABY]
[tweet: 988123234460631042, from: @noh8ters1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:31:52(HIGH,3,29,0)]
[tweet: 988123009113260032, from: @spasley74 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:30:58(HIGH,2,29,0) You can dish it but you can’t take it.]
[tweet: 988122872211230720, from: @duranchelin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:30:25(HIGH,3,58,1) Dana you were very professional one thing Kelly Ann needs to learn to be!   She did not give  good answer!]
[tweet: 988117600117886976, from: @juliang922 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:28(HIGH,1,21,1) You’re so mad about it you decided to share it with the world?]
[tweet: 988122363417022464, from: @timshel_hope (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:28:24(HIGH,0,2,0) Yep — that’s all she knows]
[tweet: 988133818660868096, from: @redzenradish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:13:55(HIGH,2,18,0) The real mystery is why ANY legitimate news source continues to book a proven liar/gaslighter. Kellyanne has NOTHING worth listening to.]
[tweet: 988115959587266561, from: @getdigitalworld (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:57(HIGH,2,20,0) Not enough make up you disgusting looking pig. You did a great job showing the world what TRASH you are.]
[tweet: 988117057815433217, from: @hawkwatcher101 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:07:19(HIGH,2,41,1) I think Jersey just threw up a little. #JerseyWantsNothingToDoWithYouKellyanne #PoorJersey]
[tweet: 988115373810700290, from: @martyn20 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:38(HIGH,2,38,3) You are going to jail with your boss]
[tweet: 988142799169163265, from: @wonderdyke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:49:36(HIGH,1,15,0) You're no Jersey girl if you can't handle a softball question like that. Perfect opportunity for you to pretend to be human, but you reacted like an oversensitive teen. Grow up and try being a woman girls can look up to.]
[tweet: 988138743210000384, from: @anndeltredici (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:33:29(HIGH,3,11,0) You were hideous and evasive on Dana's show--you need to stop doing TV Kellyanne--everyone in America hates you and the way you talk.  You were an evasive bully. You bullied Dana]
[tweet: 988135783591759872, from: @j_nurre (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:21:44(HIGH,2,14,0) Sorry snowflake.  Maybe if you weren’t an awful human, I’d care.  But are you also saying that a wife shouldn’t have to answer for her husband?   Funny.  Don’t think you thought that way with HRC.]
[tweet: 988125936406102016, from: @3006fmj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:36(HIGH,2,4,0) That almost tops Sarah Huckabee]
[tweet: 988144419479216134, from: @leojsayta (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:56:03(HIGH,2,8,0) How is asking you about your husband's views somehow worse than Trump attacking Republican McCabe because his wife was a Democrat?  Hint: its NOT except in Trump's deceitful and double-standards based administration in which you play a huge part.  You're the queen of deflection.]
[tweet: 988143495247482885, from: @danimalhouse41 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:52:22(HIGH,1,8,0) Kellyanne sounded like an idiot! And was totally played by Dana Bash! Like usual you acted like a fool supporting that idiot in the WH!]
[tweet: 988139851647213569, from: @kaybackstrom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:37:54(HIGH,2,10,0) What a load of shit you are Kellyanne. You have some serious double standards, eh? How about your constant ridicule of Hillary for what her husband did. How about your boss attacking McCabes wife for her political views? Hypocrit You're a disgusting joke on this whole country.]
[tweet: 988138127729528832, from: @mounpam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:31:03(HIGH,1,8,0) Poor baby. Even your husband can see through this administration. That was her point. GET OVER YOURSELF KELLY ANNE CONWAY!]
[tweet: 988131592102203392, from: @glehel (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:05:04(HIGH,3,10,0) Answer her questions, stop trying to change the subject. Get your own show if you want to direct the conversation. Call it, "Even My Husband Knows I'm a Liar."]
[tweet: 988123287317307393, from: @allaboutthespin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:32:04(HIGH,2,10,0) It was a fair question given the connection. To think otherwise is foolish.]
[tweet: 988119683210596352, from: @lynnfromnyc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:17:45(HIGH,2,7,0) Your husband's public tweets are fair game, KAC. If you're such a snowflake, don't do interviews.]
[tweet: 988164558656294912, from: @trisharoses (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:16:04(HIGH,1,2,0) All she had to say was ‘Well, he has a right to his own opinion. Couples never agree on absolutely everything.’  That would have been a perfectly good answer.  Unless... she was actually putting on a show for POTUS. Now that’s who she was talking to!]
[tweet: 988149834992537601, from: @silvaltia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:17:34(HIGH,1,5,0) You keep spinning your alternative facts and trying to impress the president, but unfortunately you are also scaring him. No wonder you are still the brush and the broom that has to go on #cnn to clean the mess after #TrumpTheTurd and not in a more elevated]
[tweet: 988146430006018048, from: @realdealholy2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:04:02(HIGH,1,5,0) You're also on the wrong side of history @KellyannePolls]
[tweet: 988138255567683586, from: @luiscol39988509 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:31:33(HIGH,0,6,0) I support Dana Bash, she asked a legitimate question, which bother you in some http://way.You  were the one who brought your family to the interview. All she wanted from you was a sincere answer and you went crazy throwing punches.Shame on you.!!!!@@@@]
[tweet: 988136255790702593, from: @ruatwitt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:23:36(HIGH,1,5,0) You looked crazy in this interview and you reposting shows you may just be crazy. I don’t think U will get sympathy, your a natural born liar and you should maybe think about your family a bit b4 you do interviews & embarrass yourself and your husband. U act like a 5 yr old]
[tweet: 988135284985487360, from: @dookdookdook (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:19:45(HIGH,1,5,0) Wow, you're a lightweight. Folded like a chair under almost no pressure at all.]
[tweet: 988127412532760578, from: @callingout333 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:48:28(HIGH,2,6,0) So is it fair for @potus to use Andrew mccabe’s wife’s position as a reason for firing him?  #coverup #draintherrumpswamp #boycottkellyanneskids]
[tweet: 988125154168463360, from: @judybreton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:39:29(HIGH,0,1,3) You are such a strong person.  I admire you greatly.]
[tweet: 988141662491873280, from: @winniedog2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:45:05(HIGH,1,4,0) What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.]
[tweet: 988154465562882048, from: @robertarleigh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:35:58(HIGH,1,3,0) I don't see how @kellyannepolls could be any more disingenuous.]
[tweet: 988150119903064064, from: @richardfoote (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:18:42(HIGH,1,3,0) A lesson in how to overreact and be totally evasive when unable to deal with a rather basic question. Thanks for sharing...]
[tweet: 988148647589228544, from: @tracybehr2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:12:51(HIGH,1,3,0) Awwww, poor Kelly :(    Playing one of her bosses cards I see, the victim. Poor thing. I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers.]
[tweet: 988148125369012224, from: @ottawaoracle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:10:46(HIGH,0,4,0) U R a total hypocrite. You and the serial liar sexual predator Corrupt Clown POTUS you are propagandist for launch attacks on EVERYONE ALL THE TIME inc spouses, friends, colleagues - U name it - but go angry bitter and petty when you are asked about your spouses tweets.]
[tweet: 988147781599744001, from: @magisano1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:09:24(HIGH,0,4,0) You are such a pain to watch. The only reason I did is because I like Dana Bash. You are argumentative, defensive, insulting and domineering. Those are your good traits. Dana asked a simple question and you jumped all over her as if you were in a court of law. You looked stupid!]
[tweet: 988144091421650947, from: @hobokennj07030 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:54:44(HIGH,1,3,0) You are in @potus cabinet and on @cnn to convey @potus positions and policies and answer questions.   If your husband / other disagrees with said positions and policies on public platform - that’s a legit question.   Fake outrage.   Bravo @DanaBashCNN]
[tweet: 988143998509371392, from: @richfitt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:54:22(HIGH,1,3,0) The hyper-defensiveness you displayed spoke volumes. You embarrassed yourself. The question was a relevant point of interest to wrap up the interview - is it difficult to have a husband who disagrees on fundamental issues with the president who you work for? #WhySoDefensiveKAC?]
[tweet: 988142227934265344, from: @oregon97415 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:20(HIGH,1,3,0) I think it's time to follow George Conway. I'm not in the habit of following republicans, but obviously, this is a sore spot.]
[tweet: 988140375058599937, from: @charlie39000 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:39:58(HIGH,1,3,0) All you people at the White House do is whine. Give it a rest already.]
[tweet: 988139711549132800, from: @sukiehernandez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:37:20(HIGH,1,4,0) Kellyanne you talk a whole lot of NOTHING!..noise]
[tweet: 988138998769029120, from: @not4rightorleft (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:34:30(HIGH,0,3,0) Jersey Girl got her lil’ button pushed. A wee bit sensitive on this subject are we?  Jersey Girls are tough.  A question about something that their husband said or did would be answered bluntly and candidly by a true “Jersey Girl”.]
[tweet: 988138087061606400, from: @larainepapa1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:30:53(HIGH,1,3,0) You have long established your reputation as a liar, a vicious twister of the truth, and frankly I cannot see how you live with yourself, or even hope to be a role model for your four children.]
[tweet: 988137862389518336, from: @deeee_jay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:29:59(HIGH,0,4,0) Oh grow up]
[tweet: 988137542682923011, from: @chabro1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:28:43(HIGH,1,3,0) So your boss can take issue with and fires  somebody because their spouse is for the other side but your spouse tweeting volumes of negative trump stuff should be ignored because why now ?     Are you afraid you’ll be fired next?]
[tweet: 988134028598378496, from: @hellaword (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:14:45(HIGH,1,3,0) #KellyAnneConway You and your boss can dish it out, but neither of you can take it. #smallhands #mikawins #hypocrite #mccabesWife @CNN @FoxNews @MSNBC @tedcruz @ChrisCuomo]
[tweet: 988133672619360256, from: @redducks1489 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:13:20(HIGH,2,4,0) A chance was given to you to finally display some humor and perhaps a sense of humanity on National TV and Kellyanne, you blew it pure and simple. Only in your world is everything confrontational- SAD!]
[tweet: 988132936779214848, from: @mssmartwin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:10:25(HIGH,1,4,0) Your boss called Andrew McCabes wife a loser because she didnt agree with him. Can't have it both ways @KellyannePolls, answer the question!]
[tweet: 988132629323988993, from: @madmiked27 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:09:12(HIGH,1,3,0) #KellyanneLies #TrumpLies #Corrupt #Hypocrite]
[tweet: 988131213767462912, from: @tnodine2017 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:03:34(HIGH,1,3,0) She did ask you the question with a familiarity that I would have expected would make you both laugh. Because, what is up with your husband? Can’t live with them, can’t completely control them...  You are so classy, Kelly Anne!  #BlueWaveComing2018]
[tweet: 988126365957443584, from: @3006fmj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:18(HIGH,1,4,0)]
[tweet: 988125872686329856, from: @bigdaddy3345 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:21(HIGH,1,4,0)]
[tweet: 988141933078958081, from: @idudeness (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:46:10(HIGH,0,2,1) Here's a softball question then... How do you live with yourself?]
[tweet: 988162149783691264, from: @thedifff (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:06:30(HIGH,0,1,0) Boom.]
[tweet: 988138259447365632, from: @njtraindelays (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:31:34(HIGH,1,2,1) On a related note, have you received your subpoena yet?]
[tweet: 988138783844569089, from: @njtraindelays (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:33:39(HIGH,0,1,0) Also, he's leaving you, isn't he]
[tweet: 988164689287839746, from: @dmitch_flagstar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:16:35(HIGH,1,2,0) Really? It's like Matalin and Carville having oposing views like all married couples on some things. You don't marry your twin. I think you copped out on the response and tried to make it sound like an "unfair" question.]
[tweet: 988150625425805312, from: @mentalpropprod (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:20:42(HIGH,2,4,0) Struck a nerve there, huh? My question: Which other Trump administration officials family members “certainly don’t support the president privately and publicly” ?]
[tweet: 988150199888564224, from: @jameswe83679800 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:19:01(HIGH,2,5,0) Awe, you poor thing. I watched the interview live, and you way overreacted. It’s the normal way of doing things in the administration you work for. FYI, you don’t work for the American people, you work against us.]
[tweet: 988150102177935360, from: @robtwood (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:18:37(HIGH,2,6,0) @Comey family supported @HillaryClinton, and @KellyannePolls used that to suggest James Comey is anti-Trump.  @KellyannePolls husband tweets anti-Trump content all the time, so by her own logic, that means that she's Anti-Trump too, right?  Can't have it both ways Kellyanne.]
[tweet: 988148730170888192, from: @oh_riba (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:13:10(HIGH,2,3,0) If you can’t take the heat .... Really could’ve handled so much better without playing the “poor me” card. A simple ... “well there’s never a dull moment at the dinner table, that’s for sure..” Instead you make it malicious]
[tweet: 988147960973332485, from: @principlesnow (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:10:07(HIGH,0,2,0) She’s a reporter n u r employed by the president, a despicable corrupt pu**y grabber. Your husband publicly stated some very negative things about your boss. That is NEWS and it’s her job to ask about it. If u don’t like what ur husband said divorce him but don’t blame her.]
[tweet: 988146989144604672, from: @cnicht01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:06:15(HIGH,2,4,0) You are the Pivot Queen!! If you don’t want to answer an embarrassing question you pivot and say the question is unfair? Can’t wait to see how @kmcnuggets interprets this into a skit on @nbcsnl cuz that eye-popping forced ‘smile’ was as terrifying as Kellywise]
[tweet: 988145565262217216, from: @timothybrandso1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:00:36(HIGH,2,3,0) Andy's wife was criticized and used as as a reason to fire him from the FBI. Cruz's wife was lambasted by Trump. Dana's question was just that....a question.  The guy YOU work for has taken off the gloves and made spouses an open target. You can thank Trump.]
[tweet: 988145454058586113, from: @lifeinquestmode (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:00:09(HIGH,2,4,0) @KellyannePolls If you're going to subject yourself to interviews on any national news network, you might want to grow a thicker skin.]
[tweet: 988144429922996226, from: @kathlee64050712 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:56:05(HIGH,0,2,0) Kellyanne I think you protest too much.  Donald Trump criticized McCabe’s wife for running for office as a Democrat.  Told McCabe repeatedly before firing him his wife was a “LOSER”.  Did you ever defend Mrs. McCabe?]
[tweet: 988143530785689600, from: @lskywalkluke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:52:31(HIGH,2,3,0) Kellyanne, I mean, just take the lay up. Be happy anyone is genuinely asking you anything. Pretty soon you’ll be serving Barefoot wine samples at Safeway, and you might get a few sidelong glances from a few people wondering “where do I know her from?”]
[tweet: 988143080665739265, from: @alice822 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:50:43(HIGH,2,3,0) Remember that time your boss brought Bill Clinton's accusers to a presidential debate against his spouse.  You are a hypocrite and puppet for an idiot.]
[tweet: 988142824842563585, from: @mattbooker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:49:42(HIGH,0,2,0) You have ZERO integrity, and can't go through one interview without mentioning Hillary Clinton.]
[tweet: 988142064981422082, from: @lukssii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:46:41(HIGH,0,2,0) Oh no no Kelly have a problem accepting the can keep blabbering about Hillary,but this will not help you when your boss will get impeached.]
[tweet: 988141843249496064, from: @talisraye (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:45:48(HIGH,0,2,0) It was a legitimate question. Be in the spotlight, expect it to illuminate everything; not just what you want it to.]
[tweet: 988139128318517250, from: @melvin_maggie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:35:01(HIGH,0,2,0) Bloody HYPOCRITE . Conway!]
[tweet: 988138700654628864, from: @impeachdumpy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:33:19(HIGH,0,2,0) Your false umbrage and twisting of Dana’s words was so transparently self-serving. You dragged Comey’s family into the discussion less than a week ago, hypocrite. You and the pig you serve are destroying this country with your lies. You are an empty husk of a human, a ghoul.]
[tweet: 988134564542468096, from: @roostergod2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:16:53(HIGH,1,2,0) Awwww poor snowflake, do you need a safe space away from the mean reporter lady?]
[tweet: 988131850672574466, from: @bcbag1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:06:06(HIGH,1,2,0) You complain about this when you go on shows and defend Trump,s outright LIES?  It was a fair question.  I am sure your boos would have put the question in demeaning language.]
[tweet: 988131256939380736, from: @terisbluewave (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:03:44(HIGH,0,2,0) Kellyanne doesn’t “go off” on @DanaBashCNN she planned AND looked forward to addressing her husbands critical tweets of Trump Admin. She purposefully came across as combative and attacking - she’s more like the brash and emotionally underdeveloped Trump.]
[tweet: 988131005893611522, from: @mkb51564242 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:02:45(HIGH,1,2,0) Funny how you didn’t think Comey’s family was off limits last week when you attacked him, eh? Sorry - that’s not how it works. …]
[tweet: 988130907419627520, from: @editorrobin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:02:21(HIGH,1,2,0) Me thinks you doth protest too much, KellyAnne. Sad. Bigly.]
[tweet: 988130774929981440, from: @patsyjo58 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:01:49(HIGH,1,2,0) Fair game! Conway continues to openly lie for her boss. She’s sold her soul. Anyone should be able to ask her ANYTHING.]
[tweet: 988166303448956928, from: @h82bl8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:00(HIGH,1,1,0) Deflect, deflect, deflect. No one ever expects a straight, honest answer from the Queen of ‘Alternative Facts’.]
[tweet: 988166122099953664, from: @bena1100 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:22:17(HIGH,1,1,0) How many times a day does your boss lie?]
[tweet: 988165375555788805, from: @moceanworker (VERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:19:19(HIGH,1,1,0) Awwwwwww. Poor baby. It was such a mean tough question. Such an invasion of your privacy. #projectilevomit]
[tweet: 988164230527488000, from: @bigbluevoter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:46(HIGH,1,1,0) Shut up already!  You don't care who you drag through shit for the sexual predator that you work for and the sexual predators in the Republican Party that you defend; Roy Moore, Steve Wynn, etc.  Your personality is as ugly as...I think you know where that's going.]
[tweet: 988164117134364672, from: @jscveritas (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:19(HIGH,1,1,0) Alternative husband Kelly?]
[tweet: 988164057730633729, from: @rsvp2wendy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:05(HIGH,1,1,0) You constantly attacked Hillary Clinton about Bill Clinton and now you get defensive when Dana asks you about your husband. Don’t play the victim.]
[tweet: 988164001757478913, from: @painefan01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:13:51(HIGH,1,1,0) … @Peggynoonannyc @kathleenparker @davidaxelrod]
[tweet: 988163908769902592, from: @firebirdnflight (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:13:29(HIGH,1,1,0) Guess @DanaBashCNN hit a pretty sore nerve. The snake went writhing!]
[tweet: 988163113521373184, from: @usagemall (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:10:20(HIGH,1,1,0) Dana, that was just "Alt. Facts Kellyanne" trying to bully you. Nonsense. She brings up political spouses every chance she gets. This is the double standard that this political hack hussy resorts to when she declines to answer questions. As in Always. @ChrisCuomo, @jaketapper.]
[tweet: 988162401047429121, from: @lmsmcintosh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:07:30(HIGH,1,1,0) Kellyanne, if you had just made a calm response this would have been over and done.  You appear to have so little self control and dignity.  Your impulse control may need some development.]
[tweet: 988161900491018241, from: @stevelachaganyl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:05:30(HIGH,1,0,0) Comey leaks? …]
[tweet: 988161375712276487, from: @robert_pignone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:03:25(HIGH,1,1,0) Alternative facts much?..I don't know how Trump managed it but all the women that surround him...lie]
[tweet: 988160791340777472, from: @factsmatter1980 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:01:06(HIGH,0,1,0) Lol. Was a melt down babe. U freaked out. Ur husband is smart, maybe u agree with him, but don’t want to admit it??? Is that where the melt down came from?]
[tweet: 988160025544675328, from: @gvivaldi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:58:03(HIGH,1,1,0) So if it was" no big deal" why are your husband tweet(s) deleted]
[tweet: 988159503756681218, from: @brucedmisler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:55:59(HIGH,1,1,0) Dana's question was fair game. I guess her question hit a nerve. You lost your composure and didn't handle it well at all. Better luck next time.]
[tweet: 988158893355233281, from: @gvivaldi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:53:33(HIGH,1,1,0) You are so full of it you're only making a big deal out of it just to wiggle out of everything else. Your husband is fair game 2]
[tweet: 988158312901500929, from: @premierkpaint (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:15(HIGH,1,1,0) Lol.  You got burnt girl.  You’re face was so red. I thought you were going cry. Finally someone asked you a question about it. You’re the morons senior advisor and your hubby called him a idiot.]
[tweet: 988158310934200320, from: @melissalvla (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:15(HIGH,1,1,0) So you’re getting a divorce?]
[tweet: 988158223424335872, from: @lindsayhoggatt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:50:54(HIGH,1,1,0) You could’ve handled that better and had to have seen it coming. You’re in the public eye and so is he. If tweets regarding your boss it would be relevant to ask how you feel about it. You just don’t want to answer that question so you threw a fit.]
[tweet: 988158007572910080, from: @auntsuesc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:50:02(HIGH,1,1,0) Wasn't it the President who flipped out because the spouse of an FBI agent, assigned to the investigation of him colluding with a foreign government, supported the other candidate?  Perhaps the syndrome is contagious.]
[tweet: 988156330316910593, from: @peteypwterson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:43:22(HIGH,1,1,0) Kellyanne, I'm sure that I've never heard you once support @chucktodd when @seanhannity went after his spouse repeatedly. #DramaQueen]
[tweet: 988155876811800576, from: @historysdustbin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:41:34(HIGH,1,1,0)]
[tweet: 988154543841136651, from: @debstalking (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:36:16(HIGH,1,1,0) I have long marveled at your lack of self awareness, Mrs. Conway. But. You bring up your children here. Your children who have to reconcile the cynicism it takes to defend Trump. You are bring shame to your family for generations to come.]
[tweet: 988153555562520576, from: @happybraingames (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:32:21(HIGH,0,1,0) @KellyannePolls got owned by @DanaBashCNN Our thoughts and prayers to Kelly Anne :D]
[tweet: 988152792874475525, from: @karenst63236387 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:29:19(HIGH,1,4,0) Trump can blame McCabe for his wife's poliitics, you can approve of bringing Bill Clinton's accusers to a debate? You can bring up Bill Clinton ALL DURING CAMPAIN AND AFTER, but your husband's tweets are off limits??? God your trash! Go home Piney!!!]
[tweet: 988152774121713664, from: @sht63159745 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:29:14(HIGH,1,2,0) I saw your interview on CNN, if there's a hell you're definitely going to it. You are the biggest, most disgusting liar. The deflections and lies that you spewed on air are simply astonishing. How in the world your husband puts up with you is amazing. No wonder he tweets.]
[tweet: 988152731113213958, from: @barberosf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:29:04(HIGH,1,2,0) Calm down #SwampRatBarbie. That chip on your shoulder seems to be banging up against that addled lil brain of yours]
[tweet: 988152669364568064, from: @bobbybear14 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:28:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Legit question]
[tweet: 988152418419519488, from: @moredumbtweets (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:27:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Asking for @realDonaldTrump ,who are all those other spouses and staff at the WH you said don’t like your boss?  He should know don’t you think.]
[tweet: 988152040030425089, from: @notimetobecool (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:26:19(HIGH,0,1,0) @KellyannePolls you didn't answer the questions, you countered with offense over a hypothetical question that never existed, you went far off topic.  You made that into something it wasn't.]
[tweet: 988151550915764224, from: @bigalsir (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:24:23(HIGH,1,2,0) Is Conway saying that her husband is cheating on her and emptying the bank account? She’s a deranged psychopath and pathological liar!]
[tweet: 988149885659746304, from: @aspiringperson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:17:46(HIGH,0,1,0) Nobody likes the tail from the crypt. She just happened to be on CNN. The only person i want to interview her is Don Lemon. He'll put her in her place.]
[tweet: 988149734626885632, from: @bullmoosefuture (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:17:10(HIGH,0,1,0) Why did your husband take down his tweets?]
[tweet: 988147155922837504, from: @clouisenew (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:06:55(HIGH,1,1,0) HYPOCRITE.]
[tweet: 988146973298618369, from: @drmamarobbie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:06:11(HIGH,1,3,0) You handled this horribly. As you often do when addressed by facts and reason.]
[tweet: 988146513720283136, from: @greg_spicuzza (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:04:22(HIGH,1,3,0) Awww Kelly, did you get triggered? Do you need a safe space? Doesn't feel good to have the things you regularly do to people done to you, does it?]
[tweet: 988145651123974145, from: @matt3939 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:00:56(HIGH,1,2,0) Time to adjust Kellyanne’s meds...  wow. Not one lucid response.]
[tweet: 988145020128686084, from: @hattiehathaway (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:58:26(HIGH,0,1,0) I'm sure she doesn't admire you. Who could? You lie constantly.]
[tweet: 988144448747065345, from: @ronald_g_smith (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:56:10(HIGH,0,1,0) It is a fair question.  It regards the challenges of balancing political life with your personal life.  You handled the question like a neophyte.]
[tweet: 988144117875138561, from: @dheadrush (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:54:51(HIGH,1,4,0) You're a typical snowflake Republican.  Can't take the heat?  Then get out of the fucking kutchrn you moron.]
[tweet: 988143856079261696, from: @dlynnmason (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:53:48(HIGH,1,3,0) Can't take it when it's your turn. You people are the worst hypocrites ever. Next time your mouth is moving faster then your brain and you lie as usual, think  back to Dana! You should know that's fair play, how many times you went at Michelle over Barrack? Yeah, thought so!]
[tweet: 988143755164356608, from: @elierafernandez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:53:24(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 988143326405808131, from: @akemichandler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:51:42(HIGH,1,2,0) Maybe you just dont like it when people point out truth to you. I know its a hard concept for you. But at least we know your husband isnt a massive moron like yourself. He should criticize your boss more often. Hes honest.]
[tweet: 988142186574249986, from: @lucky_danny1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:10(HIGH,1,1,0) Poor Snowflake. U guys can dish it, but u can’t take it.]
[tweet: 988141031974551555, from: @oregon97415 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:42:35(HIGH,0,1,0) You're equally convincing wearing]
[tweet: 988138415425286145, from: @obxrealty (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:32:11(HIGH,0,1,0) Way to go! @KellyannePolls  she deserved every word of that tongue lashing]
[tweet: 988137397153038337, from: @pete_rater (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:28:08(HIGH,0,1,0) Here’s another self-important troll who is as infamous for her lying and “alternative truth” as is Putz-Of-The-United-States.]
[tweet: 988137182153060352, from: @bellalagosi2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:27:17(HIGH,0,1,0) Take it easy snowflake.]
[tweet: 988135966861877248, from: @seannse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:22:27(HIGH,0,1,0) SNAP out of it!!]
[tweet: 988135949874810880, from: @argbargle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:22:23(HIGH,1,1,0) Two words: Jill Mcabe. That is all]
[tweet: 988134297424089088, from: @roninmara (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:15:49(HIGH,0,1,0) I've long thought Kellyanne was a total b (in the gender neutral sense). So I'm not surprised when she sends out tweets like this.]
[tweet: 988131091545444352, from: @staceysmiz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:03:05(HIGH,0,1,0) A very gr8 ? by @DanaBashCNN I live w/ a Republican & I'm a Democrat, we CAN'T talk politics! I could never marry someone who doesn't share my political views generally speaking. #poorsportkellanne Nice job Dana!]
[tweet: 988131042283458562, from: @margare41869743 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:02:53(HIGH,0,1,0) I’m Jersey Girl http://too.It ’s your choice to be in public http://office.So  scrunity is normal.And Trump clearly has talked negatively&publicly about spouses. He’s been insulting&nasty.Even made fun of handicapped reporter.Where was your outrage/criticism?]
[tweet: 988130538769731589, from: @karenmeth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:00:53(HIGH,1,1,0) She obviously hit a nerve there. Haven’t seen you that close to losing it in a while.]
[tweet: 988121380154732546, from: @cheetofacts (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:24:30(HIGH,1,1,0) Oh Kelly. You are such a great fit in this admin. You can’t take the heat at all but can give it. You never want to be criticized. And you thoroughly embarrassed yourself today. What a joke.]
[tweet: 988121192023412737, from: @hags2219 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:23:45(HIGH,0,1,0) #snowflake]
[tweet: 988151579600740353, from: @inthenews2018 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:24:30(HIGH,0,1,1) @KellyannePolls give Jersey Girls a bad name.]
[tweet: 988155266586816512, from: @inthenews2018 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:39:09(HIGH,0,0,0) *gives*]
[tweet: 988142191066402816, from: @jijivikingsgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:11(HIGH,0,0,1) Dana Bash get this right Americans love the great job both of these people are doing. Americans are showing it in the polls. More Americans each day are believing and loving our great @POTUS for his tremendous work. The things President Trump has accomplished is astounding.]
[tweet: 988148742254718976, from: @clouisenew (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:13:13(HIGH,0,1,0) Huh?]
[tweet: 988166496533741568, from: @hazmatchick (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, you are an arrogant BITCH & quite unattractive.  Contrary to trump, he DOESN'T pick the best people.  He picked YOU, didn't he?]
[tweet: 988166398823354373, from: @davidclarkrule (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Whaaaaaaaaah]
[tweet: 988166344033099783, from: @realstevekemble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:10(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988166249573044224, from: @jeffbythecoast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:22:47(HIGH,0,0,0) What is up with your husband's tweets? Also, what is your job in the administration?]
[tweet: 988166166735704065, from: @belgrave_a (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:22:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Imagine HUBBY tweets against Trump Adm.   Who knows what he is aware of and we aren’t!!!!!]
[tweet: 988166116513079298, from: @hollywoodharry8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:22:16(HIGH,0,0,0) If your from Jersey, toughen up. As long as you are getting paid by us, you will be put to the test.]
[tweet: 988166001438220300, from: @kathybeachlvr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:21:48(HIGH,0,0,0) It is a legitimate question. You go on TV and lie for Trump. Your own husband criticizes Trump. You are so pathetic. I literally fail to understand why anyone gives you air time.]
[tweet: 988165993448001536, from: @sbwellman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:21:46(HIGH,0,0,0) You were trying to take it to a darker place then @DanaBashCNN did.  You were unhinged.]
[tweet: 988165799859847169, from: @belgrave_a (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:21:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Thin skin KC, Always talking over reports, Lying, Argueing, Changing Subject.  IF YOUR SENSITIVE THEN DONT GO ON AIR !!!!!!!!]
[tweet: 988165556225363970, from: @mbggrg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:20:02(HIGH,0,0,0) OMG! You are stupid!]
[tweet: 988164630152433665, from: @bradjmclaughlin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:16:21(HIGH,0,0,0) Why does ANY network have you on? Ever?  You never answer a question.  Ever.  Straight to talking points.  Then you talk over the interviewer so no one can even hear the question.  If Trump is sure that Cohen won’t “flip” that means he has something on Trump. End of story]
[tweet: 988164339608707072, from: @lizbethlopezfl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:15:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Thanks for brushing your hair today.]
[tweet: 988164119839825921, from: @mattie1024 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:20(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988164033722413056, from: @jimmitchell8181 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:13:59(HIGH,0,0,0) You went way overboard in your response]
[tweet: 988163505336483841, from: @kentalcantara (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:11:53(HIGH,0,0,0) So you have never spoken a word about Michelle Obama or Bill Clinton?]
[tweet: 988163329939070982, from: @fladoug (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:11:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Somebody needs a hug...]
[tweet: 988162290938675200, from: @phirante (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:07:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Hi! KELLYANNE Bloody hypocrite.]
[tweet: 988161745268207616, from: @dannyduffey2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:04:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Not sure way you Would admire a liar.]
[tweet: 988161633125044224, from: @jamesminer3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:04:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Then why not answer a question?]
[tweet: 988161583879737352, from: @kkoopers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:04:15(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re difficult to watch]
[tweet: 988161268665085952, from: @gblanas732 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:03:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Kudos to Kellyanne for standing up to Dana Bash during her interrogation on the Communist News Network!]
[tweet: 988161061500137472, from: @suzzanne86 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:02:10(HIGH,0,0,0) You look like an idiot Kellyanne. Only in part due to hubby.]
[tweet: 988160884055924736, from: @testermanjim (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:01:28(HIGH,0,0,0) You are losing it Kellyanne.  Sounding more and more like your unhinged boss when you threaten the media.  Making it great, one day at a time!]
[tweet: 988159578390048772, from: @voidlogic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:56:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Stop complaining you hypocrite, you've done the same thing a dozen times]
[tweet: 988159315382063110, from: @eddypastrano1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:55:14(HIGH,0,0,0) You and TRUMP are the biggest leakers,by the way NOT MY PRESIDENT,where is he that's right he's at that SHIT HOLE MARO-LAGO.!!!!]
[tweet: 988159292116275201, from: @otontono (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:55:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, you flunked your interview to be communications director today! Embarrassing]
[tweet: 988126979986608129, from: @1stopwatch1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:46:45(HIGH,1,1,0) But it is fine if the President goes after Mrs Cruz (and many others) and mocks her, then it is fine?  Did you scold him at the time? Double standard and unprofessional of you. It hurts when the question is so close to home, eh? Remember that the next time your boss does it!]
[tweet: 988159270641430528, from: @sej51 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:55:03(HIGH,0,0,0) You are just angry someone dared asked the question we want answers to... you didn’t answer, BTW]
[tweet: 988158904289947649, from: @flojonic1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:53:36(HIGH,0,0,0) KA, spouses have been fair game for decades. ER. Martha Mitchell.  Now it’s your turn. Suck it and stop playing the victim.]
[tweet: 988158454085890054, from: @anon_jimee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:49(HIGH,0,0,0) We stand with you and your whole family Kellyanne! much love...]
[tweet: 988158394371661824, from: @kriscerz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:34(HIGH,0,0,0) I want to know how "adultery" is just a difference of opinion.  Explain that one, Jersey Girl.]
[tweet: 988158319369039872, from: @dljseaton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne you’re a liar and a snake. I don’t respect you all. Lying for Trump puts you at the bottom]
[tweet: 988158310204526592, from: @flkelvin77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:51:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Mrs. Alternative]
[tweet: 988158146366656513, from: @johnpmy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:50:35(HIGH,0,0,0) You soooo overreacted this morning! You need to get out of Washington! It's going to destroy you!]
[tweet: 988157919878361089, from: @thelipbalms (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:49:41(HIGH,0,0,0) You're a #Hypocrite just like @POTUS.  Why don't you leave Bill Clinton out of the conversations re: Hillary??? #Whatever #CantStandToListenToLiesFromYourMouth]
[tweet: 988157775573381121, from: @seamus47320290 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:49:07(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988157583340068865, from: @benjiq123 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:48:21(HIGH,0,0,0) She is a hack with no integrity.  Hence why she works at CNN.]
[tweet: 988156832748318720, from: @julianotabot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:45:22(HIGH,0,0,0) Trouble in Conway paradise?]
[tweet: 988155598935089152, from: @nickdanger954 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:40:28(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988155329769766912, from: @sht63159745 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:39:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne Conway has the same old tired move of not answering a question by deflecting with all kinds of rambling bull****. She's as useless as tits on a bull. How in the world someone is married to her or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Yuck (not even talking about physically)]
[tweet: 988154870426464256, from: @patm1972 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:37:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Kelly Anne thank-you for showing Dana what slime all of CNN is. You knocked her out of the ball park! THANK YOU]
[tweet: 988153919585972224, from: @newsacorn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:33:48(HIGH,0,0,0) You gave as good as you got, I thought. The tone didn't sound light-hearted. And I say that as someone who admires both you and @danaBashCNN.]
[tweet: 988150858121695232, from: @mjbluebugatti (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:21:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Whether u like or don’t like this administration, this was about #DanaBash #CNN playing #Gothcha. #JakeTapper did it with #JamesComey too. It’s not a good look for #CNN!]
[tweet: 988149726032941057, from: @feedimo_com (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:17:08(HIGH,0,0,0) #KellyanneConway says asking about her husband's #nti-#Trump tweets is a 'double standard'. #WhiteHouse #CNN #DanaBash Full Story:]
[tweet: 988126943982780416, from: @georgefayner (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:46:36(HIGH,1,1,0) In your complaint you lie about Comey and the FBI and try to pollute or corrupt our minds. No one feels sorry for you.]
[tweet: 988126584619094022, from: @spence827556 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:45:10(HIGH,1,1,0) AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18. Q]
[tweet: 988147935820111877, from: @cnicht01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:10:01(HIGH,0,0,0) I guess if I were you I wouldn’t want to answer who is right or wrong  your husband or your boss either]
[tweet: 988147900722155520, from: @dwread69 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:09:53(HIGH,0,0,0) @KellyannePolls @DanaBashCNN.Oh man! CNN KEEP DIGGING YOUR OWN GRAVE. The pettiness&irrelevance of question re anti@realDonaldTrump Conway Spouse tweets is beyond the pall even by @CNN's#FAKENEWS,bottom-feeding "Journo"standards.R we 2believe they never heard of Carville/Matilyn?]
[tweet: 988146324431392770, from: @500tof1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:03:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Ha ha fat for the libs to chew on luv it!!!!!]
[tweet: 988146029479460872, from: @susienewmac (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:02:26(HIGH,0,0,0) If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Kelly.]
[tweet: 988146000085897217, from: @trump_colon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:02:19(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988145799128408070, from: @wadesergent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:01:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Bless your heart!]
[tweet: 988145444537614336, from: @josdirt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:00:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Your so]
[tweet: 988142923366662144, from: @cnicht01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:50:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Obviously all couples do not agree on everything like Kellyanne is explaining, so based on what she’s saying, it is possible that @FLOTUS doesn’t agree w @realDonaldTrump & that she too thinks @POTUS44 was a better man/pres & that she even possibly voted for @HillaryClinton ? Lol]
[tweet: 988142834418102277, from: @kegrecht (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:49:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, you did such a great job today! Dana should be ashamed of herself. Way to Bash Dane Bash!]
[tweet: 988142279666929664, from: @trumpiethinskin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:32(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988142192014348288, from: @trumpiethinskin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:12(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988141846332403712, from: @pdcgirl10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:45:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Way to put her in her place Kellyanne!  She should have never went there in the first place.]



What a load of shit you are Kellyanne. You have some serious double standards, eh? How about your constant ridicule of Hillary for what her husband did. How about your boss attacking McCabes wife for her political views? Hypocrit You're a disgusting joke on this whole country.
 ranking=18.83780421975025 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.25, pop=3.26, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.30, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=44, rank=1, date=79
Dana Bash get this right Americans love the great job both of these people are doing. Americans are showing it in the polls. More Americans each day are believing and loving our great @POTUS for his tremendous work. The things President Trump has accomplished is astounding.
 ranking=18.530365399026802 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.31, jrw=0.38, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=4.00, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=165, rank=2, date=89
How is asking you about your husband's views somehow worse than Trump attacking Republican McCabe because his wife was a Democrat?

Hint: its NOT except in Trump's deceitful and double-standards based administration in which you play a huge part.

You're the queen of deflection.
 ranking=18.2613972979489 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0.17, smog=1.14, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.38, pop=3.09, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=4.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=42, rank=3, date=107
I would like to see KAC do ONE interview on CNN where she doesnt start and end with a chip on her shoulder ready to jump down their throats! Leads one to believe she likes the conflict. She looked foolish and overly defensive. She needs to CHILL!
 ranking=18.257312353005123 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.17, pop=4.76, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=1, rank=4, date=32
I saw your interview on CNN, if there's a hell you're definitely going to it. You are the biggest, most disgusting liar. The deflections and lies that you spewed on air are simply astonishing. How in the world your husband puts up with you is amazing. No wonder he tweets.
 ranking=17.868114637711212 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.18, smog=0.90, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.95, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=132, rank=5, date=151
You are such a pain to watch. The only reason I did is because I like Dana Bash. You are argumentative, defensive, insulting and domineering. Those are your good traits. Dana asked a simple question and you jumped all over her as if you were in a court of law. You looked stupid!
 ranking=17.731077890998304 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.08, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=62, rank=6, date=126
You're no Jersey girl if you can't handle a softball question like that. Perfect opportunity for you to pretend to be human, but you reacted like an oversensitive teen. Grow up and try being a woman girls can look up to.
 ranking=17.37926783116469 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.36, smog=0.75, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.26, pop=3.50, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=38, rank=7, date=93
I have long marveled at your lack of self awareness, Mrs. Conway. But. You bring up your children here. Your children who have to reconcile the cynicism it takes to defend Trump. You are bring shame to your family for generations to come.
 ranking=17.348375829836456 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.17, smog=0.79, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.20, jrw=0.38, pop=1.61, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=129, rank=8, date=157
The hyper-defensiveness you displayed spoke volumes. You embarrassed yourself. The question was a relevant point of interest to wrap up the interview - is it difficult to have a husband who disagrees on fundamental issues with the president who you work for? #WhySoDefensiveKAC?
 ranking=17.23343894215962 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.36, pop=2.20, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.33, lix=0.07, time=1.08, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=64, rank=9, date=104
Oh Kelly. You are such a great fit in this admin. You can’t take the heat at all but can give it. You never want to be criticized. And you thoroughly embarrassed yourself today. What a joke.
 ranking=17.161762107022366 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.06, pop=1.61, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=161, rank=10, date=16
But it is fine if the President goes after Mrs Cruz (and many others) and mocks her, then it is fine?  Did you scold him at the time? Double standard and unprofessional of you. It hurts when the question is so close to home, eh? Remember that the next time your boss does it!
 ranking=17.155021055220104 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.72, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=193, rank=11, date=36
You looked crazy in this interview and you reposting shows you may just be crazy. I don’t think U will get sympathy, your a natural born liar and you should maybe think about your family a bit b4 you do interviews & embarrass yourself and your husband. U act like a 5 yr old
 ranking=16.7752956533001 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=53, rank=12, date=62
Andy's wife was criticized and used as as a reason to fire him from the FBI. Cruz's wife was lambasted by Trump. Dana's question was just that....a question.  The guy YOU work for has taken off the gloves and made spouses an open target. You can thank Trump.
 ranking=16.721954033157225 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.48, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=90, rank=13, date=113
Can't take it when it's your turn. You people are the worst hypocrites ever. Next time your mouth is moving faster then your brain and you lie as usual, think  back to Dana! You should know that's fair play, how many times you went at Michelle over Barrack? Yeah, thought so!
 ranking=16.524858640900252 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.20, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=147, rank=14, date=103
Why does ANY network have you on? Ever?  You never answer a question.  Ever.  Straight to talking points.  Then you talk over the interviewer so no one can even hear the question.  If Trump is sure that Cohen won’t “flip” that means he has something on Trump. End of story
 ranking=16.497636406303602 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.12, numsent=8.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=177, rank=15, date=209
Andrew McCabe was not involved in the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton while his wife was running for office. #readingIsFundamental
 ranking=16.33708763809918 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0.24, smog=1.07, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.61, pop=4.82, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.72, lix=0.11, time=1.56, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=6, rank=16, date=50
Awe, you poor thing. I watched the interview live, and you way overreacted. It’s the normal way of doing things in the administration you work for. FYI, you don’t work for the American people, you work against us.
 ranking=16.29040572418939 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.77, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=85, rank=17, date=141
Sorry snowflake.  Maybe if you weren’t an awful human, I’d care.  But are you also saying that a wife shouldn’t have to answer for her husband?   Funny.  Don’t think you thought that way with HRC.
 ranking=16.249790985445653 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.53, numsent=5.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=40, rank=18, date=58
What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.
 ranking=16.11448612060037 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.23, pop=3.43, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.34, lix=0.07, time=1.28, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=27, rank=19, date=82
U R a total hypocrite. You and the serial liar sexual predator Corrupt Clown POTUS you are propagandist for launch attacks on EVERYONE ALL THE TIME inc spouses, friends, colleagues - U name it - but go angry bitter and petty when you are asked about your spouses tweets.
 ranking=16.104727507774307 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.53, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.60, lix=0.08, time=0.85, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.68}
 orders: orig=61, rank=20, date=130
Dana, that was just "Alt. Facts Kellyanne" trying to bully you. Nonsense. She brings up political spouses every chance she gets. This is the double standard that this political hack hussy resorts to when she declines to answer questions. As in Always. @ChrisCuomo, @jaketapper.
 ranking=16.016438628007222 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.61, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=115, rank=21, date=197
She did ask you the question with a familiarity that I would have expected would make you both laugh. Because, what is up with your husband? Can’t live with them, can’t completely control them...

You are so classy, Kelly Anne!

 ranking=16.007945929326183 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.20, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=4.00, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=76, rank=22, date=45
What you do has nothing to do with your spouse?? But Trump can give McCabe grief about his wife? Double standard much?
 ranking=15.988287629668564 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.26, smog=0.30, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.03, pop=6.10, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=4, rank=23, date=14
Lol.  You got burnt girl.  You’re face was so red. I thought you were going cry. Finally someone asked you a question about it. You’re the morons senior advisor and your hubby called him a idiot. 
 ranking=15.984510471940194 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.19, smog=0.52, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.61, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=123, rank=24, date=172
Kellyanne, I mean, just take the lay up. Be happy anyone is genuinely asking you anything. Pretty soon you’ll be serving Barefoot wine samples at Safeway, and you might get a few sidelong glances from a few people wondering “where do I know her from?”
 ranking=15.977526363874981 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.48, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=1.11, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=93, rank=25, date=101
So your boss can take issue with and fires  somebody because their spouse is for the other side but your spouse tweeting volumes of negative trump stuff should be ignored because why now ?     Are you afraid you’ll be fired next?
 ranking=15.873241399157585 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.39, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.48, lix=0.05, time=1.43, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=71, rank=26, date=65
You keep spinning your alternative facts and trying to impress the president, but unfortunately you are also scaring him. No wonder you are still the brush and the broom that has to go on #cnn to clean the mess after #TrumpTheTurd and not in a more elevated
 ranking=15.791972047111184 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.48, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.54, lix=0.06, time=0.79, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=50, rank=27, date=137
Poor baby. Even your husband can see through this administration. That was her point. GET OVER YOURSELF KELLY ANNE CONWAY!
 ranking=15.777855972204737 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.94, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=45, rank=28, date=68
Jersey Girl got her lil’ button pushed. A wee bit sensitive on this subject are we?  Jersey Girls are tough.  A question about something that their husband said or did would be answered bluntly and candidly by a true “Jersey Girl”.
 ranking=15.73100957161005 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.75, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.79, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=68, rank=29, date=75
Maybe you just dont like it when people point out truth to you. I know its a hard concept for you. But at least we know your husband isnt a massive moron like yourself. He should criticize your boss more often. Hes honest.
 ranking=15.648528193101074 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.10, pop=1.95, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=149, rank=30, date=99
Actually your response seemed unhinged & made no sense. Of course she has the right to ask you about public tweets. Why does your husband bash on the president? It is curious.
 ranking=15.646622238836574 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.50, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=25, rank=31, date=60
This is super embarassing... It's really clear that @realDonaldTrump has blown up at you about your husband. Don't get angry at @DanaBashCNN because she brought up the situation.
 ranking=15.607029714458113 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.19, pop=4.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=23, rank=32, date=33
She’s a reporter n u r employed by the president, a despicable corrupt pu**y grabber. Your husband publicly stated some very negative things about your boss. That is NEWS and it’s her job to ask about it. If u don’t like what ur husband said divorce him but don’t blame her.
 ranking=15.575180609101247 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.20, lix=0.05, time=0.86, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=88, rank=33, date=129
Your false umbrage and twisting of Dana’s words was so transparently self-serving. You dragged Comey’s family into the discussion less than a week ago, hypocrite. You and the pig you serve are destroying this country with your lies. You are an empty husk of a human, a ghoul.
 ranking=15.544401049827687 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.17, smog=0.77, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=99, rank=34, date=72
Kellyanne doesn’t “go off” on @DanaBashCNN she planned AND looked forward to addressing her husbands critical tweets of Trump Admin. She purposefully came across as combative and attacking - she’s more like the brash and emotionally underdeveloped Trump.
 ranking=15.488659605783079 from {coleman=0.84, cos=0, smog=1.32, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.54, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.52, ari=0.66, lix=0.09, time=1.60, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.75}
 orders: orig=102, rank=35, date=46
You are in @potus cabinet and on @cnn to convey @potus positions and policies and answer questions.   If your husband / other disagrees with said positions and policies on public platform - that’s a legit question.   Fake outrage.   Bravo @DanaBashCNN
 ranking=15.471543617772305 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.35, pop=2.20, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.33, lix=0.07, time=1.07, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=63, rank=36, date=105
Trump can blame McCabe for his wife's poliitics, you can approve of bringing Bill Clinton's accusers to a debate? You can bring up Bill Clinton ALL DURING CAMPAIN AND AFTER, but your husband's tweets are off limits??? God your trash! Go home Piney!!!
 ranking=15.36971363789037 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.16, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.40, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=131, rank=37, date=152
You have long established your reputation as a liar, a vicious twister of the truth, and frankly I cannot see how you live with yourself, or even hope to be a role model for your four children.
 ranking=15.330815082929327 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.20, smog=1.07, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.72, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.83, lix=0.11, time=1.41, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.85}
 orders: orig=69, rank=38, date=67
Struck a nerve there, huh? My question: Which other Trump administration officials family members “certainly don’t support the president privately and publicly” ?
 ranking=15.275400427428172 from {coleman=1.02, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.49, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.57, ari=0.64, lix=0.10, time=0.73, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=84, rank=39, date=143
If you can’t take the heat ....
Really could’ve handled so much better without playing the “poor me” card. A simple ... “well there’s never a dull moment at the dinner table, that’s for sure..”
Instead you make it malicious
 ranking=15.080284237511695 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.08, pop=2.48, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=87, rank=40, date=132
What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.
 ranking=15.06946561748502 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.23, pop=2.40, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.34, lix=0.07, time=1.27, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=57, rank=41, date=83
You are the Pivot Queen!! If you don’t want to answer an embarrassing question you pivot and say the question is unfair? Can’t wait to see how @kmcnuggets interprets this into a skit on @nbcsnl cuz that eye-popping forced ‘smile’ was as terrifying as Kellywise
 ranking=15.055627802125127 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.93, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.29, pop=2.64, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=89, rank=42, date=122
You were hideous and evasive on Dana's show--you need to stop doing TV Kellyanne--everyone in America hates you and the way you talk. 
You were an evasive bully.
You bullied Dana
 ranking=15.02786273818079 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.43, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=39, rank=43, date=73
I support Dana Bash, she asked a legitimate question, which bother you in some http://way.You  were the one who brought your family to the interview. All she wanted from you was a sincere answer and you went crazy throwing punches.Shame on you.!!!!@@@@
 ranking=14.983499471478433 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.48, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=52, rank=44, date=69
All she had to say was ‘Well, he has a right to his own opinion. Couples never agree on absolutely everything.’  That would have been a perfectly good answer.  Unless... she was actually putting on a show for POTUS. Now that’s who she was talking to!
 ranking=14.946932154275178 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.72, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.95, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=49, rank=45, date=208
So is it fair for @potus to use Andrew mccabe’s wife’s position as a reason for firing him?  #coverup #draintherrumpswamp #boycottkellyanneskids
 ranking=14.878134300153521 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.48, pop=2.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.57, ari=0.45, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=55, rank=46, date=37
McCabe wife got money from Hillary and friends. It's a conflict of interest.
 ranking=14.694633069140458 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.29, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.12, pop=4.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.22, lix=0.06, time=1.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=5, rank=47, date=24
You could’ve handled that better and had to have seen it coming. You’re in the public eye and so is he. If tweets regarding your boss it would be relevant to ask how you feel about it. You just don’t want to answer that question so you threw a fit.
 ranking=14.646901558604993 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=125, rank=48, date=170
Dana you were very professional one thing Kelly Ann needs to learn to be!   She did not give  good answer!
 ranking=14.622453499362036 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.12, pop=4.87, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=31, rank=49, date=19
When you lie for a living, you come off condescending & on the offensive, i.e. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
 ranking=14.609217384554208 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.30, pop=4.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=2, rank=50, date=78
Shut up already! 
You don't care who you drag through shit for the sexual predator that you work for and the sexual predators in the Republican Party that you defend; Roy Moore, Steve Wynn, etc. 
Your personality is as ugly as...I think you know where that's going.
 ranking=14.590328020177186 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.21, jrw=0.38, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=110, rank=51, date=206
The real mystery is why ANY legitimate news source continues to book a proven liar/gaslighter. Kellyanne has NOTHING worth listening to.
 ranking=14.430639297247591 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.33, pop=3.74, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.34, lix=0.06, time=1.54, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=34, rank=52, date=53
Apples and oranges. Your question should have been that when Hillary was S of States, did CNN ever ask her about Bill's treatment of women. The answer is no.
 ranking=14.407343897460798 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.22, pop=3.89, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=10, rank=53, date=27
A very gr8 ? by @DanaBashCNN
I live w/ a Republican & I'm a Democrat, we CAN'T talk politics! I could never marry someone who doesn't share my political views generally speaking.
#poorsportkellanne Nice job Dana!
 ranking=14.237216945039524 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.36, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=1.62, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.60}
 orders: orig=158, rank=54, date=44
Not enough make up you disgusting looking pig. You did a great job showing the world what TRASH you are.
 ranking=14.217931873966979 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.83, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=35, rank=55, date=6
A chance was given to you to finally display some humor and perhaps a sense of humanity on National TV and Kellyanne, you blew it pure and simple. Only in your world is everything confrontational- SAD!
 ranking=14.214082967110711 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.42, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.44, lix=0.06, time=1.54, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=73, rank=56, date=52
Kellyanne I think you protest too much.  Donald Trump criticized McCabe’s wife for running for office as a Democrat.  Told McCabe repeatedly before firing him his wife was a “LOSER”.  Did you ever defend Mrs. McCabe?
 ranking=14.161526960612466 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.32, smog=0.77, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=92, rank=57, date=108
I think Jersey just threw up a little. #JerseyWantsNothingToDoWithYouKellyanne #PoorJersey
 ranking=14.109965003066245 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.59, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=4.53, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=36, rank=58, date=9
Wasn't it the President who flipped out because the spouse of an FBI agent, assigned to the investigation of him colluding with a foreign government, supported the other candidate?  Perhaps the syndrome is contagious.
 ranking=14.07487023645864 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.53, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.58, lix=0.11, time=0.51, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.69}
 orders: orig=126, rank=59, date=168
Have you ever criticised your boss for using Bill to bash Hillary?
 ranking=13.971016586568487 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=6.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=9, rank=60, date=4
Answer her questions, stop trying to change the subject. Get your own show if you want to direct the conversation. Call it, "Even My Husband Knows I'm a Liar."
 ranking=13.65953371505093 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.37, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=46, rank=61, date=47
You complain about this when you go on shows and defend Trump,s outright LIES?  It was a fair question.  I am sure your boos would have put the question in demeaning language.
 ranking=13.656916990767053 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.20, smog=0.62, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=101, rank=62, date=48
It is a legitimate question. You go on TV and lie for Trump. Your own husband criticizes Trump. You are so pathetic. I literally fail to understand why anyone gives you air time.
 ranking=13.616215154907763 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.23, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=173, rank=63, date=216
? if you don't like Kellyanne why do you follow her..why do you keep up with her every move..sounds kinda scary to someone creepy...ugh....
 ranking=13.55403327696953 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.12, pop=4.42, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=13, rank=64, date=13
Kellyanne Conway has the same old tired move of not answering a question by deflecting with all kinds of rambling bull****. She's as useless as tits on a bull. How in the world someone is married to her or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Yuck (not even talking about physically)
 ranking=13.395107677536643 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.27, jrw=0.38, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=0.58, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=206, rank=65, date=160
Kellyanne handled herself very well. She's very articulate and caught what Dana was trying to do. Hang in there Kellyanne!
 ranking=13.385059567746081 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.09, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=26, rank=66, date=38
I’m Jersey Girl http://too.It ’s your choice to be in public http://office.So  scrunity is normal.And Trump clearly has talked negatively&publicly about spouses. He’s been insulting&nasty.Even made fun of handicapped reporter.Where was your outrage/criticism?
 ranking=13.348830602146263 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.37, smog=0.97, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.43, lix=0.06, time=1.63, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=159, rank=67, date=43
Kellyanne sounded like an idiot! And was totally played by Dana Bash! Like usual you acted like a fool supporting that idiot in the WH!
 ranking=13.33713350708804 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.94, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=43, rank=68, date=100
Obviously all couples do not agree on everything like Kellyanne is explaining, so based on what she’s saying, it is possible that @FLOTUS doesn’t agree w @realDonaldTrump & that she too thinks @POTUS44 was a better man/pres & that she even possibly voted for @HillaryClinton ? Lol
 ranking=13.285877866385475 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=1.15, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=220, rank=69, date=96
You were so throughly owned.  It was #awesome
 ranking=13.24581009406488 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.04, pop=5.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=12, rank=70, date=5
@Comey family supported @HillaryClinton, and @KellyannePolls used that to suggest James Comey is anti-Trump.  @KellyannePolls husband tweets anti-Trump content all the time, so by her own logic, that means that she's Anti-Trump too, right?  Can't have it both ways Kellyanne.
 ranking=13.198656320108146 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.17, smog=0.30, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.89, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=86, rank=71, date=139
Lol. Was a melt down babe. U freaked out. Ur husband is smart, maybe u agree with him, but don’t want to admit it??? Is that where the melt down came from?
 ranking=13.153036166735061 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.44, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=5.00, flesch=0.90, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=119, rank=72, date=185
Remember that time your boss brought Bill Clinton's accusers to a presidential debate against his spouse.  You are a hypocrite and puppet for an idiot.
 ranking=13.120547961886626 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.36, pop=2.48, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=1.14, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=94, rank=73, date=97
So what exactly is the problem (besides your hypocrisy @KellyannePolls)?
 ranking=13.01837398865325 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.38, pop=4.88, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.33, lix=0.10, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=21, rank=74, date=11
It was a fair question given the connection. To think otherwise is foolish.
 ranking=12.948017172449726 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=3.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.20, lix=0.05, time=1.81, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=47, rank=75, date=22
Fair game! Conway continues to openly lie for her boss. She’s sold her soul. Anyone should be able to ask her ANYTHING.
 ranking=12.910480507485577 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.95, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=105, rank=76, date=40
I'm neutral and watched it. Honestly, you didn't handle it well. Too big a moment for you I guess...
 ranking=12.86515789727089 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.57, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=15, rank=77, date=23
Really? It's like Matalin and Carville having oposing views like all married couples on some things. You don't marry your twin. I think you copped out on the response and tried to make it sound like an "unfair" question.
 ranking=12.812661717266788 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.95, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=83, rank=78, date=210
Your husband's public tweets are fair game, KAC. If you're such a snowflake, don't do interviews.
 ranking=12.716975937845062 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=48, rank=79, date=12
@KellyannePolls If you're going to subject yourself to interviews on any national news network, you might want to grow a thicker skin.
 ranking=12.706625070285314 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.49, lix=0.09, time=1.01, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.60}
 orders: orig=91, rank=80, date=112
She's  Trump's communications voice! So we are NOT supposed to listen or comment on her? Double standard or snowflake?
 ranking=12.635380344766888 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.23, pop=2.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=0.64, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=14, rank=81, date=153
#KellyAnneConway You and your boss can dish it out, but neither of you can take it. #smallhands #mikawins #hypocrite #mccabesWife @CNN @FoxNews @MSNBC @tedcruz @ChrisCuomo
 ranking=12.506635221732981 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.56, lix=0.08, time=1.53, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=72, rank=82, date=54
It was a legitimate question. Be in the spotlight, expect it to illuminate everything; not just what you want it to.
 ranking=12.38969451627459 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.35, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.22, lix=0.05, time=1.26, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=97, rank=83, date=84
I think it's time to follow George Conway. I'm not in the habit of following republicans, but obviously, this is a sore spot.
 ranking=12.371264991984244 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.24, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=65, rank=84, date=91
Your boss called Andrew McCabes wife a loser because she didnt agree with him. Can't have it both ways @KellyannePolls, answer the question!
 ranking=12.349832177560275 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=74, rank=85, date=51
You have ZERO integrity, and can't go through one interview without mentioning Hillary Clinton.
 ranking=12.30509359323634 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.47, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.50, ari=0.61, lix=0.99, time=1.17, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=95, rank=86, date=94
Is Conway saying that her husband is cheating on her and emptying the bank account? She’s a deranged psychopath and pathological liar!
 ranking=12.146283897036671 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.38, lix=0.07, time=0.71, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=137, rank=87, date=145
Whether u like or don’t like this administration, this was about #DanaBash #CNN playing #Gothcha. #JakeTapper did it with #JamesComey too. It’s not a good look for #CNN!
 ranking=12.123301869750088 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.18, smog=0.62, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.16, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=209, rank=88, date=144
Kellyanne, you flunked your interview to be communications director today! Embarrassing
 ranking=12.05103465625447 from {coleman=1.22, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.76, ari=0.67, lix=0.99, time=0.40, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.84}
 orders: orig=192, rank=89, date=180
Kellyanne, if you had just made a calm response this would have been over and done.  You appear to have so little self control and dignity.  Your impulse control may need some development.
 ranking=12.020744249879508 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=116, rank=90, date=196
You’re so mad about it you decided to share it with the world?
 ranking=11.992603362571003 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=3.91, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=32, rank=91, date=10
Oh no no Kelly have a problem accepting the can keep blabbering about Hillary,but this will not help you when your boss will get impeached.
 ranking=11.854731964427309 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.50, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.60, lix=0.08, time=1.23, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=96, rank=92, date=87
Nobody likes the tail from the crypt. She just happened to be on CNN. The only person i want to interview her is Don Lemon. He'll put her in her place.
 ranking=11.770699173598242 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.09, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.05, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=138, rank=93, date=138
You are such a strong person.  I admire you greatly.
 ranking=11.725997629770502 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.83, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=56, rank=94, date=25
In your complaint you lie about Comey and the FBI and try to pollute or corrupt our minds. No one feels sorry for you.
 ranking=11.66757029915467 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.25, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=211, rank=95, date=35
Dana's question was fair game. I guess her question hit a nerve. You lost your composure and didn't handle it well at all. Better luck next time.
 ranking=11.636216262615253 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=121, rank=96, date=182
KA, spouses have been fair game for decades. ER. Martha Mitchell.  Now it’s your turn. Suck it and stop playing the victim.
 ranking=11.498545640944986 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.03, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.02, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=195, rank=97, date=178
You're a typical snowflake Republican.  Can't take the heat?  Then get out of the fucking kutchrn you moron.
 ranking=11.474739076631662 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.40, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.17, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=146, rank=98, date=106
A lesson in how to overreact and be totally evasive when unable to deal with a rather basic question. Thanks for sharing...
 ranking=11.392389342633594 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=59, rank=99, date=140
It is a fair question.  It regards the challenges of balancing political life with your personal life.  You handled the question like a neophyte.
 ranking=11.360064914974576 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.93, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.28, lix=0.08, time=1.04, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=145, rank=100, date=109
Funny how you didn’t think Comey’s family was off limits last week when you attacked him, eh?
Sorry - that’s not how it works. …
 ranking=11.183373720483884 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=103, rank=101, date=42
You constantly attacked Hillary Clinton about Bill Clinton and now you get defensive when Dana asks you about your husband. Don’t play the victim.
 ranking=11.175059383700804 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.48, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.40, lix=0.07, time=0.20, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=112, rank=102, date=203
#KellyanneLies #TrumpLies #Corrupt #Hypocrite
 ranking=11.125584308792916 from {coleman=1.08, cos=0.58, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.57, lix=0.11, time=1.57, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=75, rank=103, date=49
Awww Kelly, did you get triggered? Do you need a safe space? Doesn't feel good to have the things you regularly do to people done to you, does it?
 ranking=11.121033890972106 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.06, pop=2.20, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=142, rank=104, date=120
Right, because the current admin has played by the rules? FFS, grow up.
 ranking=11.02984099044734 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.48, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=11, rank=105, date=98
Calm down #SwampRatBarbie. That chip on your shoulder seems to be banging up against that addled lil brain of yours
 ranking=11.018703006198171 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=133, rank=106, date=150
Two very dishonest, snarky, ugly women
 ranking=10.945904448632751 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=3.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=0, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=3, rank=107, date=124
@KellyannePolls @DanaBashCNN.Oh man! CNN KEEP DIGGING YOUR OWN GRAVE. The pettiness&irrelevance of question re anti@realDonaldTrump Conway Spouse tweets is beyond the pall even by @CNN's#FAKENEWS,bottom-feeding "Journo"standards.R we 2believe they never heard of Carville/Matilyn?
 ranking=10.926289761806242 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=3.00, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=214, rank=108, date=127
Awwww, poor Kelly :(    Playing one of her bosses cards I see, the victim. Poor thing. I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers.
 ranking=10.872736482098123 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.20, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=60, rank=109, date=131
Awwwwwww. Poor baby. It was such a mean tough question. Such an invasion of your privacy. #projectilevomit
 ranking=10.8311428647019 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=109, rank=110, date=211
Kellyanne, I'm sure that I've never heard you once support @chucktodd when @seanhannity went after his spouse repeatedly.
 ranking=10.587013925626271 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=127, rank=111, date=163
Wow, you're a lightweight. Folded like a chair under almost no pressure at all.
 ranking=10.437493588230767 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=54, rank=112, date=57
@KellyannePolls you didn't answer the questions, you countered with offense over a hypothetical question that never existed, you went far off topic.

You made that into something it wasn't.
 ranking=10.411309847955222 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.40, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.42, lix=0.06, time=0.70, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=136, rank=113, date=147

 ranking=10.385347465852108 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.38, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=108, rank=114, date=213
I'm sure she doesn't admire you. Who could? You lie constantly.
 ranking=10.345149561512326 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.00, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=144, rank=115, date=110
Me thinks you doth protest too much, KellyAnne. Sad. Bigly.
 ranking=10.304405625245789 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=-0.01, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=104, rank=116, date=41
Time to adjust Kellyanne’s meds...  wow. Not one lucid response.
 ranking=10.298976022071185 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=143, rank=117, date=114
Kellyanne, you are an arrogant BITCH & quite unattractive.  Contrary to trump, he DOESN'T pick the best people.  He picked YOU, didn't he?
 ranking=10.194036333595196 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.15, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=167, rank=118, date=224
You handled this horribly. As you often do when addressed by facts and reason.
 ranking=10.070260291621935 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=141, rank=119, date=121
I've long thought Kellyanne was a total b (in the gender neutral sense). So I'm not surprised when she sends out tweets like this.
 ranking=10.044064578103026 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.25, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=157, rank=120, date=55
You gave as good as you got, I thought. The tone didn't sound light-hearted. And I say that as someone who admires both you and @danaBashCNN.
 ranking=9.953123003137673 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0.27, smog=0.62, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=208, rank=121, date=155
Here’s another self-important troll who is as infamous for her lying and “alternative truth” as is Putz-Of-The-United-States.
 ranking=9.936926907181887 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.38, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.30, lix=0.05, time=1.44, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=153, rank=122, date=64
You are going to jail with your boss
 ranking=9.90193508564624 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=4.57, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=37, rank=123, date=3
You soooo overreacted this morning! You need to get out of Washington! It's going to destroy you!
 ranking=9.82196880383329 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=200, rank=124, date=169
You're a #Hypocrite just like @POTUS.  Why don't you leave Bill Clinton out of the conversations re: Hillary??? #Whatever #CantStandToListenToLiesFromYourMouth
 ranking=9.816313544373534 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.21, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.21, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=201, rank=125, date=167
Awwww poor snowflake, do you need a safe space away from the mean reporter lady?
 ranking=9.730817944655717 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=100, rank=126, date=56
Asking for @realDonaldTrump ,who are all those other spouses and staff at the WH you said don’t like your boss?

He should know don’t you think.
 ranking=9.503933050125163 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=135, rank=127, date=148
You did not handle this well.
 ranking=9.494067864095856 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=4.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=24, rank=128, date=17
You are so full of it you're only making a big deal out of it just to wiggle out of everything else. Your husband is fair game 2
 ranking=9.384906749700344 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=122, rank=129, date=177
Deflect, deflect, deflect. No one ever expects a straight, honest answer from the Queen of ‘Alternative Facts’.
 ranking=9.369490238651482 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.36, lix=0.07, time=0.04, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=106, rank=130, date=221
Alternative facts much?..I don't know how Trump managed it but all the women that surround him...lie
 ranking=9.355069818483413 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=118, rank=131, date=189
You can dish it but you can’t take it.
 ranking=9.303071476216815 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=4.16, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.17, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=30, rank=132, date=20
#KellyanneConway says asking about her husband's #nti-#Trump tweets is a 'double standard'. #WhiteHouse #CNN #DanaBash
Full Story:
 ranking=9.213388095238097 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.12, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=210, rank=133, date=135
might want to research events on a timeline dip before you tweety your lil memey
 ranking=9.181769079070643 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.30, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=8, rank=134, date=142
On a related note, have you received your subpoena yet?
 ranking=9.164770221216571 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.21, lix=0.06, time=1.38, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=81, rank=135, date=70
She obviously hit a nerve there. Haven’t seen you that close to losing it in a while.
 ranking=9.060983448148386 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=160, rank=136, date=39
Stop complaining you hypocrite, you've done the same thing a dozen times
 ranking=9.046110305605119 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.35, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.35, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=190, rank=137, date=183
Here's a softball question then... How do you live with yourself?
 ranking=8.903966005907648 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.09, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.11, lix=0.05, time=1.24, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=79, rank=138, date=86
Two words: Jill Mcabe.
That is all
 ranking=8.748034341005528 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.12, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.11, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=156, rank=139, date=59
All you people at the White House do is whine. Give it a rest already.
 ranking=8.682105767812411 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.00, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=66, rank=140, date=80
Thin skin KC, Always talking over reports, Lying, Argueing, Changing Subject.  IF YOUR SENSITIVE THEN DONT GO ON AIR !!!!!!!!
 ranking=8.553111304545554 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.28, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.31, lix=0.07, time=0.10, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.45, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=175, rank=141, date=214
I want to know how "adultery" is just a difference of opinion.  Explain that one, Jersey Girl.
 ranking=8.383745273584596 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.52, smog=0.97, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=197, rank=142, date=175
Kelly Anne thank-you for showing Dana what slime all of CNN is. You knocked her out of the ball park! THANK YOU
 ranking=8.349583333333333 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.44, kincaid=-0.02, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.89, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=207, rank=143, date=158
You are losing it Kellyanne.  Sounding more and more like your unhinged boss when you threaten the media.  Making it great, one day at a time!
 ranking=8.315890567765567 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=189, rank=144, date=186
Poor Snowflake. U guys can dish it, but u can’t take it.
 ranking=8.27812265269384 from {coleman=0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=-0.03, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=150, rank=145, date=88
I don't see how @kellyannepolls could be any more disingenuous.
 ranking=8.159599813412816 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=58, rank=146, date=156
Way to go! @KellyannePolls  she deserved every word of that tongue lashing
 ranking=8.113344907832673 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.08, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=152, rank=147, date=71
Kellyanne you talk a whole lot of NOTHING!..noise
 ranking=8.097643288671387 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=67, rank=148, date=77
Kudos to Kellyanne for standing up to Dana Bash during her interrogation on the Communist News Network!
 ranking=8.041292047392744 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.50, ari=0.54, lix=0.08, time=0.33, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=187, rank=149, date=188
Imagine HUBBY tweets against Trump Adm.   Who knows what he is aware of and we aren’t!!!!!
 ranking=7.893974763192171 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.11, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=171, rank=150, date=219
Kellyanne, you did such a great job today! Dana should be ashamed of herself. Way to Bash Dane Bash!
 ranking=7.862650250626566 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=221, rank=151, date=95
What is up with your husband's tweets? Also, what is your job in the administration?
 ranking=7.7299769060493135 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=170, rank=152, date=220
You and TRUMP are the biggest leakers,by the way NOT MY PRESIDENT,where is he that's right he's at that SHIT HOLE MARO-LAGO.!!!!
 ranking=7.712920176552784 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=0.39, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=191, rank=153, date=181
Guess @DanaBashCNN hit a pretty sore nerve. The snake went writhing!
 ranking=7.708122198148386 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=114, rank=154, date=200
KellyannePolls the queen of lies!!! 
 ranking=7.704595949591292 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.47, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=4.72, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=22, rank=155, date=8
Kellyanne you’re a liar and a snake. I don’t respect you all.
Lying for Trump puts you at the bottom
 ranking=7.671437698412698 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=198, rank=156, date=174
If your from Jersey, toughen up. As long as you are getting paid by us, you will be put to the test.
 ranking=7.373791971276939 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0.62, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.08, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=172, rank=157, date=217
Way to put her in her place Kellyanne!  She should have never went there in the first place.
 ranking=7.228038888888889 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=224, rank=158, date=85
You're also on the wrong side of history @KellyannePolls
 ranking=7.00998507174725 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=51, rank=159, date=119
I guess if I were you I wouldn’t want to answer who is right or wrong  your husband or your boss either
 ranking=6.9078880952380946 from {coleman=0.23, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.30, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=213, rank=160, date=128
She is a hack with no integrity.  Hence why she works at CNN.
 ranking=6.7850183895657965 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=203, rank=161, date=165
You are just angry someone dared asked the question we want answers to... you didn’t answer, BTW
 ranking=6.759504910714285 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=0.41, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.27, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=194, rank=162, date=179
... fyi, was referring to Kellyanne
 ranking=6.655635568051585 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=4.06, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.28, lix=0.08, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=16, rank=163, date=29
@KellyannePolls got owned by @DanaBashCNN Our thoughts and prayers to Kelly Anne :D
 ranking=6.546680297443062 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.89, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=130, rank=164, date=154
 ranking=6.444231154641415 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.36, ari=-0.00, lix=0.05, time=1.71, numword=0, fog=0.37, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=212, rank=165, date=34
So if it was" no big deal" why are your husband tweet(s) deleted
 ranking=6.3695343410055285 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=120, rank=166, date=184
We stand with you and your whole family Kellyanne! much love...
 ranking=6.291697727272727 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.03, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=196, rank=167, date=176
Also, he's leaving you, isn't he
 ranking=6.245573966274231 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=82, rank=168, date=74
 ranking=6.201024755653552 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=2.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=140, rank=169, date=123
Alternative husband Kelly?
 ranking=6.129877136605933 from {coleman=1.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.81, lix=0.99, time=0.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=111, rank=170, date=204
Ha ha fat for the libs to chew on luv it!!!!!
 ranking=6.048598051948052 from {coleman=0.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=215, rank=171, date=118
@KellyannePolls give Jersey Girls a bad name.
 ranking=6.022607330249234 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0.37, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=163, rank=172, date=146
So you have never spoken a word about Michelle Obama or Bill Clinton?
 ranking=5.770077472527472 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.34, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=181, rank=173, date=199
 ranking=5.765297180559945 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=1.88, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=162, rank=174, date=15
You were trying to take it to a darker place then @DanaBashCNN did.  You were unhinged.
 ranking=5.68125738095238 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=174, rank=175, date=215
You went way overboard in your response
 ranking=5.551972557505166 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0.05, time=0.21, numword=0, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=180, rank=176, date=202
You look like an idiot Kellyanne. Only in part due to hubby.
 ranking=5.528977380952381 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=188, rank=177, date=187
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen Kelly.
 ranking=5.521708441558441 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.08, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=216, rank=178, date=117
How many times a day does your boss lie?
 ranking=5.055532356878544 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=107, rank=179, date=218
Why did your husband take down his tweets?
 ranking=4.843621287702802 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=139, rank=180, date=136
Bloody HYPOCRITE . Conway!
 ranking=4.726474838597776 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5, kincaid=0.23, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.61, lix=0.05, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.70}
 orders: orig=98, rank=181, date=76
Not sure way you Would admire a liar.
 ranking=4.519224107142857 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=184, rank=182, date=192
Thanks for brushing your hair today.
 ranking=3.924572619047619 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=178, rank=183, date=207
Then why not answer a question?
 ranking=3.865096428571428 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.30, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=185, rank=184, date=191
 ranking=3.6690071428571422 from {coleman=2.74, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=1.78, lix=0.99, time=0.02, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=168, rank=185, date=223
Comey leaks? …
 ranking=2.6649021127616463 from {coleman=0.68, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.10, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=117, rank=186, date=193
Trouble in Conway paradise?
 ranking=2.1930779146480233 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.38, lix=0.11, time=0.54, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=204, rank=187, date=164
Hi! KELLYANNE Bloody hypocrite.
 ranking=2.0530304774778836 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5, kincaid=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.51, lix=0.10, time=0.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=183, rank=188, date=195
Legit question
 ranking=1.9285936091313738 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.51, lix=0.10, time=0.68, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=134, rank=189, date=149
So you’re getting a divorce?
 ranking=1.7794361267198142 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.03, lix=0.11, time=0.46, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=124, rank=190, date=173
You’re difficult to watch
 ranking=1.5114392241718324 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=186, rank=191, date=190
Take it easy snowflake.
 ranking=1.4412882519885168 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=154, rank=192, date=63
Yep — that’s all she knows
 ranking=0.8147211468341764 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=33, rank=193, date=18
Oh grow up
 ranking=0.5629677321560269 from {coleman=-0.00, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.37, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=70, rank=194, date=66
 ranking=0.1764357142857148 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=164, rank=195, date=159
Somebody needs a hug...
 ranking=-0.1154935139234057 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=182, rank=196, date=198 … @Peggynoonannyc @kathleenparker @davidaxelrod
 ranking=-0.17627637328018544 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=113, rank=197, date=201 …
 ranking=-0.2086385337257688 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=148, rank=198, date=102
OMG! You are stupid!
 ranking=-0.26155357142857194 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=176, rank=199, date=212
SNAP out of it!!
 ranking=-0.6598546051543404 from {coleman=0.02, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=155, rank=200, date=61
Best President ever!
 ranking=-1.086797854860077 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.46, pop=5.27, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.65, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, fwwp=-10, time=1.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=19, rank=201, date=2
Bless your heart! 
 ranking=-1.1939738095238108 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=218, rank=202, date=115
 ranking=-1.508917105154341 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=80, rank=203, date=194
 ranking=-1.5942742480114835 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=166, rank=204, date=133
Your so 
 ranking=-2.216267857142858 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=219, rank=205, date=111
You're equally convincing wearing
 ranking=-2.8115326428872702 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.29, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=151, rank=206, date=81
That almost tops Sarah Huckabee
 ranking=-5.796401241813312 from {coleman=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.33, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.74, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=41, rank=207, date=30
 ranking=-5.846708405502221 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=5.15, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=2.00, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=17, rank=208, date=1
Mrs. Alternative
 ranking=-5.930259585351977 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.07, ari=0.63, lix=0.10, fwwp=-10, time=0.48, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=199, rank=209, date=171
 ranking=-6.973878809180464 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=4.20, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.82, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=29, rank=210, date=21
 ranking=-8.843176155773058 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.40, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.76, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=78, rank=211, date=28
 ranking=-8.869961870058772 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.40, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.73, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=77, rank=212, date=31
 ranking=-9.107661279516115 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.95, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.95, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=20, rank=213, date=7
 ranking=-9.542193499681321 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.56, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.89, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=18, rank=214, date=125
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 orders: orig=7, rank=215, date=134
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 orders: orig=128, rank=216, date=162
 ranking=-11.794642857142858 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.21, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=223, rank=217, date=90
 ranking=-11.8125 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.19, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=222, rank=218, date=92
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 orders: orig=217, rank=219, date=116
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 orders: orig=205, rank=220, date=161
 ranking=-12.44289774403445 from {coleman=-0.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.43, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=28, rank=221, date=26
 ranking=-12.473214285714286 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.53, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=202, rank=222, date=166
 ranking=-12.821428571428571 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=179, rank=223, date=205
 ranking=-12.973214285714286 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.03, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=169, rank=224, date=222

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/22/18 10:52:41: FULL clip from @CNNSotu with @DanaBashCNN. (5 mins in) I say double standard against me has nothing to do w gender. She, not I, mentioned gender 2x. It wasn’t sexist; it was cheap & irrelevant. Meant to harass & embarrass. Mission unaccomplished. …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Bad 195 (list is complete) 27% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #52, ranking: #193, date: #184] From @rossijojo on 04/22/18 02:18:08
  • Seemed fair to me.
    [original: #37, ranking: #171, date: #120] From @chrisswartout on 04/22/18 12:24:59
  • You reap what you sow.
    [original: #13, ranking: #167, date: #91] From @emeraldindigo on 04/22/18 11:42:06
  • …
    [original: #49, ranking: #165, date: #52] From @internetcholo on 04/22/18 11:19:39
  • You are human garbage
    [original: #45, ranking: #163, date: #69] From @michaelbarnofs2 on 04/22/18 11:28:05
    [original: #57, ranking: #162, date: #66] From @scuttlebuttlodg on 04/22/18 11:27:56
  • Kellynne, you are obnoxious.
    [original: #55, ranking: #161, date: #150] From @troyman88 on 04/22/18 01:16:22
  • You got what you deserved.
    [original: #12, ranking: #155, date: #25] From @winniedog2 on 04/22/18 11:00:33
  • Oh, poor little baby Kewee Ann.
    [original: #42, ranking: #144, date: #82] From @ejknapper on 04/22/18 11:38:09
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
  • You wanted to make a spectacle out of this to try to make it into "the world vs CNN" but in the end its about your own hypocrisy and your refusal to be the big person who says "Sometimes people have differences of opinion, and my husband proudly states his"
    [original: #173, ranking: #1, date: #15] From @zanzan280 on 04/22/18 10:56:52
  • Lolol .. you made it embarrassing. She didn’t. It was a GREAT question, which provided you an opportunity to speak intelligently to the dynamics of the family when there are differing viewpoints in this political climate. YOU chose to take it a different way.
    [original: #174, ranking: #2, date: #90] From @dkgnews on 04/22/18 11:41:57
  • @realDonaldTrump and yourself have mentioned Hillary's husband against her, McCabe's wife against him, Comey's family against him, Cruz's father against him, Jeb's family against him. Hypocrisy at its finest.
    [original: #172, ranking: #10, date: #10] From @zanzan280 on 04/22/18 10:55:51
  • This coming from the same person who, on national television 6 days ago, cited Comey's wife and daughters to go after his political leanings...
    [original: #178, ranking: #12, date: #39] From @timelordjeff on 04/22/18 11:08:22
  • The REAL question is how do you look your kids in the face and tell them that lying is wrong? Does it depend on if they're being paid to do it? I guess your husband is the moral authority in your home.
    [original: #183, ranking: #25, date: #88] From @ambeck74 on 04/22/18 11:41:16
  • I like watching you being interviewed by anyone other than @foxandfriends because they don't let you lie or avoid questions.
    [original: #176, ranking: #28, date: #8] From @idlover54 on 04/22/18 10:55:36
  • You did great! I love how Dana ended the conversation as soon as you were bringing up the criminal actions of the FBI trying to undermine the President. They can't defend it so they end the conversation. Bravo!
    [original: #159, ranking: #31, date: #51] From @libertylady64 on 04/22/18 11:18:39
  • Cuz that’s what @KellyannePolls does best: pretend to be a victim, distract and give “alternative facts” Lol! @KellyannePolls , you’ll never live down the “alternative facts” narrative
    [original: #175, ranking: #33, date: #115] From @tinamichelehaze on 04/22/18 12:16:52
  • Remember when .@SNL portrayed you as “Kellywise the Clown” living in the sewer? Good times. #NotMyPresident
    [original: #190, ranking: #37, date: #21] From @mfletcher530 on 04/22/18 10:58:48
  • I can’t stand CNN Kellyanne is a wounderfull Lady love her for all good work she doing have great respect for her.!!!!! These very evil media & Dumercrats , All corruption that is what they are darkness of evil opposing all that is good .!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [original: #168, ranking: #43, date: #27] From @igravel on 04/22/18 11:00:46
  • So why bring it up if it was unaccomplished?
    [original: #184, ranking: #46, date: #1] From @redbird216 on 04/22/18 10:53:17
  • Well @KellyannePolls if the shoe fits.... Dana schooled you. Your body language spoke volumes. BTW the puppet of you on @jimmykimmel actually doesn’t do you justice. That gasbag is cuter then you.
    [original: #149, ranking: #47, date: #87] From @heidizarecky on 04/22/18 11:41:00
  • You held up a raw nerve today for all of America to see w/ your threats to CNN staff. Very Michael cohen...
    [original: #180, ranking: #49, date: #55] From @internetcholo on 04/22/18 11:22:02
  • The odds of having an honest conversation with @DanaBashCNN, or for that matter anyone on #FakeNewsCnn @cnn is like looking at a FAKE blowup doll in an Anthony Weiner fantasy and believing it said, "your so BIG". Even in a fantasy it would NEVER happen.
    [original: #152, ranking: #52, date: #76] From @pitbull95 on 04/22/18 11:33:33
  • Obviously your husband knows what is going on and you got caught. Trump will not be happy.
    [original: #189, ranking: #53, date: #6] From @pamellacasual on 04/22/18 10:55:08
  • The way you pivoted from not naming Nunberg to the opioid epidemic was draw-dropping but you got nasty when she asked the question that you had to know someone was going to ask at some point. Sounds like it hit a little too close to home. You should have laughed it off
    [original: #141, ranking: #55, date: #112] From @karenmeth on 04/22/18 12:07:52
  • I love your husband. Just like you do. He is the one with the sense
    [original: #179, ranking: #59, date: #13] From @realbigballs on 04/22/18 10:56:32
  • The strain of the Mueller investigation is showing
    [original: #182, ranking: #61, date: #7] From @veronicaconway on 04/22/18 10:55:24
  • But it's ok for your boss trump to say things about people's spouses??? Macabes wife, Ryans wife???
    [original: #191, ranking: #63, date: #17] From @deede265 on 04/22/18 10:57:28
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 988125094701617153, from: @trahana (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:39:15(HIGH,0,20,3) You know very well it was meant to be lighthearted but you were in the defensive and would rather resort to 45’s strategy which is to bully! Nice! Very nice!]
[tweet: 988125300176416773, from: @trahana (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:40:04(HIGH,0,11,0) Must be getting nervous for some reason because during the election campaign you would have laughed at such a question and answered in a lighthearted way what you finished with: Family members are different! Which they are! And you would have come out winning with such an answer!]
[tweet: 988121670119493632, from: @sheldonbeatty (VERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:25:39(HIGH,1,35,0) It’s the same question I had. Why is it a problem if McCabe’s wife is a associated with a different Party and he is somehow partisan, but your husband says things that criticize the administration and you don’t get criticized for what your husband does. Fair question.]
[tweet: 988120613553352704, from: @ulitorre (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:21:27(HIGH,0,35,0) I think @DanaBashCNN did a great job bringing that very relevant question to you. This is just demonstrate how intolerant you are.]
[tweet: 988114647889854465, from: @chriserichsen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:57:44(HIGH,1,42,0) Why u embarrassed? Isn’t harassment an official WH policy that you support?]
[tweet: 988113788519018498, from: @caseminole (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:54:20(HIGH,0,78,5) Kinda sounds like u did get embarrassed, which is why u keep talking about it]
[tweet: 988122275395317761, from: @woods353 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:28:03(HIGH,1,25,0) Attacked Cruz’s wife, attacked Bill and Hillary...stop trying to play is not cute]
[tweet: 988121818820210690, from: @mjgesme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:26:14(HIGH,2,33,0) Oh GTFO. That whole interview was you trying to pretend you were attacked. What someone’s significant other says, particularly when they work in the White House and their spouse is openly critical of the same WH, is completely legitimate.]
[tweet: 988115872723165184, from: @changeofhabits (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:37(HIGH,3,65,1) It’s karma, Kellyanne. What you put out into the world does come back to you. Your time has come and your hypocrisy is catching up with you.]
[tweet: 988122186656333824, from: @jmberl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:42(HIGH,0,22,0) Clinton, MCabe, Comey, Cruz, Jen... seems like family is not off limits to you. Hypocrisy much?]
[tweet: 988117167857127425, from: @karenboyce39 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:07:45(HIGH,0,22,0) Are you playing the victim Kellyanne? You went into that interview looking for a fight.]
[tweet: 988115352730120192, from: @winniedog2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:33(HIGH,0,21,0) You got what you deserved.]
[tweet: 988125809205497856, from: @emeraldindigo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:06(HIGH,0,11,0) You reap what you sow.]
[tweet: 988125625205444608, from: @sc_liberal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:41:22(HIGH,0,13,0) bwahah "That's simply not true"  As the young people say, yo ass got owned.]
[tweet: 988121990853689350, from: @makeitamystery (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:26:55(HIGH,0,13,0) YOU’RE cheap and irrelevant Kellyanne. Go stir your cauldron.]
[tweet: 988118605731577857, from: @datevteg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:13:28(HIGH,0,11,0) Hahaha you’re embarrassing alllllll on your own.]
[tweet: 988117974027505664, from: @darin_toliver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:10:58(HIGH,0,14,0) @KellyannePolls she had every right to answer the very public question. The man you sleep with every night disagrees with some of @realDonaldTrump moves. As a journalist, she had an obligation to ask, whether you agree or disagree. She was very professional and non judgmental.]
[tweet: 988117704954601472, from: @ncheatwood (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:53(HIGH,0,12,0) oh for godssake... it was a legit question about your husband’s support—or lack, thereof—for the guy YOU work for. hate to break it to ya, sweetie, but everyone understands that, and only YOU can Actually Choose to be embarrassed by his differing opinion.]
[tweet: 988122164682481669, from: @jenniferenyc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:37(HIGH,0,18,1) You and Miller play the same game in interviews. When asked a question you don’t like, you attack the person for asking the question thereby distracting from having to answer. I’d say it’s not a good look for you, but clearly it’s your only look.]
[tweet: 988115893489164288, from: @ann827 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:41(HIGH,0,12,0) Seems your boss has a penchant for doing this.  If it is ok for him to go after spouses, you should answer. No you accomplished nothing but your own double standards.]
[tweet: 988130187949690880, from: @prichaaarrrddd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:59:30(HIGH,0,7,0) @gtconway3d Reality of KARMA has just started to come STRAIGHT AT YOU conway. YOU and your husband are PUBLIC FIGURES - are FAIR GAME. Just THINK ABOUT what YOU and George have done for past 30 yrs. YOU and your family are FOREVER SOILED - history will show. A SMUG UGLY DISGRACE.]
[tweet: 988128397581746177, from: @jimwyler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:52:23(HIGH,0,8,0) Always the victim. You immediately made it about gender. Amazing since you were the one to orchestrate using Bill Clinton's infidelity against HRC esp. bringing his accusers to the debate. Your boss going after Mccabe's wife yet you should get preferential treatment?]
[tweet: 988123244745150465, from: @robbierae61 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:31:54(HIGH,0,7,0) You’re immature behavior was on display for all to see. Can’t try talking your way out of this one.]
[tweet: 988117557516427266, from: @winniedog2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:18(HIGH,0,10,0) DanaKellyeanne]
[tweet: 988116749911580673, from: @johnadams617 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:06:06(HIGH,0,7,0) So why are you embarrassed that your husband has sense and is not into criminal behavior? You know like what they found @ cohen's office.]
[tweet: 988113836795420672, from: @heisunfit2lead (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:54:31(HIGH,0,9,0) So, does your husband like Trump or what?]
[tweet: 988131078086037506, from: @100pcntnatural (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:03:02(HIGH,0,5,0) “The lady doth protest too much” , Shakespeare.]
[tweet: 988129633609666561, from: @trollndonitrump (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:57:17(HIGH,0,6,0) I hope you are making enough cash now to hold you over after this dumpster fire ends. Maybe that intelligent husband will support you when nobody is returning your calls. You have no credibility left. Hell of a price to pay in selling out to serve Trump.]
[tweet: 988126714999001089, from: @ryelle62 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:45:42(HIGH,0,5,0) No one can make you more of an embarrassment than you already are, @KellyannePolls  That mission was accomplished over a year ago.]
[tweet: 988124939390767104, from: @oprasminch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:38:38(HIGH,0,5,0) Everytime you speak it's a lie. I]
[tweet: 988122248048496645, from: @carolkenney611 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:57(HIGH,0,6,0) She was defensive LOL she has talked about other ppls spouses so how funny was she this morning LOL]
[tweet: 988116761873666048, from: @rhs_joe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:06:09(HIGH,0,5,0) I’m on Team Dana! Good job!]
[tweet: 988116533535625216, from: @onetruebritt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:05:14(HIGH,0,6,0) Something something Bowling Green something...]
[tweet: 988123360113684482, from: @ermanyc1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:32:22(HIGH,0,9,1) Wow @KellyannePolls you really over reacted at the simple question @DanaBashCNN asked. Sore spot perhaps?]
[tweet: 988114673387044864, from: @alt_uscis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:57:51(HIGH,7,36,4) DELETE YOUT TWITTER AND YOUR CAREER]
[tweet: 988145987884548097, from: @fharris7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:02:17(HIGH,0,4,0) Kellyann you ramble on and on...U spoke against Trump before he became the nominee.  NOW U will say anything. And I do mean ANYTHING in praise of him. 2-faced. At least your husband spoke truth. P.S...I know a great Divorce attorney.]
[tweet: 988136601233559553, from: @chrisswartout (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:24:59(HIGH,0,3,0) Seemed fair to me.]
[tweet: 988127785695825920, from: @beatles2522 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:49:57(HIGH,0,4,0) 1sl, show respect & say Ms. Bash's 1st name right. U interrupted Dana & were hostile to her repeatedly. Forced to 2 b on CNN? Seem 2 have had a chip on your shoulder from the get go. If u can't answer ?'s w/p being rude, quit. Get some conditioner for your fried hair! Sad!!]
[tweet: 988126950056218624, from: @cgjerdingen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:46:38(HIGH,0,3,0) Hypocritical of @KellyannePolls to resist this line of discussion by Dana Bash, when she and the #WhiteHouse, had such a field day with #Republican Andrew McCabe's, #Democratic wife, "getting money from Hillary Clinton"]
[tweet: 988126581758611457, from: @theomegamd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:45:10(HIGH,0,4,0) You mention your opponent’s spouses at every turn! Or have you conveniently forgotten that as well? #whenwillyoustoplying #hypocracymuch]
[tweet: 988126024796864512, from: @kathleenroeberg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:57(HIGH,0,4,0) @KellyannePolls is the poster child for cheap and irrelevant. Also combative and divisive.]
[tweet: 988124816761749505, from: @ejknapper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:38:09(HIGH,0,3,0) Oh, poor little baby Kewee Ann.]
[tweet: 988124018615209984, from: @jnoel76 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:34:59(HIGH,0,4,0) You truly are pathetic Conway, and the only poll that shares interest with you is the dance pole and still no takers, watchers, or tips for your ads! Craw back into the tombs and stay they there, kids everywhere will smile again.]
[tweet: 988122754972114944, from: @terienciso (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:29:57(HIGH,0,4,0) Was this meant to harass and embarrass?]
[tweet: 988122285478432769, from: @michaelbarnofs2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:28:05(HIGH,0,4,0) You are human garbage]
[tweet: 988115172421242880, from: @jaytrotter27 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:59:50(HIGH,0,3,0) I can't imagine what you think when you look in the mirror.]
[tweet: 988114273300811776, from: @jgregorymartin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:56:15(HIGH,0,3,0) Kellyanne lies all of the time, has no true statements in most issues, and will fade into obscurity soon enough. Stop giving her airtime.]
[tweet: 988124491518750720, from: @bogeymon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:36:51(HIGH,0,5,1) You should be thanking the CNN makeup crew. They hid the bags under your eyes and actually made you look better on tv than you have in a long time]
[tweet: 988120161361256448, from: @internetcholo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:19:39(HIGH,0,4,1) …]
[tweet: 988114965226647552, from: @manicmonkeymind (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:59:00(HIGH,0,4,1) I believe you when you say bias against you ins't because of gender. You have to be human to qualify one way or another and you are most certainly not human.]
[tweet: 988165108806414338, from: @bamaboi51 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:18:15(HIGH,1,2,0) If u get ultra defensive that easily you will never survive the grilling coming from the FBI soon. You clearly share a personality defect with #45]
[tweet: 988165077420429314, from: @rossijojo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:18:08(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 988153589779460096, from: @themarkbanker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:32:29(HIGH,0,2,0) You are the queen of brittle hypocrites. Your crocodile tears are no more convincing than your panicked verbal flailing in defense of the worst president in history. #IndictTrump]
[tweet: 988150247636586496, from: @silvaltia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:19:12(HIGH,0,2,0) It was enjoyable. You were uncomfortable and cornered. That's why you lashed out and did the tick with your]
[tweet: 988149534999154689, from: @troyman88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:16:22(HIGH,0,2,0) Kellynne, you are obnoxious.]
[tweet: 988146796907155458, from: @bvan87 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:05:29(HIGH,0,2,0) Always the victim huh? Trump attacks spouses on a regular basis but you continue to carry his water. Paid hack continues to be a hack.]
[tweet: 988122244101517312, from: @scuttlebuttlodg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:56(HIGH,0,2,0) TRIGGERED!!!!]
[tweet: 988163398394368000, from: @waiting_4_2020 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:11:28(HIGH,1,1,0) That’s ok. You embarrassed yourself with your over the top reaction, @KellyannePolls. Dana was just asking a question and suddenly you came up with all these #AlternativeFacts about what was behind the question.]
[tweet: 988161873135583232, from: @mycrashis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:05:24(HIGH,1,1,0) She should be reminded of @JamesCarville and #marymatalin]
[tweet: 988146759468711936, from: @djdan888 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:05:20(HIGH,0,1,0) Why did Trump relentlessly critisize Chuck Todd's wife and Andrew McCabe's wife and continues to do so? Didn't he pretty much call Ted Cruz's wife ugly? Look who you work for before casting stones.]
[tweet: 988146726983745536, from: @markmallardi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:05:13(HIGH,0,1,0) Hey Kellyanne, Sounds like trouble in paradise for you and hubby! SAD!]
[tweet: 988144691471364097, from: @rbthoutxrpr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:57:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Nonsense. If Mike Pence's wife tweeted critical comments about Trump or his administration...of course he would get asked about it. If there is anyone embarassing you,  it is not Bash but your boss and maybe your husband.]
[tweet: 988144098665254913, from: @herkypol (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:54:46(HIGH,0,1,0) What’s the matter Kellyanne?  Are you upset when someone (your husband) speaks the truth.  I know that you aren’t accustomed to that?]
[tweet: 988143376888365056, from: @mbp1350 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:51:54(HIGH,0,1,0) You became defensive and unhinged, and vindictive. If you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You are a public figure, husbands are not off limits, darling.]
[tweet: 988142627659841537, from: @sbwellman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:48:55(HIGH,0,1,0) @KellyannePolls you attempted to make her question something it wasn’t. The result, you made an idiot of yourself.]
[tweet: 988142151606460416, from: @thisisguitarksi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:47:02(HIGH,0,1,0) Your stand up comedy sucks.]
[tweet: 988142078176608256, from: @dipoy4ob (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:46:44(HIGH,0,1,0) Taste of your own medicine. Karma!]
[tweet: 988140475092791296, from: @winniedog2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:40:22(HIGH,0,1,0) What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.]
[tweet: 988139992206725120, from: @bumbobumbo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:38:27(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh so you mean you are embarrassed by the truth and harassed because someone dared to ask you about news on a news program? And @realDonaldTrump gets to use his office to harass people that disagree with him, & pay off women he had illicit affairs with? #weak #cannonfodder]
[tweet: 988139833297133569, from: @mdteresa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:37:49(HIGH,0,1,0) I watched the whole thing live and you totally manipulated Dana’s question and accused her of things she was not doing. Shame on you. You came out smelling like a nasty skunk, Dana emerged with her head held high.]
[tweet: 988139335588466689, from: @truthnonfiction (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:35:51(HIGH,0,1,0) Kellyanne got a bit confused. Give her a break. She first supported Ted Cruz and at that time did not think Trump was Presidential material.  The World hopes that it is her husband's DNA is in her children and not hers. Kellyanne is a cucuracha!]
[tweet: 988138580529868800, from: @wandafulwonders (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:32:50(HIGH,0,1,0) As if Kellyanne has never taken a cheap shot! Eat Crow! Yay! @DanaBashCNN]
[tweet: 988138406608887809, from: @marnold467 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:32:09(HIGH,0,1,0) Karma is coming back to you, Kellyanne. How many times have you attacked the spouses of someone You had a problem with? You got burned, just like you've done to many others.]
[tweet: 988137663579344896, from: @littlelast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:29:12(HIGH,0,1,0) Personally, I think you need "bashed" more often.]
[tweet: 988137632277377025, from: @resa53 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:29:04(HIGH,0,1,0) I watched it live ... seems to me that Dana struck a nerve.  You and your husband are public figures and have participated in the dirty politics that are rampant now ... not so much fun when it's you is it?  Plus, Dana asked valid questions - you are the one that lost her s%%t.]
[tweet: 988137561347387392, from: @mayramm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:28:47(HIGH,0,1,0) . @KellyannePolls @CNNSotu @DanaBashCNN Your response was marvelously reactionary and defensive. The whole world now has a picture of what breakfast conversations at home must be like. Does your husband look at you and just shake his head in shame and puzzlement, KellyAnne?]
[tweet: 988136898823704576, from: @bodie814 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:26:10(HIGH,0,1,0) You’re becoming more Trump-Ian by the hour. You make it glaringly obvious that you lost here and that you know it.]
[tweet: 988136330914861056, from: @rwdriver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:23:54(HIGH,0,1,0) Kellyanne can certainly dish out family criticism when it comes to opponents of Trump, but she can't take her own family .   Oh @maggieNYT I couldn't have tried any more You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone You stole my heart and that's what really]
[tweet: 988134666724134912, from: @seannse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:17:17(HIGH,0,1,0) Kellyanne....maybe instead of complaining about FAIR questions on a NEWS show that you volunteered to be on you should have stayed home, and listen to your husband! And please- don’t whine to Cris Cumo about it!!]
[tweet: 988132645446930432, from: @boongonewild (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:09:15(HIGH,0,1,0) Please be quiet.]
[tweet: 988128199979749377, from: @arnoldgmac59 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:51:36(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 988127556430856192, from: @spence827556 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:49:02(HIGH,0,1,0) AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18. Q]
[tweet: 988126369874825216, from: @dkgnews (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:19(HIGH,0,1,0) The fact that you’re embarrassed speaks to your character & the character in the office. Otherwise you would’ve intelligently responded letting people know what it’s like to have that dynamic in a household  something not uncommon. Too bad you squandered the opportunity.]
[tweet: 988125913245278209, from: @sneakyharbor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:42:30(HIGH,0,1,0) Seriously though.. what's up with your dudes tweets?]
[tweet: 988120819753566208, from: @eli414 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:22:16(HIGH,0,1,0) Wow! Defensive much?]
[tweet: 988120417666613248, from: @lugosiwashere (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:20:40(HIGH,0,1,0) But doesn't your husband have a point?]
[tweet: 988118441516257281, from: @jeepster77don (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:12:49(HIGH,0,1,0) Your reliance on spin and vague association with the truth make it nearly impossible to generate any sense of sympathy for you.]
[tweet: 988117283531821057, from: @costellomonica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:08:13(HIGH,0,1,0) Snowflake says what?]
[tweet: 988115673099526151, from: @alchips40404 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:01:49(HIGH,0,1,0) Thank for his part in Jones v Cilnton does @realDonaldTrump  know he can be sued as POTUS?]
[tweet: 988115191907860480, from: @artistatlarge19 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:59:54(HIGH,0,1,0) I never listen to you and will not watch any program you are on. You are way too full of alternative facts. Yuck.]
[tweet: 988164890685857792, from: @rossijojo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:17:23(HIGH,0,1,1)]
[tweet: 988163419596640265, from: @mattbarnesdkoc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:11:33(HIGH,1,1,1) Well done KellyAnne!!]
[tweet: 988167460133064704, from: @ericbgrey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:27:36(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 988167025074860037, from: @jeffbythecoast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:25:52(HIGH,0,0,0) What is your job in the administration?]
[tweet: 988166968023928834, from: @aries_1947 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:25:39(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re the one who harassed Dana. Talked over her and ranted like a loon.]
[tweet: 988166678751084545, from: @shuttershy61 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:24:30(HIGH,0,0,0) are a hypocrite.  As well as a passive aggressive individual.  You are a public figure with a husband who has said things against Trump.  You would go after someone in the same situation in a NJ minute.  Put it out there... questions are coming.]
[tweet: 988166370738221060, from: @realstevekemble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:16(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988166317218942976, from: @annette_troupe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:23:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Totally twisted that exchange all around and you reacted so poorly it just drew a lot of intention to you.]
[tweet: 988166072170893313, from: @mary74043397 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:22:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Great job]
[tweet: 988165767832178689, from: @zzzootzzz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:20:52(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN keeps playing it. You got OWNED. The real shocker is that someone actually married you.  Propaganda whore]
[tweet: 988165282983067648, from: @gregorygarrison (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:18:57(HIGH,0,0,0) It’s unbelievable you make a villain out of @DanaBashCNN. There’s this from last week....]
[tweet: 988164821777506304, from: @jml_joseph (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:17:07(HIGH,0,0,0) This is what you get when you give this vile serial propagandist a microphone. What could you hope to learn from her.]
[tweet: 988164538792112129, from: @realstevekemble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:15:59(HIGH,0,0,0) @KellyannePolls you looked like & are!! SUCH A FOOL!!!]
[tweet: 988164452561272832, from: @loudslam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:15:39(HIGH,0,0,0) And talk about cheap and irrelevant...]
[tweet: 988164264501370882, from: @loudslam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Well if anyone deserves harassment and embarrassment, it is certainly you.]
[tweet: 988164112671756289, from: @bubbabearbubba (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:14:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh gimme a break. I highly doubt yer capable of feelin’ embarrassment at this point.]
[tweet: 988164029997699072, from: @painefan01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:13:58(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 988163151777673222, from: @kathyscott20 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:10:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Good job Kellyanne!  Good job.]
[tweet: 988163023427776513, from: @mcg_cg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:09:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Current WH and Republicans cannot keep their cool. Everything is taken personal when stating real facts here. Shame.]
[tweet: 988161869922951173, from: @thornton_mandy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:05:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Hey @KellyannePolls ... remember this? Your team lowered the bar. This is your doing. And it was all “we talk like they do!” until you got your one apparent feeling hurt …]
[tweet: 988161171738918913, from: @billbeaman2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:02:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne on]
[tweet: 988160190288683008, from: @gatsmomm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:58:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Puleeze......Go away. Great job Dana, staying professional while Conway became unglued.]
[tweet: 988159556105760771, from: @heatherstacey19 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:56:11(HIGH,0,0,0) So it’s ok for @potus to call people nasty names and give them horrible nicknames but your husband is off limits? The hypocrisy knows no bounds!]
[tweet: 988159294838398976, from: @mende_taleski (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:55:09(HIGH,0,0,0) You put that b.... where she belongs]
[tweet: 988158860815810560, from: @wallaby007 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:53:26(HIGH,0,0,0) When you’re a public figure, you are open to criticism, especially when your spouse openly tweets about your employer. No it’s not private, he went on social media and complained.]
[tweet: 988158858500689920, from: @gatsmomm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:53:25(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 988158764955025408, from: @melissalvla (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:53:03(HIGH,0,0,0) How is your husband irrelevant? That’s not very nice. Honestly a lot of people have been asking this question.]
[tweet: 988158746345000962, from: @premierkpaint (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:52:58(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re on twitter tweeting about it. Mission accomplished]
[tweet: 988158651322990598, from: @anon_jimee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:52:36(HIGH,0,0,0) WWG1WGA...much love to families!]
[tweet: 988158576123437057, from: @johnpmy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:52:18(HIGH,0,0,0) You overreacted and way to sensitive! Trump is destroying you]
[tweet: 988157168036843520, from: @thornton_mandy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:46:42(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, come on. You harass and embarrass HRC every single chance you get. You made a campaign out of this kindness of dirt and you continue to roll in the mud well over a year later.  Your crocodile tears are a joke.]
[tweet: 988156941657554944, from: @burgmeierd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:45:48(HIGH,0,0,0) You sure seem upset....Maybe just, "We have different opinions at times." might have been better that looking like a bat out of hell.  You made it look like trouble is brewing in your marriage.]
[tweet: 988156600820039681, from: @kjaerringa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:44:27(HIGH,0,0,0) You are the one who has brought the spouses of others under attack for their beliefs or actions constantly...beginning with Bill Clinton and straight to current events. You were the one to cross that Rubicon, yet now you wail 'unfair' when held to the same standard you set. Sad!]
[tweet: 988155238019366912, from: @joe24202202 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:39:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Mission accomplished you just did not like it. U and trump go after anyone who is against u, they r all fair play. Ur husband opened up him big mouth so here we r deal with it]
[tweet: 988154997438337024, from: @debstalking (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:38:05(HIGH,0,0,0) You literally said she would not have asked about spouse’s tweets if you were a man.]
[tweet: 988152842644058112, from: @kari_steadman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:29:31(HIGH,0,0,0) You go irrelevant Every question you are repeat accomplishments. Same ones Every time you speak]
[tweet: 988152023693582336, from: @mark_hilgers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:26:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Great job!]
[tweet: 988151591650910215, from: @silvaltia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:24:33(HIGH,0,0,0) Oooh, no one is supporting the #MafiaPrincess]
[tweet: 988147531476557824, from: @heislying2u (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:08:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Whatever you say.]
[tweet: 988146633970876416, from: @tyler16088 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:04:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Sending you support.]
[tweet: 988146465569722371, from: @donaldsdaddy45 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:04:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Imagine the press asking a woman about her husband. That’s completely unheard of. This must be the first time in history that’s ever happened.]
[tweet: 988144049436708865, from: @rich_howley (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:54:34(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re being a snowflake Kellyanne, AND, you open yourself up to this because you sold your soul to work for this man.]
[tweet: 988138678382817280, from: @littlelast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:33:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Read your replies, bitch. (Yeh, I went there...on a SUNDAY!)]
[tweet: 988138583172108288, from: @barbaraacherewa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:32:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Way to go Kellyanne!!]
[tweet: 988138184168046593, from: @sluggo1958 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:31:16(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN  slides deeper and deeper into the slime, day by day! They are SICKENING!]
[tweet: 988137873852465152, from: @joebuckhairplug (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:30:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Jersey Strong]
[tweet: 988136847787352065, from: @bojochi1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:25:57(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN knows that you will respond to their questions with a prepared agenda of topics 45 wants you to cover. You don’t even realize they invite for their amusement. You poor thing.]
[tweet: 988135359975444481, from: @waltnick29 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:20:03(HIGH,0,0,0) If you can’t take the heat...]
[tweet: 988133465043427330, from: @tmontgomery507 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:12:31(HIGH,0,0,0) What about you bringing up peoples husband’s/spouse ?  Double standard. Do as I say not as I do?]
[tweet: 988132297479081984, from: @karenmeth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:07:52(HIGH,0,0,0) The way you pivoted from not naming Nunberg to the opioid epidemic was draw-dropping but you got nasty when she asked the question that you had to know someone was going to ask at some point. Sounds like it hit a little too close to home.  You should have laughed it off]
[tweet: 988132292483796996, from: @crowleyantmarga (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:07:51(HIGH,0,0,0) So sensitive. Poor baby. Boo hoo hoo.]
[tweet: 988130518754562048, from: @dennisfleahy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:00:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Wow darn better have the facts on your side or otherwise have superior debate skills if you are going to blind side Kellyanne Conway on national TV...Dana got hammered and rightfully so.]
[tweet: 988130511817183233, from: @andyok1225 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:00:47(HIGH,0,0,0) It was, a cheap shot from the left!]
[tweet: 988130416371650571, from: @rhbaseball15 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:00:24(HIGH,0,0,0) @DanaBashCNN has become irrelevant along with @cnn both are jokes]
[tweet: 988126395883769856, from: @str8tawk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Sure do love Kellyanne...keep strong]
[tweet: 988126327885697024, from: @bhrmom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:44:09(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 988126129285488640, from: @politique__fr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:43:22(HIGH,0,0,0) @Mediaite  It's easy to find Dana Bash personal stuff folks.. #daddyGirl …]
[tweet: 988125535388798976, from: @heidizarecky (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:41:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Well @KellyannePolls if the shoe fits.... Dana schooled you. Your body language spoke volumes. BTW the puppet of you on @jimmykimmel actually doesn’t do you justice. That gasbag is cuter then you.]
[tweet: 988125212410634241, from: @teddys_oranges (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:39:43(HIGH,0,0,0) #her husband isn’t a public figure]
[tweet: 988124306872918016, from: @thomas_zoppo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:36:07(HIGH,0,0,0) I think “we” can all agree on one thing...that Kellyanne was the STAR of her high school debate team.]
[tweet: 988123657712164865, from: @pitbull95 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:33:33(HIGH,0,0,0) The odds of having  an honest conversation with @DanaBashCNN, or for that matter anyone on #FakeNewsCnn @cnn is like looking at a FAKE blowup doll in an Anthony Weiner fantasy and believing it said, "your so BIG". Even in a fantasy it would NEVER happen.]
[tweet: 988123379197730818, from: @parksguy22 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:32:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Tell her Kelly]
[tweet: 988122046948347905, from: @texasbygrace (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Covers]
[tweet: 988121683163860992, from: @gzsxst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:25:42(HIGH,0,0,1) Who owns CNN ?]
[tweet: 988122020838768640, from: @braydenborrell (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:27:02(HIGH,0,0,2) Time Warner Cable not sure why the question is being asked please don't make me regret telling a very googleable thing.]
[tweet: 988122762257620992, from: @gzsxst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:29:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Name the names: whot is the too 5 owner of the dirty mafia so called Time Warner?]
[tweet: 988120878910238720, from: @scottch68524131 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:22:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Bunch of liberal haters, fail to see double standard, not appropriate question.]
[tweet: 988119911640780801, from: @libertylady64 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:18:39(HIGH,0,0,0) You did great! I love how Dana ended the conversation as soon as you were bringing up the criminal actions of the FBI trying to undermine the President. They can't defend it so they end the conversation. Bravo!]
[tweet: 988119046720663552, from: @stevefm20 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:15:13(HIGH,0,0,0) At least he doesn't like for pay.]
[tweet: 988118845113163776, from: @ericericlb35 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:14:25(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988117925491085313, from: @nicolelew73 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:10:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Please!]
[tweet: 988117640253202432, from: @gspeckmail (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:38(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 988117603561467904, from: @salsacola (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:09:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes, spouses may differ and even campaign against each other, it is all good. The question is, if the President will tolerate it.]
[tweet: 988117067780972544, from: @noprezzie2012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:07:21(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN will live to eat their #GoThere hashtag . You were on fire Kellyanne]
[tweet: 988115769513803776, from: @clusterbb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Good work Kellyanne. Keep it up.!!]
[tweet: 988115688056348679, from: @lulu_mcfu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:01:52(HIGH,0,0,0) KellyAnne- so much respect and admiration for you. Keep doing what you're doing!]
[tweet: 988115410846470144, from: @igravel (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:46(HIGH,0,0,0) I can’t stand CNN     Kellyanne  is a wounderfull Lady love her for all good work she doing have great respect for her.!!!!! These very evil media & Dumercrats , All corruption that is what they are darkness of evil opposing all that is good .!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[tweet: 988114615367168000, from: @granolamite (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:57:37(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re probably the only person who hates trump more than your husband]
[tweet: 988114374412963840, from: @dogrady9321 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:56:39(HIGH,0,0,0) I saw it all. You are a rockstar for simply appearing on that network.]
[tweet: 988114334525022208, from: @scottawarattray (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:56:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Your non sequitars were the best.]
[tweet: 988114171089833984, from: @zanzan280 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:55:51(HIGH,16,157,6) @realDonaldTrump and yourself have mentioned Hillary's husband against her, McCabe's wife against him, Comey's family against him, Cruz's father against him, Jeb's family against him. Hypocrisy at its finest.]
[tweet: 988114427173068801, from: @zanzan280 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:56:52(HIGH,2,37,1) You wanted to make a spectacle out of this to try to make it into "the world vs CNN" but in the end its about your own hypocrisy and your refusal to be the big person who says "Sometimes people have differences of opinion, and my husband proudly states his"]
[tweet: 988125773042139137, from: @dkgnews (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:41:57(HIGH,0,15,2) Lolol .. you made it embarrassing. She didn’t. It was a GREAT question, which provided you an opportunity to speak intelligently to the dynamics of the family when there are differing viewpoints in this political climate. YOU chose to take it a different way.]
[tweet: 988134558578237443, from: @tinamichelehaze (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:16:52(HIGH,0,8,2) Cuz that’s what @KellyannePolls does best: pretend to be a victim, distract and give “alternative facts”  Lol! @KellyannePolls , you’ll never live down the “alternative facts” narrative]
[tweet: 988114106854117376, from: @idlover54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:55:36(HIGH,4,121,1) I like watching you being interviewed by anyone other than @foxandfriends because they don't let you lie or avoid questions.]
[tweet: 988123777241354241, from: @allaboutthespin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:34:01(HIGH,0,5,1) Truth is Dana would have asked your husband the same question if roles were reversed. You know it and we know it.]
[tweet: 988117321268060160, from: @timelordjeff (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:08:22(HIGH,2,73,0) This coming from the same person who, on national television 6 days ago, cited Comey's wife and daughters to go after his political leanings...]
[tweet: 988114343089885184, from: @realbigballs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:56:32(HIGH,0,42,1) I love your husband. Just like you do. He is the one with the sense]
[tweet: 988120761759096834, from: @internetcholo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:22:02(HIGH,0,20,1) You held up a raw nerve today for all of America to see w/ your threats to CNN staff. Very Michael cohen...]
[tweet: 988113583266516992, from: @mattliasse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:53:31(HIGH,0,18,1) Is it hard being you?]
[tweet: 988114057432530944, from: @veronicaconway (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:55:24(HIGH,0,15,2) The strain of the Mueller investigation is showing]
[tweet: 988125602585759744, from: @ambeck74 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:41:16(HIGH,0,7,1) The REAL question is how do you look your kids in the face and tell them that lying is wrong? Does it depend on if they're being paid to do it?  I guess your husband is the moral authority in your home.]
[tweet: 988113525682855937, from: @redbird216 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:53:17(HIGH,0,9,1) So why bring it up if it was unaccomplished?]
[tweet: 988135416875421696, from: @rjrachael44 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:20:16(HIGH,0,0,1) We support Kellyanne 100%.]
[tweet: 988118082320240640, from: @pochosalcedo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:11:23(HIGH,0,1,1) Dana embarrassed herself in the segment. And I actually like Dana Bash]
[tweet: 988115387656032256, from: @gohatt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:00:41(HIGH,1,1,1) Stay strong, Kellyanne.  We love you and know who you are.  Stay with Fox News -- they (most of them) won't try to make you look bad.]
[tweet: 988114107932069888, from: @michellesettles (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:55:36(HIGH,0,0,2) Keep at it Kellyanne! Well said!]
[tweet: 988113993502986240, from: @pamellacasual (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:55:08(HIGH,0,29,0) Obviously your husband knows what is going on and you got caught. Trump will not be happy.]
[tweet: 988114914681159680, from: @mfletcher530 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:58:48(HIGH,0,17,0) Remember when .@SNL portrayed you as “Kellywise the Clown” living in the sewer? Good times. #NotMyPresident]
[tweet: 988114579732525056, from: @deede265 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:57:28(HIGH,0,17,0) But it's ok for your boss trump to say things about people's spouses??? Macabes wife, Ryans wife???]
[tweet: 988122452009127936, from: @nel_mezzo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:28:45(HIGH,0,10,0) Methinks you protest too much. You were virulently anti-Trump just weeks before you sold your soul...#GeorgeWasRight]
[tweet: 988113847004418048, from: @thewhitemadonna (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:54:34(HIGH,0,9,0) you have no soul]
[tweet: 988124591724859392, from: @tioga18571 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:37:15(HIGH,0,5,0) Remember “Alternative Facts”]
[tweet: 988114485159350272, from: @kennymiami12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:57:06(HIGH,0,5,0) You’ve embarrassed yourself quite easily on your own many a times lol]



You wanted to make a spectacle out of this to try to make it into "the world vs CNN" but in the end its about your own hypocrisy and your refusal to be the big person who says "Sometimes people have differences of opinion, and my husband proudly states his"
 ranking=21.21299338429216 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=1.52, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.99, pop=4.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.57, ari=1.13, lix=0.99, time=1.86, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=1.20}
 orders: orig=173, rank=1, date=15
Lolol .. you made it embarrassing. She didn’t. It was a GREAT question, which provided you an opportunity to speak intelligently to the dynamics of the family when there are differing viewpoints in this political climate. YOU chose to take it a different way.
 ranking=18.761659921460037 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=1.02, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.35, pop=3.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=1.09, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=174, rank=2, date=90
oh for godssake... it was a legit question about your husband’s support—or lack, thereof—for the guy YOU work for. hate to break it to ya, sweetie, but everyone understands that, and only YOU can Actually Choose to be embarrassed by his differing opinion.
 ranking=18.365139698243034 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=1.52, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.90, pop=3.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=1.06, lix=0.99, time=1.57, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=1.11}
 orders: orig=18, rank=3, date=43
1sl, show respect & say Ms. Bash's 1st name right. U interrupted Dana & were hostile to her repeatedly. Forced to 2 b on CNN? Seem 2 have had a chip on your shoulder from the get go. If u can't answer ?'s w/p being rude, quit. Get some conditioner for your fried hair! Sad!!
 ranking=18.332662802407366 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.33, numsent=8.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.64, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=38, rank=4, date=102
It’s the same question I had. Why is it a problem if McCabe’s wife is a associated with a different Party and he is somehow partisan, but your husband says things that criticize the administration and you don’t get criticized for what your husband does. Fair question.
 ranking=18.15869234064284 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=1.14, kincaid=0.38, pop=4.29, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.37, lix=0.07, time=1.42, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=3, rank=5, date=58
@KellyannePolls she had every right to answer the very public question. The man you sleep with every night disagrees with some of @realDonaldTrump moves. As a journalist, she had an obligation to ask, whether you agree or disagree. She was very professional and non judgmental.
 ranking=17.538697510868015 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.91, kincaid=0.29, pop=3.33, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=17, rank=6, date=45
Always the victim. You immediately made it about gender. Amazing since you were the one to orchestrate using Bill Clinton's infidelity against HRC esp. bringing his accusers to the debate. Your boss going after Mccabe's wife yet you should get preferential treatment?
 ranking=17.111457066802274 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0.35, smog=0.97, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.77, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.41, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=22, rank=7, date=104
Seems your boss has a penchant for doing this.  If it is ok for him to go after spouses, you should answer. No you accomplished nothing but your own double standards.
 ranking=16.988485779139346 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.54, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.18, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=20, rank=8, date=32
Oh GTFO. That whole interview was you trying to pretend you were attacked. What someone’s significant other says, particularly when they work in the White House and their spouse is openly critical of the same WH, is completely legitimate.
 ranking=16.926339407690737 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.35, pop=4.28, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=8, rank=9, date=60
@realDonaldTrump and yourself have mentioned Hillary's husband against her, McCabe's wife against him, Comey's family against him, Cruz's father against him, Jeb's family against him. Hypocrisy at its finest.
 ranking=16.667695850648926 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0.23, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.39, pop=5.97, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.41, ari=0.48, lix=0.09, time=1.91, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=172, rank=10, date=10
Why u embarrassed? Isn’t harassment an official WH policy that you support?
 ranking=16.49549267274368 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.35, pop=4.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.29, lix=0.07, time=1.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=5, rank=11, date=19
This coming from the same person who, on national television 6 days ago, cited Comey's wife and daughters to go after his political leanings...
 ranking=15.962631098718417 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.59, pop=5.02, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, ari=0.61, lix=0.08, time=1.61, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=178, rank=12, date=39
I hope you are making enough cash now to hold you over after this dumpster fire ends. Maybe that intelligent husband will support you when nobody is returning your calls. You have no credibility left. Hell of a price to pay in selling out to serve Trump.
 ranking=15.843845727891273 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.48, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=28, rank=13, date=105
Must be getting nervous for some reason because during the election campaign you would have laughed at such a question and answered in a lighthearted way what you finished with: Family members are different! Which they are!
And you would have come out winning with such an answer!
 ranking=15.8078768020634 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.34, pop=3.09, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.45, lix=0.07, time=1.13, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=2, rank=14, date=86
You and Miller play the same game in interviews. When asked a question you don’t like, you attack the person for asking the question thereby distracting from having to answer. I’d say it’s not a good look for you, but clearly it’s your only look.
 ranking=15.754121653448793 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.26, pop=3.71, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=19, rank=15, date=64
Kellyann you ramble on and on...U spoke against Trump before he became the nominee.  NOW U will say anything. And I do mean ANYTHING in praise of him. 2-faced. At least your husband spoke truth. P.S...I know a great Divorce attorney.
 ranking=15.65741170994125 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.65, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.08, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=36, rank=16, date=143
 ranking=15.362604831059155 from {coleman=3.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.60, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=3.33, ari=2.25, lix=0.99, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=24, rank=17, date=40
@gtconway3d Reality of KARMA has just started to come STRAIGHT AT YOU conway. YOU and your husband are PUBLIC FIGURES - are FAIR GAME. Just THINK ABOUT what YOU and George have done for past 30 yrs. YOU and your family are FOREVER SOILED - history will show. A SMUG UGLY DISGRACE.
 ranking=15.352994006042692 from {pop=2.64, coleman=0.48, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.65, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=21, rank=18, date=106
The fact that you’re embarrassed speaks to your character & the character in the office. Otherwise you would’ve intelligently responded letting people know what it’s like to have that dynamic in a household  something not uncommon. Too bad you squandered the opportunity.
 ranking=15.151940399183426 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=1.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.46, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.49, ari=0.53, lix=0.08, time=1.03, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.78}
 orders: orig=84, rank=19, date=96
I believe you when you say bias against you ins't because of gender. You have to be human to qualify one way or another and you are most certainly not human.
 ranking=14.474725348387832 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.50, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.30, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=1.78, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=50, rank=20, date=22
It’s karma, Kellyanne. What you put out into the world does come back to you. Your time has come and your hypocrisy is catching up with you.
 ranking=14.410563501490273 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.07, pop=4.97, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=9, rank=21, date=31
Kinda sounds like u did get embarrassed, which is why u keep talking about it
 ranking=14.379030101591507 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=5.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=6, rank=22, date=3
Kellyanne got a bit confused. Give her a break. She first supported Ted Cruz and at that time did not think Trump was Presidential material. 
The World hopes that it is her husband's DNA is in her children and not hers. Kellyanne is a cucuracha!
 ranking=14.243465369318493 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.72, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=72, rank=23, date=132
I think @DanaBashCNN did a great job bringing that very relevant question to you. This is just demonstrate how intolerant you are.
 ranking=14.234948510757173 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.27, pop=4.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.46, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=4, rank=24, date=54
The REAL question is how do you look your kids in the face and tell them that lying is wrong? Does it depend on if they're being paid to do it?  I guess your husband is the moral authority in your home.
 ranking=14.113165963444692 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.94, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=183, rank=25, date=88
Hypocritical of @KellyannePolls to resist this line of discussion by Dana Bash, when she and the #WhiteHouse, had such a field day with #Republican Andrew McCabe's, #Democratic wife, "getting money from Hillary Clinton"
 ranking=14.06232778135377 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=1.40, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.75, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.87, lix=0.10, time=0.98, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.89}
 orders: orig=39, rank=26, date=100
You know very well it was meant to be lighthearted but you were in the defensive and would rather resort to 45’s strategy which is to bully! Nice! Very nice!

 ranking=14.037024047121491 from {pop=4.01, coleman=0.44, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0.24, smog=0.62, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=1, rank=27, date=84
I like watching you being interviewed by anyone other than @foxandfriends because they don't let you lie or avoid questions.
 ranking=13.915208525187609 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, pop=5.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.49, lix=0.06, time=1.93, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=176, rank=28, date=8
So why are you embarrassed that your husband has sense and is not into criminal behavior? You know like what they found @ cohen's office.
 ranking=13.890354227881918 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.24, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=25, rank=29, date=34
No one can make you more of an embarrassment than you already are, @KellyannePolls

That mission was accomplished over a year ago.
 ranking=13.876764656457496 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.32, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.47, lix=0.06, time=0.99, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=29, rank=30, date=99
You did great! I love how Dana ended the conversation as soon as you were bringing up the criminal actions of the FBI trying to undermine the President. They can't defend it so they end the conversation. Bravo!
 ranking=13.833319828280688 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.91, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.23, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=159, rank=31, date=51
You truly are pathetic Conway, and the only poll that shares interest with you is the dance pole and still no takers, watchers, or tips for your ads! Craw back into the tombs and stay they there, kids everywhere will smile again.
 ranking=13.770430249948088 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.56}
 orders: orig=43, rank=32, date=78
Cuz that’s what @KellyannePolls does best: pretend to be a victim, distract and give “alternative facts” 
Lol! @KellyannePolls , you’ll never live down the “alternative facts” narrative 
 ranking=13.580290707495196 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.35, pop=3.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=175, rank=33, date=115 are a hypocrite.  As well as a passive aggressive individual.  You are a public figure with a husband who has said things against Trump.  You would go after someone in the same situation in a NJ minute.  Put it out there... questions are coming.
 ranking=13.48186333317202 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.79, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.24, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=97, rank=34, date=191
I watched it live ... seems to me that Dana struck a nerve.  You and your husband are public figures and have participated in the dirty politics that are rampant now ... not so much fun when it's you is it?  Plus, Dana asked valid questions - you are the one that lost her s%%t.
 ranking=13.421098263706138 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.28, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=76, rank=35, date=124
You mention your opponent’s spouses at every turn! Or have you conveniently forgotten that as well? #whenwillyoustoplying #hypocracymuch
 ranking=13.337841945508384 from {coleman=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.58, ari=0.52, lix=0.06, time=1.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=40, rank=36, date=98
Remember when .@SNL portrayed you as “Kellywise the Clown” living in the sewer? Good times.
 ranking=13.288242131895084 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=3.53, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=190, rank=37, date=21
YOU’RE cheap and irrelevant Kellyanne. Go stir your cauldron.
 ranking=12.884269500597831 from {coleman=0.87, cos=0.73, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.26, pop=3.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.35, lix=0.07, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=15, rank=38, date=61
Clinton, MCabe, Comey, Cruz, Jen... seems like family is not off limits to you. Hypocrisy much?
 ranking=12.864533962128748 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.78, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=10, rank=39, date=65
Oh so you mean you are embarrassed by the truth and harassed because someone dared to ask you about news on a news program? And @realDonaldTrump gets to use his office to harass people that disagree with him, & pay off women he had illicit affairs with? #weak #cannonfodder
 ranking=12.818022470318557 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.18, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.33, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=0.64, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=70, rank=40, date=134
. @KellyannePolls @CNNSotu @DanaBashCNN Your response was marvelously reactionary and defensive. The whole world now has a picture of what breakfast conversations at home must be like. Does your husband look at you and just shake his head in shame and puzzlement, KellyAnne?
 ranking=12.713478911127535 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.91, kincaid=0.24, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.75, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=77, rank=41, date=123
You are the one who has brought the spouses of others under attack for their beliefs or actions constantly...beginning with Bill Clinton and straight to current events. You were the one to cross that Rubicon, yet now you wail 'unfair' when held to the same standard you set. Sad!
 ranking=12.7044652512885 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.18, smog=0.62, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.28, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.39, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=124, rank=42, date=158
I can’t stand CNN     Kellyanne  is a wounderfull Lady love her for all good work she doing have great respect for her.!!!!!
These very evil media & Dumercrats , All corruption that is what they are darkness of evil opposing all that is good .!!!!!!!!!!!!
 ranking=12.692165978184573 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.73, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=168, rank=43, date=27
That’s ok. You embarrassed yourself with your over the top reaction, @KellyannePolls. Dana was just asking a question and suddenly you came up with all these #AlternativeFacts about what was behind the question.
 ranking=12.667251227485337 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.28, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=59, rank=44, date=175
Kellyanne lies all of the time, has no true statements in most issues, and will fade into obscurity soon enough. Stop giving her airtime.
 ranking=12.608688757502453 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=47, rank=45, date=11
So why bring it up if it was unaccomplished?
 ranking=12.561155638801324 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.63, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=184, rank=46, date=1
Well @KellyannePolls if the shoe fits.... Dana schooled you. Your body language spoke volumes. BTW the puppet of you on @jimmykimmel actually doesn’t do you justice. That gasbag is cuter then you.
 ranking=12.52052631291669 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.54, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.09, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=149, rank=47, date=87
@KellyannePolls is the poster child for cheap and irrelevant. Also combative and divisive.
 ranking=12.493820595122843 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0.68, smog=0.97, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=41, rank=48, date=93
You held up a raw nerve today for all of America to see w/ your threats to CNN staff. Very Michael cohen...
 ranking=12.391264670544908 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.81, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=180, rank=49, date=55
Mission accomplished you just did not like it. U and trump go after anyone who is against u, they r all fair play. Ur husband opened up him big mouth so here we r deal with it
 ranking=12.387137693512509 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0.23, smog=0.62, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.18, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=125, rank=50, date=157
You should be thanking the CNN makeup crew. They hid the bags under your eyes and actually made you look better on tv than you have in a long time
 ranking=12.312850457512466 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.71, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=48, rank=51, date=80
The odds of having  an honest conversation with @DanaBashCNN, or for that matter anyone on #FakeNewsCnn @cnn is like looking at a FAKE blowup doll in an Anthony Weiner fantasy and believing it said, "your so BIG". Even in a fantasy it would NEVER happen.
 ranking=12.288715677163285 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.49, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.46, lix=0.05, time=1.23, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=152, rank=52, date=76
Obviously your husband knows what is going on and you got caught. Trump will not be happy.
 ranking=12.283965371029073 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=4.06, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=189, rank=53, date=6
Was this meant to harass and embarrass?
 ranking=12.231587291147825 from {coleman=0.56, cos=1.55, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, fuzzy=2.90, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=44, rank=54, date=71
The way you pivoted from not naming Nunberg to the opioid epidemic was draw-dropping but you got nasty when she asked the question that you had to know someone was going to ask at some point. Sounds like it hit a little too close to home.  You should have laughed it off
 ranking=12.075692698143534 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=141, rank=55, date=112
Kellyanne can certainly dish out family criticism when it comes to opponents of Trump, but she can't take her own family . 

Oh @maggieNYT I couldn't have tried any more
You lured me away from home just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and that's what really
 ranking=12.062467675634789 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.39, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.48, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=79, rank=56, date=119
You are the queen of brittle hypocrites. Your crocodile tears are no more convincing than your panicked verbal flailing in defense of the worst president in history. #IndictTrump
 ranking=12.055962138953744 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=0.93, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.30, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.37, lix=0.06, time=0.42, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=53, rank=57, date=155
Kellyanne, come on. You harass and embarrass HRC every single chance you get. You made a campaign out of this kindness of dirt and you continue to roll in the mud well over a year later.  Your crocodile tears are a joke.
 ranking=12.03699390145451 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0.38, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=122, rank=58, date=160
I love your husband. Just like you do. He is the one with the sense
 ranking=11.96316277998855 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.05, pop=4.49, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.88, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=179, rank=59, date=13
Are you playing the victim Kellyanne? You went into that interview looking for a fight.
 ranking=11.9594288659749 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.78, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=1.63, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=11, rank=60, date=37
The strain of the Mueller investigation is showing
 ranking=11.954644800080642 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.41, pop=3.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, ari=0.39, lix=0.08, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=182, rank=61, date=7
Nonsense. If Mike Pence's wife tweeted critical comments about Trump or his administration...of course he would get asked about it. If there is anyone embarassing you,  it is not Bash but your boss and maybe your husband.
 ranking=11.869360739429865 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=63, rank=62, date=142
But it's ok for your boss trump to say things about people's spouses??? Macabes wife, Ryans wife???
 ranking=11.71366129513434 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=3.53, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=191, rank=63, date=17
Kellyanne....maybe instead of complaining about FAIR questions on a NEWS show that you volunteered to be on you should have stayed home, and listen to your husband! And please- don’t whine to Cris Cumo about it!!
 ranking=11.682698607407273 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.32, jrw=0.38, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=80, rank=64, date=116
Hey @KellyannePolls ... remember this? Your team lowered the bar. This is your doing. And it was all “we talk like they do!” until you got your one apparent feeling hurt …
 ranking=11.554908022427096 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=111, rank=65, date=171
Wow darn better have the facts on your side or otherwise have superior debate skills if you are going to blind side Kellyanne Conway on national TV...Dana got hammered and rightfully so.
 ranking=11.553915183906593 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.81, lix=0.09, time=0.89, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.81}
 orders: orig=143, rank=66, date=109
Methinks you protest too much. You were virulently anti-Trump just weeks before you sold your soul...#GeorgeWasRight
 ranking=11.490419550482427 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=192, rank=67, date=70
You’re immature behavior was on display for all to see. Can’t try talking your way out of this one.
 ranking=11.287122760423593 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=23, rank=68, date=73
Why did Trump relentlessly critisize Chuck Todd's wife and Andrew McCabe's wife and continues to do so? Didn't he pretty much call Ted Cruz's wife ugly? Look who you work for before casting stones.
 ranking=11.280235507295881 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=61, rank=69, date=147
You became defensive and unhinged, and vindictive. If you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. You are a public figure, husbands are not off limits, darling.
 ranking=11.27795144803161 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.24, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=65, rank=70, date=139
Your reliance on spin and vague association with the truth make it nearly impossible to generate any sense of sympathy for you.
 ranking=11.108706061361042 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.60, lix=0.08, time=1.53, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=88, rank=71, date=47
Stay strong, Kellyanne.  We love you and know who you are.  Stay with Fox News -- they (most of them) won't try to make you look bad.
 ranking=11.102730169917123 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.00, pop=2.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.90, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=187, rank=72, date=26
I never listen to you and will not watch any program you are on. You are way too full of alternative facts. Yuck.
 ranking=11.059958313476422 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0.30, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=91, rank=73, date=24
You’re on twitter tweeting about it. Mission accomplished
 ranking=11.023141325725096 from {coleman=1.02, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.54, cos=0.45, smog=0.69, ari=0.46, lix=0.99, time=0.34, numword=0, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=119, rank=74, date=163
What BS. Kellyanne constantly attacked Hillary Clinton over the indiscretions of Bill Clinton. And now she objects when people ask her about her own husband’s Tweets. Laughable.
 ranking=10.982501408030476 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0, smog=0.57, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.34, lix=0.07, time=0.63, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=69, rank=75, date=135
Hahaha you’re embarrassing alllllll on your own.
 ranking=10.973572062145534 from {coleman=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=3.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=1.52, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=16, rank=76, date=48
She was defensive LOL she has talked about other ppls spouses so how funny was she this morning LOL
 ranking=10.868908761949038 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=1.32, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=31, rank=77, date=67
Always the victim huh? Trump attacks spouses on a regular basis but you continue to carry his water. Paid hack continues to be a hack.
 ranking=10.614770982260874 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.23, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=56, rank=78, date=148
You’ve embarrassed yourself quite easily on your own many a times lol
 ranking=10.584247860289423 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=195, rank=79, date=16
I watched the whole thing live and you totally manipulated Dana’s question and accused her of things she was not doing. Shame on you. You came out smelling like a nasty skunk, Dana emerged with her head held high.
 ranking=10.583996775186769 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=71, rank=80, date=133
Truth is Dana would have asked your husband the same question if roles were reversed. You know it and we know it.
 ranking=10.40562211252412 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.71, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=177, rank=81, date=77
When you’re a public figure, you are open to criticism, especially when your spouse openly tweets about your employer. No it’s not private, he went on social media and complained.
 ranking=10.387082722340331 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=116, rank=82, date=166
Dana embarrassed herself in the segment. And I actually like Dana Bash
 ranking=10.33286168880426 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.22, lix=0.06, time=1.54, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=186, rank=83, date=46
Karma is coming back to you, Kellyanne. How many times have you attacked the spouses of someone You had a problem with? You got burned, just like you've done to many others.
 ranking=10.298859959716271 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=74, rank=84, date=128
Time Warner Cable not sure why the question is being asked please don't make me regret telling a very googleable thing.
 ranking=10.27008656735302 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.35, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.52, lix=0.05, time=1.37, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=156, rank=85, date=62
Attacked Cruz’s wife, attacked Bill and Hillary...stop trying to play is not cute
 ranking=10.20471697182718 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.97, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=7, rank=86, date=68
If u get ultra defensive that easily you will never survive the grilling coming from the FBI soon. You clearly share a personality defect with #45
 ranking=10.1906955270733 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.31, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=2.00, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=51, rank=87, date=185
You go irrelevant Every question you are repeat accomplishments. Same ones Every time you speak
 ranking=10.159466257452815 from {coleman=0.78, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.47, cos=0.25, smog=0.85, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=127, rank=88, date=154
Wow @KellyannePolls you really over reacted at the simple question @DanaBashCNN asked. Sore spot perhaps?
 ranking=9.957705113365048 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=34, rank=89, date=74
CNN knows that you will respond to their questions with a prepared agenda of topics 45 wants you to cover. You don’t even realize they invite for their amusement. You poor thing.
 ranking=9.880316062129328 from {coleman=0.53, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=138, rank=90, date=121
It was enjoyable. You were uncomfortable and cornered. That's why you lashed out and did the tick with your
 ranking=9.83358558867519 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=54, rank=91, date=151

 ranking=9.684841147594943 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.42, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=58, rank=92, date=194
Yes, spouses may differ and even campaign against each other, it is all good. The question is, if the President will tolerate it.
 ranking=9.683708538553104 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.59, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=164, rank=93, date=41
Imagine the press asking a woman about her husband. That’s completely unheard of. This must be the first time in history that’s ever happened.
 ranking=9.675155262166625 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.28, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=0.53, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=132, rank=94, date=144
 ranking=9.675041023840546 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.22, pop=4.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.12, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=35, rank=95, date=20
KellyAnne- so much respect and admiration for you. Keep doing what you're doing!
 ranking=9.645477180774588 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=167, rank=96, date=29
Bunch of liberal haters, fail to see double standard, not appropriate question.
 ranking=9.640793322215787 from {coleman=0.81, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0.60, smog=1.07, ari=0.50, lix=0.08, time=1.43, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=158, rank=97, date=57
You sure seem upset....Maybe just, "We have different opinions at times." might have been better that looking like a bat out of hell.  You made it look like trouble is brewing in your marriage.
 ranking=9.580848373355982 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.38, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=123, rank=98, date=159
As if Kellyanne has never taken a cheap shot! Eat Crow! Yay! @DanaBashCNN
 ranking=9.512433600422936 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0.32, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=73, rank=99, date=129
What’s the matter Kellyanne?  Are you upset when someone (your husband) speaks the truth.  I know that you aren’t accustomed to that?
 ranking=9.464871677346014 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=64, rank=100, date=141
I can't imagine what you think when you look in the mirror.
 ranking=9.458718273819468 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=46, rank=101, date=23
Remember “Alternative Facts”
 ranking=9.363885608389374 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.85, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.22, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=1.39}
 orders: orig=194, rank=102, date=81
bwahah "That's simply not true"  As the young people say, yo ass got owned.
 ranking=9.342313204688148 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=3.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=14, rank=103, date=89
I saw it all. You are a rockstar for simply appearing on that network.
 ranking=9.238429287001694 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=170, rank=104, date=14
Current WH and Republicans cannot keep their cool. Everything is taken personal when stating real facts here. Shame.
 ranking=9.155478326735935 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=110, rank=105, date=173
Something something Bowling Green something...
 ranking=9.039654819633386 from {coleman=1.51, cos=0, smog=1.25, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.01, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, time=1.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=1.30}
 orders: orig=33, rank=106, date=33
You’re becoming more Trump-Ian by the hour.
You make it glaringly obvious that you lost here and that you know it.
 ranking=8.930702768891887 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=78, rank=107, date=122
So it’s ok for @potus to call people nasty names and give them horrible nicknames but your husband is off limits? The hypocrisy knows no bounds!
 ranking=8.845589544684653 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.24, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=114, rank=108, date=168
This is what you get when you give this vile serial propagandist a microphone. What could you hope to learn from her.
 ranking=8.762098664731273 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=103, rank=109, date=182
“The lady doth protest too much” , Shakespeare.
 ranking=8.758394646836209 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=0.88, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=27, rank=110, date=110
Everytime you speak it's a lie. I
 ranking=8.494074453255813 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=30, rank=111, date=83
CNN keeps playing it. You got OWNED. The real shocker is that someone actually married you.  Propaganda whore
 ranking=8.479821748838052 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.57, ari=0.19, lix=0.05, time=0.09, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=101, rank=112, date=187
And talk about cheap and irrelevant...
 ranking=8.359812347263041 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=1.03, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=105, rank=113, date=180
So, does your husband like Trump or what?
 ranking=8.082933777126934 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=26, rank=114, date=4
What about you bringing up peoples husband’s/spouse ?  Double standard. Do as I say not as I do?
 ranking=8.079155849358974 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.80, smog=0.30, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=140, rank=115, date=114
@KellyannePolls you attempted to make her question something it wasn’t. The result, you made an idiot of yourself.
 ranking=8.070523560052482 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=66, rank=116, date=138
Well if anyone deserves harassment and embarrassment, it is certainly you.
 ranking=7.958464999682215 from {coleman=0.87, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.58, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.53, lix=0.08, time=0.17, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.51, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.77}
 orders: orig=106, rank=117, date=179
Keep at it Kellyanne! Well said!
 ranking=7.91875047760943 from {pop=2.30, coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=188, rank=118, date=9
You’re probably the only person who hates trump more than your husband
 ranking=7.849245571095571 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=169, rank=119, date=18
You overreacted and way to sensitive! Trump is destroying you
 ranking=7.777566916479525 from {coleman=0.71, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.36, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=121, rank=120, date=161
Thank for his part in Jones v Cilnton does @realDonaldTrump  know he can be sued as POTUS?
 ranking=7.761514728636869 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=90, rank=121, date=28
Totally twisted that exchange all around and you reacted so poorly it just drew a lot of intention to you.
 ranking=7.7571599293000375 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.44, lix=0.08, time=0.07, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.35, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=99, rank=122, date=189
How is your husband irrelevant? That’s not very nice. Honestly a lot of people have been asking this question.
 ranking=7.748630104683247 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0.32, smog=0.62, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=118, rank=123, date=164
I’m on Team Dana! Good job!
 ranking=7.669082144276096 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.14, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=32, rank=124, date=35
Your non sequitars were the best.
 ranking=7.606427044684654 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=171, rank=125, date=12
CNN will live to eat their #GoThere hashtag .
You were on fire Kellyanne 
 ranking=7.553204212454212 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=165, rank=126, date=36
It's easy to find Dana Bash personal stuff folks..
#daddyGirl …
 ranking=7.526707653659012 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=148, rank=127, date=94
Hey Kellyanne, Sounds like trouble in paradise for you and hubby! SAD!
 ranking=7.4667910280012 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=62, rank=128, date=146
She should be reminded of @JamesCarville and #marymatalin
 ranking=7.463921458950255 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.37, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=0.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=60, rank=129, date=172
Personally, I think you need "bashed" more often.
 ranking=7.398906116270241 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=75, rank=130, date=125
Name the names: whot is the too 5 owner of the dirty mafia so called Time Warner?
 ranking=7.2850154600301655 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=157, rank=131, date=72
CNN  slides deeper and deeper into the slime, day by day! They are SICKENING!
 ranking=7.171312070884478 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=136, rank=132, date=127
Puleeze......Go away. Great job Dana, staying professional while Conway became unglued.
 ranking=7.115491411543818 from {coleman=0.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.44, lix=0.05, time=0.28, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=113, rank=133, date=169
@DanaBashCNN has become irrelevant along with @cnn both are jokes
 ranking=7.1085879158256375 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, cos=0.45, smog=0.85, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, kincaid=0.41, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=145, rank=134, date=107
It’s unbelievable you make a villain out of @DanaBashCNN. There’s this from last week....
 ranking=7.043787437184844 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=102, rank=135, date=186
Oh gimme a break. I highly doubt yer capable of feelin’ embarrassment at this point.
 ranking=6.93275205256946 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.15, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.18, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=107, rank=136, date=178
You’re being a snowflake Kellyanne, AND, you open yourself up to this because you sold your soul to work for this man.
 ranking=6.791508974358973 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.44, lix=0.06, time=0.57, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.36, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=133, rank=137, date=140
Oooh, no one is supporting the #MafiaPrincess
 ranking=6.662585858787218 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=129, rank=138, date=152
Seriously though.. what's up with your dudes tweets?
 ranking=6.644992418655184 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=85, rank=139, date=92
I think “we” can all agree on one thing...that Kellyanne was the STAR of her high school debate team.
 ranking=6.532119444444445 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=151, rank=140, date=79
So sensitive. Poor baby. Boo hoo hoo.
 ranking=6.404791685430757 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, kincaid=0.02, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=142, rank=141, date=111
It was, a cheap shot from the left!
 ranking=6.365293132058424 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, cos=0.52, smog=0.30, ari=-0.11, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=144, rank=142, date=108
Taste of your own medicine. Karma!
 ranking=6.143380130565303 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=68, rank=143, date=136
Oh, poor little baby Kewee Ann.
 ranking=5.955515238458825 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=42, rank=144, date=82
Good work Kellyanne. Keep it up.!!
 ranking=5.90078076923077 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=166, rank=145, date=30
You’re the one who harassed Dana. Talked over her and ranted like a loon.
 ranking=5.89380064102564 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=96, rank=146, date=192
You literally said she would not have asked about spouse’s tweets if you were a man.
 ranking=5.84490230109491 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.41, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=126, rank=147, date=156
Read your replies, bitch. (Yeh, I went there...on a SUNDAY!)
 ranking=5.749875 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=134, rank=148, date=131
What is your job in the administration?
 ranking=5.656813216845825 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=95, rank=149, date=193
But doesn't your husband have a point?
 ranking=5.293672180559946 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=87, rank=150, date=53
#her husband isn’t a public figure
 ranking=5.237931538461538 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=150, rank=151, date=85
Wow! Defensive much?
 ranking=4.95553461774479 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.22, lix=0.05, time=1.44, numword=0, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.70}
 orders: orig=86, rank=152, date=56
At least he doesn't like for pay.
 ranking=4.850294230769231 from {coleman=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.18, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=160, rank=153, date=50
 ranking=4.796942254269091 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.24, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.36, ari=-0.00, lix=0.05, time=0.97, numword=0, fog=0.37, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=83, rank=154, date=101
You got what you deserved.
 ranking=4.704585772129522 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.74, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=12, rank=155, date=25
If you can’t take the heat...
 ranking=4.20612641025641 from {coleman=0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, kincaid=-0.09, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=139, rank=156, date=117
You put that b.... where she belongs
 ranking=4.120328754578755 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.30, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=115, rank=157, date=167
@KellyannePolls you looked like & are!! SUCH A FOOL!!!
 ranking=3.734585439560439 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=0, kincaid=-0.12, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=104, rank=158, date=181
Is it hard being you?
 ranking=3.1991856564478978 from {coleman=0.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=3.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=181, rank=159, date=2
Sending you support.
 ranking=2.6242935897435897 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.34, lix=0.99, time=0.52, numword=0, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=131, rank=160, date=145
Kellynne, you are obnoxious.
 ranking=2.465524290419929 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.38, lix=0.11, time=0.47, numword=0, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=55, rank=161, date=150
 ranking=2.316777694453223 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=57, rank=162, date=66
You are human garbage
 ranking=2.3102181442439385 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.30, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=45, rank=163, date=69
you have no soul
 ranking=2.2970586168705234 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=193, rank=164, date=5 …
 ranking=2.0418724343846137 from {pop=2.56, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=49, rank=165, date=52
Well done KellyAnne!!
 ranking=1.9902632981222512 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=0.21, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=93, rank=166, date=176
You reap what you sow.
 ranking=1.7698355302813928 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=3.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=13, rank=167, date=91
Snowflake says what?
 ranking=1.3962100010727654 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=1.62, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=89, rank=168, date=38
We support Kellyanne 100%.
 ranking=1.3451504124341 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.26, lix=0.11, time=0.80, numword=0, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=185, rank=169, date=118
WWG1WGA...much love to families!
 ranking=1.1943238395564482 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=0.35, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=120, rank=170, date=162
Seemed fair to me.
 ranking=0.7514591487152341 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=37, rank=171, date=120
Who owns CNN ?
 ranking=0.531782784228972 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=155, rank=172, date=59
 ranking=0.440124358974358 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=162, rank=173, date=44
Whatever you say.
 ranking=0.42765717288978106 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=0.26, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=130, rank=174, date=149
Your stand up comedy sucks.
 ranking=-0.18265461431184993 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=67, rank=175, date=137
Please be quiet.
 ranking=-0.2083541014913367 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=81, rank=176, date=113
Good job Kellyanne!  Good job.
 ranking=-0.33594397435897483 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.02, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=109, rank=177, date=174
Jersey Strong
 ranking=-0.9261762820512828 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=137, rank=178, date=126
Way to go Kellyanne!!
 ranking=-1.2188644230769234 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=135, rank=179, date=130
Tell her Kelly
 ranking=-1.3884243589743601 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=153, rank=180, date=75

 ranking=-1.4205128205128206 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=163, rank=181, date=42
Great job!
 ranking=-1.4630993589743595 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=128, rank=182, date=153
Sure do love Kellyanne...keep strong
 ranking=-1.5394028846153849 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=146, rank=183, date=97 …
 ranking=-1.682051282051282 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=117, rank=184, date=165 …
 ranking=-1.8051282051282052 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=108, rank=185, date=177
Great job
 ranking=-1.8220737179487185 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=100, rank=186, date=188

 ranking=-1.964102564102564 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=147, rank=187, date=95

 ranking=-2.98974358974359 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=94, rank=188, date=195
 ranking=-8.318747435897437 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.36, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=154, rank=189, date=63
Kellyanne on
 ranking=-10.824458333333332 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, fwwp=-10, time=0.27, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=112, rank=190, date=170
 ranking=-10.920756517611354 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.95, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.13, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=92, rank=191, date=183
 ranking=-11.3530066655939 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.95, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=82, rank=192, date=103
 ranking=-11.490628715803187 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.12, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=52, rank=193, date=184
 ranking=-11.492307692307692 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.51, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=161, rank=194, date=49
 ranking=-12.938461538461539 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.06, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=98, rank=195, date=190

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/17/18 05:08:50: God bless the soul of Barbara Pierce Bush, First Lady, First Mother, a matriarch and a patriot. Condolences to the Bush family.
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Worse 187 (list is complete) 36% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #48, ranking: #184, date: #140] From @dem2119 on 04/18/18 08:51:21
    [original: #25, ranking: #180, date: #132] From @stanlee150 on 04/18/18 03:35:38
  • Ok thanks
    [original: #26, ranking: #177, date: #75] From @phuckk_yuu on 04/17/18 05:43:37
    [original: #13, ranking: #176, date: #36] From @8_past_infinite on 04/17/18 05:20:20
  • RIP.
    [original: #35, ranking: #174, date: #95] From @litoborja on 04/17/18 06:20:44
  • … just wow
    [original: #56, ranking: #173, date: #157] From @catheighr on 04/19/18 06:05:10
    [original: #54, ranking: #167, date: #166] From @david_becken on 04/20/18 11:42:57
  • …
    [original: #40, ranking: #165, date: #179] From @great_sweetleaf on 04/22/18 09:28:16
  • She didn’t like POTUS.
    [original: #41, ranking: #164, date: #178] From @al4alvaro on 04/22/18 09:19:40
  • 93's #GoldenDawn
    [original: #58, ranking: #163, date: #149] From @country_kamel on 04/18/18 04:07:43
  • Prayers
    [original: #55, ranking: #151, date: #161] From @ccerini1 on 04/19/18 08:57:16
  • Is the best goverment
    [original: #59, ranking: #146, date: #130] From @newagenewmoney on 04/18/18 02:27:31
  • She didn’t like you.
    [original: #33, ranking: #145, date: #86] From @taylorjessicaj on 04/17/18 06:05:26
  • Classy
    [original: #30, ranking: #144, date: #45] From @ahsam_richard on 04/17/18 05:22:18
  • English please?!
    [original: #5, ranking: #141, date: #171] From @luwannica on 04/21/18 03:10:58
  • Can you please inform your boss
    [original: #43, ranking: #135, date: #158] From @glorydays1202 on 04/19/18 06:06:56
  • You have no #soul but then neither do any of us. #OneLife
    [original: #45, ranking: #129, date: #144] From @myopenmind101 on 04/18/18 10:47:23
  • A patriot, indeed--everything you are not.
    [original: #51, ranking: #126, date: #113] From @leoeb65 on 04/17/18 07:38:58
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
    [original: #175, ranking: #1, date: #48] From @jasonvailxx on 04/17/18 05:23:34
  • I beg to differ Kellyanne. #BarbaraBush wasn't a #Patriot ; but, a greed driven #globalist . An actress who deceived a #Nation . True venomous EVIL spewed from her, showing her true colors during and after #Election2016 . #MAGA #AmericansFirst #TrumpTrain #RedTsunami
    [original: #156, ranking: #11, date: #107] From @naniof_two on 04/17/18 07:09:43
  • Admirable. But your boss ran on destroying the Bush family. And... Mrs. Bush detested him.
    [original: #184, ranking: #15, date: #24] From @dsdhoo98 on 04/17/18 05:15:35
  • On a personal scale, Barbara was a 10. Vibrant, funny, honest, respected, smart.....You on the other hand are a minus 10. Hateful, mean spirited, rude, manipulative liar, and certainly not respected. There’s no way you live to 92 years old....
    [original: #125, ranking: #20, date: #61] From @maadbrewing on 04/17/18 05:32:18
  • RIP Barbara Bush You were a Beautiful , Godly Woman !!! who Really Cared about Others !!! Hope To See You In Heaven God Bless You and Yours
    [original: #145, ranking: #22, date: #134] From @squirrel1958 on 04/18/18 04:09:45
  • Barbara Bush was a matriarch of a criminal family who killed thousands and thousands of innocent people in the Middle East and other places. how dare anyone idolize these butchers. What are you hypnotized or something?
    [original: #159, ranking: #25, date: #99] From @marcustriton on 04/17/18 06:34:37
  • The Bush family is disgusted by the current administration. Barbara Bush represented what is right in the world. This administration, including you, represent the worst of this country.
    [original: #151, ranking: #27, date: #123] From @euphoricopinion on 04/17/18 09:56:24
  • Don’t forget that @realDonaldTrump referred to her as “Mommy” during a debate while trying to ridicule @JebBush
    [original: #185, ranking: #33, date: #14] From @davejshea on 04/17/18 05:12:39
  • Wonderful words from you.. She is, and always will be someone to admire, and respect... My opinion of you hasn't changed, but I do have more respect for you. Trump is still something else.
    [original: #142, ranking: #39, date: #145] From @joe49346 on 04/18/18 12:40:59
  • Condolences and prayers go out to the Bush family may she rest in peace!!!!!
    [original: #162, ranking: #40, date: #91] From @bennett5bonnie on 04/17/18 06:11:07
  • This is a good time to reflect on your legacy. What do you think people will remember about you? ALTERNATIVE FACTS. Not a nice way to be remembered.
    [original: #173, ranking: #46, date: #55] From @correaasmar on 04/17/18 05:28:15
  • Keeping the family in my prayers. She was so beautiful in her spirit as well as in her looks. Welcome home sweet Lady.
    [original: #129, ranking: #48, date: #21] From @susanforme on 04/17/18 05:14:20
  • An honest woman who unlike you lived a life of class and dignity. She would never sell her soul to an Orange Demon
    [original: #187, ranking: #53, date: #109] From @steveppp on 04/17/18 07:22:23
  • You should not say any thing ! She loathed your way of politics ! And that you had anything to do with putting that vile thing in office ! Go away !
    [original: #174, ranking: #56, date: #51] From @danielleenjoy on 04/17/18 05:26:19
  • Tell the head twit his first tweets are not for Barbara Bush. At least you were on point with this.
    [original: #146, ranking: #57, date: #131] From @mcbeinke on 04/18/18 03:15:38
  • The bush family has some grace and class. Too bad 45 has turned the Republican Party into the porn star loving shit show it is today. Congrats on keeping it all in the gutter kelleyann
    [original: #157, ranking: #59, date: #106] From @enly19561 on 04/17/18 07:08:30
  • Condoleances to Bush family! Barbara was a wonderful First Lady.
    [original: #141, ranking: #61, date: #154] From @gabistan77 on 04/18/18 09:03:08
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 986397234764963840, from: @alt_uscis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:13:21(HIGH,56,277,12) She loved you ALL just as much. here is what she thinks of your]
[tweet: 986397535802556416, from: @rnbwdvrs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:14:33(HIGH,0,41,0) You go Barbara]
[tweet: 986399541560840192, from: @luwannica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:22:31(HIGH,1,12,1) May you learn from her example!]
[tweet: 987775594334212096, from: @tiberiubodri (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 12:30:28(HIGH,0,0,3) You mean to not fight back like the. Bushes did when unfairly attacked ??? Not this lady !!! The media and the wacky libs have met their match !! KAG 2020!!]
[tweet: 987815986840702976, from: @luwannica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 03:10:58(HIGH,0,4,2) English please?!]
[tweet: 988045422848544769, from: @shelleysake (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 06:22:40(HIGH,0,4,0) Wow.  Russia must use the word lady very loosely.]
[tweet: 986567322105253890, from: @my8lin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:29:13(HIGH,1,14,1) God she hated Trump.  Smart lady!]
[tweet: 987771438886158336, from: @tiberiubodri (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 12:13:57(HIGH,0,1,0) I bet you hater the Bushes when they were president!! It didn’t make you right then either !!! KAG 2020]
[tweet: 986396451449266178, from: @alecqnelson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:10:15(HIGH,4,166,14) Very nice of you, but you probably disgusted her incredibly.]
[tweet: 986431330740326400, from: @larsgray (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:28:50(HIGH,1,11,1) I agree. Barbara Bush was a patriot and everything that Donald Trump is not.]
[tweet: 986396501004910593, from: @corcattdelaware (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:10:26(HIGH,0,54,5) You should aspire to such grace and integrity.]
[tweet: 986399358722682881, from: @luwannica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:21:48(HIGH,1,7,0) Let her legacy of class persuade you to grow up!]
[tweet: 986398991993704448, from: @8_past_infinite (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:20:20(HIGH,0,21,0)]
[tweet: 986428706066317312, from: @feistykraut (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:18:25(HIGH,1,8,2) I’m pretty sure that you’re not in a position to ask God for anything, Kellyanne.]
[tweet: 986400725885509632, from: @megan_jean90 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:27:14(HIGH,0,58,2) She possessed qualities (honesty, integrity, respect) you will never be capable of.]
[tweet: 987766830935703552, from: @tiberiubodri (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 11:55:38(HIGH,0,1,1) Kellyanne is a strong woman that we need representing a great president!!!]
[tweet: 986696060541124609, from: @k_blindside (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 01:00:47(HIGH,1,15,1) Fantastic lady who thought your boss was the biggest disgrace to the oval office in American history. She was wonderful.]
[tweet: 986411462057918464, from: @nancyjo414 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:09:53(HIGH,1,14,2) You probably should have told your boss not to be so cruel and mean to her son.]
[tweet: 986407783300919296, from: @thetruthwillout (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:55:16(HIGH,1,27,3) You should try and be like her....HONEST!]
[tweet: 986581649990316033, from: @commonzenze1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 05:26:09(HIGH,1,10,0) Trust me Barbara hears nothing from fake alternative facts POS, wizard of OZ wicked witch of the Fake WH ! Go Mueller Tic Toc Fake Administration #fakeAdm]
[tweet: 986413401550262273, from: @cynthiaparrao (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:17:36(HIGH,0,8,0) A grand First Lady. God has her in his embrace.]
[tweet: 986397860232138752, from: @teresacowper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:15:50(HIGH,0,8,0) RIP Barbara, you will be missed.]
[tweet: 986599453166587904, from: @dewy7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 06:36:54(HIGH,2,14,3) You insult the entire family and have the nerve to send condolences. When have you ever said anything nice about the Bush family?!?]
[tweet: 986397268197740549, from: @emerald81337726 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:13:29(HIGH,0,12,1) My favorite first lady. I wish all mothers could be like her. A wonderful lady who had her priorities straight. A sad loss indeed.]
[tweet: 986553837430411264, from: @stanlee150 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 03:35:38(HIGH,0,5,0)]
[tweet: 986404848391413761, from: @phuckk_yuu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:43:37(HIGH,1,9,2) Ok thanks]
[tweet: 987835263052341254, from: @njtraindelays (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 04:27:34(HIGH,0,3,0) Hey Kell, have you received your subpoena yet?]
[tweet: 986950274240663553, from: @trendy2chic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 05:50:56(HIGH,0,4,0) Including Jeb. The son the campaign mocked mercilessly.  If so...that would need to include an apology.]
[tweet: 986825488055218176, from: @leopold_99 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 09:35:05(HIGH,0,4,0) Is that the same Barbara Bush that despises Trump?]
[tweet: 986399486267158528, from: @ahsam_richard (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:22:18(HIGH,0,3,0) Classy]
[tweet: 986399269673492480, from: @uptownterri (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:21:26(HIGH,0,3,0) Did you even know her??? She did not like Trump!!]
[tweet: 986396370591473664, from: @volantelateral (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:55(HIGH,0,4,0) I send my condolences to former presidents Bush and the rest of her family for this difficult moment.]
[tweet: 986410338752049152, from: @taylorjessicaj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:05:26(HIGH,0,5,3) She didn’t like you.]
[tweet: 986417370590863360, from: @nurseb77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:33:22(HIGH,1,33,2) She was a great lady something you have no idea how to be.]
[tweet: 986414190498689024, from: @litoborja (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:20:44(HIGH,0,2,0) RIP.]
[tweet: 986399453228679168, from: @ramilyaldaei (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:22:10(HIGH,0,2,0) Amen! “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”]
[tweet: 986397530572308480, from: @robcardenaz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:14:32(HIGH,0,2,0) It's Barbara Crowley Bush. Thank you.]
[tweet: 986435064819941376, from: @tonitaylor4747 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:43:41(HIGH,0,2,1) RIP dear Mrs. Bush. Condolences to the family]
[tweet: 988092267943677952, from: @bren2128 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:28:49(HIGH,0,1,0) Barbara Bush said she couldn't understand why any woman would support Trump.  I agree with her. She was a wise and wonderful woman.]
[tweet: 988092129061883904, from: @great_sweetleaf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:28:16(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 988089967673991168, from: @al4alvaro (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:19:40(HIGH,0,1,0) She didn’t like POTUS.]
[tweet: 987798199741149185, from: @thejtlewis (VERIFIED) on 04/21/18 02:00:17(HIGH,1,1,0) My brother died in the #Newtown shooting. Now I’m advocating for armed guards in schools, an idea supported by President Trump! Would like to talk with you, Mrs. @KellyannePolls]
[tweet: 986954298473902080, from: @glorydays1202 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 06:06:56(HIGH,0,1,0) Can you please inform your boss]
[tweet: 986724776290017280, from: @mtucker_a2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 02:54:53(HIGH,1,1,0) America would be better off today had SHE held those 12 years in the Oval Office...]
[tweet: 986662488874930176, from: @myopenmind101 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 10:47:23(HIGH,0,0,0) You have no #soul but then neither do any of us.   #OneLife]
[tweet: 986653162928005121, from: @thekaren4theusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 10:10:19(HIGH,1,2,0) Trump’s acknowledgment that the investigation into his campaign motivated his decision 2  Comey seemed to amount to an obstruction of justice.  Speaking 2 journalist Lester Holt remains the most recent one he’s done w/non-Fox News TV journalist]
[tweet: 986635543864922113, from: @billytwy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 09:00:19(HIGH,1,2,0) Here is what you and your bosses best buddy had to say …]
[tweet: 986633287656509440, from: @dem2119 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 08:51:21(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 986612883529187328, from: @lambygogo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 07:30:16(HIGH,1,2,0) Old news @KellyannePolls She died last year, @WhiteHouse statement said so. Yawn]
[tweet: 986434663060144130, from: @globalgardens (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:42:05(HIGH,1,2,0) Least ye all forget #BarbaraBush was a proponent for #PlannedParenthood #truth]
[tweet: 986433880541618176, from: @leoeb65 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:38:58(HIGH,1,2,0) A patriot, indeed--everything you are not.]
[tweet: 986398019842117632, from: @mcgatorb8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:16:28(HIGH,1,3,0) Only time I've agreed with you.]
[tweet: 988106865191145472, from: @drrev_mustafa1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:26:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Donald J Trump & Kellyanne Conway get to rant & rave about McCabes wife accepting donation from Clinton Campaign but Kellyanne upset being asked about husbands negative tweets towards Donald?]
[tweet: 987582443183116288, from: @david_becken (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 11:42:57(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 987178358202032130, from: @ccerini1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 08:57:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers]
[tweet: 986953853445771264, from: @catheighr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 06:05:10(HIGH,0,0,0) … just wow]
[tweet: 986750136121544704, from: @ampapornm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:35:40(HIGH,0,0,0) My sorrow and sympathy will be with the Bush's families.  Really the great loss mom of the Nation.]
[tweet: 986743102340726784, from: @country_kamel (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:07:43(HIGH,0,0,0) 93's #GoldenDawn]
[tweet: 986536693036658688, from: @newagenewmoney (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 02:27:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Is the best goverment]
[tweet: 986477008770207744, from: @shnuggystewart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:30:21(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers out to the family and friends of First Lady, Barbara Bush. Rest peacefully. @ShnuggyStewart]
[tweet: 986448353604112389, from: @maesharman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:36:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Will miss her wise opinions, loving way, and the nicest First Lady, . First Lady Melanie is following in her foot steps with grace and and wisdom and pride as well. Wish they met]
[tweet: 986444725543690240, from: @donlessem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:22:04(HIGH,0,0,0) I'm quite certain you were the person they were waiting to hear from. As am I.]
[tweet: 986441637936197632, from: @jasoncelik1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:09:48(HIGH,0,0,0) I got the pundette blues. Lol]
[tweet: 986430446023135232, from: @galwiz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:25:19(HIGH,0,0,0) “The LORD knows those that are his” 2 Timothy 2:19]
[tweet: 986425453924769795, from: @catomoonfish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:05:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Thoughts and prayers obviously, but I would be remiss without mentioning how great a porn name 'Pierce Bush' would be]
[tweet: 986424828629585920, from: @protect_ai (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:03:00(HIGH,0,0,0) There is no #god]
[tweet: 986421959876464641, from: @boongonewild (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:51:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Quiet you]
[tweet: 986416868566151168, from: @deborahstoner10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:31:22(HIGH,0,0,0) Our prayers and condolences to the Bush Family, a grand great Lady is gone.]
[tweet: 986407035754500097, from: @galsina_latimer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:52:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 986406858826047489, from: @bus2krittle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:51:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 986405589222920192, from: @kapitannemopl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:46:33(HIGH,0,0,0) My deep condolences to the Bush family because of death Ms Barbara Bush. May she get into the Heaven]
[tweet: 986404336266874881, from: @krismothersele (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:41:34(HIGH,0,0,0) @jaketapper yeah. Cold. Figures.]
[tweet: 986403045813596160, from: @sofiade (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:36:27(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN...real news.]
[tweet: 986401556357636098, from: @lisapoo57062561 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:30:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Barbara Bush on Trump “I don’t know how women could vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly”. She was a tough lady RIP.]
[tweet: 986400634613194753, from: @hectcita (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:26:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Hypocrite]
[tweet: 986400303867146240, from: @buddycoleman568 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:25:33(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers lifted for the Bush Family]
[tweet: 986399301940142080, from: @js_mohar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:21:34(HIGH,0,0,0) She I hope is a roll model to you Kelly Anne. You have big shoes to fill. You Nikki Haley, Sara Pallen and few others need to keep women going forward. We need you all]
[tweet: 986398912801071104, from: @b269u (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:20:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Good people]
[tweet: 986398741073747968, from: @jamesrjrdrake (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:19:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen Ms. Conway, well said]
[tweet: 986397093085564928, from: @mikephillips___ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:12:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh dear. Bush: "Our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone."]
[tweet: 986397017982291975, from: @latifechehin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:12:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Our heart it’s with the Bush Family]
[tweet: 986396386617851904, from: @carizapata1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:59(HIGH,0,0,2) Christian,  faithful and a roll model.]
[tweet: 986396213137301504, from: @lakecntryliving (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:18(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 986399510145400832, from: @planet_belfast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:22:24(HIGH,3,32,2) A very wise woman]
[tweet: 986402971260018689, from: @planet_belfast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:36:09(HIGH,4,17,2) Very very wise   #BarbaraBush on]
[tweet: 986404086047297536, from: @planet_belfast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:40:35(HIGH,9,23,2) Incredibly wise woman   #BarbaraBush on]
[tweet: 986396195957256193, from: @mskristinawong (VERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:14(HIGH,1,66,6) It’s too bad you all must disgrace her memory with your very presence.]
[tweet: 986420725002235904, from: @fakepotuslies (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:46:42(HIGH,1,13,1) She would have slapped you silly you Morales douche]
[tweet: 986398989904904192, from: @ruthshare (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:20:20(HIGH,0,14,1) Classic Barbara Bush… I just saw a reporter ask her question during 2016… What do you think of Donald Trump? Her answer was “I don’t, I wish he would just go away“ RIP]
[tweet: 986398386940096513, from: @lifeandstuff247 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:17:56(HIGH,0,60,1) She hated your administration]
[tweet: 986396271723319296, from: @0h0ur (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:32(HIGH,1,30,1)]
[tweet: 986404767055282176, from: @fashionfan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:43:17(HIGH,1,16,2) Don’t you wish you had Barbara Bush’s ethics?]
[tweet: 986397379585753089, from: @toddwstone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:13:56(HIGH,1,21,1) Don't sully her memory by speaking her name. You and your kind stand against every that #BarbaraBush stood for.]
[tweet: 986399132150632448, from: @acehanna54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:20:54(HIGH,0,15,1) Everything you're against.]
[tweet: 986398218790539265, from: @trumpdumpcare (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:17:16(HIGH,1,12,3) .@KellyannePolls You do know #BarbaraBush did not like #DonaldTrump right? #trumpdumpcare #Resistance #Emma4Change]
[tweet: 986554498507255808, from: @friest_len (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 03:38:16(HIGH,1,6,1) You lie so much even God wouldn't want anything to do with you]
[tweet: 986419463074537472, from: @sal09041961 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:41:41(HIGH,1,6,1) She had Class. Unlike you and your Boss.]
[tweet: 986408987506692096, from: @langdawn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:00:03(HIGH,0,6,1) You represent the opposite of what BPB represented.  She was intelligent and knew how to use her influence in a timely and intelligent manner in order to influence change.  Your blah, blah, blah flauntism would’ve been reprehensible to her,any woman with class and intelligence.]
[tweet: 986404814828564480, from: @gwenvaccarino (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:43:29(HIGH,0,5,1) God Bless her and her family in this difficult time.]
[tweet: 986400565637902336, from: @dannyroshco (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:26:35(HIGH,1,5,1) She despised you. Like everyone else.]
[tweet: 986396619712147456, from: @tigmonsta (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:10:55(HIGH,0,2,1) She was a class act, Kellyanne. That's something you have in common]
[tweet: 986479822351355905, from: @cherylbeach20 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:41:32(HIGH,0,4,2) You don't have enough class to even speak her name !!!!! MRS. BUSH WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE THE VERY BEST OF THE BEST FIRST LADY'S.....She and  MRS OBAMA........]
[tweet: 986412457433489410, from: @psneeboer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:13:51(HIGH,0,3,1) You keep confusing us Europeans, I thought you were against the Bush family, I know his Royal madness is and you defend all he says]
[tweet: 986405951505747968, from: @pussycat_43 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:48:00(HIGH,0,4,0)]
[tweet: 986725066229583874, from: @mad__monk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 02:56:02(HIGH,0,4,1) The last Honorable Republican]
[tweet: 986408542159691776, from: @mcobbtx (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:58:17(HIGH,0,2,1) Just stop.]
[tweet: 987887606565400576, from: @sheilakremer1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 07:55:34(HIGH,1,2,1) …]
[tweet: 987546883399839744, from: @noirgirl2001 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 09:21:39(HIGH,0,0,1) How disingenuous. Heartbreaking.]
[tweet: 987551287075069952, from: @daswishdude (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 09:39:09(HIGH,0,1,0) Why and how is it disingenuous? It's a lot better than some recently have said....*cough Randa Jarrar cough*]
[tweet: 987369154465366018, from: @thisrusherthing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 09:35:25(HIGH,1,1,1) WTF were you doing??]
[tweet: 987005198852870144, from: @snarkymay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 09:29:11(HIGH,0,1,1) Yes and a great lady who stated she couldn’t understand why any woman would  vote for Trump. Rest In Peace Mrs. Bush.]
[tweet: 986774273456001024, from: @pattigillen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 06:11:34(HIGH,0,1,1) You have finally said something that not only makes sense, but I can actually agree with it!  I'm just surprised that you can recognize that she was a great lady.  I'm not convinced you've ever met one before.]
[tweet: 986773298309746688, from: @mandy96454121 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 06:07:42(HIGH,1,1,1) Pray to your God to save your soul.  Dancing with the devil you are.  It will catch up with you dear.]
[tweet: 986404666660438016, from: @rsanderlin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:42:53(HIGH,0,1,2) You’re a key part of administration that is dismantling everything she believed in.]
[tweet: 988058419922898945, from: @sonjahanneman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 07:14:19(HIGH,0,0,1) Rest assured that Mrs. Bush would never work for DT. She was disgusted by him.]
[tweet: 986452738014883840, from: @amybooe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:53:54(HIGH,0,0,1) Grow up]
[tweet: 986411501463334912, from: @bone_spurs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:10:03(HIGH,0,0,1) She was surely repulsed by you.]
[tweet: 986746129063825413, from: @alecqnelson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:19:44(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986398514702901248, from: @tar_heel_tony (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:18:26(HIGH,0,7,0) You have no soul.]
[tweet: 986397114686029824, from: @patrici27031339 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:12:53(HIGH,0,5,0) A lovely kind woman and a great FLOTUS. We will miss her . Condolences to her family]
[tweet: 986402145711853568, from: @jane56too (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:32:52(HIGH,0,2,0) “How could any woman vote for Trump?”  Barbara Bush 2016]
[tweet: 986411538239164416, from: @billyjoeperkins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:10:12(HIGH,0,1,0) A sorrowful day for our nation. Mrs Bush was a classy lady and a wonderful first lady. She always struck me as being composed, in control of herself, and a steady force for good. She also gave me the impression that she was the strength of the Bush household and presidency.]
[tweet: 986409428923699200, from: @marchand_wade (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:01:49(HIGH,0,1,0) So sad she was a Great Lady]
[tweet: 986402470330068992, from: @hyang1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:34:10(HIGH,0,1,0) She was a very classy FLOUS ; mother of our POTUS; We the people appreciate and will be missing her. May she RIP.]
[tweet: 986402001125761026, from: @maadbrewing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:32:18(HIGH,0,1,0) On a personal scale, Barbara was a 10. Vibrant, funny, honest, respected, smart.....You on the other hand are a minus 10. Hateful, mean spirited, rude, manipulative liar, and certainly not respected. There’s no way you live to 92 years old....]
[tweet: 986401513244278785, from: @deejdelo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:30:21(HIGH,0,1,0) And she couldn’t stand Trump.  Yup, she was pure class.]
[tweet: 986400390731239429, from: @_strongisland (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:25:54(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 986398140344365056, from: @lakneev (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:16:57(HIGH,0,1,0) Really?  Nice try at being human.]
[tweet: 986397482279161856, from: @susanforme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:14:20(HIGH,0,1,0) Keeping the family in my prayers. She was so beautiful in her spirit as well as in her looks. Welcome home sweet Lady.]
[tweet: 986396453739417601, from: @beeniecopter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:10:15(HIGH,0,1,0) She'd spit in your]
[tweet: 988148845308768256, from: @dzwerling (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:13:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Shame that @realDonaldTrump had to go golfing instead of attend the funeral.  @FLOTUS actually looked very, very relaxed and]
[tweet: 988143761111764992, from: @dsmnla (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:53:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m sure they feel SO much better after you tweeted that. Lmao.]
[tweet: 988112525970542592, from: @banjo2u (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:49:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Rumor has it things are not going well at home. Our condolences to you and your husband for you having lost your integrity and as you come to terms with the example you display to your children.]
[tweet: 988105004572700672, from: @h82f8k (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:19:25(HIGH,0,0,0) You forgot- a woman who detested your boss.]
[tweet: 988098784239513600, from: @fourcarts (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:54:42(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 988092702125363200, from: @matchesmr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:30:32(HIGH,0,0,0) saw you melt down on CNN this morning.  Didn’t think it was possible for you to be LESS credible but then you turn up on tv in a bad wig and show us just what a fraud you are ...]
[tweet: 988085046216200192, from: @oz62 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:00:07(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 988084851612909568, from: @cpateltweet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 08:59:21(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 987517748535287810, from: @pirkka2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 07:25:53(HIGH,0,0,0) You don't really mean that!]
[tweet: 987036296127434752, from: @fpu44 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 11:32:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Stormy]
[tweet: 986817446773477377, from: @gabistan77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 09:03:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Condoleances to Bush family! Barbara was a wonderful First Lady.]
[tweet: 986691076177170433, from: @joe49346 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 12:40:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Wonderful words from you.. She is, and always will be someone to admire, and respect... My opinion of you hasn't changed, but I do have more respect for you. Trump is still something else.]
[tweet: 986659516702961676, from: @sarashara7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 10:35:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Pop quiz - what year did Mrs. Bush pass?   2018 2017 2016  Someone in your office couldn’t get that right???]
[tweet: 986593725894848514, from: @cebdcb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 06:14:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Please make a correction to “alternative” year - 2017.]
[tweet: 986562420314427392, from: @squirrel1958 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:09:45(HIGH,0,0,0) RIP  Barbara Bush   You were a Beautiful , Godly Woman  !!!  who Really Cared about Others !!!   Hope To See You In Heaven  God Bless You and Yours]
[tweet: 986548801015107585, from: @mcbeinke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 03:15:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Tell the head twit his first tweets are not for Barbara Bush. At least you were on point with this.]
[tweet: 986532370722578432, from: @cebigg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 02:10:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Blessings]
[tweet: 986492235658260481, from: @moegillespie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:30:51(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 986489872780333056, from: @moegillespie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:21:28(HIGH,0,0,0) … #BarbaraBush @realDonaldTrump]
[tweet: 986476257771601920, from: @mesamark09 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:27:22(HIGH,0,0,0) The only one in that family worth a spit.]
[tweet: 986468467028082688, from: @euphoricopinion (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:56:24(HIGH,0,0,0) The Bush family is disgusted by the current administration.  Barbara Bush represented what is right in the world.  This administration, including you, represent the worst of this country.]
[tweet: 986467492901150720, from: @kingborrego (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:52:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Well someone is high tonight]
[tweet: 986452747510665217, from: @hog8ter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:53:57(HIGH,0,0,0) She even recognized how horrible @realDonaldTrump is for the GOP and even worse for America! She was very wise! …]
[tweet: 986439253604294656, from: @rn4l_1977 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:00:19(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986433372363739136, from: @darn_catfish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:36:57(HIGH,0,0,0) Well said.]
[tweet: 986426516916453376, from: @naniof_two (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:09:43(HIGH,0,0,0) I beg to differ Kellyanne. #BarbaraBush wasn't a #Patriot ; but, a greed driven #globalist . An actress who deceived a #Nation . True venomous EVIL spewed from her, showing her true colors during and after #Election2016 .   #MAGA  #AmericansFirst #TrumpTrain  #RedTsunami]
[tweet: 986426212531736576, from: @enly19561 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:08:30(HIGH,0,0,0) The bush family has some grace and class. Too bad 45 has turned the Republican Party into the porn star loving shit show it is today. Congrats on keeping it all in the gutter kelleyann]
[tweet: 986425249527926785, from: @freerangechik (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:04:41(HIGH,0,0,0) She didn’t like Dotard so she’s even more fantastic in my book.]
[tweet: 986417682869350401, from: @marcustriton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:34:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Barbara Bush was a matriarch of a criminal family who killed thousands and thousands of innocent people in the Middle East and other places. how dare anyone idolize these butchers. What are you hypnotized or something?]
[tweet: 986417611670982656, from: @hperk209 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:34:20(HIGH,0,0,0) She thought your president was garbage. Smart lady.]
[tweet: 986413137229475840, from: @watchingstuffnc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:16:33(HIGH,0,0,0) Would you please fix the official statement from the White House, about Mrs. Bush’s passing. It is dated 2017. Very unprofessional and an embarrassment.]
[tweet: 986411772641972224, from: @bennett5bonnie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:11:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Condolences and prayers go out to the Bush family may she rest in peace!!!!!]
[tweet: 986411242397904896, from: @rickvegas67 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:09:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Well we definitely know she’s in a better place and a different place than you will go after you pass]
[tweet: 986409292285685761, from: @seanewells (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:01:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Say what you want about the Bush boys, but that was a good mamma.]
[tweet: 986405692725776384, from: @melio521 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:46:58(HIGH,0,0,0) By far, the nicest thing you've ever said. Thank you for being a human being, if only for a fleeting moment]
[tweet: 986404643025637376, from: @lisaratley (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:42:48(HIGH,0,0,0) She was smart and she voted for HRC.]
[tweet: 986402992382328832, from: @bonitateuben (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:36:14(HIGH,0,0,0) She respected All ppl unlike this current White White house]
[tweet: 986402403300921345, from: @lew_karp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:33:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Your boss never called them patriots. He held them in contempt. Of course he doesn’t have a clue what a patriot is.]
[tweet: 986402140368392198, from: @thelon30 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:32:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Add the word class. Study her life and seek to come close to emulating her. It would do you well.]
[tweet: 986401895085260800, from: @richardg150 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:31:52(HIGH,0,0,0) It would be so wonderful if you weren't here...]
[tweet: 986401635059556353, from: @jennywisearcade (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:30:50(HIGH,0,0,0) She hated your boss]
[tweet: 986401548065320960, from: @amelie811 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:30:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Get her name out of your mouth.]
[tweet: 986400981679333377, from: @correaasmar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:28:15(HIGH,0,0,0) This is a good time to reflect on your legacy. What do you think people will remember about you?   ALTERNATIVE FACTS. Not a nice way to be remembered.]
[tweet: 986400498180902912, from: @danielleenjoy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:26:19(HIGH,0,0,0) You should not say any thing ! She loathed your way of politics ! And that you had anything to do with putting that vile thing in office ! Go away !]
[tweet: 986399804157779968, from: @jasonvailxx (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:23:34(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986399308856549376, from: @tkassen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:21:36(HIGH,0,0,0) She was a patriot, wasn’t she? That must be why she hated Trump and spoke out against him. @POTUS]
[tweet: 986398385073778689, from: @unnamed_client (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:17:56(HIGH,0,0,0) You #corrupt Trump people aren't worthy to kiss her feet.]
[tweet: 986398100750204928, from: @damien_shark (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:16:48(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986397840908996616, from: @daisydarth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:15:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Not gonna happen Kellyanne. But you are a very good person to pray for that. God Bless]
[tweet: 986396734694809601, from: @macheter0 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:11:22(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 986396524451004416, from: @wonderwinged (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:10:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Dignified lady ! Maternal warm and gentle ! God rest her !]
[tweet: 986396372508332032, from: @jjs24jjs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:09:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Even low energy Jeb?]
[tweet: 986397287365664768, from: @summer1119_g (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:13:34(HIGH,1,13,1) Take a lesson.]
[tweet: 986397795602042880, from: @dsdhoo98 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:15:35(HIGH,0,2,1) Admirable. But your boss ran on destroying the Bush family. And... Mrs. Bush detested him.]
[tweet: 986397056184078338, from: @davejshea (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:12:39(HIGH,3,18,2) Don’t forget that @realDonaldTrump referred to her as “Mommy” during a debate while trying to ridicule @JebBush]
[tweet: 986399197631987712, from: @suecarr54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:21:09(HIGH,0,6,1) Liars like you have no right to even say her name!]
[tweet: 986429707565588480, from: @steveppp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:22:23(HIGH,0,3,1) An honest woman who unlike you lived a life of class and dignity.  She would never sell her soul to an Orange Demon]



 ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, ari=0, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.50, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0}
 orders: orig=175, rank=1, date=48
You represent the opposite of what BPB represented.  She was intelligent and knew how to use her influence in a timely and intelligent manner in order to influence change.  Your blah, blah, blah flauntism would’ve been reprehensible to her,any woman with class and intelligence.
 ranking=16.871419916936098 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=1.14, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.43, pop=2.83, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.41, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.12, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=98, rank=2, date=83
A sorrowful day for our nation. Mrs Bush was a classy lady and a wonderful first lady. She always struck me as being composed, in control of herself, and a steady force for good. She also gave me the impression that she was the strength of the Bush household and presidency.
 ranking=16.73837121366189 from {coleman=0.47, cos=1.39, smog=0.91, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.23, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=122, rank=3, date=90
My favorite first lady. I wish all mothers could be like her. A wonderful lady who had her priorities straight. A sad loss indeed.
 ranking=15.815519168274763 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.95, smog=0.77, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.10, pop=3.37, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=24, rank=4, date=18
.@KellyannePolls You do know #BarbaraBush did not like #DonaldTrump right? #trumpdumpcare #Resistance #Emma4Change
 ranking=15.701492932919322 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.76, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.74, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=95, rank=5, date=30
She possessed qualities (honesty, integrity, respect) you will never be capable of.
 ranking=15.335971156406867 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.49, pop=4.84, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, ari=0.54, lix=0.99, time=1.43, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=15, rank=6, date=54
Don't sully her memory by speaking her name. You and your kind stand against every that #BarbaraBush stood for.
 ranking=15.274142528357796 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.87, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.91, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=93, rank=7, date=20
I send my condolences to former presidents Bush and the rest of her family for this difficult moment.
 ranking=15.039931525542686 from {coleman=0.57, cos=1.22, smog=1.25, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.49, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.46, lix=0.05, time=1.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.35, fog=0.69}
 orders: orig=32, rank=8, date=4
A lovely kind woman and a great FLOTUS. We will miss her . Condolences to her family 
 ranking=14.671525944380637 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.65, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.17, pop=2.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=1.00, fuzzy=3.20, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=120, rank=9, date=16
Very nice of you, but you probably disgusted her incredibly.
 ranking=14.638952408335827 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.24, pop=6.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.33, lix=0.06, time=1.94, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=9, rank=10, date=7
I beg to differ Kellyanne. #BarbaraBush wasn't a #Patriot ; but, a greed driven #globalist . An actress who deceived a #Nation . True venomous EVIL spewed from her, showing her true colors during and after #Election2016 . 

 ranking=14.616292488884513 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.33, cos=1.01, smog=0.79, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=0.87, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.30, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=156, rank=11, date=107
You insult the entire family and have the nerve to send condolences. When have you ever said anything nice about the Bush family?!?
 ranking=14.462244565943074 from {coleman=0.55, cos=1.27, smog=0.85, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.32, pop=3.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=23, rank=12, date=138
You keep confusing us Europeans, I thought you were against the Bush family, I know his Royal madness is and you defend all he says
 ranking=14.343215410086307 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.87, smog=1.07, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.49, pop=2.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.54, lix=0.08, time=1.03, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=103, rank=13, date=92
Incredibly wise woman 

#BarbaraBush on
 ranking=14.250051745260404 from {coleman=0.78, cos=1.12, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.32, pop=4.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.33, lix=0.06, time=1.27, numword=0, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=86, rank=14, date=69
Admirable. But your boss ran on destroying the Bush family. And... Mrs. Bush detested him.
 ranking=14.215072979008118 from {coleman=0.56, cos=1.38, smog=0.57, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.08, pop=2.20, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=184, rank=15, date=24
My deep condolences to the Bush family because of death Ms Barbara Bush. May she get into the Heaven
 ranking=14.071355317730289 from {coleman=0.47, cos=1.78, smog=0.69, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.21, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=1.00, fuzzy=4.60, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=71, rank=16, date=76
Fantastic lady who thought your boss was the biggest disgrace to the oval office in American history. She was wonderful.
 ranking=13.90252519948532 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.28, smog=0.97, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.36, pop=3.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.34, lix=0.08, time=0.45, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=17, rank=17, date=146
Classic Barbara Bush… I just saw a reporter ask her question during 2016… What do you think of Donald Trump? Her answer was “I don’t, I wish he would just go away“ RIP
 ranking=13.8106567943704 from {pop=3.50, coleman=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.62, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.27, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=89, rank=18, date=37
Trump’s acknowledgment that the investigation into his campaign motivated his decision 2  Comey seemed to amount to an obstruction of justice.  Speaking 2 journalist Lester Holt remains the most recent one he’s done w/non-Fox News TV journalist
 ranking=13.757510305865177 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=1.32, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.56, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.63, lix=0.09, time=0.49, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.75}
 orders: orig=46, rank=19, date=142
On a personal scale, Barbara was a 10. Vibrant, funny, honest, respected, smart.....You on the other hand are a minus 10. Hateful, mean spirited, rude, manipulative liar, and certainly not respected. There’s no way you live to 92 years old....
 ranking=13.575466223512443 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.51, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0.17, smog=0.77, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.26, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=125, rank=20, date=61
God Bless her and her family in this difficult time.  
 ranking=13.336133118007957 from {coleman=0.45, cos=1.23, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=99, rank=21, date=74
RIP  Barbara Bush   You were a Beautiful , Godly Woman  !!!  who Really Cared about Others !!!   Hope To See You In Heaven  God Bless You and Yours 
 ranking=13.117008551938643 from {coleman=0.45, cos=1.23, smog=0.62, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.14, jrw=0.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=145, rank=22, date=134
It’s too bad you all must disgrace her memory with your very presence.
 ranking=13.053216307233914 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.19, pop=5.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=87, rank=23, date=1
Trust me Barbara hears nothing from fake alternative facts POS, wizard of OZ wicked witch of the Fake WH ! Go Mueller Tic Toc Fake Administration #fakeAdm
 ranking=13.013047178905342 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.16, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.31, pop=3.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=20, rank=24, date=136
Barbara Bush was a matriarch of a criminal family who killed thousands and thousands of innocent people in the Middle East and other places. how dare anyone idolize these butchers. What are you hypnotized or something?
 ranking=12.8101577435153 from {coleman=0.68, cos=1.00, smog=1.17, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.41, ari=0.56, lix=0.08, time=0.95, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.64}
 orders: orig=159, rank=25, date=99
Will miss her wise opinions, loving way, and the nicest First Lady, . First Lady Melanie is following in her foot steps with grace and and wisdom and pride as well. Wish they met
 ranking=12.78468902929104 from {coleman=0.46, cos=1.12, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.17, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=61, rank=26, date=119
The Bush family is disgusted by the current administration.  Barbara Bush represented what is right in the world.  This administration, including you, represent the worst of this country.
 ranking=12.710176246460694 from {coleman=0.82, cos=1.26, smog=1.01, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.37, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.42, ari=0.45, lix=0.07, time=0.70, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=151, rank=27, date=123
I agree. Barbara Bush was a patriot and everything that Donald Trump is not.
 ranking=12.646151079286195 from {coleman=0.49, cos=1.39, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.20, pop=3.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=10, rank=28, date=111
You have finally said something that not only makes sense, but I can actually agree with it!  I'm just surprised that you can recognize that she was a great lady.  I'm not convinced you've ever met one before.
 ranking=12.594548655984857 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.24, smog=0.75, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=112, rank=29, date=153
RIP dear Mrs. Bush. Condolences to the family
 ranking=12.492021373589278 from {coleman=0.54, cos=1.50, smog=0.69, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=38, rank=30, date=115
Least ye all forget #BarbaraBush was a proponent for #PlannedParenthood #truth
 ranking=12.442163604046424 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.92, smog=1.07, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.43, lix=0.07, time=0.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=50, rank=31, date=114
She loved you ALL just as much.
here is what she thinks of your
 ranking=12.417471031607189 from {pop=6.66, coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.08, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=1, rank=32, date=17
Don’t forget that @realDonaldTrump referred to her as “Mommy” during a debate while trying to ridicule @JebBush
 ranking=12.293900452439699 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.34, pop=4.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=185, rank=33, date=14
You’re a key part of administration that is dismantling everything she believed in.
 ranking=12.185002492401793 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.54, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.60, ari=0.48, lix=0.08, time=1.24, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.74}
 orders: orig=114, rank=34, date=72
You should aspire to such grace and integrity.
 ranking=12.182341438400716 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=4.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=11, rank=35, date=9
Yes and a great lady who stated she couldn’t understand why any woman would  vote for Trump. Rest In Peace Mrs. Bush.
 ranking=12.078929992389236 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.79, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.10, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=111, rank=36, date=159
Our prayers and condolences to the Bush Family, a grand great Lady is gone.
 ranking=12.050204702349843 from {coleman=0.47, cos=1.62, smog=0.85, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.25, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=1.00, fuzzy=3.50, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=68, rank=37, date=96
Oh dear. Bush: "Our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone."
 ranking=12.035476166830195 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.46, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.20, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=80, rank=38, date=15
Wonderful words from you..
She is, and always will be someone to admire, and respect...
My opinion of you hasn't changed, but I do have more respect for you. Trump is still something else.
 ranking=12.019638106244509 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.17, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=142, rank=39, date=145
Condolences and prayers go out to the Bush family may she rest in peace!!!!!
 ranking=11.953523510202908 from {coleman=0.43, cos=1.30, smog=0.85, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.25, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=1.00, fuzzy=3.75, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=162, rank=40, date=91
You don't have enough class to even speak her name !!!!!
MRS OBAMA........
 ranking=11.92548440307677 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.87, smog=0.30, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.89, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=102, rank=41, date=126
You mean to not fight back like the. Bushes did when unfairly attacked ??? Not this lady !!! The media and the wacky libs have met their match !! KAG 2020!! 
 ranking=11.923504379784152 from {pop=2.71, coleman=0.42, numsent=5.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0.24, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=2.00, kincaid=-0.02, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=4, rank=42, date=169
Donald J Trump & Kellyanne Conway get to rant & rave about McCabes wife accepting donation from Clinton Campaign but Kellyanne upset being asked about husbands negative tweets towards Donald?
 ranking=11.580380118142187 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.74, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.61, ari=0.97, lix=0.99, time=0.04, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.77}
 orders: orig=53, rank=43, date=184
Very very wise 

#BarbaraBush on
 ranking=11.528850594849786 from {coleman=0.44, cos=1.38, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.30, numword=0, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=85, rank=44, date=66
I’m pretty sure that you’re not in a position to ask God for anything, Kellyanne.
 ranking=11.514516844915022 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.35, smog=1.07, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.29, pop=3.37, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=0.86, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=14, rank=45, date=108
This is a good time to reflect on your legacy. What do you think people will remember about you? 

Not a nice way to be remembered.
 ranking=11.50276582778767 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.16, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=173, rank=46, date=55
She was a great lady something you have no idea how to be.
 ranking=11.455736986721949 from {coleman=0.23, cos=0.46, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.15, pop=4.37, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=34, rank=47, date=97
Keeping the family in my prayers. She was so beautiful in her spirit as well as in her looks. Welcome home sweet Lady.
 ranking=11.407398571455584 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0.55, smog=0.62, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=129, rank=48, date=21
A very wise woman
 ranking=11.34665865307783 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=4.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=0, fuzzy=1.75, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=84, rank=49, date=46
Pray to your God to save your soul.  Dancing with the devil you are.  It will catch up with you dear.
 ranking=11.345533229770725 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.00, pop=2.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.93, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=113, rank=50, date=152
She I hope is a roll model to you Kelly Anne. You have big shoes to fill. You Nikki Haley, Sara Pallen and few others need to keep women going forward. We need you all
 ranking=11.320584299083269 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.07, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=77, rank=51, date=41
Thoughts and prayers obviously, but I would be remiss without mentioning how great a porn name 'Pierce Bush' would be
 ranking=11.151622948903814 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.83, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.55, lix=0.08, time=0.89, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=65, rank=52, date=105
An honest woman who unlike you lived a life of class and dignity.  She would never sell her soul to an Orange Demon
 ranking=11.116833486829377 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0.26, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=187, rank=53, date=109
Prayers out to the family and friends of First Lady, Barbara Bush. Rest peacefully. @ShnuggyStewart
 ranking=11.099845126064592 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, smog=0.69, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=0.67, numword=1.00, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=3.90, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=60, rank=54, date=125
Including Jeb. The son the campaign mocked mercilessly.  If so...that would need to include an apology.
 ranking=11.075146755156482 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.23, lix=0.06, time=0.34, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=28, rank=55, date=156
You should not say any thing ! She loathed your way of politics ! And that you had anything to do with putting that vile thing in office ! Go away !
 ranking=10.976217547760541 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.07, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=174, rank=56, date=51
Tell the head twit his first tweets are not for Barbara Bush. At least you were on point with this.
 ranking=10.93099889425294 from {coleman=0.36, cos=1.53, smog=0.30, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.03, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=146, rank=57, date=131
Barbara Bush on Trump “I don’t know how women could vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly”. She was a tough lady RIP.
 ranking=10.922088678741297 from {coleman=0.35, cos=1.06, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.18, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.75, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=74, rank=58, date=58
The bush family has some grace and class. Too bad 45 has turned the Republican Party into the porn star loving shit show it is today. Congrats on keeping it all in the gutter kelleyann
 ranking=10.789908727645509 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0.63, smog=0.62, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=3.00, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.19, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=157, rank=59, date=106
It's Barbara Crowley Bush. Thank you.
 ranking=10.764604833861977 from {coleman=0.74, cos=1.38, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.02, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.22, lix=0.07, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=37, rank=60, date=22
Condoleances to Bush family! Barbara was a wonderful First Lady.
 ranking=10.75542892114153 from {coleman=0.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, smog=0.85, ari=0.30, lix=0.05, time=0.36, numword=1.00, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=2.75, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=141, rank=61, date=154
Don’t you wish you had Barbara Bush’s ethics?
 ranking=10.745298814908947 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.81, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.23, numword=0, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=92, rank=62, date=73
She was a class act, Kellyanne. That's something you have in common
 ranking=10.731496040299206 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.13, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=101, rank=63, date=11
Barbara Bush said she couldn't understand why any woman would support Trump. 
I agree with her. She was a wise and wonderful woman.
 ranking=10.665522748231194 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.79, smog=0.75, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=39, rank=64, date=180
Not gonna happen Kellyanne.
But you are a very good person to pray for that.
God Bless
 ranking=10.615253153328755 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=179, rank=65, date=25
A grand First Lady. God has her in his embrace. 
 ranking=10.495971679158917 from {coleman=0.27, cos=1.64, smog=0.30, jac=0.42, kincaid=-0.03, pop=2.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=21, rank=66, date=94
Everything you're against.
 ranking=10.350223693860888 from {coleman=1.71, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.03, pop=3.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.49, ari=0.98, lix=0.99, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=94, rank=67, date=38
She despised you. Like everyone else.
 ranking=10.334098880395695 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=1.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=100, rank=68, date=52
You probably should have told your boss not to be so cruel and mean to her son.
 ranking=10.29619372445832 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=18, rank=69, date=88
Is that the same Barbara Bush that despises Trump?
 ranking=10.220416345545628 from {coleman=0.55, cos=1.38, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, fuzzy=2.05, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=29, rank=70, date=155
Would you please fix the official statement from the White House, about Mrs. Bush’s passing. It is dated 2017. Very unprofessional and an embarrassment.
 ranking=10.126054109883789 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.33, cos=0, smog=0.93, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.29, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=161, rank=71, date=93
My brother died in the #Newtown shooting. Now I’m advocating for armed guards in schools, an idea supported by President Trump! Would like to talk with you, Mrs. @KellyannePolls
 ranking=10.11460624633063 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=0.19, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=42, rank=72, date=170
God she hated Trump.  Smart lady!
 ranking=10.030029873243663 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.82, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.13, pop=3.58, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=7, rank=73, date=135
She was a very classy FLOUS ; mother of our POTUS; We the people appreciate and will be missing her. May she RIP.
 ranking=10.01280936354999 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.31, smog=0.69, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=124, rank=74, date=65
Rumor has it things are not going well at home. Our condolences to you and your husband for you having lost your integrity and as you come to terms with the example you display to your children.
 ranking=9.84354155749918 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.25, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=0.03, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=133, rank=75, date=185
Your boss never called them patriots. He held them in contempt. Of course he doesn’t have a clue what a patriot is.
 ranking=9.77979323466928 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.31, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.06, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=168, rank=76, date=64
Why and how is it disingenuous? It's a lot better than some recently have said....*cough Randa Jarrar cough*
 ranking=9.680222584722951 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=109, rank=77, date=165
Add the word class. Study her life and seek to come close to emulating her. It would do you well.
 ranking=9.676015515571205 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.03, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=169, rank=78, date=62
Well we definitely know she’s in a better place and a different place than you will go after you pass
 ranking=9.672276362458483 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.59}
 orders: orig=163, rank=79, date=87
Let her legacy of class persuade you to grow up!
 ranking=9.558350483093648 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.83, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=12, rank=80, date=43
Kellyanne is a strong woman that we need representing a great president!!!
 ranking=9.53854324877808 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.39, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=0.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=16, rank=81, date=167
You lie so much even God wouldn't want anything to do with you
 ranking=9.409428616476148 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0.37, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=96, rank=82, date=133
RIP Barbara, you will be missed.
 ranking=9.40721365258808 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.53, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.77, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=1.45, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=22, rank=83, date=26
She would have slapped you silly you Morales douche
 ranking=9.276603254432676 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.53, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=88, rank=84, date=101
My sorrow and sympathy will be with the Bush's families.  Really the great loss mom of the Nation.
 ranking=9.258883495048549 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.15, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=57, rank=85, date=151
Amen! “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”
 ranking=9.19638583680107 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=36, rank=86, date=44
Christian,  faithful and a roll model.
 ranking=9.05163415716517 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=1.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=82, rank=87, date=6
“How could any woman vote for Trump?”  Barbara Bush 2016
 ranking=8.813165730739849 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.48, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, cos=1.12, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=121, rank=88, date=63
Dignified lady ! Maternal warm and gentle ! God rest her !
 ranking=8.756209057144156 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0.69, smog=0.62, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=181, rank=89, date=10
How disingenuous. Heartbreaking.
 ranking=8.61570329525121 from {coleman=1.96, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.82, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=2.20, ari=1.16, lix=0.99, time=0.26, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.36}
 orders: orig=108, rank=90, date=164
saw you melt down on CNN this morning.  Didn’t think it was possible for you to be LESS credible but then you turn up on tv in a bad wig and show us just what a fraud you are ...
 ranking=8.513489994370953 from {coleman=0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.23, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=136, rank=91, date=181
Liars like you have no right to even say her name!
 ranking=8.384218959029479 from {coleman=0.25, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.08, pop=2.83, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=186, rank=92, date=39
She hated your administration
 ranking=8.361393179834206 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, pop=4.83, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.56, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=90, rank=93, date=31
You should try and be like her....HONEST!
 ranking=8.250576145754023 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=4.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=19, rank=94, date=81
Rest assured that Mrs. Bush would never work for DT. She was disgusted by him.
 ranking=8.226399363445562 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=115, rank=95, date=175
 ranking=8.224722824884847 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=1.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=75, rank=96, date=53
Old news @KellyannePolls She died last year, @WhiteHouse statement said so. Yawn
 ranking=8.21734265479905 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=49, rank=97, date=139
She had Class.
Unlike you and your Boss.
 ranking=8.195371244142226 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=3.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=97, rank=98, date=100
Prayers lifted for the Bush Family
 ranking=8.13865041926615 from {coleman=0.63, cos=1.38, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=76, rank=99, date=49
Our heart it’s with the Bush Family
 ranking=8.133288249155415 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=1.59, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.75, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=81, rank=100, date=13
May you learn from her example!
 ranking=7.9959489598407245 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.47, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=3, rank=101, date=47
Did you even know her??? She did not like Trump!!
 ranking=7.873117169762815 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=31, rank=102, date=40
She even recognized how horrible @realDonaldTrump is for the GOP and even worse for America! She was very wise! …
 ranking=7.751783430945451 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=153, rank=103, date=121
Here is what you and your bosses best buddy had to say …
 ranking=7.639188491301303 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=47, rank=104, date=141
America would be better off today had SHE held those 12 years in the Oval Office...
 ranking=7.543578768736058 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.41, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.31, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=44, rank=105, date=147
By far, the nicest thing you've ever said. Thank you for being a human being, if only for a fleeting moment
 ranking=7.4863007754010695 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=165, rank=106, date=77
She thought your president was garbage. Smart lady.
 ranking=7.47646902037459 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0.41, smog=0.69, jac=0.45, kincaid=0.11, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.26, lix=0.07, time=0.96, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=160, rank=107, date=98
I bet you hater the Bushes when they were president!! It didn’t make you right then either !!! KAG 2020
 ranking=7.357248134336736 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.40, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=8, rank=108, date=168
You go Barbara
 ranking=7.3195274808069115 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=4.41, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=1.76, numword=0, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=2, rank=109, date=23
And she couldn’t stand Trump.  Yup, she was pure class.
 ranking=7.269675775331187 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.10, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=126, rank=110, date=56
She was a patriot, wasn’t she? That must be why she hated Trump and spoke out against him. @POTUS
 ranking=7.197281314096093 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.41, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=176, rank=111, date=42
Wow.  Russia must use the word lady very loosely.
 ranking=7.135893149810339 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.35, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=6, rank=112, date=174
Shame that @realDonaldTrump had to go golfing instead of attend the funeral.  @FLOTUS actually looked very, very relaxed and
 ranking=7.122209698257106 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=0.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=131, rank=113, date=187
Only time I've agreed with you.
 ranking=7.045019711026058 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.09, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=52, rank=114, date=27
You #corrupt Trump people aren't worthy to kiss her feet.
 ranking=6.582043642305406 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=177, rank=115, date=32
She was surely repulsed by you.
 ranking=6.529786441845864 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=117, rank=116, date=89
Say what you want about the Bush boys, but that was a good mamma.
 ranking=6.500250004051622 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0.82, smog=0.30, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=164, rank=117, date=84
Really?  Nice try at being human.
 ranking=6.4918986065849005 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=128, rank=118, date=29
She didn’t like Dotard so she’s even more fantastic in my book. 
 ranking=6.413653279430299 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=158, rank=119, date=104
Hey Kell, have you received your subpoena yet?
 ranking=6.38196371388046 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=27, rank=120, date=172
She respected All ppl unlike this current White White house
 ranking=6.348052647058823 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=167, rank=121, date=67
I'm quite certain you were the person they were waiting to hear from. As am I.
 ranking=6.2717014349376115 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=62, rank=122, date=118
The last Honorable Republican
 ranking=6.242566013334036 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.63, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.88, ari=0.56, lix=0.11, time=0.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=105, rank=123, date=148
Please make a correction to “alternative” year - 2017.
 ranking=6.123882464696029 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0.34, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=144, rank=124, date=137
I’m sure they feel SO much better after you tweeted that. Lmao.
 ranking=6.084224465240641 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=132, rank=125, date=186
A patriot, indeed--everything you are not.
 ranking=5.986004871011518 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=51, rank=126, date=113
Pop quiz - what year did Mrs. Bush pass? 


Someone in your office couldn’t get that right???
 ranking=5.968350121729404 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.51, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=143, rank=127, date=143
The only one in that family worth a spit.
 ranking=5.885806779684082 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=150, rank=128, date=124
You have no #soul but then neither do any of us. 

 ranking=5.804810087650626 from {coleman=0.18, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.02, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=45, rank=129, date=144
I got the pundette blues. Lol
 ranking=5.780908288770053 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=63, rank=130, date=117
So sad she was a Great Lady
 ranking=5.3637429728894 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0.53, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.05, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=123, rank=131, date=85
It would be so wonderful if you weren't here...
 ranking=5.070787764724417 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=170, rank=132, date=60
“The LORD knows those that are his” 2 Timothy 2:19
 ranking=4.753374598930481 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=64, rank=133, date=110
Take a lesson.
 ranking=4.706397155632204 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.53, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=183, rank=134, date=19
Can you please inform your boss
 ranking=4.624527795533208 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=43, rank=135, date=158
You forgot- a woman who detested your boss.
 ranking=4.468307185828878 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=134, rank=136, date=183
She was smart and she voted for HRC.
 ranking=4.230168148395721 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=166, rank=137, date=71
Get her name out of your mouth.
 ranking=4.167390947288006 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=172, rank=138, date=57
 ranking=4.128166042780748 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.63, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=147, rank=139, date=129
@jaketapper yeah. Cold. Figures.
 ranking=3.9034098515783358 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.62, fww=-5, kincaid=0.22, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.13, lix=0.05, time=1.26, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.69}
 orders: orig=72, rank=140, date=70
English please?!
 ranking=3.1110649397143453 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.51, lix=0.10, time=0.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=5, rank=141, date=171 … #BarbaraBush @realDonaldTrump
 ranking=3.1079384706814492 from {coleman=0.83, cos=1.95, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=149, rank=142, date=127
You have no soul.
 ranking=2.862186775792692 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0.92, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=119, rank=143, date=33
 ranking=2.202321233933936 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=30, rank=144, date=45
She didn’t like you.
 ranking=1.5270015824439578 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=3.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=33, rank=145, date=86
Is the best goverment
 ranking=1.396255913120139 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=59, rank=146, date=130
Even low energy Jeb?
 ranking=1.1204317513368984 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=182, rank=147, date=5 …
 ranking=0.6453344572746313 from {pop=2.48, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=107, rank=148, date=173
Just stop.
 ranking=0.6267894169084118 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=106, rank=149, date=82
Well someone is high tonight
 ranking=0.4041523529411767 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.18, lix=0.08, time=0.71, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=152, rank=150, date=122
 ranking=0.2899200534759349 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.60, lix=0.99, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=55, rank=151, date=161 …
 ranking=0.16908300943695065 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=127, rank=152, date=50
 ranking=0.12292540106951821 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=70, rank=153, date=79
 ranking=0.11223021390374277 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=69, rank=154, date=80
Good people
 ranking=-0.037761363636364065 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=78, rank=155, date=35
She hated your boss
 ranking=-0.07510835561497342 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=171, rank=156, date=59 …
 ranking=-0.11764705882352944 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=180, rank=157, date=12
Amen Ms. Conway, well said
 ranking=-0.24587117647058898 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=79, rank=158, date=34
There is no #god
 ranking=-0.558033655426844 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0.92, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.27, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=66, rank=159, date=103
Grow up
 ranking=-0.5974143602931732 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=116, rank=160, date=120
CNN...real news.
 ranking=-0.7954275401069519 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=73, rank=161, date=68

 ranking=-1.0106951871657754 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=83, rank=162, date=2
93's #GoldenDawn
 ranking=-1.0390127005347596 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=0, kincaid=0.14, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=58, rank=163, date=149
She didn’t like POTUS.
 ranking=-1.150684281115634 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=41, rank=164, date=178 …
 ranking=-1.210596134948076 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=40, rank=165, date=179 …
 ranking=-1.358288770053476 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=148, rank=166, date=128 
 ranking=-1.7647058823529411 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=54, rank=167, date=166
Quiet you
 ranking=-1.7843389037433157 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=67, rank=168, date=102
You don't really mean that!
 ranking=-1.8549078208556156 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=139, rank=169, date=163 …
 ranking=-1.8716577540106951 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=138, rank=170, date=176 …
 ranking=-1.8823529411764706 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=137, rank=171, date=177
Well said.
 ranking=-1.8912907754010697 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=155, rank=172, date=112 … just wow
 ranking=-2.6375741978609635 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.20, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=56, rank=173, date=157
 ranking=-3.6279032324629976 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=35, rank=174, date=95
 ranking=-6.801882669155445 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=4.22, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.98, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=91, rank=175, date=3
 ranking=-7.636661932518771 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.74, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.63, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=176, date=36
Ok thanks
 ranking=-7.961581645782234 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=3.43, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.21, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=26, rank=177, date=75
 ranking=-9.74408787008487 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.08, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.18, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=104, rank=178, date=78
She'd spit in your
 ranking=-9.964502462933813 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=130, rank=179, date=8
 ranking=-10.09848442572253 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.30, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.60, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=25, rank=180, date=132
WTF were you doing??
 ranking=-10.106627540695793 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.28, numword=0, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=110, rank=181, date=162
 ranking=-10.91938475935829 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.30, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=140, rank=182, date=160
 ranking=-11.288770053475936 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.71, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=178, rank=183, date=28
 ranking=-11.793483835482835 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.51, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=48, rank=184, date=140
 ranking=-12.229946524064172 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.77, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=154, rank=185, date=116
 ranking=-12.593582887700535 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=118, rank=186, date=150
 ranking=-12.935828877005347 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.06, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=135, rank=187, date=182

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/16/18 07:13:31: He did not. He swung and miss. I was putting to bed that he was even capable of such a thing. Add sarcasm and stir. …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Worse 194 (list is complete) 37% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #41, ranking: #194, date: #180] From @zacharyjdennis2 on 04/18/18 11:11:40
    [original: #51, ranking: #190, date: #166] From @voshova on 04/17/18 06:43:54
    [original: #25, ranking: #189, date: #161] From @exasper8ed on 04/17/18 06:32:48
    [original: #22, ranking: #175, date: #182] From @mralexniceguy on 04/19/18 08:21:39
  • Stop reaching, Auntie Cray Cray!
    [original: #63, ranking: #173, date: #151] From @fireblyss on 04/17/18 03:26:29
  • Twins!!!!
    [original: #58, ranking: #169, date: #157] From @mrrayda on 04/17/18 04:57:12
  • The monster returns!!
    [original: #61, ranking: #166, date: #153] From @chicagorojas1 on 04/17/18 04:00:14
  • @KellyannePolls before the makeup department is
    [original: #54, ranking: #164, date: #163] From @exasper8ed on 04/17/18 06:34:58
  • MAGA
    [original: #42, ranking: #163, date: #179] From @mga_larry on 04/18/18 03:41:56
  • Well said
    [original: #62, ranking: #162, date: #152] From @alankruse4 on 04/17/18 03:58:34
  • Who is Kellyanne?
    [original: #23, ranking: #159, date: #169] From @bman796 on 04/17/18 09:45:27
  • …
    [original: #56, ranking: #157, date: #160] From @momrovin on 04/17/18 06:07:31
  • …
    [original: #14, ranking: #151, date: #184] From @sheilakremer1 on 04/21/18 07:56:17
  • You lie, Kellyanne
    [original: #28, ranking: #149, date: #146] From @sunny_solver on 04/16/18 09:15:21
  • Wow that is great
    [original: #2, ranking: #146, date: #4] From @famousanus4 on 04/16/18 07:48:32
  • …
    [original: #37, ranking: #143, date: #170] From @bluetoiletduck on 04/17/18 10:18:39
  • … #HannityCohen #FoxNews #corrupted
    [original: #27, ranking: #142, date: #156] From @rdr2374 on 04/17/18 04:45:05
  • Love sarcasm.
    [original: #17, ranking: #140, date: #186] From @jcw5617 on 04/22/18 06:13:35
  • Worrrrd
    [original: #13, ranking: #134, date: #104] From @livingdeadgrrl2 on 04/16/18 03:59:20
  • Oh please, Miss Alternative Facts
    [original: #34, ranking: #132, date: #124] From @nancysbspants on 04/16/18 05:48:07
  • Nah,KA you don’t do sarcasm.
    [original: #8, ranking: #130, date: #187] From @larfrenniks on 04/22/18 07:52:45
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
    [original: #169, ranking: #1, date: #31] From @hickorystonewal on 04/16/18 11:05:54
  • Add sarcasm and stir? Listen you #failed at comedy before no need to try and pain us through an attempt at it again. Your words can’t be taken back. You admitted Trump shouldn’t have won. See what happens when your lies start to be shown for the truths the really are?
    [original: #135, ranking: #3, date: #65] From @mrotherpagesdc on 04/16/18 12:52:06
  • FYI, the definition of sarcasm is not "thing republicans say when they are caught admitting guilt / doing something wrong / being racist / etc. See also: get out of jail free card." You're really not good at this job.
    [original: #136, ranking: #5, date: #64] From @jonathanmyerssf on 04/16/18 12:50:12
  • If that line was sarcastic then that whole comment, before and after was as well. I sensed nothing in your body language or tone of voice suggesting it was sarcastic, and I was looking for it since I read reactions to it before viewing the interview.
    [original: #184, ranking: #12, date: #16] From @mattws81 on 04/16/18 10:41:44
  • Mrs. Conway, I feel like you guys think you are playing your own version of the reality show Survivor; The White House. You never apologize for your faults while recklessly shifting the blame to others or “alternative facts”. Frankly, what kind of example are you setting?
    [original: #191, ranking: #14, date: #9] From @chris__twomey on 04/16/18 10:12:14
  • Wait.....who exactly were you putting to bed? Did trump's bed servant quit ? Or was he fired? You are stuck doing it now? Good lord woman have some pride. Just say no and walk away!
    [original: #141, ranking: #15, date: #59] From @scattered211 on 04/16/18 12:23:07
  • No indication of sarcasm. I don’t think you’re even capable of such. Nice try though.
    [original: #177, ranking: #16, date: #23] From @s5talent on 04/16/18 10:54:15
  • Finally some truth comes out....I guess Comey now will be rehired since he alone swung the election to Trump by his actions according to Conway. Well that will probably not happen the current administration will all be in jail soon...
    [original: #153, ranking: #18, date: #47] From @possum79075301 on 04/16/18 11:44:47
  • Kellyanne Conway wishes she had someone like... Kellyanne Conway, to go on the talk shows and spin what she said “when Kellyanne said James Comey swung the election she really meant... Hillary’s emails. That is actually what she said, despite the actual words she said.”
    [original: #128, ranking: #19, date: #72] From @boamdale on 04/16/18 01:13:01
  • Everyone knows that when you're explaining, you're winning. Thank Dog that clear and concise communication isn't part of your job description. (See, THAT'S sarcasm.)
    [original: #157, ranking: #21, date: #43] From @babsben on 04/16/18 11:37:46
  • Nope. Not what you said AT ALL. You had a tiny moment of truth and now you are flipping somersaults to backtrack. #Impeach #Resist #NotMyPresident #KellyAnneLies
    [original: #146, ranking: #24, date: #54] From @dmwood333 on 04/16/18 11:58:51
  • Kellyanne, you should always end your interviews with this line: “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” You can pass this on to your boss also, he really needs it...
    [original: #152, ranking: #27, date: #48] From @niffeneggerkris on 04/16/18 11:50:59
  • Watch your video again. It wasn’t phrased as a question. You’re fired. And then you’ll write a book on how you were forced to say among other things .....Alternative facts.
    [original: #139, ranking: #28, date: #61] From @kimu4280 on 04/16/18 12:37:27
  • Sorry. You admitted that Mr. Comey did what he could to get Don elected. Or are you now trying to say that what you said was just your brand of "Alternative Facts"?
    [original: #176, ranking: #30, date: #24] From @scottreadsbooks on 04/16/18 10:54:20
  • Is sarcasm even appropriate for a WH spokesperson? I would think maybe clarity would be better received....but you don't learn.
    [original: #181, ranking: #35, date: #19] From @littlelast on 04/16/18 10:47:32
  • I still love that video of you talking for Cruz at the time... If Trump has nothing to hide why not release his tax returns. You are a fraud and political "ho" up for the highest bidder.
    [original: #183, ranking: #38, date: #17] From @mgstupelo on 04/16/18 10:42:41
  • You’re a public joke. Multiple ethics violations and you’re the best messenger the WH has? Then again, not sure there’s a person of integrity left in the people’s house.
    [original: #134, ranking: #42, date: #66] From @lcpratt on 04/16/18 12:56:27
  • Do you know that you were filmed? I saw no wink nor eye roll, watched it three times. Was daddy mad?! But that's right he doesn't watch tv does he.
    [original: #148, ranking: #45, date: #52] From @debchai on 04/16/18 11:54:47
  • Nice try at spin. Not what you said. Not your tone. Too little too late. Oops, an honest moment for you.
    [original: #129, ranking: #49, date: #71] From @boamdale on 04/16/18 01:04:53
  • And by the way #PestilenceBarbie I did NOT see a single eye roll. Not a one. You said that you were rolling those eyes and sarcastic, but... nope.
    [original: #189, ranking: #50, date: #11] From @tomsisk72 on 04/16/18 10:14:14
  • I think you were getting in bed, not putting to bed. Your knees are getting raw Kelly.....
    [original: #165, ranking: #53, date: #35] From @karenjamesart on 04/16/18 11:20:26
  • I almost forgot how awful you are. I haven’t seen you on tv lately. Saw your interview with @ChrisCuomo and was reminded how crooked u are.
    [original: #138, ranking: #54, date: #62] From @stephgolob on 04/16/18 12:38:26
  • I add sarcasm and stir everything you say already.
    [original: #130, ranking: #56, date: #70] From @rjsoule on 04/16/18 01:00:31
  • hahahahaha! You made a mistake...a big(ly) one!!! Spin it anyway you want, you said it and meant it! :):):):):):):):):):)
    [original: #178, ranking: #57, date: #22] From @diannemelodia on 04/16/18 10:51:04
  • The wicked witch of the east gets caught speaking the truth and tries to make up tongue in cheek arguement #trumpprison2018
    [original: #142, ranking: #59, date: #58] From @ndrick on 04/16/18 12:16:17
  • No, no you weren't. lol He benefitted yall in the last days and you know it. Sad how desperate you are to pivot.
    [original: #132, ranking: #64, date: #68] From @politicsmichael on 04/16/18 12:58:53
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 985884490408054784, from: @cyberflagday (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:15:54(HIGH,15,155,17) Swing and a miss like your plastic surgeon?]
[tweet: 985892706277769217, from: @famousanus4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:48:32(HIGH,0,1,0) Wow that is great]
[tweet: 985887217951346688, from: @leighindy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:26:44(HIGH,11,148,4) You sound triggered Smellyanne.  Did you accidentally tell the truth for once and now you’re scared?]
[tweet: 985884576894533632, from: @famousanus4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:14(HIGH,1,53,1) You'll look great in orange btw]
[tweet: 986016729326333952, from: @livingdeadgrrl2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:01:22(HIGH,0,6,2) Well, I'm sure @realDonaldTrump thinks orange looks good IN her. #Scarrieanne #TalesfromtheWH #CryptKeeper]
[tweet: 986030882837299200, from: @famousanus4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:57:36(HIGH,0,3,0) Hiyooooooo]
[tweet: 987893471146074112, from: @todgeise (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 08:18:52(HIGH,0,3,0) Missed.  Please make sure your grammar is correct.]
[tweet: 988068092482813953, from: @larfrenniks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 07:52:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Nah,KA you don’t do sarcasm.]
[tweet: 987348269184573440, from: @brimshack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 08:12:26(HIGH,0,2,0) If by 'putting to bed' you mean nothing of the kind, then sure.]
[tweet: 985898369498349569, from: @karriek817 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:11:03(HIGH,6,38,3) Snark and sarcasm are uncalled for when you are speaking to the American public on behalf of the White House. You are employed by the people of this country and should treat your position with respect.]
[tweet: 986013173248602113, from: @livingdeadgrrl2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:47:14(HIGH,0,3,1) You think you're talking to people who care and have souls. #Scarrieanne]
[tweet: 986015374184468480, from: @karriek817 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:55:59(HIGH,0,4,1) They have souls. But their souls are black as coal.]
[tweet: 986016218372034560, from: @livingdeadgrrl2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:59:20(HIGH,0,2,0) Worrrrd]
[tweet: 987887788593950720, from: @sheilakremer1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 07:56:17(HIGH,0,2,0) …]
[tweet: 988109782442823686, from: @noone7272 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:38:24(HIGH,0,1,0) You don’t have a soul and are disguising. Once your boss dumps you like he has the others our career will be over. Time to move to an uninhabited island.]
[tweet: 988070058697076736, from: @sandraji11 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 08:00:34(HIGH,0,0,0) “He swung and missED” is the correct way to mutter that sentence. & we do not associate you with sarcasm. You lack the intelligence for that.]
[tweet: 988043136969691136, from: @jcw5617 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 06:13:35(HIGH,0,1,0) Love sarcasm.]
[tweet: 988102609914474496, from: @geetackett (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:09:54(HIGH,0,0,0) The statement: putting it to bed just says it all doesn’t.  My Momma always said lay down with dogs you get up with fleas!]
[tweet: 988104325296607232, from: @mrscoyne (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:16:43(HIGH,0,0,0) You should know about swinging and missing. You do it on a daily basis. Sad.]
[tweet: 988157519653720066, from: @billyspillwater (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:48:06(HIGH,0,1,0) it's "swung and missed".  get your metaphors right at least. have you seen your husbands tweets? He thinks you are working for a criminal.  Your daughters must be so proud.]
[tweet: 988132309080535040, from: @eliza012246 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:07:55(HIGH,0,1,0) Well the election was infiltrated with Russsian collusion and cooperation by the Trump Campaign. The only reason Trump won was because a foreign adversary hacked the election process with campaid aid and cooperation with Wikileaks.]
[tweet: 987169394462810113, from: @mralexniceguy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 08:21:39(HIGH,0,3,0)]
[tweet: 986284513973227523, from: @bman796 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:45:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Who is Kellyanne?]
[tweet: 986277796052946957, from: @egyptiandane (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:18:45(HIGH,0,1,0) nice try to save that comment. He swung an election. Your words.]
[tweet: 986236035771355136, from: @exasper8ed (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:32:48(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 986219962879668224, from: @coreybez1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:28:56(HIGH,1,3,0) @Comey swung the  2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION  TO @realDonaldTrump ...   AS DID:  VLADIMIR  PUTIN   @GOP - IN THE SWING STATES THAT WON TRUMP THE ELECTORAL BY 70K ... TX  #CambridgeAnalytics !!!   @CNNPolitics @MSNBC @ABC @NBCNews @CBSNews ETC.   WE KNOW BLANCHE !!]
[tweet: 986208927653285890, from: @rdr2374 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:45:05(HIGH,0,1,0) … #HannityCohen #FoxNews #corrupted]
[tweet: 986095748230987776, from: @sunny_solver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:15:21(HIGH,0,1,0) You lie, Kellyanne]
[tweet: 986083590445453312, from: @unfreakin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:27:03(HIGH,0,1,0) what does "He swung and miss" mean.  Did you really think this tweet was a good idea?]
[tweet: 986062397730324480, from: @tweet_tracker1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:02:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Poor lying Kellyanne makes a fool of herself by accidentally telling the truth.]
[tweet: 986052137569271808, from: @pph_3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:22:04(HIGH,0,1,0) Wow. As a mother and a woman I am always shocked how you can stand up and lie!!  Have some shame for goodness sake.]
[tweet: 986046613884817408, from: @fredolis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:00:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Have you considered not opening your mouth in the future?  I would.]
[tweet: 986044372209881092, from: @restonfull (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:51:12(HIGH,0,1,0) *missed. Add a dash of proofreading and proper use of tense. #alternativegrammar]
[tweet: 986043593646276609, from: @nancysbspants (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:48:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh please, Miss Alternative Facts]
[tweet: 986040332440645632, from: @pvert1990 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:35:09(HIGH,0,1,0) Thank you for being an inspiration....for children not to do meth.]
[tweet: 986038396765261824, from: @elleriaaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:27:28(HIGH,0,1,0) It's "swing and a miss" or "swung and missed"]
[tweet: 986292870347767808, from: @bluetoiletduck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:18:39(HIGH,0,2,1) …]
[tweet: 986293752112140288, from: @bluetoiletduck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:22:09(HIGH,0,2,0) "Suggesting".... Even if this was a "joke" in your "joke" you still made this "suggestion".  IDK how much someone gets for selling their soul these days but whatever you got isn't nearly enough.]
[tweet: 988168585829912576, from: @beejaymaumau (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:32:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Sarcasm is best served with wit, something you are sadly lacking. Without wit, it's just bitchiness.]
[tweet: 986792369751318528, from: @noel_cline (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 07:23:29(HIGH,0,2,0) You should go to bed crypt keeper.]
[tweet: 986668600730808321, from: @zacharyjdennis2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 11:11:40(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986555421392625665, from: @mga_larry (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 03:41:56(HIGH,0,0,0) MAGA]
[tweet: 986408650536349696, from: @black_foot_soot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:58:43(HIGH,0,2,0) you actually told the truth for once...and now you're trying to retell that truth as a people are amazing... #heroinisonehellofadrug]
[tweet: 986372578863296512, from: @dunn_martin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 03:35:23(HIGH,0,3,0) More double standards as Ari Fleischer points out:  "If investigators prefer informal interviews instead of grand juries, as Comey said with Hillary, then why is Mueller doing the opposite with Trump? FBI & DoJ rolled over for Hillary, while Mueller is being tough with Trump."]
[tweet: 986360635238899712, from: @currenjean (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:47:55(HIGH,0,2,0) You need to brush up on your sarcasm skills.  It didn't work.]
[tweet: 986359608146120704, from: @realsuemorgan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:43:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh my Lord, do you people even hear yourselves?]
[tweet: 986344351889575938, from: @mcguirelawo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 01:43:13(HIGH,0,0,0) I would love to see the President when he comes to Key West on Thursday. I’m here on vacation. Any suggestions?]
[tweet: 986333356890697729, from: @domdoran (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 12:59:32(HIGH,0,3,0) Don't listen to the haters, Kellyanne.  You've done an amazing job of keeping up with all of the lies up until this point.  It was inevitable you'd let one true statement out accidentally.  #stayStrong #MAGA]
[tweet: 986311117675917312, from: @sjfrankenberry (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:31:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Sorry Kellyanne...but it seems revisionism is THY name...again...& again. IT DID SWING IT, that + Russia of course  You are also, apparently, not capable of sarcasm, nor being 'tongue in cheek'. You can certainly keep trying to convince us though, we'll just call that self parody]
[tweet: 986273558782468096, from: @davidgavin15 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:01:55(HIGH,0,1,0) Stay strong Kellyanne. Many millions of intelligent citizens are with you.]
[tweet: 986238828158500864, from: @voshova (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:43:54(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 986238316512067590, from: @dunn_martin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:41:52(HIGH,1,1,0) Via Michael, @TrumpTrainMRA4: #StormyComeyDaniels sister ???]
[tweet: 986238164460122114, from: @sierra_amv (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:41:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Puerile Preet Bharara taking a jab at you as well on Twitter. Unbelievable Fired US Attorney Has People Play Trigger Our #President #Trump games on Twitter.  Not Very Presidential Ohhhh I Mean Not Very US Attorney /Fired Attorney Like.  #Ethics]
[tweet: 986236577700556801, from: @exasper8ed (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:34:58(HIGH,0,4,0) @KellyannePolls before the makeup department is]
[tweet: 986236189660405760, from: @exasper8ed (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:33:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Why do you always look like you're on smack?]
[tweet: 986229671426748416, from: @momrovin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:07:31(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 986227848468983810, from: @rborrego1optim1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:00:16(HIGH,0,0,0) great work you are the best]
[tweet: 986211977176416257, from: @mrrayda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:57:12(HIGH,1,3,0) Twins!!!!]
[tweet: 986207150362968064, from: @shellywymer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:38:02(HIGH,0,1,0) Sure you were.  Bless your heart.  #Sarcasm #Eyeroll #KelllyanneLies]
[tweet: 986203790163529733, from: @robbiec2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:24:41(HIGH,0,1,0) That’s not even remotely convincing.]
[tweet: 986197641259356160, from: @chicagorojas1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:00:14(HIGH,0,2,0) The monster returns!!]
[tweet: 986197219123511296, from: @alankruse4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 03:58:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Well said]
[tweet: 986189144467693568, from: @fireblyss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 03:26:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Stop reaching, Auntie Cray Cray!]
[tweet: 986143967229210624, from: @colleenkellyphd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 12:26:58(HIGH,0,1,0) But he didn't miss.  You were right the first time.  He swung the election. First moment of truth from this puppet.]
[tweet: 986142737475846144, from: @islomanic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 12:22:04(HIGH,0,1,0) “He swung and MISSED.”   It’s “He swung and missed. Who’s writing this for you?  Donald?]
[tweet: 986118660455460864, from: @pearlpolanski (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:46:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Not even @gtconway3d believes that!]
[tweet: 986104832346984448, from: @kothag (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:51:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Missed, miss.]
[tweet: 986091319851470848, from: @hoyatiger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:57:46(HIGH,0,1,0) Fair. The other lady DID get the most votes.]
[tweet: 986083945098940416, from: @scottreadsbooks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:28:27(HIGH,0,0,0) He swung the election to Don. Your own words. Own it.]
[tweet: 986082714171277312, from: @flacolandia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:23:34(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m just going to leave this right]
[tweet: 986070763794034688, from: @stop_rich (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:36:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Another blackout, huh?.Get some help, Kellyanne.]
[tweet: 986069980902051845, from: @carmncontagious (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:32:58(HIGH,1,0,0)]
[tweet: 986068425066864641, from: @popeofchicago (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:26:47(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986065722546810880, from: @maryoosterhuis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Have you people who are being so sarcastic ever had an idea that added jobs to this economy ... I believe I’ll answer that ... no you haven’t...     do something productive instead of hoping this administration fails ....]
[tweet: 986058158006136839, from: @yogiyogerson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:45:59(HIGH,0,0,0) I see the molly wore off...]
[tweet: 986058100888260609, from: @lincolnmay1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:45:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne had a rough day. She fell way off script today. Is she the next to be fired??]
[tweet: 986057928195977218, from: @tomcalderon1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:45:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, you and the whole trump administration seem to take your defensive ideas from Scientology!! The only defense you have is to deflect and blame. You name call and try to disparage anyone’s character that you don’t agree with! You’re awful people!]
[tweet: 986053422196469760, from: @jimoonan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:27:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Methinks me smell fish farts Kellyanne. Say 'scuze me.]
[tweet: 986049771780624387, from: @danielburress (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:12:40(HIGH,0,0,0) Comey was an obama plant I just now watched that it’s obvious to me and the things he did for Clinton his action leaking and this interview seals the deal]
[tweet: 986047939821883392, from: @boxboyrich (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:05:23(HIGH,0,0,0) #kellyannconartist #fakenews]
[tweet: 986047484161126400, from: @indusrtlplanner (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:03:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Much has been put to bed dear.]
[tweet: 986046703798284290, from: @sunshine2825 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:00:28(HIGH,0,0,0) .@KellyannePolls You really mean "Add sarcasm, alternative facts, and stir"]
[tweet: 986041427074408449, from: @radiochick841 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:39:30(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986039307172548608, from: @akelticgirl2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:31:05(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 986037673188966401, from: @paws2112 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:24:35(HIGH,0,0,0) Let's play the footage it doesn't look like an eye roll it looks and sounds more like a freudian slip …]
[tweet: 986033940107550721, from: @dirkz1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:09:45(HIGH,0,3,1) Nice tap dancing Kellyanne but the damage is done. Own it!  Look at the bright side, you found yourself a new campaign slogan. Swing And A Miss!  Trumps new hashtag  #SAAM]
[tweet: 986074326612004864, from: @therightswrong (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:50:14(HIGH,1,1,0)]
[tweet: 986033694996598785, from: @alfadeltasierra (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:08:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Master manipulator. #yourwordsarepoison]
[tweet: 986028926823624704, from: @vettyrocket (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:49:50(HIGH,0,0,0) #your #ugly]
[tweet: 986028278921166848, from: @aidansyear26 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:47:15(HIGH,0,0,0) 1. You admit Comey swung the election for @realDonaldTrump. 2. You talk about all the sanctions...which as of today Trump has pulled off the not to distress "Papa Vlad"...  Jesus Kellyann...Donald called and would like you to stop trying to "help". #WalkingTrainwreck]
[tweet: 986027402093621248, from: @donalddumb9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:43:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Looking at U on CNN just made my day , I can’t believe there is such a du#b a#s like u !]
[tweet: 986027334624038914, from: @whypresident (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:43:30(HIGH,0,1,0) Tap dancing]
[tweet: 986027236435226625, from: @davidmonkey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:43:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice try,]
[tweet: 986025270749614081, from: @jessimilestone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:35:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Maybe you should spend less time lying to cover up your own incompetency and more time checking your grammar. I think you meant to say “swung and missed”. Or is “miss” an “alternative” past tense?]
[tweet: 986022813629853696, from: @donalddumb9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:25:32(HIGH,0,0,0) I would get a lawyer if I’m u ! Actually you r FIRED !]
[tweet: 986020743887638529, from: @molosser415 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:17:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Capable and Comey just don't fit together.]
[tweet: 986017691495489536, from: @elizmopi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:05:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Thank you for confirming it, Kellyanne. Of course we already knew that! …]
[tweet: 986017170244042754, from: @santosillos (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:03:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Holy shit! Watching the word vomit and total ignorance spewing from your mouth in this interview today. Amazing that you’re in the position you’re in. Like, mind boggling. #fuckingmoron]
[tweet: 986014250907795457, from: @pugmom1959 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:51:31(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986013025919488006, from: @bolanddrummer (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:46:39(HIGH,0,3,0) It’s hilarious watching you try to explain this.]
[tweet: 986012446996377600, from: @jkgood1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:44:21(HIGH,0,1,0) Please resign before you get fired. It will be a little less]
[tweet: 986012275822784512, from: @karengr26298274 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:43:40(HIGH,0,0,0) Douche bag]
[tweet: 986012090686095361, from: @jkgood1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:42:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Um...your sarcasm excuse]
[tweet: 986011833508212736, from: @momrovin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:41:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh look, you made the list. Please re-evaluate what you’re doing with Trump.  cc @gtconway3d …]
[tweet: 986008790054060032, from: @jkgood1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:29:49(HIGH,0,0,0) So now you are telling us what we saw and heard??  #Gaslighting #LyinKellyanne #CorruptTrumpAdministration #HowManyLiesInAWeek #VoteThemOut2018]
[tweet: 986008186913263617, from: @bretmite88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:27:25(HIGH,0,0,0) He was a sideshow...only two people are responsible for Hillarys loss....1. Hillary 2. Trump]
[tweet: 986006755489464320, from: @jonasaxbfaulder (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:21:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Missed.]
[tweet: 986006442498052096, from: @lapsnyc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:20:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Your just as bad as your boss if not worse ... amazing you are]
[tweet: 986005568249876480, from: @robbrownpa78 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:17:01(HIGH,0,0,0) If you have to tell us that you were being funny, maybe you’re terrible at being funny and should leave being funny to funny people.]
[tweet: 986004259908046850, from: @lisalew64739529 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:11:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Spin, spin, spin....but, you always end up in the same place, wrong. Cut your losses, Kellyanne. You still have friends like Chris Cuomo. Get off the sinking ship, don't go down with it.]
[tweet: 986001434486411264, from: @davidspreckels (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:00:35(HIGH,0,0,0) he swung, you missed, miss]
[tweet: 985993323516116992, from: @trumpagitator (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:28:21(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 985992994993008640, from: @brunofan2012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:27:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Hastily typed? Barely English.]
[tweet: 985992216790286338, from: @waxing_cresent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:23:57(HIGH,0,1,0) You didn't say he tried to swing an election. You said "This guy swung an election."  You're the one who "swung and miss".]
[tweet: 985987575658643456, from: @dstewman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:05:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Swing and a]
[tweet: 985983571717390337, from: @memory_keeper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:49:36(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985983544911650822, from: @cynthiabythesea (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:49:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice try, but you've shown us too many of the MANY tines in your forked tongue, to have ANY remaining credibility. Your singular expertise is: …]
[tweet: 985981917982945287, from: @cynicalmind22 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:43:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Every time you speak, America’s collective IQ drops a point..]
[tweet: 985981766551982080, from: @kth121700 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:42:26(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985980542817636352, from: @defactodude (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:37:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Believable people can use sarcasm. Since you obviously aren’t believable you have to explain when you say you used sarcasm or again as cover for yet another trademark Kellyanne foot in mouth moment, fun times. Please keep the comments coming including footnotes, pun intended lol]
[tweet: 985980327532355584, from: @beejaymaumau (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:36:43(HIGH,0,0,0) I know a large number of people that were going to vote for Clinton, but chose to NOT VOTE AT ALL rather than vote for Trump.]
[tweet: 985979247863967754, from: @staggerlee3769 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:32:25(HIGH,0,0,0) The Cryptkeeper admitted Comey helped the orange tumor win. Even with Comey and Russian help he still lost by over 3million. Not something anyone would be proud of. #sad]
[tweet: 985978707629113344, from: @olsondogg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:30:17(HIGH,0,0,0) He didn’t swing it. Russia did.]
[tweet: 985976415828013056, from: @sorrowmachine (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:21:10(HIGH,0,0,0) I really don't know why any these shows have you on... you don't answer any questions and you lie lie lie...I guess it's good TV, in that it's a curiosity to see some one like you operate.. it's like when Springer brings the KKK on. you know you're not going to change their minds]
[tweet: 985975581970968576, from: @myleenyleo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:17:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah sure.  Really, how do you sleep at night?]
[tweet: 985974770796777472, from: @mariannecookiev (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:14:38(HIGH,0,0,0) And then there's]
[tweet: 985974656690802693, from: @mariannecookiev (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:14:11(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985974363764617216, from: @boamdale (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:13:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne Conway wishes she had someone like... Kellyanne Conway, to go on the talk shows and spin what she said “when Kellyanne said James Comey swung the election she really meant... Hillary’s emails.  That is actually what she said, despite the actual words she said.”]
[tweet: 985972315090337792, from: @boamdale (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:04:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice try at spin. Not what you said.  Not your tone. Too little too late.  Oops, an honest moment for you.]
[tweet: 985971217701072897, from: @rjsoule (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:00:31(HIGH,0,0,0) I add sarcasm and stir everything you say already.]
[tweet: 985971003913220096, from: @michaelturchin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:59:40(HIGH,0,5,0)]
[tweet: 985970806336319489, from: @politicsmichael (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:58:53(HIGH,0,0,0) No, no you weren't. lol He benefitted yall in the last days and you know it. Sad how desperate you are to pivot.]
[tweet: 985970282216161280, from: @dmaine26gvc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:56:48(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985970193330515968, from: @lcpratt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:56:27(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re a public joke. Multiple ethics violations and you’re the best messenger the WH has? Then again, not sure there’s a person of integrity left in the people’s house.]
[tweet: 985969098810064897, from: @mrotherpagesdc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:52:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Add sarcasm and stir? Listen you #failed at comedy before no need to try and pain us through an attempt at it again. Your words can’t be taken back. You admitted Trump shouldn’t have won. See what happens when your lies start to be shown for the truths the really are?]
[tweet: 985968623750541313, from: @jonathanmyerssf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:50:12(HIGH,0,0,0) FYI, the definition of sarcasm is not "thing republicans say when they are caught admitting guilt / doing something wrong / being racist / etc. See also: get out of jail free card."   You're really not good at this job.]
[tweet: 985965866767601672, from: @bhrmom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:39:15(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985965658646204417, from: @stephgolob (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:38:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I almost forgot how awful you are. I haven’t seen you on tv lately. Saw your interview with @ChrisCuomo and was reminded how crooked u are.]
[tweet: 985965411232550912, from: @kimu4280 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:37:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Watch your video again. It wasn’t phrased as a question. You’re fired. And then you’ll write a book on how you were forced to say among other things .....Alternative facts.]
[tweet: 985963335832219650, from: @green22bean (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:29:12(HIGH,0,0,0) So you are saying he did try? Make up your mind!]
[tweet: 985961804470865920, from: @scattered211 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:23:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Wait.....who exactly were you putting to bed? Did trump's bed servant quit ? Or was he fired? You are stuck doing it now? Good lord woman have some pride. Just say no and walk away!]
[tweet: 985960084436955136, from: @ndrick (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:16:17(HIGH,0,0,0) The wicked witch of the east gets caught speaking the truth and tries to make up tongue in cheek arguement #trumpprison2018]
[tweet: 985959483343015936, from: @danmoser1961 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:13:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Gonna need to hear your husband's take on this, Kelly.]
[tweet: 985958025444888576, from: @diegogarcestv (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:08:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Girl you slipped!]
[tweet: 985956329184550913, from: @fakepotuslies (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:01:21(HIGH,0,0,0) If it were not for Comey there would be no trump]
[tweet: 985955700428881920, from: @dmwood333 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:58:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Nope. Not what you said AT ALL. You had a tiny moment of truth and now you are flipping somersaults to backtrack. #Impeach #Resist #NotMyPresident #KellyAnneLies]
[tweet: 985955651330412544, from: @gsks24 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:58:40(HIGH,0,0,0) You people at the White House aren’t very good at this sarcasm thing]
[tweet: 985954677274574848, from: @debchai (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:54:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Do you know that you were filmed? I saw no wink nor eye roll, watched it three times. Was daddy mad?! But that's right he doesn't watch tv does he.]
[tweet: 985954624317386752, from: @scottoharden (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:54:35(HIGH,0,0,0) Missed. Past tense.]
[tweet: 985954563986468864, from: @expectingachg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:54:20(HIGH,0,0,0) liar]
[tweet: 985954376996085765, from: @suzyturman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:53:36(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985953718439997441, from: @niffeneggerkris (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:50:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, you should always end your interviews with this line: “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” You can pass this on to your boss also, he really needs it...]
[tweet: 985952159521914880, from: @possum79075301 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:44:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Finally some truth comes out....I guess Comey now will be rehired since he alone swung the election to Trump by his actions according to Conway. Well that will probably not happen the current administration will all be in jail soon...]
[tweet: 985951697108422662, from: @amyinthelou (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:42:57(HIGH,0,0,0) You must have gone to the Mike Huckabee school of comedy.]
[tweet: 985951066096324608, from: @pappjo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:40:26(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 985950731772538883, from: @susandtom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:39:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Swung and miss?]
[tweet: 985950393158000641, from: @babsben (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:37:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Everyone knows that when you're explaining, you're winning. Thank Dog that clear and concise communication isn't part of your job description. (See, THAT'S sarcasm.)]
[tweet: 985950105655304194, from: @ricklicious79 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:36:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Why haven't you quit and gone to work for QVC ? You can hawk clothes and they don't care about the Hatch Act either .]
[tweet: 985949905150709760, from: @rmn150 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:35:50(HIGH,0,0,0) He DID sow seeds of doubt about Secretary Clinton right up to the last minute.]
[tweet: 985949742680166401, from: @caroljsisson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:35:11(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985948636394786817, from: @karenbaylis12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:30:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Why do you always look like a crackhead? Get some help woman!]
[tweet: 985947130379624448, from: @wolverinelpk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:24:48(HIGH,0,0,0) From the Not-So]
[tweet: 985947025475756032, from: @dajerseyboy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:24:23(HIGH,0,0,0) I can’t give you Trump’s excuse as I know you know better.]
[tweet: 985947004873465866, from: @kendra_kayyyy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:24:18(HIGH,0,0,0) The only thing that needs to be stired is Trumps meds in his morning McDonald’s]
[tweet: 985946031660716032, from: @karenjamesart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:20:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I think you were getting in bed, not putting to bed.  Your knees are getting raw Kelly.....]
[tweet: 985945725929512960, from: @resistnow30 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:19:13(HIGH,0,0,0) Seriously, you lied, but that’s not new.  By the way, what are you lapping? Or is it just practice?]
[tweet: 985944142651035648, from: @tiltedhorizons (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:12:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Now it all makes sense. You were home-schooled by @BetsyDeVosED weren't you?]
[tweet: 985942551114010629, from: @rogerfisk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:06:36(HIGH,0,0,0) If it's what you say I love it - especially later in summer.]
[tweet: 985942373199958017, from: @hickorystonewal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:05:54(HIGH,0,0,0) @FLOTUS]
[tweet: 985942099169349632, from: @gbmaggie2ks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:04:49(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 985941319645212674, from: @tvstaceylevin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Comey and the Russians out Trump in office. Period.]
[tweet: 985941145883693056, from: @silenceladus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes you did!]
[tweet: 985940359157923840, from: @bdc12thman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:57:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Don't pull a hammy backpedaling....]
[tweet: 985940127263477760, from: @unlikebeejay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:56:58(HIGH,0,0,0) In English, that sentence would be "He swung and missed." You're welcome.]
[tweet: 985939951081656320, from: @prettygirlgg11 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:56:16(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985939464462782464, from: @scottreadsbooks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:54:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Sorry.  You admitted that Mr. Comey did what he could to get Don elected.  Or are you now trying to say that what you said was just your brand of "Alternative Facts"?]
[tweet: 985939443424088064, from: @s5talent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:54:15(HIGH,0,1,0) No indication of sarcasm. I don’t think you’re even capable of such. Nice try though.]
[tweet: 985938641347338241, from: @diannemelodia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:51:04(HIGH,0,0,0) hahahahaha! You made a mistake...a big(ly) one!!! Spin it anyway you want, you said it and meant it! :):):):):):):):):):)]
[tweet: 985938113590591489, from: @gdowney32 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:48:58(HIGH,0,0,0) All she does is roll her eyes and lie. Can she start using a flare gun to let us know when she’s close to being truthful...]
[tweet: 985938033143877633, from: @babygirlme101 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:48:39(HIGH,0,1,0) @TheIJR Oh just hush it!]
[tweet: 985937753782104065, from: @littlelast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:47:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Is sarcasm even appropriate for a WH spokesperson? I would think maybe clarity would be better received....but you don't learn.]
[tweet: 985936860563329024, from: @mustysatyr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:44:00(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m glad you admit he got your madman elected.]
[tweet: 985936532296077313, from: @mgstupelo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:42:41(HIGH,0,0,0) I still love that video of you talking for Cruz at the time... If Trump has nothing to hide why not release his tax returns. You are a fraud and political "ho" up for the highest bidder.]
[tweet: 985936291526098944, from: @mattws81 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:41:44(HIGH,0,1,0) If that line was sarcastic then that whole comment, before and after was as well. I sensed nothing in your body language or tone of voice suggesting it was sarcastic, and I was looking for it since I read reactions to it before viewing the interview.]
[tweet: 985931060541259778, from: @poxnewsceo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:20:57(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 985929958504697856, from: @corwinstn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:16:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Alternative facts, what she is best known for!]
[tweet: 985929742300966912, from: @jasonmease (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:15:42(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985929450708783104, from: @yogaqueen64 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:14:33(HIGH,0,0,0) Saw interview you spoke truth and are now trying to back track]
[tweet: 985929369691590657, from: @tomsisk72 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:14:14(HIGH,0,0,0) And by the way #PestilenceBarbie I did NOT see a single eye roll. Not a one. You said that you were rolling those eyes and sarcastic, but... nope.]
[tweet: 985928913535864834, from: @von_mongoose (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:12:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Fake Views]
[tweet: 985928867306074114, from: @chris__twomey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:12:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Mrs. Conway, I feel like you guys think you are playing your own version of the reality show Survivor; The White House.  You never apologize for your faults while recklessly shifting the blame to others or “alternative facts”.  Frankly, what kind of example are you setting?]
[tweet: 985928690688196610, from: @tomsisk72 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:11:32(HIGH,0,0,0) #PestilenceBarbie]
[tweet: 985928687861329920, from: @michaelsalfino (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:11:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice own goal.]
[tweet: 985928357702438918, from: @faaz_23 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:10:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Thirsty???]



 ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, ari=0, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.69, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0}
 orders: orig=169, rank=1, date=31
Snark and sarcasm are uncalled for when you are speaking to the American public on behalf of the White House. You are employed by the people of this country and should treat your position with respect.
 ranking=16.509106958703338 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.33, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.34, pop=4.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=1.96, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=10, rank=2, date=5
Add sarcasm and stir? Listen you #failed at comedy before no need to try and pain us through an attempt at it again. Your words can’t be taken back. You admitted Trump shouldn’t have won. See what happens when your lies start to be shown for the truths the really are?
 ranking=15.395055202621547 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0.79, smog=0.30, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=135, rank=3, date=65
You sound triggered Smellyanne.  Did you accidentally tell the truth for once and now you’re scared?
 ranking=14.885590033455472 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.15, pop=5.86, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=3, rank=4, date=3
FYI, the definition of sarcasm is not "thing republicans say when they are caught admitting guilt / doing something wrong / being racist / etc. See also: get out of jail free card." 

You're really not good at this job.
 ranking=14.433349832313974 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0.55, smog=0.93, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.24, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=136, rank=5, date=64
Nice tap dancing Kellyanne but the damage is done. Own it!

Look at the bright side, you found yourself a new campaign slogan.
Swing And A Miss!

Trumps new hashtag  #SAAM
 ranking=14.428223994041133 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.28, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.06, pop=2.40, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=86, rank=6, date=118
1. You admit Comey swung the election for @realDonaldTrump.
2. You talk about all the sanctions...which as of today Trump has pulled off the not to distress "Papa Vlad"...

Jesus Kellyann...Donald called and would like you to stop trying to "help".
 ranking=14.28546171565537 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.27, smog=0.54, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.08, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=90, rank=7, date=114
Kellyanne, you and the whole trump administration seem to take your defensive ideas from Scientology!! The only defense you have is to deflect and blame. You name call and try to disparage anyone’s character that you don’t agree with! You’re awful people!
 ranking=14.07184032163288 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.91, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.26, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=77, rank=8, date=133
Well the election was infiltrated with Russsian collusion and cooperation by the Trump Campaign. The only reason Trump won was because a foreign adversary hacked the election process with campaid aid and cooperation with Wikileaks.
 ranking=13.968250844907539 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0, smog=1.40, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.57, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.56, ari=0.68, lix=0.99, time=0.03, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.81}
 orders: orig=21, rank=9, date=192
I really don't know why any these shows have you on... you don't answer any questions and you lie lie lie...I guess it's good TV, in that it's a curiosity to see some one like you operate.. it's like when Springer brings the KKK on. you know you're not going to change their minds
 ranking=13.846746537633674 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.81, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.38, ari=1.03, lix=0.11, time=1.23, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.03}
 orders: orig=124, rank=10, date=76
More double standards as Ari Fleischer points out: 
"If investigators prefer informal interviews instead of grand juries, as Comey said with Hillary, then why is Mueller doing the opposite with Trump? FBI & DoJ rolled over for Hillary, while Mueller is being tough with Trump."
 ranking=13.836548148778814 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.51, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.67, lix=0.08, time=0.19, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=44, rank=11, date=177
If that line was sarcastic then that whole comment, before and after was as well. I sensed nothing in your body language or tone of voice suggesting it was sarcastic, and I was looking for it since I read reactions to it before viewing the interview.
 ranking=13.667176413674133 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.53, lix=0.08, time=1.85, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=184, rank=12, date=16
Believable people can use sarcasm. Since you obviously aren’t believable you have to explain when you say you used sarcasm or again as cover for yet another trademark Kellyanne foot in mouth moment, fun times. Please keep the comments coming including footnotes, pun intended lol
 ranking=13.568282897722517 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0.44, smog=1.07, ari=0.50, lix=0.08, time=1.19, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=120, rank=13, date=80
Mrs. Conway, I feel like you guys think you are playing your own version of the reality show Survivor; The White House.  You never apologize for your faults while recklessly shifting the blame to others or “alternative facts”.  Frankly, what kind of example are you setting?
 ranking=13.518174055338724 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.31, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.43, lix=0.06, time=1.92, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=191, rank=14, date=9
Wait.....who exactly were you putting to bed? Did trump's bed servant quit ? Or was he fired? You are stuck doing it now? Good lord woman have some pride. Just say no and walk away!
 ranking=13.075470201427294 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=6.00, flesch=0.94, cos=0.85, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=3.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=141, rank=15, date=59
No indication of sarcasm. I don’t think you’re even capable of such. Nice try though.
 ranking=12.974771865775573 from {coleman=0.50, cos=1.34, smog=0.62, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.95, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=177, rank=16, date=23
Puerile Preet Bharara taking a jab at you as well on Twitter. Unbelievable Fired US Attorney Has People Play Trigger Our #President #Trump games on Twitter.  Not Very Presidential Ohhhh I Mean Not Very US Attorney /Fired Attorney Like.  #Ethics
 ranking=12.941164277891238 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.29, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.32, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=53, rank=17, date=164
Finally some truth comes out....I guess Comey now will be rehired since he alone swung the election to Trump by his actions according to Conway.
Well that will probably not happen the current administration will all be in jail soon...
 ranking=12.922560522074283 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.26, smog=0.97, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.52, lix=0.06, time=1.53, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=153, rank=18, date=47
Kellyanne Conway wishes she had someone like... Kellyanne Conway, to go on the talk shows and spin what she said “when Kellyanne said James Comey swung the election she really meant... Hillary’s emails.  That is actually what she said, despite the actual words she said.”
 ranking=12.91970476816142 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.22, smog=0.57, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=128, rank=19, date=72
Don't listen to the haters, Kellyanne.  You've done an amazing job of keeping up with all of the lies up until this point.  It was inevitable you'd let one true statement out accidentally.  #stayStrong #MAGA
 ranking=12.88090168074759 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.79, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=48, rank=20, date=173
Everyone knows that when you're explaining, you're winning. Thank Dog that clear and concise communication isn't part of your job description. (See, THAT'S sarcasm.)
 ranking=12.828221709870098 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.34, smog=0.93, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.41, lix=0.07, time=1.57, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=157, rank=21, date=43
Have you people who are being so sarcastic ever had an idea that added jobs to this economy ... I believe I’ll answer that ... no you haven’t...     do something productive instead of hoping this administration fails ....
 ranking=12.616073713395233 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.33, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=74, rank=22, date=137
Swing and a miss like your plastic surgeon?
 ranking=12.154041401861544 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.57, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=6.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=1, rank=23, date=1
Nope. Not what you said AT ALL. You had a tiny moment of truth and now you are flipping somersaults to backtrack. #Impeach #Resist #NotMyPresident #KellyAnneLies
 ranking=11.960544915376756 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.13, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=146, rank=24, date=54
Sorry Kellyanne...but it seems revisionism is THY name...again...& again. IT DID SWING IT, that + Russia of course

You are also, apparently, not capable of sarcasm, nor being 'tongue in cheek'. You can certainly keep trying to convince us though, we'll just call that self parody
 ranking=11.811178348484706 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.52, smog=0.75, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.24, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=49, rank=25, date=172
Holy shit! Watching the word vomit and total ignorance spewing from your mouth in this interview today. Amazing that you’re in the position you’re in. Like, mind boggling. #fuckingmoron
 ranking=11.7552653385213 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.91, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.29, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=0.92, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.51}
 orders: orig=98, rank=26, date=106
Kellyanne, you should always end your interviews with this line: “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I don’t think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” You can pass this on to your boss also, he really needs it...
 ranking=11.685138558364272 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.48, lix=0.05, time=1.52, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.56}
 orders: orig=152, rank=27, date=48
Watch your video again. It wasn’t phrased as a question. You’re fired. And then you’ll write a book on how you were forced to say among other things .....Alternative facts.
 ranking=11.62422726290684 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.10, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=139, rank=28, date=61
it's "swung and missed".  get your metaphors right at least. have you seen your husbands tweets? He thinks you are working for a criminal.  Your daughters must be so proud.
 ranking=11.585918307701084 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.33, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.09, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=20, rank=29, date=193
Sorry.  You admitted that Mr. Comey did what he could to get Don elected.  Or are you now trying to say that what you said was just your brand of "Alternative Facts"?
 ranking=11.49232946812165 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=176, rank=30, date=24
"Suggesting".... Even if this was a "joke" in your "joke" you still made this "suggestion".  IDK how much someone gets for selling their soul these days but whatever you got isn't nearly enough.
 ranking=11.475309915678714 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.28, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=38, rank=31, date=171
You didn't say he tried to swing an election. You said "This guy swung an election."

You're the one who "swung and miss".
 ranking=11.348767929910714 from {coleman=0.33, cos=1.05, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.06, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=114, rank=32, date=86
Maybe you should spend less time lying to cover up your own incompetency and more time checking your grammar. I think you meant to say “swung and missed”. Or is “miss” an “alternative” past tense?
 ranking=11.317141489766819 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.57, smog=0.75, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.19, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=94, rank=33, date=110
But he didn't miss.  You were right the first time.  He swung the election. First moment of truth from this puppet.
 ranking=11.147792728425946 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.73, smog=0.57, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=64, rank=34, date=150
Is sarcasm even appropriate for a WH spokesperson? I would think maybe clarity would be better received....but you don't learn.
 ranking=11.10585339637014 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0.76, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.28, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=181, rank=35, date=19
*missed. Add a dash of proofreading and proper use of tense. #alternativegrammar
 ranking=10.845424484767818 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0.45, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.37, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.47, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=33, rank=36, date=125
Spin, spin, spin....but, you always end up in the same place, wrong. Cut your losses, Kellyanne. You still have friends like Chris Cuomo. Get off the sinking ship, don't go down with it.
 ranking=10.751319791320253 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.04, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=110, rank=37, date=90
I still love that video of you talking for Cruz at the time... If Trump has nothing to hide why not release his tax returns. You are a fraud and political "ho" up for the highest bidder.
 ranking=10.750330213309493 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=183, rank=38, date=17
Well, I'm sure @realDonaldTrump thinks orange looks good IN her. #Scarrieanne #TalesfromtheWH #CryptKeeper
 ranking=10.678027762602373 from {coleman=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.09, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=5, rank=39, date=105
@Comey swung the 
2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION  TO @realDonaldTrump ... 



@CNNPolitics @MSNBC @ABC @NBCNews @CBSNews ETC. 

 ranking=10.56441033081043 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.30, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=2.20, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=2.00, fog=0.47, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=26, rank=40, date=158
Master manipulator. #yourwordsarepoison
 ranking=10.522603713915023 from {coleman=2.65, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=1.84, numsent=1.00, flesch=3.63, ari=1.75, lix=0.99, time=0.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.39}
 orders: orig=88, rank=41, date=117
You’re a public joke. Multiple ethics violations and you’re the best messenger the WH has? Then again, not sure there’s a person of integrity left in the people’s house.
 ranking=10.430174798054995 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=134, rank=42, date=66
The Cryptkeeper admitted Comey helped the orange tumor win. Even with Comey and Russian help he still lost by over 3million. Not something anyone would be proud of. #sad
 ranking=10.31042405889293 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0.28, smog=0.75, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=2.00, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=122, rank=43, date=78
You don’t have a soul and are disguising. Once your boss dumps you like he has the others our career will be over. Time to move to an uninhabited island.
 ranking=10.163435245783804 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=15, rank=44, date=191
Do you know that you were filmed? I saw no wink nor eye roll, watched it three times. Was daddy mad?! But that's right he doesn't watch tv does he.
 ranking=10.148619661266569 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=3.00, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=148, rank=45, date=52
you actually told the truth for once...and now you're trying to retell that truth as a people are amazing... #heroinisonehellofadrug
 ranking=10.074379317875692 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.55, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.52, ari=0.60, lix=0.05, time=0.18, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=43, rank=46, date=178
You'll look great in orange btw
 ranking=10.03295917004398 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=4.74, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=4, rank=47, date=2
Comey was an obama plant I just now watched that it’s obvious to me and the things he did for Clinton his action leaking and this interview seals the deal
 ranking=9.931285995116257 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.64, lix=0.08, time=0.67, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=79, rank=48, date=130
Nice try at spin. Not what you said.  Not your tone. Too little too late.  Oops, an honest moment for you.
 ranking=9.823828134511537 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=5.00, flesch=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=2.00, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=129, rank=49, date=71
And by the way #PestilenceBarbie I did NOT see a single eye roll. Not a one. You said that you were rolling those eyes and sarcastic, but... nope.
 ranking=9.806509892454573 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=189, rank=50, date=11
Nice try, but you've shown us too many of the MANY tines in your forked tongue, to have ANY remaining credibility. Your singular expertise is: …
 ranking=9.36834001116588 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=117, rank=51, date=83
Sure you were.  Bless your heart.  #Sarcasm #Eyeroll #KelllyanneLies
 ranking=9.298848091647654 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0.48, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.41, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=59, rank=52, date=155
I think you were getting in bed, not putting to bed.  Your knees are getting raw Kelly.....
 ranking=9.285346806309732 from {coleman=0.37, cos=1.05, smog=0.30, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=165, rank=53, date=35
I almost forgot how awful you are. I haven’t seen you on tv lately. Saw your interview with @ChrisCuomo and was reminded how crooked u are.
 ranking=9.167109703302062 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=138, rank=54, date=62
You think you're talking to people who care and have souls. #Scarrieanne
 ranking=9.118892437746824 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=11, rank=55, date=101
I add sarcasm and stir everything you say already.
 ranking=9.036366403945092 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=1.70, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=1.29, numword=0, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=130, rank=56, date=70
hahahahaha! You made a mistake...a big(ly) one!!! Spin it anyway you want, you said it and meant it! :):):):):):):):):):)
 ranking=8.934574766725092 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.57, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=178, rank=57, date=22
“He swung and missED” is the correct way to mutter that sentence. & we do not associate you with sarcasm. You lack the intelligence for that.
 ranking=8.888610505958773 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0.80, smog=0.85, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.27, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=16, rank=58, date=188
The wicked witch of the east gets caught speaking the truth and tries to make up tongue in cheek arguement #trumpprison2018
 ranking=8.87136553053483 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.57, lix=0.05, time=1.41, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.37, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=142, rank=59, date=58
I would love to see the President when he comes to Key West on Thursday. I’m here on vacation. Any suggestions?
 ranking=8.853611569532656 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.15, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=47, rank=60, date=174
“He swung and MISSED.”   It’s “He swung and missed. Who’s writing this for you?  Donald?
 ranking=8.799821100068272 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.80, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.94, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=65, rank=61, date=149
.@KellyannePolls You really mean "Add sarcasm, alternative facts, and stir" 
 ranking=8.754478593657064 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=1.43, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=0, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=82, rank=62, date=127
Stay strong Kellyanne. Many millions of intelligent citizens are with you.
 ranking=8.701454531879545 from {coleman=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.39, lix=0.07, time=0.29, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=50, rank=63, date=167
No, no you weren't. lol He benefitted yall in the last days and you know it. Sad how desperate you are to pivot.
 ranking=8.61615090802063 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=132, rank=64, date=68
So now you are telling us what we saw and heard??  #Gaslighting #LyinKellyanne #CorruptTrumpAdministration #HowManyLiesInAWeek #VoteThemOut2018
 ranking=8.595434651815971 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.27, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=105, rank=65, date=95
Capable and Comey just don't fit together.
 ranking=8.546173532282582 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0.57, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=0.90, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=96, rank=66, date=108
Why haven't you quit and gone to work for QVC ? You can hawk clothes and they don't care about the Hatch Act either .
 ranking=8.486732682866961 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=158, rank=67, date=42
He was a sideshow...only two people are responsible for Hillarys loss....1. Hillary 2. Trump
 ranking=8.48616320890202 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=106, rank=68, date=94
Wow. As a mother and a woman I am always shocked how you can stand up and lie!!  Have some shame for goodness sake.
 ranking=8.437355578326267 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=31, rank=69, date=131
They have souls. But their souls are black as coal.
 ranking=8.433272965708959 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.09, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=12, rank=70, date=103
 nice try to save that comment. He swung an election. Your words.
 ranking=8.305029405774459 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.48, smog=0.62, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=24, rank=71, date=168
Sarcasm is best served with wit, something you are sadly lacking. Without wit, it's just bitchiness.
 ranking=8.30282671024516 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.35, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.23, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.32, lix=0.06, time=0.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=39, rank=72, date=194
He DID sow seeds of doubt about Secretary Clinton right up to the last minute.
 ranking=8.024741423484548 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=159, rank=73, date=41
I know a large number of people that were going to vote for Clinton, but chose to NOT VOTE AT ALL rather than vote for Trump.
 ranking=7.9568051348136395 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=121, rank=74, date=79
All she does is roll her eyes and lie. Can she start using a flare gun to let us know when she’s close to being truthful...
 ranking=7.955257432989691 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=179, rank=75, date=21
Poor lying Kellyanne makes a fool of herself by accidentally telling the truth.
 ranking=7.934051776130139 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.38, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.45, lix=0.07, time=0.61, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=30, rank=76, date=136
In English, that sentence would be "He swung and missed." You're welcome.
 ranking=7.894060284368169 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0.57, smog=0.30, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.08, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=174, rank=77, date=26
It’s hilarious watching you try to explain this.
 ranking=7.890042041460761 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.28, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.31, lix=0.09, time=0.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=100, rank=78, date=100
Have you considered not opening your mouth in the future?  I would.
 ranking=7.799234944250679 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=32, rank=79, date=126
The statement: putting it to bed just says it all doesn’t.  My Momma always said lay down with dogs you get up with fleas! 
 ranking=7.798787700376008 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.80, smog=0.69, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=18, rank=80, date=189
If by 'putting to bed' you mean nothing of the kind, then sure.
 ranking=7.676966644930104 from {coleman=0.27, cos=1.03, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=9, rank=81, date=183
Seriously, you lied, but that’s not new.  By the way, what are you lapping? Or is it just practice?
 ranking=7.375874369988545 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=166, rank=82, date=34
Saw interview you spoke truth and are now trying to back track
 ranking=7.315257995649496 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=188, rank=83, date=12
You people at the White House aren’t very good at this sarcasm thing 
 ranking=7.272150584761841 from {coleman=0.44, cos=1.03, smog=0.30, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=147, rank=84, date=53
He swung the election to Don. Your own words. Own it.
 ranking=7.244964069684378 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0.63, smog=0.62, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=69, rank=85, date=144
Thank you for confirming it, Kellyanne. Of course we already knew that! …
 ranking=7.231873162799436 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=97, rank=86, date=107
Oh look, you made the list. Please re-evaluate what you’re doing with Trump.  cc @gtconway3d …
 ranking=7.163500699558174 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.12, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=104, rank=87, date=96
If you have to tell us that you were being funny, maybe you’re terrible at being funny and should leave being funny to funny people.
 ranking=7.158575365120274 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.51, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.30, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=109, rank=88, date=91
If it's what you say I love it - especially later in summer.
 ranking=7.1035576559119145 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=168, rank=89, date=32
You need to brush up on your sarcasm skills.  It didn't work.
 ranking=6.991053802001649 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.57, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=45, rank=90, date=176
The only thing that needs to be stired is Trumps meds in his morning McDonald’s
 ranking=6.973720272894287 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.48, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=164, rank=91, date=36
what does "He swung and miss" mean.  Did you really think this tweet was a good idea?
 ranking=6.8801083163749 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0.89, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.02, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.86, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=29, rank=92, date=143
It's "swing and a miss" or "swung and missed"
 ranking=6.876335370915958 from {coleman=0.28, cos=1.26, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=36, rank=93, date=120
Why do you always look like a crackhead? Get some help woman!
 ranking=6.861772422680412 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=161, rank=94, date=39
Oh my Lord, do you people even hear yourselves?
 ranking=6.7910018411357695 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.57, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=46, rank=95, date=175
Every time you speak, America’s collective IQ drops a point..
 ranking=6.667598788891191 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=118, rank=96, date=82
Looking at U on CNN just made my day , I can’t believe there is such a du#b a#s like u ! 
 ranking=6.659405561584373 from {coleman=0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=91, rank=97, date=113
Alternative facts, what she is best known for!
 ranking=6.577283188948465 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=186, rank=98, date=14
You should know about swinging and missing. You do it on a daily basis. Sad.
 ranking=6.519016391752578 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=19, rank=99, date=190
Please resign before you get fired. It will be a little less
 ranking=6.516696235542764 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=101, rank=100, date=99
Another blackout, huh?.Get some help, Kellyanne.
 ranking=6.505619358184806 from {coleman=0.81, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.29, lix=0.08, time=0.57, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=71, rank=101, date=140
Let's play the footage it doesn't look like an eye roll it looks and sounds more like a freudian slip …
 ranking=6.405784566403881 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=85, rank=102, date=119
You should go to bed crypt keeper.
 ranking=6.361686932917926 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.63, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=40, rank=103, date=181
Missed.  Please make sure your grammar is correct.
 ranking=6.32906475273321 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=7, rank=104, date=185
Kellyanne had a rough day. She fell way off script today. Is she the next to be fired??
 ranking=6.3265020904925535 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=76, rank=105, date=134
I can’t give you Trump’s excuse as I know you know better.
 ranking=6.291200979381443 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=163, rank=106, date=37
Via Michael, @TrumpTrainMRA4: #StormyComeyDaniels sister ???
 ranking=6.274574596282898 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=52, rank=107, date=165
I’m glad you admit he got your madman elected.
 ranking=6.2395735180412375 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=0, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=182, rank=108, date=18
Your just as bad as your boss if not worse ... amazing you are 
 ranking=6.156820535300566 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=108, rank=109, date=92
Comey and the Russians out Trump in office. Period.
 ranking=6.0669929839633445 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=171, rank=110, date=29
Now it all makes sense. You were home-schooled by @BetsyDeVosED weren't you?
 ranking=6.058866981672394 from {coleman=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.17, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=167, rank=111, date=33
You must have gone to the Mike Huckabee school of comedy.
 ranking=5.961323383317713 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=154, rank=112, date=46
Thank you for being an inspiration....for children not to do meth.
 ranking=5.823459500147574 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=35, rank=113, date=122
So you are saying he did try? Make up your mind!
 ranking=5.76349575913777 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.08, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=140, rank=114, date=60
I would get a lawyer if I’m u ! Actually you r FIRED ! 
 ranking=5.71943202905342 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=95, rank=115, date=109
Gonna need to hear your husband's take on this, Kelly.
 ranking=5.223385967926689 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=143, rank=116, date=57
If it were not for Comey there would be no trump
 ranking=5.22199442361762 from {coleman=0.23, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=145, rank=117, date=55
Yeah sure.  Really, how do you sleep at night?
 ranking=5.001877290950745 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=-0.10, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=125, rank=118, date=75
Fair. The other lady DID get the most votes.
 ranking=4.892486098085718 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.32, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=68, rank=119, date=145
Methinks me smell fish farts Kellyanne. Say 'scuze me.
 ranking=4.863359536082474 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=78, rank=120, date=132
 ranking=4.727432609051558 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.86, lix=0.10, time=1.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=192, rank=121, date=8
Much has been put to bed dear.
 ranking=4.613784324375355 from {coleman=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0.63, smog=0.30, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=81, rank=122, date=128
He didn’t swing it. Russia did.
 ranking=4.5377098453608244 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=0, kincaid=-0.14, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=123, rank=123, date=77
 ranking=4.397342458918777 from {coleman=2.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=1.31, lix=0.99, time=0.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=6, rank=124, date=116
That’s not even remotely convincing.
 ranking=4.2634335055127845 from {coleman=1.05, cos=0.73, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.63, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.88, ari=0.50, lix=0.11, time=0.42, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=60, rank=125, date=154
Swung and miss?
 ranking=3.809252593487612 from {coleman=0.39, cos=1.79, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=156, rank=126, date=44
great work you are the best
 ranking=3.5889923539518898 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=57, rank=127, date=159
Why do you always look like you're on smack?
 ranking=3.36478743556701 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=55, rank=128, date=162
I’m just going to leave this right
 ranking=3.329250085910653 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=70, rank=129, date=142
Nah,KA you don’t do sarcasm.
 ranking=3.301840970144345 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0.73, smog=0.30, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=8, rank=130, date=187
I see the molly wore off...
 ranking=2.871415034364261 from {coleman=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.18, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=75, rank=131, date=135
Oh please, Miss Alternative Facts
 ranking=2.4679839259009464 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.57, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=34, rank=132, date=124
Don't pull a hammy backpedaling....
 ranking=2.396893820391764 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=173, rank=133, date=27
 ranking=2.2255886910167963 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.60, lix=0.99, time=0.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=13, rank=134, date=104
Hastily typed? Barely English.
 ranking=2.0787770618556705 from {coleman=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.45, lix=0.10, time=1.11, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=113, rank=135, date=87
Not even @gtconway3d believes that!
 ranking=1.9463983309793083 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.89, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=66, rank=136, date=148
he swung, you missed, miss
 ranking=1.6732469918350819 from {coleman=0.39, cos=1.46, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=111, rank=137, date=89
Missed. Past tense.
 ranking=1.273061082474226 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.16, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.03}
 orders: orig=149, rank=138, date=51
Missed, miss.
 ranking=0.8151475518246578 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.89, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=0, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=67, rank=139, date=147
Love sarcasm.
 ranking=0.6892328767144997 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0.89, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=0.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=17, rank=140, date=186
#kellyannconartist #fakenews
 ranking=0.6538840403755026 from {coleman=2.89, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=1.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=3.34, ari=1.92, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=0.68, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=2.04}
 orders: orig=80, rank=141, date=129 … #HannityCohen #FoxNews #corrupted
 ranking=0.5046790362300475 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=0.40, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=27, rank=142, date=156 …
 ranking=0.45495653609910613 from {pop=2.20, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=37, rank=143, date=170
 ranking=0.3326963917525769 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=107, rank=144, date=93 …
 ranking=0.23953893313726504 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=155, rank=145, date=45
Wow that is great
 ranking=0.042431845508399846 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=2, rank=146, date=4 …
 ranking=-0.14432989690721643 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=185, rank=147, date=15
Girl you slipped!
 ranking=-0.29312697594501747 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=1.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=144, rank=148, date=56
You lie, Kellyanne
 ranking=-0.37248151359813086 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=0.51, numword=0, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=28, rank=149, date=146
@TheIJR Oh just hush it!
 ranking=-0.48751660809984876 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.27, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=180, rank=150, date=20 …
 ranking=-0.5003035770244393 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=14, rank=151, date=184
Fake Views
 ranking=-0.5319085051546397 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=190, rank=152, date=10
 ranking=-0.6840046391752583 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=150, rank=153, date=50
Nice own goal.
 ranking=-0.7679723367697611 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=193, rank=154, date=7
Douche bag
 ranking=-0.839125000000001 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=102, rank=155, date=98 …
 ranking=-0.8969072164948453 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=112, rank=156, date=88 …
 ranking=-0.9460280771720133 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=56, rank=157, date=160
Yes you did!
 ranking=-1.4378005154639188 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.29, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=172, rank=158, date=28
Who is Kellyanne?
 ranking=-1.4794087628865986 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=0.27, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=23, rank=159, date=169

 ranking=-1.6391752577319587 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=137, rank=160, date=63
#your #ugly
 ranking=-1.679382731958763 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=89, rank=161, date=115
Well said
 ranking=-2.1608260309278355 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=62, rank=162, date=152
 ranking=-5.313901546391753 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=42, rank=163, date=179
@KellyannePolls before the makeup department is
 ranking=-6.432268993598501 from {coleman=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.38, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.33, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=54, rank=164, date=163
 ranking=-7.7503963917525756 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.60, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=194, rank=165, date=6
The monster returns!!
 ranking=-7.879499281491791 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.34, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=0.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=61, rank=166, date=153
Um...your sarcasm excuse
 ranking=-8.002518978309265 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0.73, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.51, lix=0.10, fwwp=-10, time=1.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=103, rank=167, date=97
Tap dancing
 ranking=-8.30730771634727 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.16, lix=0.10, fwwp=-10, time=0.86, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=92, rank=168, date=112
 ranking=-9.059872845344193 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.13, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.39, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=58, rank=169, date=157
From the Not-So
 ranking=-9.128893298969071 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, fwwp=-10, time=1.62, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=162, rank=170, date=38
 ranking=-9.398445834841004 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.30, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.30, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=131, rank=171, date=69
 ranking=-9.912674711045058 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.70, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=170, rank=172, date=30
Stop reaching, Auntie Cray Cray!
 ranking=-10.40332175257732 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.28, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=63, rank=173, date=151
 ranking=-10.833861056638066 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.61, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.56, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=87, rank=174, date=141
 ranking=-11.074219912215245 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.79, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.13, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=22, rank=175, date=182
 ranking=-11.123711340206185 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=187, rank=176, date=13
Swing and a
 ranking=-11.125429381443297 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.29, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.13, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=115, rank=177, date=85
 ranking=-11.24742268041237 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.75, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=175, rank=178, date=25
 ranking=-11.324068123703025 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.10, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.58, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=72, rank=179, date=139
 ranking=-11.402061855670103 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.60, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=160, rank=180, date=40
 ranking=-11.494845360824742 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.51, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=151, rank=181, date=49
 ranking=-11.543966221501911 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.76, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=84, rank=182, date=121
 ranking=-11.68041237113402 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.32, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=133, rank=183, date=67
And then there's
 ranking=-11.721702319587628 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.20, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.25, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=126, rank=184, date=74
 ranking=-11.742268041237114 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=127, rank=185, date=73
Nice try,
 ranking=-11.8031456185567 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.20, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=93, rank=186, date=111
 ranking=-11.824742268041238 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.18, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=119, rank=187, date=81
 ranking=-11.855670103092784 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.14, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=116, rank=188, date=84
 ranking=-11.956337355522528 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.35, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=25, rank=189, date=161
 ranking=-12.007883747275105 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.30, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=51, rank=190, date=166
 ranking=-12.041237113402062 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.96, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=99, rank=191, date=102
 ranking=-12.257731958762886 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.74, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=83, rank=192, date=123
 ranking=-12.412371134020619 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=73, rank=193, date=138
 ranking=-12.845360824742269 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.15, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=41, rank=194, date=180

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/16/18 07:11:12: As I said dozens of time, Hillary, not Comey, is why Hillary lost. BEFORE Oct 28/Comey letter: - she struggled to get 50% polls in states Pres Obama carried twice - majority said she wasn't honest/trustworthy -Trump better candidate/message/connector …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Worse 193 (list is complete) 37% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #31, ranking: #193, date: #156] From @mb3252 on 04/16/18 03:44:15
    [original: #46, ranking: #192, date: #139] From @shaqtinafool1 on 04/16/18 12:35:47
    [original: #49, ranking: #191, date: #136] From @pgarobbie1 on 04/16/18 12:09:09
    [original: #52, ranking: #190, date: #133] From @sky_lee_1 on 04/16/18 11:51:52
    [original: #53, ranking: #189, date: #132] From @cmcfuckbucket on 04/16/18 11:51:34
    [original: #54, ranking: #188, date: #131] From @cmcfuckbucket on 04/16/18 11:51:22
    [original: #62, ranking: #187, date: #124] From @peoplepower9000 on 04/16/18 11:10:31
    [original: #11, ranking: #182, date: #182] From @1maddem on 04/17/18 06:47:07
    [original: #1, ranking: #160, date: #1] From @jmoore821 on 04/16/18 07:11:37
  • [original: #44, ranking: #158, date: #143] From @bhrmom on 04/16/18 12:39:32
  • …
    [original: #13, ranking: #157, date: #179] From @momrovin on 04/17/18 06:07:38
  • Way to duck the issue!
    [original: #2, ranking: #156, date: #190] From @brimshack on 04/20/18 08:13:05
  • You forgot: PUTIN'S HELP!
    [original: #51, ranking: #154, date: #134] From @vir_vat on 04/16/18 11:53:32
  • %##%{%<~€€ big idiot!
    [original: #38, ranking: #148, date: #149] From @valduval50 on 04/16/18 02:31:53
  • “They” will never accept that !
    [original: #16, ranking: #145, date: #174] From @robertmaurone on 04/17/18 02:37:45
  • Keep spinning!
    [original: #29, ranking: #144, date: #158] From @jimross1543 on 04/16/18 04:10:13
  • Kellyanne what does George think?
    [original: #45, ranking: #142, date: #141] From @amybrough6 on 04/16/18 12:37:13
    [original: #35, ranking: #141, date: #152] From @dunningkrugerls on 04/16/18 02:47:43
  • More "alternative facts," Kel?
    [original: #12, ranking: #137, date: #180] From @exasper8ed on 04/17/18 06:37:26
  • #shutupKellyanne
    [original: #57, ranking: #136, date: #129] From @valduval50 on 04/16/18 11:39:37
  • That’s Secretary Clinton to you.
    [original: #48, ranking: #135, date: #137] From @lisasabobutler on 04/16/18 12:13:46
  • Morning drinking rocks!
    [original: #33, ranking: #134, date: #154] From @mattyantha on 04/16/18 03:17:17
  • With a little help from her friends.
    [original: #22, ranking: #130, date: #166] From @jimoonan on 04/16/18 06:39:37
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
  • Good try. Hillary was mentioned, so that’s what you latch onto. Hint: this isn’t about Hillary. It’s about the most corrupt @POTUS is the history of our already great country. Your boss is destroying it. An uprise is building. He will be impeached and a blue wave in coming.
    [original: #187, ranking: #2, date: #67] From @jaredmillr on 04/16/18 08:11:37
  • Go ahead get that clean up going! I saw and heard your interview on @GMA! You said exactly what you meant. “Comey swung the election” Your post is nothing but your attempt to perform damage control. We see you @KellyannePolls ! I’ll give you an E for effort!
    [original: #190, ranking: #3, date: #54] From @veggierap on 04/16/18 07:52:38
  • You do realize that he only won because our elections are a facade. The people wanted Hilary, the selfish people in this country wanted Trump. Please be smarter.
    [original: #173, ranking: #5, date: #6] From @ahlyssa_xo on 04/16/18 07:13:42
  • You can say it as often as you like. She got 3 million more votes than Trump as it was, and barring Comey and the media that talked endlessly about the non-scandal during the last week of the election, she'd have had 6 million more.
    [original: #155, ranking: #8, date: #16] From @schrifty on 04/16/18 07:16:10
  • You're missing the whole scheme Kelly Ann, Comey came out October 28th to make it look like he was honestly investigating Hillary then he closed it two days later knowing Hillary was going to be president. It was all a play.
    [original: #157, ranking: #9, date: #14] From @dwatjr2 on 04/16/18 07:16:07
  • You know Chris smoked u in that interview period. It's hard to take anyone speaking from the WH due to the fact it's lies. Beginning w a statement on Air Force One that was drawn up n lied abt a meeting w Russians.
    [original: #140, ranking: #10, date: #31] From @candacemariemv on 04/16/18 07:28:30
  • Hillary lost because of the Electoral College. She WON the popular vote.
    [original: #183, ranking: #13, date: #76] From @johnt1965 on 04/16/18 08:20:38
  • I need to know what Hubby has to say about your crypt keeper ass riding the Trump train on a loop from hell to the White House and back.
    [original: #163, ranking: #15, date: #7] From @signoramadonne on 04/16/18 07:14:01
  • @ChrisCuomo is a tool. From the corrupt Cuomo family - Father &brother way out liberal/commie Gov’s of NY. He is no better. Deceitful Dems! Masters of twisting the truth or reality to make their fiction believable.
    [original: #135, ranking: #16, date: #37] From @rose43194994 on 04/16/18 07:31:58
  • A long list of post-Trump unemployables is growing daily. Make hay while you can @KellyannePolls to the “audience of one” you speak to...he must be very very proud of you!! Filibustering Fellatio! @realDonaldTrump
    [original: #151, ranking: #17, date: #20] From @johnishakeitup on 04/16/18 07:18:03
  • Funny, that's not what you said on @CNN. Sounds like you are editing your previous message. Live tv does not work like @twitter. #btdubs
    [original: #137, ranking: #18, date: #35] From @inlandrecords on 04/16/18 07:30:33
  • I'm pretty sure she lost because of the terrible job she did as the Secretary of State! Hmm, lets see, Benghazi, the classified emails on her personal server, her many lies and the list goes on......I don't recall, I'm not sure, etc. - common words used by liars.
    [original: #176, ranking: #20, date: #186] From @mattjh1969 on 04/17/18 11:42:17
  • Everyone should know by now, @KellyannePolls has no relationship with the truth. All she know is spin. It’s going to be a sad day for her when she realize her and trump are the only ones that believe her.
    [original: #189, ranking: #22, date: #59] From @luddie_h on 04/16/18 07:59:12
  • This isn’t about Hillary anymore. #ImpeachTrump
    [original: #181, ranking: #25, date: #83] From @karblemarbles on 04/16/18 08:30:22
  • Many times in the Bible, it is announced that God is good to those who care about the poor. May his blessings be for our present life or for the life to come, why not invest in things that matter and place us for the benefit of his grace. …
    [original: #143, ranking: #27, date: #28] From @s_reghis on 04/16/18 07:26:26
  • *tweets in best Dan Aykroyd voice : Kellyanne you ignorant slut ...
    [original: #162, ranking: #31, date: #8] From @kcnightfire on 04/16/18 07:14:02
  • You literally said Comey swung the election to Trump.
    [original: #153, ranking: #36, date: #18] From @birchandmaple on 04/16/18 07:16:59
  • Hillary won the vote of America. Trump only won the electoral vote. Even he said he was suprised.
    [original: #167, ranking: #39, date: #187] From @coyotess1us on 04/17/18 06:42:30
  • It was a set-up to make Hillary looks good before the election after Comey declared... You see? nothing to find.
    [original: #145, ranking: #44, date: #26] From @aka_c00lest on 04/16/18 07:21:20
  • So it basically boiled down to which candidate lied better. Youth of tomorrow, take note.
    [original: #165, ranking: #46, date: #4] From @kchoudhu on 04/16/18 07:12:51
  • I think you’re forgetting about the Russian interference and fake stories
    [original: #150, ranking: #49, date: #21] From @catems on 04/16/18 07:18:09
  • Aww, come on just admit it...... Trump won due to Russian influence on the election. And the Russian was Comey.
    [original: #154, ranking: #51, date: #17] From @admirathoria on 04/16/18 07:16:30
  • Hey Skeletor, you won. Get your DBag President to act like it. Bunch of 10 year olds running the country.
    [original: #159, ranking: #52, date: #12] From @rangodurango11 on 04/16/18 07:14:49
  • Everything had to go wrong at the end for Hillary to lose; and everything went wrong
    [original: #144, ranking: #57, date: #27] From @realkenwsmith on 04/16/18 07:26:11
  • No one listens to you anymore.
    [original: #172, ranking: #61, date: #10] From @threejuniormnts on 04/16/18 07:14:26
  • Trump must be really pissed at you. Does he like this oldie but goodie?
    [original: #180, ranking: #62, date: #98] From @riotwomennn on 04/16/18 09:11:58
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 985883414795563008, from: @jmoore821 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:11:37(HIGH,6,102,7)]
[tweet: 987348435752964096, from: @brimshack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 08:13:05(HIGH,0,1,0) Way to duck the issue!]
[tweet: 986437862085267456, from: @n0tyourbasicb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:54:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh come on now, don’t backpedal! You admitted Comey swung the election in Trumps favor. Don’t try and pass it off as sarcasm. We all know you slipped up and uttered the first truthful words you’ve ever]
[tweet: 988093622485647360, from: @grandkidblessed (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:34:12(HIGH,0,0,0) HRS lost the election because she chose NOT to campaign in Wisconsin, chose to be careless with classified emails, chose to attack people supporting the other candidate as deplorables, & vilified LEOs! Comey might play a minor role for those concerned re an ongoing investigation!]
[tweet: 986031767353208834, from: @dave_wenner (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:01:07(HIGH,0,2,2) Hillary won by over 3 million votes. She lost because of an outdated, gerrymandered Electoral college system.]
[tweet: 988074974064848897, from: @kevinindiana1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 08:20:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Wrong! I bet you were the kid who took your ball home when you didn't get your way!  We all grew up with cry babies.]
[tweet: 987114612817444864, from: @sonoralori (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 04:43:58(HIGH,0,0,0) So who keeps bringing up HILLIARY ?]
[tweet: 988169787992834048, from: @beejaymaumau (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:36:51(HIGH,0,0,0) In your old age, you'll be wearing a straight jacket and repeating "but Hillary....but Hillary...."]
[tweet: 986313324890439680, from: @karenm8816 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:39:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Thank you kellyanne... I guess so tired of all the whining]
[tweet: 986252590613610496, from: @gladys95sin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:38:35(HIGH,0,3,0) Hillary didn’t lose! She won the people’s vote. Gerrymandering, Russian interference, Comey and Stupidity gave Trump the presidency.]
[tweet: 986239637617176578, from: @1maddem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:47:07(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 986237199875272704, from: @exasper8ed (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:37:26(HIGH,0,0,0) More "alternative facts," Kel?]
[tweet: 986229702208770050, from: @momrovin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:07:38(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 986219307347726336, from: @wosewood (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:26:20(HIGH,0,0,0) The person who won by more popular votes was struggling? Lady.. stop wearing that godawful yellow shirt. It's in your banner too. I thought yesterday was a drug induced bad choice; you really did look "rose hard and put away wet" during the interview.]
[tweet: 986205888015994880, from: @litldaddy1951 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:33:01(HIGH,1,1,0) Are you that delusional? Hillary took the popular vote she beat your trashdumpser, but a landslide...russian involvemnet is what got the pig the WH, he must be boffing you, for you to support him like that!]
[tweet: 986176880557658113, from: @robertmaurone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:37:45(HIGH,0,1,0) “They” will never accept that !]
[tweet: 986144371811725312, from: @colleenkellyphd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 12:28:34(HIGH,0,0,0) No.  You said, "this guy swung an election."  It's recorded.  Forever.  On tape.  I can make an 11-hour loop of it for you.]
[tweet: 986081772516585472, from: @doxie56 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:19:49(HIGH,0,1,0) Hillary won the popular vote.  I wonder, how much did Dump pay our Electoral College to go against the people they represent?]
[tweet: 986075820258091008, from: @sayitaintru (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:56:10(HIGH,0,0,0) 3 million more votes....... end of discussion.]
[tweet: 986063130018177024, from: @jsscheen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:05:45(HIGH,0,1,0) Between Russia and Comey there is no way Hillary could have won.]
[tweet: 986061608525889537, from: @timshel_hope (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:59:42(HIGH,0,0,0) And Putin, Cambridge Analytica, Assange etc]
[tweet: 986056557182926848, from: @jimoonan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:39:37(HIGH,0,0,0) With a little help from her friends.]
[tweet: 986047785563770880, from: @fredolis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:04:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Back-pedaling all the way to 2016 just to try to save face from the obvious truth you declared before.]
[tweet: 986039222435041281, from: @larsgray (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:30:45(HIGH,0,1,0) You forgot to mention that Derelict Donald is better at alternative facts, might hit a golf ball farther, and uses similar bronzer.]
[tweet: 986038866820841472, from: @timdunnusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:29:20(HIGH,0,0,0) 3 Million Americans say otherwise! :D]
[tweet: 986031530672906242, from: @veragorman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:00:11(HIGH,0,0,0) As I've lied dozens of times about this...  -Kellyanne]
[tweet: 986028821345337351, from: @batshitcrazylez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:49:25(HIGH,0,1,0) Too late. You already ate your own foot. Smooth Move Ex-Lax]
[tweet: 986025917666480128, from: @stellaqueensd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:37:52(HIGH,0,1,0) There you go again talking about Hillary, your favorite subject. Back to the main subject: Trump is morally unfit and obstructed justice.]
[tweet: 986018956854079488, from: @jimross1543 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:10:13(HIGH,0,1,0) Keep spinning!]
[tweet: 986015878964654080, from: @karolcummins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:57:59(HIGH,1,3,0) There she goes again,  parroting the Kremlin’s false narratives.    The watchers are listening & watching.]
[tweet: 986012422484971520, from: @mb3252 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:44:15(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986009215331319811, from: @floffalo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:31:30(HIGH,0,1,0) Trump is one of, if not THE most productive and successful presidents the USA has ever had. His election win has brought out the true colors of modern day liberals.  Their hate and meanness is  alarming and they are benifiting most from Trumps policies. Go figure]
[tweet: 986005637908713472, from: @mattyantha (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:17:17(HIGH,0,1,0) Morning drinking rocks!]
[tweet: 986003532099805185, from: @4everleather1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:08:55(HIGH,0,0,0) #dozensoftime Can we get this trending? Like, dozens of time?]
[tweet: 985998195779026947, from: @dunningkrugerls (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:47:43(HIGH,0,0,0) ALERT! ALERT! FRENZIED DAMAGE CONTROL!]
[tweet: 985995128232787968, from: @robins_andi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:35:32(HIGH,0,0,0) you are a true woman of the country, in the Shakespearean sense of course, you vile creature]
[tweet: 985994728603725824, from: @blueeyez58 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:33:56(HIGH,0,0,0) And in 2020, we will be saying that Trump, not his competition, is why Trump lost. And I personally can’t wait for that day.]
[tweet: 985994211551055872, from: @valduval50 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:31:53(HIGH,0,0,0) %##%{%<~€€ big idiot!]
[tweet: 985992101572702208, from: @geoffvictor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:23:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice try. We all know you were serious. We have watched the footage.]
[tweet: 985990531057504256, from: @islomanic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:17:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump was also under FBI investigation then too.]
[tweet: 985980497372307456, from: @sorrowmachine (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:37:23(HIGH,0,0,0) I felt like something was wrong the day he reopened the case... this was after the Pussy grab tape and the polls were showing a widening gap between Trump and Hillary, in her favor.. then at my polling station election day I saw many Hillary hate voters... many factors. hate!]
[tweet: 985979393620283392, from: @staggerlee3769 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:33:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Cryptkeeper is on a roll today! #sad #pathetic #liar]
[tweet: 985966057943789568, from: @mrspickls (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:40:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Omg.  Why can’t you just get over Hillary!  Oh!  I know why.  Because she won the popular vote!  And, that,  WE WILL NEVER FORGET]
[tweet: 985965935570903041, from: @bhrmom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:39:32(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985965356463214593, from: @amybrough6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:37:13(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne what does George think?]
[tweet: 985964994599706625, from: @shaqtinafool1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:35:47(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985963512177483776, from: @bobbybear14 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:29:54(HIGH,0,1,0) You said this morning to Cuomo that Comey flipped the election. Which one is it? You are only allowed one spin a day. Stick to the script. Shame]
[tweet: 985959453085306881, from: @lisasabobutler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:13:46(HIGH,0,0,0) That’s Secretary Clinton to you.]
[tweet: 985958291313430534, from: @pgarobbie1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:09:09(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985955628748365824, from: @jalonzo11508 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:58:34(HIGH,0,0,0) agreed! Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate. The media polls were biased as the whole political mechanism. free voices of the people was not silenced. To the dems -“ I don’t mind you dishonesty half as much as I mind your opinion of my intelligence”- Charlie Brown]
[tweet: 985954359447048192, from: @vir_vat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:53:32(HIGH,0,0,0) You forgot: PUTIN'S HELP!]
[tweet: 985953943120498688, from: @sky_lee_1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:51:52(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985953865538441216, from: @cmcfuckbucket (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:51:34(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985953817945690112, from: @cmcfuckbucket (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:51:22(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985951841253867520, from: @cazwellnyc (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:43:31(HIGH,1,10,2) Going through all of these comments and she is getting zero support. The Russian bots must be on vacation.]
[tweet: 986207525287710720, from: @cajunsilk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:39:31(HIGH,0,0,0) No ignorance and hatred is back from vacation]
[tweet: 985950858432208897, from: @valduval50 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:39:37(HIGH,0,0,0) #shutupKellyanne]
[tweet: 985950509642248193, from: @dgraz007 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:38:14(HIGH,0,1,0) She lost because of Comey, and because your boss got help from Russia.]
[tweet: 985946961835683847, from: @cindyann1228 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:24:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Wtf is this all about, no collusion huh …]
[tweet: 985946285151834112, from: @carolsdaughter9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:21:27(HIGH,0,0,0) And you helped put Satan in the WH. You will not be looked at kindly in the history books. You suddenly decided to back Trump after you denounced him.? The money must be very important to you.]
[tweet: 985946171045707776, from: @cuttleboogie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:20:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump's win was between the lowest one-fourth and the lowest one-fifth of all Electoral College victories in history.   So it was a real close race if you ignore the popular vote difference.]
[tweet: 985943537589121024, from: @peoplepower9000 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:10:31(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985941339752804352, from: @bleausmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Agreed!! Which is why the media has lost its mind!! There is no substance only irrational emotions!]
[tweet: 985940867180621824, from: @youngumar3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:59:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Then you should corroborate your statements with the loser-in-chief because he's been stating the contrary since last morning]
[tweet: 985940855742644224, from: @helenmother (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:59:52(HIGH,0,0,0) If you stopped talking long enough, you might learn something.  Remember when you were supporting someone else and were a critic too]
[tweet: 985940407707058176, from: @twittanner (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:58:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Check with @NateSilver538 on your premise]
[tweet: 985938103230705666, from: @mstewartsloan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:48:56(HIGH,0,3,0) You forgot greed, racism and misogyny]
[tweet: 985935518415245312, from: @boongonewild (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:38:40(HIGH,0,1,0) Be still]
[tweet: 985930039635083264, from: @corwinstn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:16:53(HIGH,0,1,0) Alternative facts!!]
[tweet: 985929697522606080, from: @jasonmease (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:15:32(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 985928980854263808, from: @nazaninstyle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:12:41(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 985920252616806401, from: @donaldjtrumpig (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:38:00(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985919911557025793, from: @dubois_sandy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:36:39(HIGH,0,1,0) It would have been nice if she would have lost on a level playing field. You know that untruths, tin-foil hat conspiracies and whispered rumors changed that playing field. Even FaceBook had a role in the spread of disinformation. You are wrong that she lost on her own.]
[tweet: 985918145327190016, from: @kenshiro73 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:29:37(HIGH,1,3,0) We never see you near any bodies of water.....why???]
[tweet: 985917789302132737, from: @mmasonms (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:28:13(HIGH,0,2,0) Don’t worry, you will be working the corner in a few years. Meth is hard to afford without a job]
[tweet: 985917271653494785, from: @anumakajmma808 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:26:09(HIGH,0,1,0) Girl u so last year. #girlbye #gotoprison #DrainTheSwamp #SheMaybeAMan]
[tweet: 985916300772937729, from: @venicepaulie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:22:18(HIGH,0,1,0) Yeah, ok]
[tweet: 985916184586588161, from: @djyaboyearl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:21:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Your going to jail!!!]
[tweet: 985915988066668545, from: @oldergod777 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:21:03(HIGH,0,0,0) This guy swung an election. Those were your words!!!]
[tweet: 985915524558282752, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:19:13(HIGH,1,21,0)]
[tweet: 985915433638350848, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:18:51(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 985915364973432833, from: @music_loveall (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:18:35(HIGH,0,0,0) #Hillary + #HillaryEmails + #PodestaEmails + #WikiLeaks #Deplorables]
[tweet: 985914982452944896, from: @thaddeusmitche6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:17:03(HIGH,0,2,0) You ma'am are not the sharpest knive in the drawer, brightest light in the room, tightest screw of the bunch, or correct gear in the clock. Keep your mouth closed on national tv. #ComeyInterview #NewDAy #newday #Cuomo]
[tweet: 985914476523393025, from: @sheldonbeatty (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:15:03(HIGH,0,0,0) As I said dozens of time, Russia, not Trump, is why Dumb Donald won!]
[tweet: 985912878007050240, from: @crymeariver6666 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:08:42(HIGH,0,2,0) Wow. You sure are changing your story a lot.]
[tweet: 985912637849513984, from: @parmajohnnny (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:07:44(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985911797885497344, from: @iamracky (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:04:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump is as trustworthy as you are credible.]
[tweet: 985910722138951685, from: @tonyrennerart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:00:08(HIGH,0,0,0) @ChrisCuomo …]
[tweet: 985909337859047425, from: @krazykiss13 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:54:38(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 985909227750285313, from: @sandrajenners (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:54:11(HIGH,0,0,0) And the awful Obamacare numbers were coming in that showed people getting huge increases across the board. Trump won, thank God.]
[tweet: 985907448274825216, from: @chriserichsen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:47:07(HIGH,0,0,0) You say whatever your told or paid to]
[tweet: 985907225276248064, from: @soniay78 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:46:14(HIGH,0,7,0) I thought you were next on the list to be fired??? 45, what's the hold up?]
[tweet: 985907198483054592, from: @derflatermouse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:46:08(HIGH,1,20,2) Sober now?]
[tweet: 985965165525942272, from: @shaqtinafool1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:36:28(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 985906939195518983, from: @753112jma (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:45:06(HIGH,1,5,0) Just admit it, you told he truth for once!! 45 is a illegitimate president!!!! Thank you KAC!! Hey @realDonaldTrump hear this!!]
[tweet: 985906041836785664, from: @kathyb5783 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:41:32(HIGH,0,4,0) You lie and don't add any value]
[tweet: 985905142565306368, from: @elleunchained (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:37:57(HIGH,0,4,0) lyin' kellyanne]
[tweet: 985904935979180032, from: @glenfmarshall (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:37:08(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985904050796449792, from: @rbrown_us (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:33:37(HIGH,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 985902198117814272, from: @bloatedpotus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:26:15(HIGH,0,14,0)]
[tweet: 985901714028093440, from: @betnot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:24:20(HIGH,0,0,0) @ChrisCuomo @NewDay ... #justkidding]
[tweet: 985901598185480194, from: @davdisonjanet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:23:52(HIGH,0,0,1) Kellyanne  looked better than I've ever seen her look.  She's had some work done and good work too. Want the name of her surgeon!!!]
[tweet: 985901756113551365, from: @davdisonjanet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:24:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Can I get the name Kellyanne!?!.]
[tweet: 985900578508337154, from: @chrisjames1057 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:19:49(HIGH,0,0,0) what was Trump's poll %'s in those states?  majority also said Trump was not honest or trustworthy.....neither was a better candidate.  One promised more lies they couldn't deliver...]
[tweet: 985899802641813506, from: @michaeldamsky (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:16:44(HIGH,0,2,0) Before Oct 28 @HillaryClinton lead @realDonaldTrump by 12+ % in 538 Poll Tracker. So what does that say about him?]
[tweet: 985899730940104706, from: @bootslady (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:16:27(HIGH,0,4,0) Do you actually live in delusion that anyone gives flying f-k what you say? There are medications that can be helpful. Please see mental health professional SOON. #TrumpIsShit]
[tweet: 985899361052786693, from: @jamesdehoyos1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:14:59(HIGH,1,5,0) She still beat Trump by 3 million votes & didn’t use being blackmailed by the Russians to win. The videos of Trump w/ Russian call girls are gonna come back to haunt him soon.]
[tweet: 985899355780591616, from: @dollydog_ginger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:14:58(HIGH,0,3,0)]
[tweet: 985896816679022592, from: @boswell_edward (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:04:52(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985896784898568192, from: @dm1299 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:04:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump campaigned harder too! Up to the absolute last minute. And it paid off.]
[tweet: 985896469042364419, from: @lamarchebruce (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:03:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Got it.   Hillary lost.  I agree she sucked.  Really tired of this narrative though]
[tweet: 985895985376387073, from: @jeffshufeltjeff (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:01:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Hillary was a horrible candidate... Comey only helped]
[tweet: 985895412782415873, from: @amhill (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:59:18(HIGH,0,10,1) Except she won more votes]
[tweet: 986176997914218496, from: @marksapola (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:38:13(HIGH,0,0,0) After her recounts in MI and PA were turned out because of fraud in Dem wards, I wouldn’t be so sure about the popular vote. CA and IL would have been interesting..]
[tweet: 985894790461091840, from: @2teach (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:56:49(HIGH,0,0,0) But she won the popular vote!]
[tweet: 985893919283130370, from: @queenb15_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:53:22(HIGH,0,5,0) Oh shut up you lying witch]
[tweet: 985893268738232321, from: @joanofamerica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:50:46(HIGH,3,7,0) #TarmacMeeting #releasethevideo  #Qanon #WWG1WGA]
[tweet: 985893193731465217, from: @second_sasha (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:50:29(HIGH,0,8,0) Lol, you admitted it was Comey who swung the election. You know the truth.]
[tweet: 985892129074483200, from: @david_l_london (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:46:15(HIGH,1,14,1) #CorruptTrump would get a WHOLE lot more attention if he would write a truthful book.....say, "The Art of the Steal: How I Colluded With Russia to Win A Presidential Election."]
[tweet: 986175920594653190, from: @marksapola (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:33:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump isn’t into science fiction....]
[tweet: 985891566727389184, from: @jentsch_kim (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:44:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Maybe Comey can go on a ‘What Happened ‘ tour with Hillary.]
[tweet: 985891219199930370, from: @irishpatty54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:42:38(HIGH,1,12,0) #ShutupKellyanneConway #ShutupKellyanneConway]
[tweet: 985891019815186432, from: @jjericp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:41:50(HIGH,0,4,0) Majority voted for her by 3 million. But don't let facts get in the way of your perfectly flawed narrative. Spox for the #tinyHandedRussianPuppet]
[tweet: 985890474526326784, from: @housesandme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:39:40(HIGH,1,4,0) Tooooooo late.   “This guy swung an election.”  Welcome to #TheResistance, Kellyanne.]
[tweet: 985890406201110529, from: @jvthurst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:39:24(HIGH,0,9,1) Well she won the popular vote so she won!]
[tweet: 985890323523137536, from: @rgs241315 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:39:04(HIGH,0,1,0) No it was the Russians.]
[tweet: 985890098628538368, from: @friesenjack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:38:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, I believe Hillary alone lost the election, it’s so sad that she cannot accept that.]
[tweet: 985889643412336640, from: @brandonbep78 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:36:22(HIGH,1,7,2) And he out worked her.]
[tweet: 985894376751509505, from: @hicaliberlilgal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:55:11(HIGH,0,7,4) She coughed and cackled and stumbled and fell all the way through her campaign]
[tweet: 985894879111790597, from: @brandonbep78 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:57:10(HIGH,1,11,5) She can't even get a poem]
[tweet: 985896131254091776, from: @hicaliberlilgal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:02:09(HIGH,0,1,1) ]
[tweet: 985965562172989441, from: @saltwatergenius (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:38:03(HIGH,0,1,0) Dotard grabs pussy that is not his and @FLOTUS loves it.]
[tweet: 985889232135839744, from: @moetboo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:34:44(HIGH,0,11,0) Protesting a bit too]
[tweet: 985888720313200640, from: @darn_catfish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:32:42(HIGH,0,0,0) Again, I agree with your. She was an awful candidate.  He helped nudge just at the right time however...]
[tweet: 985888535130624002, from: @rose43194994 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:31:58(HIGH,0,1,0) @ChrisCuomo is a tool. From the corrupt Cuomo family - Father &brother way out liberal/commie Gov’s of NY. He is no better. Deceitful Dems! Masters of twisting the truth or reality to make their fiction believable.]
[tweet: 985888262660214785, from: @dudleydooragz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:30:53(HIGH,0,1,0) bot]
[tweet: 985888179235573761, from: @inlandrecords (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:30:33(HIGH,0,11,0) Funny, that's not what you said on @CNN. Sounds like you are editing your previous message. Live tv does not work like @twitter. #btdubs]
[tweet: 985887994237382657, from: @wokemarypoppins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:29:49(HIGH,0,0,0) You forgot the electoral college.]
[tweet: 985887932493041664, from: @kindandbe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:29:34(HIGH,0,3,0) you and Trump deserve each other..both lie constantly]
[tweet: 985887664225341440, from: @candacemariemv (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:28:30(HIGH,0,3,0) You know Chris smoked u in that interview period. It's hard to take anyone speaking from the WH due to the fact it's lies. Beginning w a statement on Air Force One that was drawn up n lied abt a meeting w Russians.]
[tweet: 985887491990339585, from: @colin_easton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:27:49(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 985887413653225472, from: @bullmoosefuture (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:27:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump is going to wish he'd stayed in his tower when this mess is finally cleared up.]
[tweet: 985887141661237250, from: @s_reghis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:26:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Many times in the Bible, it is announced that God is good to those who care about the poor. May his blessings be for our present life or for the life to come, why not invest in things that matter and place us for the benefit of his grace. …]
[tweet: 985887080176934912, from: @realkenwsmith (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:26:11(HIGH,0,2,0) Everything had to go wrong at the end for Hillary to lose; and everything went wrong]
[tweet: 985885860188114944, from: @aka_c00lest (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:21:20(HIGH,0,0,0) It was a set-up to make Hillary looks good before the election after Comey declared... You see?  nothing to find.]
[tweet: 985885857512013824, from: @ladybuttons1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:21:19(HIGH,0,0,0) President Trump will prevail .]
[tweet: 985885542435971073, from: @natsr49 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:20:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Great job standing up to arrogant Cuomo.]
[tweet: 985885402925019139, from: @sscribner1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:19:31(HIGH,0,1,0) Well, Hillary and your friends in Russia and WikiLeaks.]
[tweet: 985885206140932096, from: @mudchief (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:18:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Make no mistake , if HRC had you and not DT,   She would have won !!!]
[tweet: 985885058765647872, from: @catems (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:18:09(HIGH,0,4,0) I think you’re forgetting about the Russian interference and fake stories]
[tweet: 985885031687180288, from: @johnishakeitup (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:18:03(HIGH,0,5,0) A long list of post-Trump unemployables is growing daily.  Make hay while you can @KellyannePolls to the “audience of one” you speak to...he must be very very proud of you!! Filibustering Fellatio!  @realDonaldTrump]
[tweet: 985884975349358592, from: @c_f_392 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:17:49(HIGH,0,4,0) yet she won the popular vote]
[tweet: 985884764304363520, from: @birchandmaple (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:59(HIGH,0,4,0) You literally said Comey swung the election to Trump.]
[tweet: 985884644926255104, from: @admirathoria (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Aww, come on just admit it......  Trump won due to Russian influence on the election.   And the Russian was Comey.]
[tweet: 985884561249849344, from: @schrifty (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:10(HIGH,0,5,0) You can say it as often as you like. She got 3 million more votes than Trump as it was, and barring Comey and the media that talked endlessly about the non-scandal during the last week of the election, she'd have had 6 million more.]
[tweet: 985884549996523522, from: @smr2red (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Election is over]
[tweet: 985884547513487360, from: @dwatjr2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:16:07(HIGH,0,0,0) You're missing the whole scheme Kelly Ann, Comey came out October 28th to make it look like he was honestly investigating Hillary then he closed it two days later knowing Hillary was going to be president. It was all a play.]
[tweet: 985884501296406528, from: @badger85478490 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:15:56(HIGH,0,0,0) I']
[tweet: 985884220806451201, from: @rangodurango11 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Hey Skeletor, you won. Get your DBag President to act like it. Bunch of 10 year olds running the country.]
[tweet: 985884183028477952, from: @umussbekidding (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:40(HIGH,0,0,0) Too]
[tweet: 985884025603743745, from: @macthemerc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:03(HIGH,0,0,0) You got owned.   Then blabbered. Rip.]
[tweet: 985884024739717120, from: @kcnightfire (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:02(HIGH,1,42,0) *tweets in best Dan Aykroyd voice : Kellyanne you ignorant slut ...]
[tweet: 985884017370324994, from: @signoramadonne (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:01(HIGH,6,41,0) I need to know what Hubby has to say about your crypt keeper ass riding the Trump train on a loop from hell to the White House and back.]
[tweet: 985883824205828098, from: @ridingwithc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:13:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Comey and Russia elected Trump . Full stop .]
[tweet: 985883725543215104, from: @kchoudhu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:12:51(HIGH,0,0,0) So it basically boiled down to which candidate lied better. Youth of tomorrow, take note.]
[tweet: 985883700108783616, from: @grant_freedom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:12:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Link: …]
[tweet: 986419668809285632, from: @coyotess1us (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:42:30(HIGH,0,1,1) Hillary won the vote of America. Trump only won the electoral vote.  Even he said he was suprised.]
[tweet: 985883496530042881, from: @bevroley703 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:11:57(HIGH,3,20,13)]
[tweet: 985888145102295040, from: @wokemarypoppins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:30:25(HIGH,0,4,3) Honestly, Bev.]
[tweet: 985901455461748736, from: @aspiringperson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:23:18(HIGH,0,1,0) Poor Bev!! Thats the best you can do????]
[tweet: 986284429969641475, from: @amariespor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 09:45:07(HIGH,0,1,1) Wrong she won the system lost and we got screwed and we got this mess!]
[tweet: 985884122232119296, from: @threejuniormnts (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:26(HIGH,0,4,1) No one listens to you anymore.]
[tweet: 985883939041632259, from: @ahlyssa_xo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:13:42(HIGH,0,6,3) You do realize that he only won because our elections are a facade. The people wanted Hilary, the selfish people in this country wanted Trump. Please be smarter.]
[tweet: 985933112847761408, from: @ahlyssa_xo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:29:06(HIGH,0,1,0) Thank you!]
[tweet: 986082813781860352, from: @flacolandia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:23:57(HIGH,1,0,1)]
[tweet: 986313917629718528, from: @mattjh1969 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:42:17(HIGH,0,0,1) I'm pretty sure she lost because of the terrible job she did as the Secretary of State!  Hmm, lets see, Benghazi, the classified emails on her personal server, her many lies and the list goes on......I don't recall, I'm not sure, etc. - common words used by liars.]
[tweet: 986237203574489088, from: @normaclair (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:37:27(HIGH,0,0,1) Kellyanne, you are the best.]
[tweet: 985915364784689157, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:18:35(HIGH,0,3,1)]
[tweet: 985915199243866112, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:17:55(HIGH,0,3,1)]
[tweet: 985913700346482688, from: @riotwomennn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:11:58(HIGH,0,8,1) Trump must be really pissed at you.  Does he like this oldie but goodie?]
[tweet: 985903231565029386, from: @karblemarbles (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:30:22(HIGH,1,5,1) This isn’t about Hillary anymore. #ImpeachTrump]
[tweet: 985900990938349568, from: @lance4usa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:21:28(HIGH,0,0,1) I hope she runs again! Guaranteed win for the good guys!]
[tweet: 985900784259883008, from: @johnt1965 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:20:38(HIGH,2,17,1) Hillary lost because of the Electoral College.  She WON the popular vote.]
[tweet: 985900780061274112, from: @bestofcrap (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:20:37(HIGH,0,5,1)]
[tweet: 985898967404896257, from: @realstevekemble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:13:25(HIGH,0,5,1)]
[tweet: 985898660268511232, from: @realstevekemble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:12:12(HIGH,0,4,1)]
[tweet: 985898515103649792, from: @jaredmillr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:11:37(HIGH,3,30,2) Good try. Hillary was mentioned, so that’s what you latch onto. Hint: this isn’t about Hillary. It’s about the most corrupt @POTUS is the history of our already great country. Your boss is destroying it. An uprise is building. He will be impeached and a blue wave in coming.]
[tweet: 985895936181309443, from: @jen4trump1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:01:22(HIGH,4,8,1)]
[tweet: 985895387499257856, from: @luddie_h (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:59:12(HIGH,0,0,2) Everyone should know by now, @KellyannePolls has no relationship with the truth.  All she know is spin.  It’s going to be a sad day for her when she realize her and trump are the only ones that believe her.]
[tweet: 985893734595334144, from: @veggierap (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:52:38(HIGH,0,2,1) Go ahead get that clean up going! I saw and heard your interview on @GMA! You said exactly what you meant. “Comey swung the election” Your post is nothing but your attempt to perform damage control. We see you @KellyannePolls ! I’ll give you an E for effort!]
[tweet: 985893154938327040, from: @_feathers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:50:19(HIGH,0,9,1)]
[tweet: 985892073177051140, from: @topherralph (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:46:01(HIGH,0,0,1) Why did you say on ABC that Comey did swing the election?]
[tweet: 985891528450236416, from: @marylandblues (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:43:52(HIGH,0,0,1) Give it up Kelly, you're dealing with mind numb who wouldn't know their a** from their heads.]



@ChrisCuomo …
 ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, jac=0.38, kincaid=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, ari=0, lix=0.99, time=1.04, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0}
 orders: orig=88, rank=1, date=94
Good try. Hillary was mentioned, so that’s what you latch onto. Hint: this isn’t about Hillary. It’s about the most corrupt @POTUS is the history of our already great country. Your boss is destroying it. An uprise is building. He will be impeached and a blue wave in coming.
 ranking=20.18256456631388 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.67, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=4.37, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=187, rank=2, date=67
Go ahead get that clean up going! I saw and heard your interview on @GMA! You said exactly what you meant. “Comey swung the election” Your post is nothing but your attempt to perform damage control. We see you @KellyannePolls ! I’ll give you an E for effort!
 ranking=18.430140843109726 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.34, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.20, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=190, rank=3, date=54
I felt like something was wrong the day he reopened the case... this was after the Pussy grab tape and the polls were showing a widening gap between Trump and Hillary, in her favor.. then at my polling station election day I saw many Hillary hate voters... many factors. hate!
 ranking=16.082194763541096 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.57, cos=0.79, smog=1.25, ari=1.20, lix=0.99, time=0.50, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.99, fuzzy=1.20, fog=1.12}
 orders: orig=41, rank=4, date=146
You do realize that he only won because our elections are a facade. The people wanted Hilary, the selfish people in this country wanted Trump. Please be smarter.
 ranking=15.814608802168323 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.19, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.16, pop=3.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=173, rank=5, date=6
Do you actually live in delusion that anyone gives flying f-k what you say? There are medications that can be helpful. Please see mental health professional SOON. #TrumpIsShit
 ranking=15.70741944712151 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0.19, smog=0.77, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.08, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=106, rank=6, date=72
#CorruptTrump would get a WHOLE lot more attention if he would write a truthful book.....say, "The Art of the Steal: How I Colluded With Russia to Win A Presidential Election." 
 ranking=15.5382418824479 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.40, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.59, pop=3.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.69, lix=0.09, time=1.49, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.80}
 orders: orig=119, rank=7, date=50
You can say it as often as you like. She got 3 million more votes than Trump as it was, and barring Comey and the media that talked endlessly about the non-scandal during the last week of the election, she'd have had 6 million more.
 ranking=15.39434744369333 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.38, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.48}
 orders: orig=155, rank=8, date=16
You're missing the whole scheme Kelly Ann, Comey came out October 28th to make it look like he was honestly investigating Hillary then he closed it two days later knowing Hillary was going to be president. It was all a play.
 ranking=14.971562407895936 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.28, cos=0.78, smog=0.97, ari=0.46, lix=0.06, time=1.87, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.41, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=157, rank=9, date=14
You know Chris smoked u in that interview period. It's hard to take anyone speaking from the WH due to the fact it's lies. Beginning w a statement on Air Force One that was drawn up n lied abt a meeting w Russians.
 ranking=14.688286157067271 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.79, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=140, rank=10, date=31
It would have been nice if she would have lost on a level playing field. You know that untruths, tin-foil hat conspiracies and whispered rumors changed that playing field. Even FaceBook had a role in the spread of disinformation. You are wrong that she lost on her own.
 ranking=14.43558884063507 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.30, smog=0.77, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=73, rank=11, date=112
agreed! Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate. The media polls were biased as the whole political mechanism. free voices of the people was not silenced. To the dems -“ I don’t mind you dishonesty half as much as I mind your opinion of my intelligence”- Charlie Brown
 ranking=14.434685441988448 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0.62, smog=0.97, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=0.61, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=50, rank=12, date=135
Hillary lost because of the Electoral College.  She WON the popular vote.
 ranking=14.235322709958773 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0.91, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=3.81, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.24, lix=0.08, time=1.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=183, rank=13, date=76
Trump is one of, if not THE most productive and successful presidents the USA has ever had. His election win has brought out the true colors of modern day liberals.  Their hate and meanness is  alarming and they are benifiting most from Trumps policies. Go figure 
 ranking=14.201029806593382 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.17, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.32, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=32, rank=14, date=155
I need to know what Hubby has to say about your crypt keeper ass riding the Trump train on a loop from hell to the White House and back.
 ranking=14.152366806818371 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0.21, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.44, pop=4.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.52, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=163, rank=15, date=7
@ChrisCuomo is a tool. From the corrupt Cuomo family - Father &brother way out liberal/commie Gov’s of NY. He is no better. Deceitful Dems! Masters of twisting the truth or reality to make their fiction believable.
 ranking=14.110022347955052 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.18, smog=0.65, kincaid=0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=135, rank=16, date=37
A long list of post-Trump unemployables is growing daily.  Make hay while you can @KellyannePolls to the “audience of one” you speak to...he must be very very proud of you!! Filibustering Fellatio!  @realDonaldTrump
 ranking=13.755296577243929 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=151, rank=17, date=20
Funny, that's not what you said on @CNN. Sounds like you are editing your previous message. Live tv does not work like @twitter. #btdubs
 ranking=13.644307660776585 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.06, pop=3.09, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=137, rank=18, date=35
Hillary didn’t lose! She won the people’s vote. Gerrymandering, Russian interference, Comey and Stupidity gave Trump the presidency.
 ranking=13.56723016086113 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0.89, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.39, pop=1.79, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.52, ari=0.47, lix=0.07, time=0.11, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=10, rank=19, date=183
I'm pretty sure she lost because of the terrible job she did as the Secretary of State!  Hmm, lets see, Benghazi, the classified emails on her personal server, her many lies and the list goes on......I don't recall, I'm not sure, etc. - common words used by liars.
 ranking=13.556561899536216 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.15, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.39, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.48, lix=0.05, time=0.08, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=176, rank=20, date=186
You ma'am are not the sharpest knive in the drawer, brightest light in the room, tightest screw of the bunch, or correct gear in the clock. Keep your mouth closed on national tv. #ComeyInterview #NewDAy #newday #Cuomo
 ranking=13.471424896028457 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.16, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.20, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=83, rank=21, date=100
Everyone should know by now, @KellyannePolls has no relationship with the truth.  All she know is spin.  It’s going to be a sad day for her when she realize her and trump are the only ones that believe her.
 ranking=13.463056563208097 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0.20, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.30, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=189, rank=22, date=59
#Hillary + #HillaryEmails + #PodestaEmails + #WikiLeaks #Deplorables
 ranking=13.102457701703914 from {coleman=1.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, cos=0.60, smog=1.07, ari=0.89, lix=0.99, time=0.95, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.71, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=82, rank=23, date=102
The person who won by more popular votes was struggling? Lady.. stop wearing that godawful yellow shirt. It's in your banner too. I thought yesterday was a drug induced bad choice; you really did look "rose hard and put away wet" during the interview.
 ranking=13.013221792717268 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.77, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=14, rank=24, date=178
This isn’t about Hillary anymore. #ImpeachTrump
 ranking=12.800145826541087 from {coleman=0.93, cos=1.20, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.36, pop=2.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.38, lix=0.10, time=1.15, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.39}
 orders: orig=181, rank=25, date=83
Kellyanne  looked better than I've ever seen her look.  She's had some work done and good work too. Want the name of her surgeon!!!
 ranking=12.759224293033839 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.21, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=102, rank=26, date=79
Many times in the Bible, it is announced that God is good to those who care about the poor. May his blessings be for our present life or for the life to come, why not invest in things that matter and place us for the benefit of his grace. …
 ranking=12.67948262932308 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=143, rank=27, date=28
HRS lost the election because she chose NOT to campaign in Wisconsin, chose to be careless with classified emails, chose to attack people supporting the other candidate as deplorables, & vilified LEOs! Comey might play a minor role for those concerned re an ongoing investigation!
 ranking=12.562706078362476 from {coleman=0.75, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.52, cos=0.28, smog=1.32, ari=0.71, lix=0.10, time=0.02, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.60, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.76}
 orders: orig=4, rank=28, date=192
Hillary won by over 3 million votes. She lost because of an outdated, gerrymandered Electoral college system.
 ranking=12.552254802000945 from {coleman=0.77, cos=0.76, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.46, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.56, ari=0.39, lix=0.09, time=0.33, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=5, rank=29, date=162
Tooooooo late. 

“This guy swung an election.”

Welcome to #TheResistance, Kellyanne.
 ranking=12.526892180042715 from {coleman=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.40, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.30, lix=0.08, time=1.55, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=124, rank=30, date=44
*tweets in best Dan Aykroyd voice : Kellyanne you ignorant slut ...
 ranking=12.451626816056123 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=4.47, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.38, lix=0.06, time=1.93, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=162, rank=31, date=8
Just admit it, you told he truth for once!! 45 is a illegitimate president!!!! Thank you KAC!! Hey @realDonaldTrump hear this!!
 ranking=12.373163287937201 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.56, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.12, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=95, rank=32, date=88
Oh come on now, don’t backpedal! You admitted Comey swung the election in Trumps favor. Don’t try and pass it off as sarcasm. We all know you slipped up and uttered the first truthful words you’ve ever
 ranking=12.28981140921207 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0.18, smog=0.69, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=3, rank=33, date=188
Lol, you admitted it was Comey who swung the election. You know the truth.
 ranking=12.279225511655765 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.30, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.15, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=118, rank=34, date=52
Are you that delusional? Hillary took the popular vote she beat your trashdumpser, but a landslide...russian involvemnet is what got the pig the WH, he must be boffing you, for you to support him like that!
 ranking=12.241522364799195 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.40, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.37, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.36, lix=0.05, time=0.19, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=15, rank=35, date=176
You literally said Comey swung the election to Trump.
 ranking=12.165675271723554 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.72, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=0, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=153, rank=36, date=18
She still beat Trump by 3 million votes & didn’t use being blackmailed by the Russians to win. The videos of Trump w/ Russian call girls are gonna come back to haunt him soon.
 ranking=12.165250005802854 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.35, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.23, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=107, rank=37, date=71
Majority voted for her by 3 million. But don't let facts get in the way of your perfectly flawed narrative. Spox for the #tinyHandedRussianPuppet
 ranking=12.076952632065275 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.50, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0.41, smog=0.75, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=123, rank=38, date=45
Hillary won the vote of America. Trump only won the electoral vote.  Even he said he was suprised.
 ranking=12.009281251915384 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.64, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=167, rank=39, date=187
what was Trump's poll %'s in those states?  majority also said Trump was not honest or trustworthy.....neither was a better candidate.  One promised more lies they couldn't deliver...
 ranking=11.920397181020434 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0.86, smog=0.85, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=104, rank=40, date=74
You said this morning to Cuomo that Comey flipped the election. Which one is it? You are only allowed one spin a day. Stick to the script. Shame
 ranking=11.885129361750721 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0.21, smog=0.54, kincaid=0.00, pop=0.69, numsent=5.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=47, rank=41, date=138
Trump's win was between the lowest one-fourth and the lowest one-fifth of all Electoral College victories in history.   So it was a real close race if you ignore the popular vote difference.
 ranking=11.834894127701373 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.34, lix=0.06, time=0.72, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=61, rank=42, date=125
Going through all of these comments and she is getting zero support. The Russian bots must be on vacation.
 ranking=11.710511752373014 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=0.66, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=55, rank=43, date=130
It was a set-up to make Hillary looks good before the election after Comey declared... You see?  nothing to find.
 ranking=11.701881495139641 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.72, smog=0.62, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=145, rank=44, date=26
#TarmacMeeting #releasethevideo

#Qanon #WWG1WGA
 ranking=11.523437919807373 from {coleman=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.48, pop=3.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.60, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=117, rank=45, date=53
So it basically boiled down to which candidate lied better. Youth of tomorrow, take note.
 ranking=11.407037310348382 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0.27, smog=0.97, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.23, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=165, rank=46, date=4
 ranking=11.331373955814346 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.32, pop=3.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.73, lix=0.06, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=122, rank=47, date=46
Omg.  Why can’t you just get over Hillary!  Oh!  I know why.  Because she won the popular vote!  And, that,  WE WILL NEVER FORGET
 ranking=11.32996402961759 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0.72, smog=0.52, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=43, rank=48, date=144
I think you’re forgetting about the Russian interference and fake stories
 ranking=11.079719324910956 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.56, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.52, lix=0.09, time=1.79, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.48, fog=0.60}
 orders: orig=150, rank=49, date=21
There she goes again,  parroting the Kremlin’s false narratives.  

The watchers are listening & watching.
 ranking=11.029303490627225 from {pop=2.20, coleman=0.86, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=0.38, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.34, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=30, rank=50, date=157
Aww, come on just admit it......

Trump won due to Russian influence on the election. 

And the Russian was Comey.
 ranking=10.932636810935094 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0.43, smog=0.62, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=154, rank=51, date=17
Hey Skeletor, you won. Get your DBag President to act like it. Bunch of 10 year olds running the country.
 ranking=10.903327118390864 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0.21, smog=0.75, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=159, rank=52, date=12
And you helped put Satan in the WH. You will not be looked at kindly in the history books. You suddenly decided to back Trump after you denounced him.? The money must be very important to you.
 ranking=10.723184288485113 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0.20, smog=0.57, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=60, rank=53, date=126
Hillary won the popular vote.  I wonder, how much did Dump pay our Electoral College to go against the people they represent?
 ranking=10.564036939457047 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.44, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.32, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.27, lix=0.06, time=0.25, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=18, rank=54, date=170
Got it.   Hillary lost.  I agree she sucked.  Really tired of this narrative though
 ranking=10.544465109248511 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0.80, smog=0.57, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=111, rank=55, date=64
Hillary was a horrible candidate... Comey only helped
 ranking=10.490449111489035 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, cos=1.07, smog=0.69, ari=0.29, lix=0.07, time=1.37, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=2.45, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=112, rank=56, date=62
Everything had to go wrong at the end for Hillary to lose; and everything went wrong
 ranking=10.437011760528087 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.44, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.38, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=1.73, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=144, rank=57, date=27
No.  You said, "this guy swung an election."  It's recorded.  Forever.  On tape.  I can make an 11-hour loop of it for you.
 ranking=10.38256537396157 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.02, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=17, rank=58, date=172
You forgot to mention that Derelict Donald is better at alternative facts, might hit a golf ball farther, and uses similar bronzer.
 ranking=10.18248632851464 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0.21, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.61, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.54, ari=0.62, lix=0.09, time=0.31, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=24, rank=59, date=164
If you stopped talking long enough, you might learn something.  Remember when you were supporting someone else and were a critic too
 ranking=10.16235616809685 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.97, ari=0.36, lix=0.06, time=0.76, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=65, rank=60, date=121
No one listens to you anymore.
 ranking=10.125265999595374 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.02, lix=0.06, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=172, rank=61, date=10
Trump must be really pissed at you.

Does he like this oldie but goodie?
 ranking=10.110891240409117 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.30, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.05, pop=3.04, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.85, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=180, rank=62, date=98
And the awful Obamacare numbers were coming in that showed people getting huge increases across the board. Trump won, thank God.
 ranking=10.046022916527175 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, cos=0.21, smog=0.85, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.30, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=90, rank=63, date=92
And in 2020, we will be saying that Trump, not his competition, is why Trump lost. And I personally can’t wait for that day.
 ranking=9.995463768497205 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0.72, smog=0.85, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=37, rank=64, date=150
She coughed and cackled and stumbled and fell all the way through her campaign
 ranking=9.981437338087664 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.13, pop=3.53, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.37, lix=0.09, time=1.43, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=129, rank=65, date=56
There you go again talking about Hillary, your favorite subject. Back to the main subject: Trump is morally unfit and obstructed justice.
 ranking=9.862967151092008 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0.62, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.35, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.40, lix=0.08, time=0.36, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=28, rank=66, date=159
Agreed!! Which is why the media has lost its mind!! There is no substance only irrational emotions!
 ranking=9.708859018263734 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0.30, smog=0.75, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.35}
 orders: orig=63, rank=67, date=123
Then you should corroborate your statements with the loser-in-chief because he's been stating the contrary since last morning
 ranking=9.580751283878786 from {coleman=0.87, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.42, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.65, lix=0.10, time=0.75, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.45, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=64, rank=68, date=122
Again, I agree with your. She was an awful candidate.  He helped nudge just at the right time however...
 ranking=9.497554432696576 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0.27, smog=0.75, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=134, rank=69, date=38
Comey and Russia elected Trump . Full stop .
 ranking=9.479057201825821 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=164, rank=70, date=5
Kellyanne, I believe Hillary alone lost the election, it’s so sad that she cannot accept that.
 ranking=9.341332922908299 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.38, cos=0.85, smog=0.85, ari=0.43, lix=0.07, time=1.59, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=127, rank=71, date=41
3 Million Americans say otherwise! :D
 ranking=9.272182747487895 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0.10, time=0.32, numword=0, kincaid=0.46, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=25, rank=72, date=163
#dozensoftime Can we get this trending? Like, dozens of time?
 ranking=9.253834698055257 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0.98, smog=0.69, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=34, rank=73, date=153
After her recounts in MI and PA were turned out because of fraud in Dem wards, I wouldn’t be so sure about the popular vote. CA and IL would have been interesting..
 ranking=9.24297423308598 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=114, rank=74, date=175
you and Trump deserve each other..both lie constantly
 ranking=9.187751108026246 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.36, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.68, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=139, rank=75, date=32
Maybe Comey can go on a ‘What Happened ‘ tour with Hillary.
 ranking=9.16980835589801 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.98, smog=0.30, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=121, rank=76, date=48
She lost because of Comey, and because your boss got help from Russia.
 ranking=9.031370730674784 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.65, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=58, rank=77, date=128
In your old age, you'll be wearing a straight jacket and repeating "but Hillary....but Hillary...."
 ranking=8.911628369062615 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0.57, smog=0.85, ari=0.30, lix=0.07, time=0.01, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=2.65, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=8, rank=78, date=193
Why did you say on ABC that Comey did swing the election?
 ranking=8.875688643514396 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.40, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=192, rank=79, date=49
Well she won the popular vote so she won!
 ranking=8.872244723923664 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.06, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=125, rank=80, date=43
I hope she runs again! Guaranteed win for the good guys!
 ranking=8.840161781958358 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=182, rank=81, date=77
@ChrisCuomo @NewDay ... #justkidding
 ranking=8.722219707764236 from {coleman=2.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.54, lix=0.99, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=101, rank=82, date=80
Between Russia and Comey there is no way Hillary could have won.
 ranking=8.694327361573315 from {coleman=0.49, cos=1.07, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=20, rank=83, date=168
Trump campaigned harder too! Up to the absolute last minute. And it paid off.
 ranking=8.595371433000583 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0.30, smog=0.62, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.24}
 orders: orig=110, rank=84, date=65
Girl u so last year. #girlbye #gotoprison #DrainTheSwamp #SheMaybeAMan
 ranking=8.40186661075201 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.21, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=76, rank=85, date=109
Don’t worry, you will be working the corner in a few years. Meth is hard to afford without a job
 ranking=8.347517261310783 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=75, rank=86, date=110
Give it up Kelly, you're dealing with mind numb who wouldn't know their a** from their heads.
 ranking=8.259543974610267 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=193, rank=87, date=47
yet she won the popular vote
 ranking=8.258827268442342 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=152, rank=88, date=19
Before Oct 28 @HillaryClinton lead @realDonaldTrump by 12+ % in 538 Poll Tracker. So what does that say about him?
 ranking=8.256883199889966 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0.30, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=105, rank=89, date=73
Wrong she won the system lost and we got screwed and we got this mess!
 ranking=8.18797597154063 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0.25, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=171, rank=90, date=184
She can't even get a poem
 ranking=8.160299645650312 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=3.91, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=130, rank=91, date=58
I thought you were next on the list to be fired??? 45, what's the hold up?
 ranking=8.099282536869145 from {coleman=0.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=92, rank=92, date=90
you are a true woman of the country, in the Shakespearean sense of course, you vile creature
 ranking=7.9860684124274455 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=0.45, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=36, rank=93, date=151
Well, Hillary and your friends in Russia and WikiLeaks.
 ranking=7.847804438475867 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.72, smog=0.85, ari=0.33, lix=0.07, time=1.77, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=148, rank=94, date=23
You forgot greed, racism and misogyny
 ranking=7.620209099272082 from {pop=1.79, coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, kincaid=0.32, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=67, rank=95, date=119
And Putin, Cambridge Analytica, Assange etc
 ranking=7.5613736369524895 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.49, lix=0.11, time=0.28, numword=0, kincaid=0.52, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=21, rank=96, date=167
Trump is going to wish he'd stayed in his tower when this mess is finally cleared up.
 ranking=7.513227897060111 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0.28, smog=0.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=142, rank=97, date=29
Great job standing up to arrogant Cuomo.
 ranking=7.408273445736106 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0.05, time=1.76, numword=0, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=147, rank=98, date=24
Wrong! I bet you were the kid who took your ball home when you didn't get your way!  We all grew up with cry babies.
 ranking=7.266795075230432 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.89, cos=0.24, smog=0.30, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=2.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=6, rank=99, date=191
Too late. You already ate your own foot. Smooth Move Ex-Lax
 ranking=7.237517120110896 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.90, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=27, rank=100, date=160
As I said dozens of time, Russia, not Trump, is why Dumb Donald won!
 ranking=7.199167122342796 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.91, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=84, rank=101, date=99
You got owned. 

Then blabbered. Rip.
 ranking=7.117306778929188 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.94, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=161, rank=102, date=9
Dotard grabs pussy that is not his and @FLOTUS loves it.
 ranking=7.106342284186889 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=132, rank=103, date=142
Trump is as trustworthy as you are credible.
 ranking=7.055618201102996 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=87, rank=104, date=95
3 million more votes....... end of discussion.
 ranking=7.0351113435895485 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=0.26, numword=0, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=19, rank=105, date=169
Wow. You sure are changing your story a lot.
 ranking=6.815795152714594 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=85, rank=106, date=97
We never see you near any bodies of water.....why???
 ranking=6.795159454279224 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=74, rank=107, date=111
As I've lied dozens of times about this...

 ranking=6.736431411917098 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0.40, smog=0.30, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=26, rank=108, date=161
Oh shut up you lying witch
 ranking=6.672524600766066 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=116, rank=109, date=55
Wtf is this all about, no collusion huh …
 ranking=6.62734450421131 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=59, rank=110, date=127
Make no mistake , if HRC had you and not DT,   She would have won !!!
 ranking=6.535979848260548 from {coleman=0.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=149, rank=111, date=22
This guy swung an election. Those were your words!!!
 ranking=6.358645988621893 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=79, rank=112, date=106
Cryptkeeper is on a roll today! #sad #pathetic #liar
 ranking=6.356258467119444 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.53}
 orders: orig=42, rank=113, date=145
Trump was also under FBI investigation then too.
 ranking=6.356100439629518 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0.40, smog=0.85, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=0, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=40, rank=114, date=147
You say whatever your told or paid to
 ranking=6.335411320458534 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=91, rank=115, date=91
You lie and don't add any value
 ranking=6.229441498501943 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=96, rank=116, date=87
Nice try. We all know you were serious. We have watched the footage.
 ranking=6.208474963464859 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=39, rank=117, date=148
Poor Bev!! Thats the best you can do????
 ranking=5.909182219420049 from {coleman=0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.18, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=170, rank=118, date=78
But she won the popular vote!
 ranking=5.785603343342817 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=115, rank=119, date=57
No ignorance and hatred is back from vacation
 ranking=5.610093722350292 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=56, rank=120, date=177
Thank you kellyanne... I guess so tired of all the whining
 ranking=5.559734703250118 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=9, rank=121, date=185
Back-pedaling all the way to 2016 just to try to save face from the obvious truth you declared before.
 ranking=5.271304245826137 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.30, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=23, rank=122, date=165
Alternative facts!!
 ranking=5.219034893505526 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.07, ari=0.86, lix=0.10, time=0.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=69, rank=123, date=116
Can I get the name Kellyanne!?!.
 ranking=4.97838967131025 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=103, rank=124, date=81
So who keeps bringing up HILLIARY ?
 ranking=4.438338471502591 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.18, lix=0.06, time=0.05, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=7, rank=125, date=189
Honestly, Bev.
 ranking=4.102400304012051 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=3.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=1.66, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=169, rank=126, date=34
You forgot the electoral college.
 ranking=3.7999863398885854 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.67, ari=0.37, lix=0.08, time=1.67, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=138, rank=127, date=33
President Trump will prevail .
 ranking=3.785610609644432 from {coleman=1.05, cos=0.46, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.50, lix=0.11, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=146, rank=128, date=25
Election is over
 ranking=3.079194837297912 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.65, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=156, rank=129, date=15
With a little help from her friends.
 ranking=3.035048297557365 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=22, rank=130, date=166
Except she won more votes
 ranking=2.9077468611376305 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=3.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=113, rank=131, date=60
lyin' kellyanne
 ranking=2.6374875261357937 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.51, lix=0.10, time=1.12, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=97, rank=132, date=86
And he out worked her.
 ranking=2.393561788284121 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=3.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=128, rank=133, date=40
Morning drinking rocks!
 ranking=2.2388716192473384 from {coleman=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.57, lix=0.99, time=0.41, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=33, rank=134, date=154
That’s Secretary Clinton to you.
 ranking=1.5331086326346997 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.26, lix=0.11, time=0.59, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=48, rank=135, date=137
 ranking=1.3604501295336788 from {coleman=1.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.74, lix=0.10, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=0.44, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=57, rank=136, date=129
More "alternative facts," Kel?
 ranking=1.1425127777124202 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=12, rank=137, date=180
No it was the Russians.
 ranking=0.6633467142387014 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=126, rank=138, date=42
Kellyanne, you are the best.
 ranking=0.46322293834083594 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=177, rank=139, date=181 …
 ranking=0.39262904584491953 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=141, rank=140, date=30
 ranking=0.39100982728842726 from {coleman=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.47, ari=0.43, lix=0.07, time=0.44, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.03, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=35, rank=141, date=152
Kellyanne what does George think?
 ranking=0.3042927979274608 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=45, rank=142, date=141

 ranking=0.3034231024231888 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=131, rank=143, date=63
Keep spinning!
 ranking=0.2400791753785977 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=0.37, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=29, rank=144, date=158
“They” will never accept that !
 ranking=0.012671066570308281 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=16, rank=145, date=174
Your going to jail!!!
 ranking=-0.19258591529497704 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=78, rank=146, date=107
Trump isn’t into science fiction....
 ranking=-0.47879070433741855 from {coleman=0.90, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0.46, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.38, lix=0.11, time=0.22, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=120, rank=147, date=173
%##%{%<~€€ big idiot!
 ranking=-0.6198037564766835 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=38, rank=148, date=149
 ranking=-0.67839711995819 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=136, rank=149, date=36
Be still
 ranking=-0.7884130526006766 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.20, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=68, rank=150, date=118
Thank you!
 ranking=-0.8130503583001583 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=174, rank=151, date=117
Check with @NateSilver538 on your premise
 ranking=-0.814090621761658 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=66, rank=152, date=120 …
 ranking=-0.9533678756476685 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=89, rank=153, date=93
You forgot: PUTIN'S HELP!
 ranking=-1.3523550086355791 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=51, rank=154, date=134
Yeah, ok
 ranking=-1.549786109595496 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=77, rank=155, date=108
Way to duck the issue!
 ranking=-1.7635320422379828 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=2, rank=156, date=190 …
 ranking=-1.8445595854922279 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=13, rank=157, date=179

 ranking=-2.471502590673575 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=44, rank=158, date=143
Protesting a bit too
 ranking=-5.359304872556207 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.03, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.61, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=133, rank=159, date=39
 ranking=-5.45092391510478 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=5.55, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=2.00, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=1, rank=160, date=1
 ranking=-5.493202331606218 from {coleman=-0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.81, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=158, rank=161, date=13
Sober now?
 ranking=-6.027750184893472 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=3.97, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=-0.08, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=93, rank=162, date=89
 ranking=-6.274164245906022 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=4.74, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.99, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=168, rank=163, date=2
 ranking=-7.776298728166766 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=3.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.20, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.16, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=100, rank=164, date=82
 ranking=-8.125254096564609 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.50, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.38, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=188, rank=165, date=61
 ranking=-8.271057717483567 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.81, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.92, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=80, rank=166, date=105
 ranking=-8.382640499096757 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.14, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.48, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=191, rank=167, date=51
 ranking=-8.996613011333023 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.71, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.30, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=185, rank=168, date=69
 ranking=-9.05878917713613 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.71, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.23, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=184, rank=169, date=75
 ranking=-9.12935116067318 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.56, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.31, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=186, rank=170, date=68
 ranking=-9.638374157253443 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.40, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.96, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=179, rank=171, date=101
 ranking=-9.65909954585448 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.40, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.94, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=178, rank=172, date=103
 ranking=-9.923266437507698 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.79, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.28, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=108, rank=173, date=70
 ranking=-10.473809265823114 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.14, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=99, rank=174, date=84
Link: …
 ranking=-10.499575388601034 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=166, rank=175, date=3
 ranking=-10.681063151833477 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.93, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=81, rank=176, date=104
 ranking=-10.682216489408246 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.08, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.24, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=175, rank=177, date=171
 ranking=-10.712476943005182 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.90, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=160, rank=178, date=11
 ranking=-10.784690094838659 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.83, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=71, rank=179, date=114
 ranking=-11.40947176165803 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.13, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.84, numword=0, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=72, rank=180, date=113
 ranking=-11.488199969699123 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.82, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=70, rank=181, date=115
 ranking=-11.489353307273891 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.12, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=11, rank=182, date=182
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 orders: orig=109, rank=183, date=66
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 orders: orig=53, rank=189, date=132
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 orders: orig=52, rank=190, date=133
 ranking=-12.398963730569948 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.60, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=49, rank=191, date=136
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 orders: orig=46, rank=192, date=139
 ranking=-12.606217616580311 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.39, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=31, rank=193, date=156

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/16/18 06:41:17: This misleading headline should include an eye roll and question mark. Point I made on 3 shows is that we are supposed to believe THIS guy swung an election? I don't think so. Kellyanne Conway slams Comey: 'This guy swung an election' - ABC News …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Bad 194 (list is complete) 35% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #3, ranking: #194, date: #191] From @sampsonmatt17 on 04/20/18 08:21:26
    [original: #7, ranking: #193, date: #188] From @zacharyjdennis2 on 04/18/18 11:11:52
    [original: #15, ranking: #192, date: #179] From @coffee4memaria on 04/17/18 06:37:44
    [original: #24, ranking: #191, date: #170] From @brian90277 on 04/16/18 09:57:21
    [original: #51, ranking: #190, date: #143] From @loftn9negirl on 04/16/18 04:12:01
    [original: #60, ranking: #189, date: #134] From @hotchick329 on 04/16/18 03:38:08
    [original: #11, ranking: #165, date: #183] From @okscnctn on 04/17/18 03:36:44
  • Muller &
    [original: #17, ranking: #164, date: #177] From @butchmorey on 04/17/18 06:09:00
  • ok
    [original: #42, ranking: #160, date: #152] From @sj_prairie on 04/16/18 05:20:09
  • You said it ...
    [original: #8, ranking: #159, date: #187] From @rorywainer on 04/18/18 05:01:37
  • …
    [original: #18, ranking: #155, date: #176] From @momrovin on 04/17/18 06:07:46
  • have info for you , inbox ?
    [original: #22, ranking: #154, date: #172] From @nolagurl504123 on 04/16/18 11:57:32
  • I f-cking love Kellyanne!
    [original: #14, ranking: #148, date: #180] From @nyshopping88 on 04/17/18 07:08:39
  • Idiot
    [original: #21, ranking: #145, date: #173] From @paulfredin on 04/17/18 03:07:16
  • The Russians helped.
    [original: #12, ranking: #143, date: #182] From @more_becca on 04/17/18 10:55:41
  • I’m Ron Burgundy?
    [original: #47, ranking: #142, date: #147] From @learning_juice on 04/16/18 04:51:26
  • Great Women!
    [original: #6, ranking: #141, date: #189] From @glanvilleadam on 04/18/18 09:39:47
  • Comey a crook!!!
    [original: #58, ranking: #140, date: #136] From @sallybush8sally on 04/16/18 03:43:36
  • Remember this …
    [original: #32, ranking: #134, date: #162] From @123izzie on 04/16/18 07:55:17
  • Yup sounds alternative
    [original: #5, ranking: #132, date: #192] From @amyolson70 on 04/20/18 08:23:38
  • If you have to explain a joke it wasn't funny.
    [original: #19, ranking: #131, date: #175] From @1karinkeller on 04/17/18 05:18:49
  • You said it. I heard you.
    [original: #40, ranking: #130, date: #154] From @anne1texas on 04/16/18 05:51:45
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
  • Let's pull a Conway: "You know what's misleading? Everything #Trump says You what else is misleading? Every spin from #PressSec and #FoxAndFriends That's what you should be tweeting, Americans deserve better"
    [original: #186, ranking: #3, date: #9] From @thewisemansaid2 on 04/16/18 09:16:30
  • Nobody cares what you think, Kellyanne. Not even Donald Trump. When this is all over, you're going to be a national pariah relegated to semi-annual appearances on Sean Hannity's show. A footnote to the worst presidency in the history of the republic.
    [original: #184, ranking: #4, date: #10] From @johnrjohnson on 04/16/18 09:17:48
  • I watched the interview with James Comey and I know tomorrow, Monday, the news will be all about having an out of body experience and prostitutes peeing on each other. What has happened to our country? Does anyone really care? Paulette Jordan
    [original: #185, ranking: #6, date: #12] From @gerimeyle on 04/16/18 09:21:01
  • When you are representing the President we shouldn't have to figure out if you are being sarcastic, using alternative facts, or just joking. We shouldn't have to interpret eye rolls or missed question marks.
    [original: #172, ranking: #13, date: #23] From @notaes1422 on 04/16/18 09:37:00
  • @KellyannePolls You who has been a villain since the day you were not in the WH, so please don't try to spin your way to satisfy the disgrace of your boss...30-40% of the people support your boss, so please don't put The People as a whole because The People is 50+% not 40%
    [original: #157, ranking: #20, date: #38] From @rtualex on 04/16/18 10:09:07
  • I believe nothing you say. And if Comey leaked it was to people with security clearances. But thank god it got out. And thank god for Stormey Daniels, because she caused Cohan to be raided.
    [original: #138, ranking: #21, date: #57] From @nickcolya125 on 04/16/18 10:39:27
  • Another Oops... You ate trying to cleanup. . Nothing misleading. You were full of eye rolls and you lie so much. You got caught.
    [original: #177, ranking: #24, date: #18] From @gregorylh411 on 04/16/18 09:28:21
  • You are a walking, talking misleading headline. How do you sleep at night?
    [original: #167, ranking: #27, date: #28] From @forrestbrakeman on 04/16/18 09:43:04
  • Will write their own narrative regardless of what is said. #dishonest #misleading #unacceptable You have 1 job! #reportthenews #wecanthinkforourselves
    [original: #168, ranking: #29, date: #27] From @kikibean61 on 04/16/18 09:42:32
  • You need to get a pink slip for breaking the law and for consistently acting as the willful idiot who does the bidding of your even dumber master @realDonaldTrump, @KellyannePolls.
    [original: #146, ranking: #34, date: #49] From @jamesgutierrez on 04/16/18 10:27:01
  • Truthfully speaking he did. And the @DNC screwing over @BernieSanders also cost them and @HillaryClinton the election. When you play fairly (and not politically) you win more and look like the better candidate.
    [original: #142, ranking: #35, date: #53] From @crimsonzord on 04/16/18 10:31:08
  • I have yet to meet *1* person who decided to vote for Trump based simply on anything Comey did or said. What a ridiculous assertion.
    [original: #173, ranking: #36, date: #22] From @lfilliger on 04/16/18 09:35:59
  • .despite how uncomfortable and unsavory it is, it’s good to get into the minds of what conservatives believe. It reveals how to beat them in 2018 and 2020. You can see what’s important to them—what about...
    [original: #139, ranking: #39, date: #56] From @master_of_pr on 04/16/18 10:34:40
  • Kellyanne, a sthe queen of alternative facts, you have nothing to say about integrity that an intelligent person would believe. That ship sailed long ago for you and boss
    [original: #135, ranking: #43, date: #60] From @bfollickii on 04/16/18 10:44:02
  • Listen, Trump IS the known liar as are you. Coney speaks the truth and that is what the President or his crime Family can’t understand.
    [original: #194, ranking: #44, date: #1] From @philphotoburt on 04/16/18 08:54:02
  • Yawn. You are a LIAR. Go cry wolf to someone who is foolish enough to listen, like your Plastic Surgeon. Oh yea, you pay them to listen.
    [original: #141, ranking: #45, date: #54] From @gabebabe1965 on 04/16/18 10:31:25
  • Funny that even CNN's Chris Cuomo called out ABC for #FakeNews headlines. That's got to sting. …
    [original: #164, ranking: #47, date: #31] From @scottybrain on 04/16/18 09:47:33
  • @realDonaldTrump I can't believe what @KellyannePolls said. she's clearly off the #TrumpTrain and a #MAGATraitor. Mr. T didn't need ANY help to win from #LyinComey
    [original: #193, ranking: #49, date: #2] From @justintmcguire on 04/16/18 08:54:34
  • @POTUS was absolutely right to fire Comey. From what I’ve seen, he’s a man who’s contradicted himself in every way. @OutnumberedFNC
    [original: #180, ranking: #53, date: #15] From @free2meetu on 04/16/18 09:24:42
  • Everything that comes out your mouth includes an "eye roll and a ?" You'll sit in jail with your boss soon.... so very soon.
    [original: #147, ranking: #56, date: #48] From @byronvoogt on 04/16/18 10:26:23
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 988170595530608640, from: @beejaymaumau (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:40:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Maybe you should stop talking once in a while and pay attention to the questions. And, perhaps, try answering one for a change.]
[tweet: 987435284336914433, from: @crisfor2010 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 01:58:12(HIGH,0,0,0) 45 americans who defined the election …]
[tweet: 987350535882747905, from: @sampsonmatt17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 08:21:26(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 987348715974340608, from: @brimshack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 08:14:12(HIGH,0,2,1) And we are supposed to believe anything you say? Now THAT'S worthy of an eye roll!]
[tweet: 987351090491547648, from: @amyolson70 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 08:23:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Yup sounds alternative]
[tweet: 986826672220422144, from: @glanvilleadam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 09:39:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Great Women!]
[tweet: 986668650181603348, from: @zacharyjdennis2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 11:11:52(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986575472875089920, from: @rorywainer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 05:01:37(HIGH,0,0,0) You said it ...]
[tweet: 986419845070651393, from: @aaronstonemd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:43:12(HIGH,0,2,0) Bet comey wishes he had met bill on the tarmac so he could get his story straight]
[tweet: 986390275416182784, from: @mrwilk94 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:45:42(HIGH,0,2,0) The left will try to use any excuse to explain why Hillary lost the election. Maybe she was simply a terrible candidate who deserved to lose?]
[tweet: 986372917536714752, from: @okscnctn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 03:36:44(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 986302192431710208, from: @more_becca (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:55:41(HIGH,0,0,0) The Russians helped.]
[tweet: 986266143127031809, from: @maxine2328 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:32:27(HIGH,0,0,0) They're still trying to blame Coney for the last minute re-opening of Hillary investigation. He re-opened it because they just found what was on Weiner laptop!  Then had to cover it all AGAIN but copies of the hard drive have been dispersed. Trump knows all. Sick stuff.]
[tweet: 986245054506381313, from: @nyshopping88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:08:39(HIGH,0,1,0) I f-cking love Kellyanne!]
[tweet: 986237275787878400, from: @coffee4memaria (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:37:44(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986235345934184449, from: @tommy_lowell (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:30:04(HIGH,0,0,0) What people don't seem to realize is that Hillary swung the RESULTS of the Election!!]
[tweet: 986230042412937216, from: @butchmorey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:09:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Muller &]
[tweet: 986229735641501697, from: @momrovin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:07:46(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 986217416530149376, from: @1karinkeller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 05:18:49(HIGH,0,0,0) If you have to explain a joke it wasn't funny.]
[tweet: 986208073625645056, from: @8scuem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:41:42(HIGH,0,1,0) He wanted to be double agent but none of the sides wants to recruit him. Such a corrupt man.]
[tweet: 986184308200222721, from: @paulfredin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 03:07:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Idiot]
[tweet: 986136560851652608, from: @nolagurl504123 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:57:32(HIGH,0,0,0) have info for you , inbox ?]
[tweet: 986128560883511296, from: @catheri66790065 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:25:44(HIGH,0,0,0) I know! Eye roll and question mark.]
[tweet: 986106317101154305, from: @brian90277 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:57:21(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986089454245941248, from: @maryhamptonlou (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:50:21(HIGH,0,2,0) TRUMP'S supporters swung the election!]
[tweet: 986086381821673472, from: @johnosullivan36 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:38:08(HIGH,2,4,0) Certainly didn't help did it? If there was same equivalency and announcement that people connected to @realDonaldTrump were being investigated then that would be fair ...]
[tweet: 986084079991967744, from: @scottreadsbooks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:28:59(HIGH,0,0,0) When you say "Misleading headline", is that some kind of secret code for "I was quoted verbatim"?]
[tweet: 986083702160707584, from: @scottreadsbooks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:27:29(HIGH,0,0,0) People are only quoting you and your assertion that Mr. Comey threw the election towards Don with his interference.  If you don't want to be quoted in context, stop talking.]
[tweet: 986083042409238528, from: @highdefhabsfan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:24:52(HIGH,0,0,0) It's because he swung an election]
[tweet: 986082260674899968, from: @jmjazbase54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:21:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Should know better. You’re a parent and this is what you stoop to. For what? Power? Compromise your character in defense of a corrupt flawed man, a man you strongly opposed until you guy Ted was out. Demonstrate character for your kids. Shame.]
[tweet: 986080432495255552, from: @verdagates (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:14:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes lets give him the credit. That will ruin his democratic  career, main thing to say is no true American would take a career in the gov.  as important as his and write a book hoping to get rich on his high and might position. That does NOT sound like a man of integrity. Agree?]
[tweet: 986075597255380992, from: @123izzie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:55:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Remember this …]
[tweet: 986070365175599104, from: @wlv_investor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:34:30(HIGH,0,1,0) You are really bad at sarcasm]
[tweet: 986066323636654081, from: @migueis_olga (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:18:26(HIGH,0,0,0) You rith  but karma is coming]
[tweet: 986065245717196800, from: @iifilthy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:09(HIGH,0,0,0) #GASLIGHTING!!!]
[tweet: 986061290547306497, from: @lewdite (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:58:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I dunno seems pretty straight forward Kelly.]
[tweet: 986052765565648896, from: @jimoonan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:24:33(HIGH,0,0,0) That's not news. Here's some crow for you to sup on: …]
[tweet: 986047116144410624, from: @abrahamquao (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:02:07(HIGH,0,0,1) I still can't fathom a situation,Comedy was oblivious of all the criminality in Barclays Investment Bank,his silent is criminal.These corrupt Barclays PLC guys,short of corporate standards have close ties with politicians especially the Dems.]
[tweet: 986051099676340226, from: @abrahamquao (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:17:56(HIGH,0,1,0) Comey/comedy and his predecessor Mueller are envious of President Trump,they've insulted the majority of Americans who heard Hillary say Trump isn't fit and yet elected him.]
[tweet: 986044510118522880, from: @anne1texas (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:51:45(HIGH,0,0,0) You said it. I heard you.]
[tweet: 986044413687234560, from: @logicfarm101 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:51:22(HIGH,0,0,0) Remember even the bush tape could not let alone Comey?]
[tweet: 986036558921895936, from: @sj_prairie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:20:09(HIGH,0,0,0) ok]
[tweet: 986032420435693570, from: @parkercfsparker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:03:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Goodness sakes. He must be one powerful dude]
[tweet: 986032099797929985, from: @lucylewis37 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:02:26(HIGH,0,0,0) As if words from YOU could mean anything? At all? Ever?]
[tweet: 986029887361236992, from: @toddinthecurl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:53:39(HIGH,0,0,0) #riggedelection]
[tweet: 986029470950838278, from: @patcakes3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:52:00(HIGH,0,0,0) You suck.  U will all go down in history as POSs]
[tweet: 986029328545845248, from: @learning_juice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:51:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m Ron Burgundy?]
[tweet: 986028192623480834, from: @nmrowan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:46:55(HIGH,1,1,0) You said it, and no matter how you spin it now, everyone knows the truth from your mouth. On 3 mornings tv shows you said, @realDonaldTrump would never have won if not for @Comey. Can’t  take the words back now girl! Let’s see if the Donald shows you the door next  girl bye]
[tweet: 986026519175880705, from: @mmbarricelli (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:40:16(HIGH,0,0,0) didn't help. Just saying. Call it like it is]
[tweet: 986019452352389120, from: @fiestylady34 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:12:11(HIGH,0,0,0) You have encouraged so many eye rolls. .....]
[tweet: 986019410757505025, from: @loftn9negirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:12:01(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986018805943078914, from: @kristiberry64 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:09:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Yikes! When will you get some integrity?]
[tweet: 986018328308256768, from: @jimross1543 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:07:43(HIGH,0,0,0) What?  You got caught and now you’re trying to lie your way out if it again. You and your “boss” really are two of a kind.]
[tweet: 986017200812232704, from: @richardherndon6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:03:14(HIGH,0,1,0) Hillary rigging the primary, deleting 30,000 emails, and repeatedly changing her stories may have had more to do with her losing.]
[tweet: 986016204241371140, from: @jasm_jo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:59:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Eye roll indeed! Oh, what a tangled web we weave KA!! Too late, you slipped and spoke the truth. It happens to best liars on occasion.]
[tweet: 986016004147941376, from: @book_dude (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:58:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Believing you over Comey? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahha]
[tweet: 986013634777272320, from: @bolanddrummer (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:49:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh, Skeletor, how you entertain me.]
[tweet: 986012258861010944, from: @sallybush8sally (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:43:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Comey a crook!!!]
[tweet: 986011611365244934, from: @ddurpetti (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:41:02(HIGH,0,0,0) He pretty much did you ding bat. But honestly why care about that. He will be in jail soon and has bigger worries.]
[tweet: 986010885524152320, from: @hotchick329 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:38:08(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 986010876816777216, from: @cheekybroad (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:38:06(HIGH,0,1,0) Okay, alternative fact princess.  We believe you.]
[tweet: 986010124388007937, from: @frannieoh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:35:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Nope. You said it. Own it.  “Period”]
[tweet: 986009444948611074, from: @dee_osten (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:32:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Says the spin master of the clown show.]
[tweet: 986009345652649984, from: @williamcw4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:32:01(HIGH,0,1,0) The CNN kool ade is strong in this thread]
[tweet: 986007125389328387, from: @bob49091409 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:23:12(HIGH,0,0,0) I guess we should forget about all of Trump appointees that are under indictment]
[tweet: 986005799129534464, from: @princeonthehill (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:17:56(HIGH,0,0,0) You seem to be on every side of comey. Depending on the day. …]
[tweet: 986005258227728384, from: @bromunkee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:15:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh you really blew it this time didn't you?]
[tweet: 986004817637269504, from: @seawall77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:14:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Good thing you never spin anything]
[tweet: 986004363549130752, from: @generalhealthy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:12:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Fake President....stole your soul and @PressSec's soul. Enjoy your places in the history books! Be]
[tweet: 985999579547025409, from: @bondo_amytrish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:53:13(HIGH,0,0,0) I watched, you didn't roll your eyes or say "this guy swung an election?" when you were on air. You are now just trying to cover the truth you told...he did swing the election and everyone knows it. That is a dead horse now, quit beating it.]
[tweet: 985999270565302274, from: @dr_cosenza (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:51:59(HIGH,0,1,0) They’re going to take you down with them.  Get out while you still can.]
[tweet: 985998098899111936, from: @greatjohnmathis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:47:20(HIGH,0,0,0) eye roll? I saw no eye roll. I'm sure @andersoncooper would be happy to show you how to roll your eyes.]
[tweet: 985993676810784768, from: @lotrob14 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:29:46(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985993674382229504, from: @juliedoesevents (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:29:45(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985992916832108544, from: @cinerina (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:26:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Girl. You need to find another job.]
[tweet: 985992562069536768, from: @gorillaofsilver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:25:20(HIGH,0,0,0) "THIS guy swung an election?"  Um.. there was no "question" inflection in your voice during your interview... you made a statement of "fact" .. "This guy swung an election." with a PERIOD, NOT a question mark..]
[tweet: 985992380082868224, from: @geoffvictor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:24:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Nice try this is a totally accurate headline and story. It is finally out.]
[tweet: 985992116932366341, from: @truenorthxx (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:23:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Sorry what's that? I'm super duper baked right now and licking]
[tweet: 985987758039613442, from: @juanbl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:06:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Misleading? You literally said it!]
[tweet: 985984302302355461, from: @elliebabele (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:52:31(HIGH,0,0,0) I just watched it. You sounded serious and did not roll your eyes. Just give it up.]
[tweet: 985983958050639872, from: @axbridge (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:51:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Feeble attempt to make yourself look good. Damn, you haven't given that up yet? Stop speaking in public - that would be a great first step.]
[tweet: 985983459335208960, from: @cabrobst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:49:10(HIGH,0,0,0) The #Russians, #Comey , #Republicans electoral fraud (ID laws), and finally the accursed Electoral College all helped to defraud the American people and bring about this crisis which may end in the destruction of the Republic and perhaps the nation.]
[tweet: 985982728867807232, from: @judybellack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:46:15(HIGH,0,3,1) I love when you try to backpedal.]
[tweet: 986419460608274432, from: @jaredmillr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:41:40(HIGH,0,3,0) @KellyannePolls is going to be in shape for the Ironman soon. Backpedal. Backpedal. Backpedal. She better get a new helmet. It is going to get worse for her, Donald and the rest of the swamp. #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp]
[tweet: 985982126871973888, from: @lindasmcole (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:43:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Keep spinning until you convince someone to listen. Working pretty hard aren’t you?]
[tweet: 985981450125234177, from: @allymichele1390 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:41:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Disagree. It was neck in neck, but, all things considered, made sense why the revelation was made when it was. For people a bit on the fence, it's possible it made a difference because of the email narrative (that you loved to push)! BTW-we don't miss your face.]
[tweet: 985981241727078400, from: @jamiethack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:40:21(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985979856868474881, from: @69bull69dawg69 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:34:51(HIGH,0,0,0) If he swung an election, why did trump win? 15 months after taking office, there is a weekly controversy over trump, over 100 days of golf, dozens of trips to mar a Lago, worst relationships ever with multiple countries, complete chaos with staff turnover, swelling deficit]
[tweet: 985978514229751810, from: @rupunzel94123 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:29:31(HIGH,0,0,0) I was sad/shocked when Comey got fired; but seeing how he's so bitter in his Kiss & Tell tour, makes me want to anoint him as "Cry Baby Comey."  Seems like "Crying Comey" tried to play both sides but Donald J. Trump put an end to his games so he's whining foul.]
[tweet: 985975419449962496, from: @fusilog (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:17:13(HIGH,0,0,0) You can obviously tell Kellyanne forgot to take her BS pills this morning. I agree Comey sung the election for Trump. Unfortunately it’s clear from this tweet that the BS pills have kicked in!]
[tweet: 985975024619347974, from: @ikerdpaula (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:15:39(HIGH,0,0,0) ??]
[tweet: 985975012782829568, from: @ajkotschi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:15:36(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985974898534170625, from: @fleccas (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:15:08(HIGH,2,11,0) Agreed. He’s a lightweight!]
[tweet: 985971583775858689, from: @billmoore06 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:01:58(HIGH,0,0,0) KWC- at last you finally admit that Comey swung the election. We’ve known this all along! We also knew this administration would be the disaster it is!!! Glad to hear Obamacare is still around. Looking forward to 2020 election!!]
[tweet: 985970104327393281, from: @raeberries77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:56:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah. But that's not what ya said.....]
[tweet: 985969752026877952, from: @alissa_holmes (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:54:41(HIGH,0,0,0) My eye roll is directed at you]
[tweet: 985969327777050624, from: @jkgood1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:53:00(HIGH,0,0,0) This isn't even old enough to age well is it???   #GOPHypocrisy #LyinKellyanne #LyinTrump #CorruptToTheCore]
[tweet: 985968778147192832, from: @msfabu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:50:49(HIGH,0,5,0) Spinning,spinning,spinning  DRUMPH is making you ladies age very fast  Better STOP while ur]
[tweet: 985968351078993920, from: @corinto1965lugo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:49:07(HIGH,0,0,0) U work for a #SEXUALPREDATOR and we r supposed to be upset about]
[tweet: 985966175162130432, from: @hlesveaux (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:40:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Funny how whenever you or your boss show your true colors and are called out you use the excuse of sarcasm or humor. You do realize Comey’s actions ruled in Trump’s favor, right?]
[tweet: 985965675825905664, from: @paperchase71 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:38:30(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, fake opinion and lackluster commentary will end up in the wast basket.]
[tweet: 985964549449900032, from: @kimu4280 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:34:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Watch your video again. It wasn’t phrased as a question. You’re fired. And then you’ll write a book on how you were forced to say among other things .....Alternative facts.]
[tweet: 985962987172265984, from: @paulingmundson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:27:49(HIGH,0,0,0)  “I shot the clerk (?)”]
[tweet: 985962301852389376, from: @cinnamondeb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:25:05(HIGH,0,0,0) You are proof of the Peter Principle.]
[tweet: 985961235010277377, from: @toptwolvesfan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:20:51(HIGH,0,0,0) They have to lie Kellyanne the truth hurts them]
[tweet: 985961185853038594, from: @ldicassiolorri (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:20:39(HIGH,0,0,0) And @abcnews does it]
[tweet: 985960416282112003, from: @jpmoatti (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:17:36(HIGH,0,0,0) #SmellyanneConway has let loose without being vetted again. Don't you know Trix are for kids?]
[tweet: 985959774897356800, from: @alaphiah (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:15:03(HIGH,0,1,0) Democrats have polarized America to such an extent that Russians posting ads on Facebook or nothing James Comey did would have changed one single Democrat’s mind to vote for President Trump! Hell we still have never Trumper Republicans who didn’t and won’t vote for him!]
[tweet: 985959693850783744, from: @dijit23 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:14:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh Kellyanne. Your back, rested, less strung out looking,  yay. And your still on the wrong side of history. Guess the dry out only worked so well. But welcome back. I missed your rambling...]
[tweet: 985958838376501248, from: @pinstripe59 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:11:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Hillary would have dropped out pending charges-Poor Bernie supporters they got robbed , Too bad Bernie was such a team player and his people total]
[tweet: 985958439439491072, from: @al_finknj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:09:44(HIGH,0,1,0) Big Surprise the LEFT is misleading and spreading Fake]
[tweet: 985955611086114816, from: @tin_foil_hats (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:58:30(HIGH,0,0,0) I cannot wait until you go down with Donnie. And I HATE to have to say that about another woman.]
[tweet: 985953734843928576, from: @cmcfuckbucket (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:51:03(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985953368467234816, from: @adaviswilliams (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:49:35(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 985950631025242112, from: @danielle1239 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:38:43(HIGH,0,0,0) She tries to backtrack what she actually said. People just need to watch and listen to the entire video... now, she’s lying about what she just said. Par fur the course for her and this entire administration. These people lack all morals & ethics. It’s reprehensible.]
[tweet: 985950102291451904, from: @jluvs2luv (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:36:37(HIGH,0,0,0) I've never seen a professional communicator back track on so many things as they write them off as jokes, tongue-in-cheek, or sarcasm. Perhaps as a professional communicator you should stop joking and stick to actual things you mean so there is actual communication.]
[tweet: 985948687305232385, from: @mehgit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:30:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Kelli-Con: “Comey loves to be within the proximity of power. He loves having dinner alone with the president.... He loved being alone in the Oval Office. He wanted a piece of it. He loved being in the proximity of power "… .  That's how folks blame women who are abused!!  Fool!]
[tweet: 985945267533840384, from: @littlelast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:17:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Let this be a lesson: what you say say it correctly or stfu when you are "misinterpreted ".]
[tweet: 985944220287557633, from: @ladyliberty1877 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:13:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Sorry, that’s what you said.]
[tweet: 985943580823949315, from: @peoplepower9000 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:10:42(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985943201621168128, from: @dutchkoeslag (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:09:11(HIGH,0,0,0) I shudder to think what would have swept under the Clinton rug. It would have been impossible to walk across it due to all of the scandals under it.]
[tweet: 985942494847389701, from: @jonjonjohnathan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:06:23(HIGH,0,1,0) The only eye rolling is in regards to this Tweet]
[tweet: 985942233533820929, from: @davematt88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:05:21(HIGH,0,3,0) Keep up those alternative facts kellyanne.]
[tweet: 985941358081789952, from: @jimmywhiz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:52(HIGH,0,0,0) the sad thing about you #trump hanger ons is you can't remember what lie you told 5 minutes ago.]
[tweet: 985941294571769856, from: @waxlyrical29 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:37(HIGH,0,0,0) as usual.]
[tweet: 985941226858754048, from: @shari2112 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:01:21(HIGH,0,1,0) …]
[tweet: 985940904891449344, from: @nonofmybiznez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:00:04(HIGH,0,2,0) They just can't believe we like Trump. They can't believe we hated Hillary. I love my country and could not let Hillary put someone in the Supreme Court and risk losing our country. That was the bottom line. I was a NeverTrumper until he was the nominee. Now I know his game.]
[tweet: 985939918462402560, from: @jansinclair9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:56:09(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985939658537398275, from: @debbyarndts (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:55:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Better watch what you say!]
[tweet: 985939316558839808, from: @jennenay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:53:45(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985939149021589504, from: @jillforrights (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:53:05(HIGH,0,0,0) You were on TV u could have done it]
[tweet: 985938844590551041, from: @lunanee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:51:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Well....he DID swing the election.]
[tweet: 985936983120842753, from: @sfimal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:44:29(HIGH,0,0,0) @DrChrisMetzler]
[tweet: 985936934940954625, from: @lucylewis37 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:44:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Liar.]
[tweet: 985936872051499008, from: @bfollickii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:44:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne,  a sthe queen of alternative facts, you have nothing to say about integrity that an intelligent person would believe.   That ship sailed long ago for you and boss]
[tweet: 985936846386380800, from: @andyyoungfilm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:43:56(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985936502923276290, from: @anndeltredici (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:42:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Who cares what you say Kellyanne? No one!]
[tweet: 985935719322484736, from: @nickcolya125 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:39:27(HIGH,0,0,0) I believe nothing you say. And if Comey leaked it was to people with security clearances. But thank god it got out. And thank god for Stormey Daniels, because  she caused Cohan to be raided.]
[tweet: 985934513229434882, from: @master_of_pr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:34:40(HIGH,0,0,0) .despite how uncomfortable and unsavory it is, it’s good to get into the minds of what conservatives believe. It reveals how to beat them in 2018 and 2020. You can see what’s important to them—what about...]
[tweet: 985933772209119232, from: @vivianmcpeak (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:31:43(HIGH,0,0,0) #fail y]
[tweet: 985933697147965442, from: @gabebabe1965 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:31:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Yawn. You are a LIAR. Go cry wolf to someone who is foolish enough to listen, like your Plastic Surgeon. Oh yea, you pay them to listen.]
[tweet: 985933624527683590, from: @crimsonzord (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:31:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Truthfully speaking he did. And the @DNC screwing over @BernieSanders also cost them and @HillaryClinton the election. When you play fairly (and not politically) you win more and look like the better candidate.]
[tweet: 985933474044563456, from: @gotchasc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:30:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Sarcasm, eh?  Riiiiggghhbtttt!]
[tweet: 985933188412264450, from: @littlelast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:29:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Didn't sound like sarcasm.]
[tweet: 985932898791550976, from: @mlgreer11 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:28:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Zero eye rolls & zero ?'s, @KellyannePolls]
[tweet: 985932590459834369, from: @jamesgutierrez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:27:01(HIGH,0,0,0) You need to get a pink slip for breaking the law and for consistently acting as the willful idiot who does the bidding of your even dumber master @realDonaldTrump, @KellyannePolls.]
[tweet: 985932429222346752, from: @byronvoogt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:26:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Everything that comes out your mouth includes an "eye roll and a ?" You'll sit in jail with your boss soon.... so very soon.]
[tweet: 985931664412069888, from: @beltwaypanda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:23:21(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985931445351931904, from: @zachenry8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:22:28(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985931403509620737, from: @edko5871 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:22:18(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985931358227709952, from: @cleoeverest (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:22:08(HIGH,0,0,0) You and Sarah Sanders are master shape shifters. The best I’ve ever seen.]
[tweet: 985930592842690560, from: @mongoosekz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:19:05(HIGH,0,0,0) So alternative facts or not?]
[tweet: 985929533302935553, from: @realrobertgibbs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:14:53(HIGH,0,0,0) You got more stories then Walt Disney]
[tweet: 985929435995148289, from: @jasonmease (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:14:29(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985928788281315328, from: @michaelsalfino (VERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:11:55(HIGH,0,0,0) YOU'RE RUNNING THE WRONG WAY!]
[tweet: 985928491794231297, from: @jessfedigan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:10:44(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985928082526584833, from: @rtualex (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:09:07(HIGH,0,0,0) @KellyannePolls You who has been a villain since the day you were not in the WH, so please don't try to spin your way to satisfy the disgrace of your boss...30-40% of the people support your boss, so please don't put The People as a whole because The People is 50+% not 40%]
[tweet: 985926901368680448, from: @ltpro_seattle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:04:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Don’t you have to make a coat out of some puppies or something?]
[tweet: 985925311354187776, from: @oregonc3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:58:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Just wondering what your husbands thoughts are on the subject....]
[tweet: 985925163878404096, from: @amanofthisworld (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:57:31(HIGH,0,0,0) AT LEAST YOU ADMIT HRC WOULD HAVE WON!!]
[tweet: 985924393397293056, from: @nanaof5toou (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:54:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Again SHUT up you trump troll!]
[tweet: 985923244397154305, from: @kingacomedy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:49:53(HIGH,0,1,0)]
[tweet: 985922699326177281, from: @mattculver74 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:47:43(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985922657601323008, from: @scottybrain (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:47:33(HIGH,0,0,0) Funny that even CNN's Chris Cuomo called out ABC for #FakeNews headlines. That's got to sting. …]
[tweet: 985922299269394433, from: @thayeram (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:46:08(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m dizzy from all this]
[tweet: 985921857227509760, from: @eddrennen1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:44:22(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985921527387320320, from: @forrestbrakeman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:43:04(HIGH,0,2,0) You are a walking, talking misleading headline.  How do you sleep at night?]
[tweet: 985921393417220096, from: @kikibean61 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:42:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Will write their own narrative regardless of what is said. #dishonest #misleading #unacceptable You have 1 job! #reportthenews #wecanthinkforourselves]
[tweet: 985921109290778626, from: @tarashouse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:41:24(HIGH,0,1,0) Are you afraid of getting fired now that you spoke the truth? Just wondering... and kinda hoping]
[tweet: 985920703735181315, from: @imwhitevelvet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:39:47(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985920621308592130, from: @matthewhoover (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:39:28(HIGH,0,0,0) How come I NEVER see your Tweets unless I come to your page?  @Jack @realDonaldTrump]
[tweet: 985919999494819842, from: @notaes1422 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:37:00(HIGH,1,2,0) When you are representing the President we shouldn't have to figure out if you are being sarcastic, using alternative facts, or just joking. We shouldn't have to interpret eye rolls or missed question marks.]
[tweet: 985919746154483712, from: @lfilliger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:35:59(HIGH,0,1,0) I have yet to meet *1* person who decided to vote for Trump based simply on anything Comey did or said.  What a ridiculous assertion.]
[tweet: 985919702697431040, from: @merma_bixies (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:35:49(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985918246372036608, from: @imthewhistle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:30:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Haha you are the worst eye roll and question mark lady]
[tweet: 985917996001583105, from: @ksecus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:29:02(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985917822558724097, from: @gregorylh411 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:28:21(HIGH,0,0,0) Another Oops... You ate trying to cleanup. .  Nothing misleading.  You were full of eye rolls and you lie so much. You got caught.]
[tweet: 985917476423823360, from: @gethimouttahere (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:26:58(HIGH,0,3,0)]
[tweet: 985917200069464066, from: @hofftastic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:25:52(HIGH,1,2,0) If that were true, you’d stop talking about him.]
[tweet: 985916905478393856, from: @free2meetu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:24:42(HIGH,0,0,0) @POTUS was absolutely right to fire Comey. From what I’ve seen, he’s a man who’s contradicted himself in every way. @OutnumberedFNC]
[tweet: 985916737261658112, from: @hstoza (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:24:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Are you still hanging around?  Man, I thought you'd gone back to Jersey.  They could use help, you know.]
[tweet: 985916589525565450, from: @allymsoldwallet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:23:27(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985915567562461184, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:19:23(HIGH,0,6,0)]
[tweet: 985915167824228352, from: @johnrjohnson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:17:48(HIGH,0,1,1) Nobody cares what you think, Kellyanne. Not even Donald Trump. When this is all over, you're going to be a national pariah relegated to semi-annual appearances on Sean Hannity's show. A footnote to the worst presidency in the history of the republic.]
[tweet: 985915977262125056, from: @gerimeyle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:21:01(HIGH,0,2,0) I watched the interview with James Comey and I know tomorrow, Monday, the news will be all about having an out of body experience and prostitutes peeing on each other. What has happened to our country? Does anyone really care? Paulette Jordan]
[tweet: 985914844389019649, from: @thewisemansaid2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:16:30(HIGH,12,20,0) Let's pull a Conway:  "You know what's misleading? Everything #Trump says  You what else is misleading? Every spin from #PressSec and #FoxAndFriends  That's what you should be tweeting, Americans deserve better"]
[tweet: 985914744153362433, from: @teewhyohld (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:16:07(HIGH,0,0,0) But we finally agreed on something.  I felt a brief moment of kinship.]
[tweet: 985912969933611009, from: @crymeariver6666 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:09:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Liar]
[tweet: 985912079147290624, from: @michaelcbrown (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:05:31(HIGH,0,0,0) In other words, you are not skilled at sarcasm. OK.]
[tweet: 985911886095958016, from: @iamkmclarke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:04:45(HIGH,0,0,0) You are so mad you can't even speak english as usual. Go back to your cave.]
[tweet: 985911049516994560, from: @um_heiio (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:01:26(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985909846804516864, from: @clifffrost1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:56:39(HIGH,0,0,0) So very proud of Kellyanne!]
[tweet: 985909324605214722, from: @justintmcguire (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:54:34(HIGH,0,0,0) @realDonaldTrump I can't believe what @KellyannePolls said. she's clearly off the #TrumpTrain and a #MAGATraitor. Mr. T didn't need ANY help to win from #LyinComey]
[tweet: 985909187237568513, from: @philphotoburt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:54:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Listen, Trump IS the known liar as are you. Coney speaks the truth and that is what the President or his crime Family can’t understand.]



Believing you over Comey? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahha
 ranking=63.32178154958824 from {coleman=15.41, cos=0.40, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=14.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=21.28, ari=11.94, lix=0.07, time=0.59, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.85}
 orders: orig=56, rank=1, date=138
They just can't believe we like Trump. They can't believe we hated Hillary. I love my country and could not let Hillary put someone in the Supreme Court and risk losing our country. That was the bottom line. I was a NeverTrumper until he was the nominee. Now I know his game.
 ranking=19.516177002510954 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.25, smog=0.52, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.13, pop=1.39, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=5.00, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=127, rank=2, date=68
Let's pull a Conway:

"You know what's misleading? Everything #Trump says

You what else is misleading? Every spin from #PressSec and #FoxAndFriends

That's what you should be tweeting, Americans deserve better"
 ranking=18.051123151797743 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.47, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.28, pop=4.33, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=186, rank=3, date=9
Nobody cares what you think, Kellyanne. Not even Donald Trump. When this is all over, you're going to be a national pariah relegated to semi-annual appearances on Sean Hannity's show. A footnote to the worst presidency in the history of the republic.
 ranking=17.102071193745246 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.30, smog=0.91, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.30, pop=1.95, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=184, rank=4, date=10
Kelli-Con: “Comey loves to be within the proximity of power. He loves having dinner alone with the president.... He loved being alone in the Oval Office. He wanted a piece of it. He loved being in the proximity of power "… .

That's how folks blame women who are abused!!  Fool!
 ranking=16.930402503485233 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0.12, smog=0.66, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=117, rank=5, date=78
I watched the interview with James Comey and I know tomorrow, Monday, the news will be all about having an out of body experience and prostitutes peeing on each other. What has happened to our country? Does anyone really care? Paulette Jordan
 ranking=16.235867802868892 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.16, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=4.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=185, rank=6, date=12
She tries to backtrack what she actually said. People just need to watch and listen to the entire video... now, she’s lying about what she just said. Par fur the course for her and this entire administration. These people lack all morals & ethics. It’s reprehensible.
 ranking=15.596646241590495 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.65, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=115, rank=7, date=80
Should know better. You’re a parent and this is what you stoop to. For what? Power? Compromise your character in defense of a corrupt flawed man, a man you strongly opposed until you guy Ted was out. Demonstrate character for your kids. Shame.
 ranking=15.55551482437411 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0.28, smog=0.71, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=30, rank=8, date=164
@KellyannePolls is going to be in shape for the Ironman soon. Backpedal. Backpedal. Backpedal. She better get a new helmet. It is going to get worse for her, Donald and the rest of the swamp. #TheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp
 ranking=15.181575654272686 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.71, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.79, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=84, rank=9, date=185
You said it, and no matter how you spin it now, everyone knows the truth from your mouth. On 3 mornings tv shows you said, @realDonaldTrump would never have won if not for @Comey. Can’t  take the words back now girl! Let’s see if the Donald shows you the door next  girl bye 
 ranking=15.14903526572539 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0.25, smog=0.57, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=48, rank=10, date=146
I still can't fathom a situation,Comedy was oblivious of all the criminality in Barclays Investment Bank,his silent is criminal.These corrupt Barclays PLC guys,short of corporate standards have close ties with politicians especially the Dems.
 ranking=15.060571006787947 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=1.75, kincaid=0.88, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.69, ari=1.06, lix=0.99, time=0.41, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=1.10}
 orders: orig=38, rank=11, date=155
Yes lets give him the credit. That will ruin his democratic  career, main thing to say is no true American would take a career in the gov.  as important as his and write a book hoping to get rich on his high and might position. That does NOT sound like a man of integrity. Agree?
 ranking=14.911060373812571 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.20, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=31, rank=12, date=163
When you are representing the President we shouldn't have to figure out if you are being sarcastic, using alternative facts, or just joking. We shouldn't have to interpret eye rolls or missed question marks.
 ranking=14.863745314108808 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.36, smog=1.17, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.45, lix=0.05, time=1.77, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.63}
 orders: orig=172, rank=13, date=23
The #Russians, #Comey , #Republicans electoral fraud (ID laws), and finally the accursed Electoral College all helped to defraud the American people and bring about this crisis which may end in the destruction of the Republic and perhaps the nation.
 ranking=14.76357488271152 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.72, cos=0.28, smog=1.64, ari=1.12, lix=0.99, time=0.86, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.95, fuzzy=1.40, fog=1.09}
 orders: orig=82, rank=14, date=112
I watched, you didn't roll your eyes or say "this guy swung an election?" when you were on air. You are now just trying to cover the truth you told...he did swing the election and everyone knows it. That is a dead horse now, quit beating it.
 ranking=14.316169314176575 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.04, cos=1.23, smog=0.77, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=70, rank=15, date=124
Democrats have polarized America to such an extent that Russians posting ads on Facebook or nothing James Comey did would have changed one single Democrat’s mind to vote for President Trump! Hell we still have never Trumper Republicans who didn’t and won’t vote for him!
 ranking=13.990017510566508 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.13, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.50, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.59, lix=0.08, time=1.11, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=108, rank=16, date=87
I've never seen a professional communicator back track on so many things as they write them off as jokes, tongue-in-cheek, or sarcasm. Perhaps as a professional communicator you should stop joking and stick to actual things you mean so there is actual communication.
 ranking=13.58667425341984 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.50, cos=0, smog=1.17, ari=0.60, lix=0.05, time=1.20, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.57, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.65}
 orders: orig=116, rank=17, date=79
KWC- at last you finally admit that Comey swung the election. We’ve known this all along! We also knew this administration would be the disaster it is!!! Glad to hear Obamacare is still around. Looking forward to 2020 election!!
 ranking=13.541596398779802 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.28, cos=0.99, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=94, rank=18, date=101
Disagree. It was neck in neck, but, all things considered, made sense why the revelation was made when it was. For people a bit on the fence, it's possible it made a difference because of the email narrative (that you loved to push)! BTW-we don't miss your face.
 ranking=13.512554698014402 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0.38, smog=0.85, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=86, rank=19, date=109
@KellyannePolls You who has been a villain since the day you were not in the WH, so please don't try to spin your way to satisfy the disgrace of your boss...30-40% of the people support your boss, so please don't put The People as a whole because The People is 50+% not 40%
 ranking=13.411320242697593 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.99, lix=0.99, time=1.62, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.81, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.96}
 orders: orig=157, rank=20, date=38
I believe nothing you say.
And if Comey leaked it was to people with security clearances.
But thank god it got out. And thank god for Stormey Daniels, because 
she caused Cohan to be raided.
 ranking=13.348665403265196 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0.30, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=138, rank=21, date=57
They're still trying to blame Coney for the last minute re-opening of Hillary investigation. He re-opened it because they just found what was on Weiner laptop!  Then had to cover it all AGAIN but copies of the hard drive have been dispersed. Trump knows all. Sick stuff.
 ranking=13.255286371185534 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.54, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=13, rank=22, date=181
Oh Kellyanne. Your back, rested, less strung out looking,  yay. And your still on the wrong side of history. Guess the dry out only worked so well. But welcome back. I missed your rambling...
 ranking=13.108864283619068 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=6.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.15, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=109, rank=23, date=86
Another Oops... You ate trying to cleanup. .  Nothing misleading.  You were full of eye rolls and you lie so much. You got caught. 
 ranking=13.097092635453532 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0.37, smog=0.65, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.27}
 orders: orig=177, rank=24, date=18
"THIS guy swung an election?"

Um.. there was no "question" inflection in your voice during your interview... you made a statement of "fact" .. "This guy swung an election." with a PERIOD, NOT a question mark..
 ranking=12.890589309414334 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, smog=1.01, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.27, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=76, rank=25, date=118
 ranking=12.877099361628877 from {coleman=3.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=2.19, numsent=1.00, flesch=4.17, ari=2.25, lix=0.99, time=0.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=45, rank=26, date=149
You are a walking, talking misleading headline.  How do you sleep at night?
 ranking=12.78716780850706 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.57, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.16, lix=0.05, time=1.72, numword=1.00, fuzzy=3.05, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=167, rank=27, date=28
If he swung an election, why did trump win? 15 months after taking office, there is a weekly controversy over trump, over 100 days of golf, dozens of trips to mar a Lago, worst relationships ever with multiple countries, complete chaos with staff turnover, swelling deficit
 ranking=12.626036218214377 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, cos=0.50, smog=1.17, ari=0.63, lix=0.07, time=0.91, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.54, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.68}
 orders: orig=88, rank=28, date=107
Will write their own narrative regardless of what is said. #dishonest #misleading #unacceptable You have 1 job! #reportthenews #wecanthinkforourselves
 ranking=12.539829749177873 from {coleman=1.15, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.76, cos=0.23, smog=1.32, ari=0.72, lix=0.08, time=1.73, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.62, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.93}
 orders: orig=168, rank=29, date=27
Certainly didn't help did it? If there was same equivalency and announcement that people connected to @realDonaldTrump were being investigated then that would be fair ...
 ranking=12.463166281807375 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=26, rank=30, date=168
I was sad/shocked when Comey got fired; but seeing how he's so bitter in his Kiss & Tell tour, makes me want to anoint him as "Cry Baby Comey."  Seems like "Crying Comey" tried to play both sides but Donald J. Trump put an end to his games so he's whining foul.
 ranking=12.388576996664442 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0.35, smog=0.30, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.32}
 orders: orig=89, rank=31, date=106
Comey/comedy and his predecessor Mueller are envious of President Trump,they've insulted the majority of Americans who heard Hillary say Trump isn't fit and yet elected him.
 ranking=12.32389790124038 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.40, kincaid=0.65, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.73, lix=0.99, time=0.40, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.81}
 orders: orig=39, rank=32, date=156
Watch your video again. It wasn’t phrased as a question. You’re fired. And then you’ll write a book on how you were forced to say among other things .....Alternative facts.
 ranking=12.260337918742188 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.20, smog=0.57, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.10, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=102, rank=33, date=93
You need to get a pink slip for breaking the law and for consistently acting as the willful idiot who does the bidding of your even dumber master @realDonaldTrump, @KellyannePolls.
 ranking=11.970113211562174 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0.16, smog=0.69, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.38}
 orders: orig=146, rank=34, date=49
Truthfully speaking he did. And the @DNC screwing over @BernieSanders also cost them and @HillaryClinton the election. When you play fairly (and not politically) you win more and look like the better candidate.
 ranking=11.904702100771084 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0.37, smog=0.85, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=142, rank=35, date=53
I have yet to meet *1* person who decided to vote for Trump based simply on anything Comey did or said.  What a ridiculous assertion.
 ranking=11.720003291500902 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.20, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.27, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.45, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=173, rank=36, date=22
People are only quoting you and your assertion that Mr. Comey threw the election towards Don with his interference.  If you don't want to be quoted in context, stop talking.
 ranking=11.478765734695823 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0.54, smog=0.97, ari=0.38, lix=0.06, time=0.30, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=28, rank=37, date=166
You can obviously tell Kellyanne forgot to take her BS pills this morning. I agree Comey sung the election for Trump. Unfortunately it’s clear from this tweet that the BS pills have kicked in!
 ranking=11.401173975170973 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.58, smog=0.75, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=90, rank=38, date=105
.despite how uncomfortable and unsavory it is, it’s good to get into the minds of what conservatives believe. It reveals how to beat them in 2018 and 2020. You can see what’s important to them—what about...
 ranking=11.309953017215973 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0.19, smog=0.93, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.29, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=139, rank=39, date=56
Funny how whenever you or your boss show your true colors and are called out you use the excuse of sarcasm or humor. You do realize Comey’s actions ruled in Trump’s favor, right?
 ranking=11.188844718059386 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=100, rank=40, date=95
And we are supposed to believe anything you say? Now THAT'S worthy of an eye roll!
 ranking=10.876230348978503 from {coleman=0.37, cos=1.05, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=4, rank=41, date=190
The left will try to use any excuse to explain why Hillary lost the election. Maybe she was simply a terrible candidate who deserved to lose?
 ranking=10.541470356947809 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0.37, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=0.11, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=10, rank=42, date=184
Kellyanne,  a sthe queen of alternative facts, you have nothing to say about integrity that an intelligent person would believe.   That ship sailed long ago for you and boss
 ranking=10.472176402963713 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, cos=0.36, smog=0.97, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=1.39, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.36, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=135, rank=43, date=60
Listen, Trump IS the known liar as are you. Coney speaks the truth and that is what the President or his crime Family can’t understand.
 ranking=10.470410057505166 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=194, rank=44, date=1
Yawn. You are a LIAR. Go cry wolf to someone who is foolish enough to listen, like your Plastic Surgeon. Oh yea, you pay them to listen.
 ranking=10.397901302978235 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=141, rank=45, date=54
eye roll? I saw no eye roll. I'm sure @andersoncooper would be happy to show you how to roll your eyes.
 ranking=10.102070592783178 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0.82, smog=0.30, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=2.00, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=72, rank=46, date=122
Funny that even CNN's Chris Cuomo called out ABC for #FakeNews headlines. That's got to sting. …
 ranking=10.08273254715712 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0.20, smog=0.69, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=164, rank=47, date=31
Keep up those alternative facts kellyanne.
 ranking=10.060870242424684 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0.35, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.49, lix=0.06, time=1.27, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=123, rank=48, date=72
@realDonaldTrump I can't believe what @KellyannePolls said. she's clearly off the #TrumpTrain and a #MAGATraitor. Mr. T didn't need ANY help to win from #LyinComey
 ranking=9.983426499927083 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0.40, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=193, rank=49, date=2
Spinning,spinning,spinning  DRUMPH is making you ladies age very fast  Better STOP while ur
 ranking=9.93368437134456 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.34, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.48, lix=0.05, time=1.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=98, rank=50, date=97
I cannot wait until you go down with Donnie. And I HATE to have to say that about another woman.
 ranking=9.833372509878473 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=112, rank=51, date=83
It's because he swung an election
 ranking=9.711934763689955 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=1.97, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0.08, time=0.31, numword=0, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=29, rank=52, date=165
@POTUS was absolutely right to fire Comey. From what I’ve seen, he’s a man who’s contradicted himself in every way. @OutnumberedFNC
 ranking=9.688827451872214 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0.23, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=180, rank=53, date=15
Eye roll indeed! Oh, what a tangled web we weave KA!! Too late, you slipped and spoke the truth. It happens to best liars on occasion.
 ranking=9.633034255215922 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.94, cos=0.35, smog=0.57, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.01, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=55, rank=54, date=139
Hillary would have dropped out pending charges-Poor Bernie supporters they got robbed , Too bad Bernie was such a team player and his people total
 ranking=9.496206219540127 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.62, lix=0.06, time=1.13, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.55}
 orders: orig=110, rank=55, date=85
Everything that comes out your mouth includes an "eye roll and a ?" You'll sit in jail with your boss soon.... so very soon.
 ranking=9.466580114699154 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.39, smog=0.85, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=147, rank=56, date=48
I shudder to think what would have swept under the Clinton rug. It would have been impossible to walk across it due to all of the scandals under it.
 ranking=9.28563359564459 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.16, cos=0.22, smog=0.69, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=121, rank=57, date=74
Kellyanne, fake opinion and lackluster commentary will end up in the wast basket.
 ranking=9.279961085718934 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, cos=0.25, smog=1.25, ari=0.47, lix=0.07, time=1.04, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.43, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=101, rank=58, date=94
Hillary rigging the primary, deleting 30,000 emails, and repeatedly changing her stories may have had more to do with her losing.
 ranking=9.233060977261596 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.42, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.60, lix=0.10, time=0.57, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.53, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=54, rank=59, date=140
This isn't even old enough to age well is it???  
#GOPHypocrisy #LyinKellyanne #LyinTrump #CorruptToTheCore
 ranking=8.993209964610939 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0.18, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=97, rank=60, date=98
Feeble attempt to make yourself look good. Damn, you haven't given that up yet? Stop speaking in public - that would be a great first step.
 ranking=8.920858741408935 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=81, rank=61, date=113
He pretty much did you ding bat. But honestly why care about that. He will be in jail soon and has bigger worries.
 ranking=8.818112498132377 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.06, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=59, rank=62, date=135
#SmellyanneConway has let loose without being vetted again. Don't you know Trix are for kids?
 ranking=8.817567991446085 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0.23, smog=0.30, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=107, rank=63, date=88
Maybe you should stop talking once in a while and pay attention to the questions. And, perhaps, try answering one for a change.
 ranking=8.781491618464377 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=1, rank=64, date=194
Okay, alternative fact princess.  We believe you.  
 ranking=8.76318820772011 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0.31, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.30, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, ari=0.33, lix=0.08, time=0.64, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=61, rank=65, date=133
Just wondering what your husbands thoughts are on the subject....
 ranking=8.680432815237126 from {coleman=0.74, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.40, lix=0.09, time=1.64, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=159, rank=66, date=36
But we finally agreed on something.  I felt a brief moment of kinship.
 ranking=8.675446847705595 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=187, rank=67, date=8
What people don't seem to realize is that Hillary swung the RESULTS of the Election!!
 ranking=8.646013715685275 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=1.05, smog=0.85, ari=0.36, lix=0.07, time=0.18, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=1.65, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=16, rank=68, date=178
Are you still hanging around?  Man, I thought you'd gone back to Jersey.  They could use help, you know.
 ranking=8.578948825887743 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=181, rank=69, date=14
Are you afraid of getting fired now that you spoke the truth? Just wondering... and kinda hoping 
 ranking=8.49328267406486 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=169, rank=70, date=26
I guess we should forget about all of Trump appointees that are under indictment
 ranking=8.366891183232646 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=65, rank=71, date=129
Don’t you have to make a coat out of some puppies or something?
 ranking=8.312192703553276 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=158, rank=72, date=37
the sad thing about you #trump hanger ons is you can't remember what lie you told 5 minutes ago.
 ranking=8.214733295816512 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.36, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=124, rank=73, date=71
U work for a #SEXUALPREDATOR and we r supposed to be upset about
 ranking=8.189472786392587 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0.57, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=99, rank=74, date=96
Haha you are the worst eye roll and question mark lady
 ranking=8.155178241457655 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=1.05, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.08, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=175, rank=75, date=20
You seem to be on every side of comey. Depending on the day. …
 ranking=8.134754913605065 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.28, smog=0.69, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=66, rank=76, date=128
When you say "Misleading headline", is that some kind of secret code for "I was quoted verbatim"?
 ranking=8.11566193667079 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0.53, smog=1.07, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=0.29, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.35, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=27, rank=77, date=167
How come I NEVER see your Tweets unless I come to your page?  @Jack @realDonaldTrump
 ranking=8.097051982553529 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.76, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=171, rank=78, date=24
As if words from YOU could mean anything? At all? Ever?
 ranking=8.0775619584567 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=44, rank=79, date=150
Nice try this is a totally accurate headline and story. It is finally out.
 ranking=7.843067009659141 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.26, smog=0.69, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=0.80, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=77, rank=80, date=117
Sorry what's that? I'm super duper baked right now and licking
 ranking=7.728974656357388 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=78, rank=81, date=116
I love when you try to backpedal.
 ranking=7.725347211746836 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=83, rank=82, date=111
If that were true, you’d stop talking about him.
 ranking=7.660352223797581 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=179, rank=83, date=16
You and Sarah Sanders are master shape shifters. The best I’ve ever seen.
 ranking=7.658726030927834 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=151, rank=84, date=44
Good thing you never spin anything
 ranking=7.646587763690733 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=68, rank=85, date=126
The only eye rolling is in regards to this Tweet
 ranking=7.626369451234227 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.35, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=122, rank=86, date=73
Oh, Skeletor, how you entertain me.
 ranking=7.616059813571379 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.14, lix=0.06, time=0.60, numword=0, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=57, rank=87, date=137
What?  You got caught and now you’re trying to lie your way out if it again. You and your “boss” really are two of a kind.
 ranking=7.564856364261168 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=2.00, kincaid=-0.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=53, rank=88, date=141
TRUMP'S supporters swung the election!
 ranking=7.537766015120359 from {coleman=1.12, cos=1.39, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.56, lix=0.11, time=0.27, numword=0, fuzzy=2.40, fog=1.08}
 orders: orig=25, rank=89, date=169
Big Surprise the LEFT is misleading and spreading Fake
 ranking=7.4072839234464745 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.28, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.36, lix=0.07, time=1.14, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=111, rank=90, date=84
You are so mad you can't even speak english as usual. Go back to your cave.
 ranking=7.405134553264604 from {coleman=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=190, rank=91, date=5
In other words, you are not skilled at sarcasm. OK.
 ranking=7.302523608247423 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=189, rank=92, date=6
Bet comey wishes he had met bill on the tarmac so he could get his story straight
 ranking=7.302284348725263 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0.23, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=9, rank=93, date=186
I just watched it. You sounded serious and did not roll your eyes. Just give it up.
 ranking=7.284649201377808 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.88, cos=0.22, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=80, rank=94, date=114
Let this be a lesson: what you say say it correctly or stfu when you are "misinterpreted ".
 ranking=7.28226152051305 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=118, rank=95, date=77
Remember even the bush tape could not let alone Comey?
 ranking=7.223427926210723 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0.26, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=41, rank=96, date=153
Keep spinning until you convince someone to listen. Working pretty hard aren’t you?
 ranking=7.211313659793815 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.31, lix=0.06, time=0.88, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=85, rank=97, date=110
Fake President....stole your soul and @PressSec's soul. Enjoy your places in the history books! Be
 ranking=7.146062579774177 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=69, rank=98, date=125
Goodness sakes. He must be one powerful dude
 ranking=7.119119082043422 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=43, rank=99, date=151
45 americans who defined the election …
 ranking=7.105384183098638 from {coleman=0.78, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.68, cos=0.70, smog=1.07, ari=0.33, lix=0.11, time=0.02, numword=0, kincaid=0.52, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=2, rank=100, date=193
You said it.
Own it.

 ranking=6.928972036082475 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=62, rank=101, date=132
Yikes! When will you get some integrity?
 ranking=6.845572230055203 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=0, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=52, rank=102, date=142 didn't help. Just saying. Call it like it is
 ranking=6.79612433419244 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.18, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.14, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=49, rank=103, date=145
He wanted to be double agent but none of the sides wants to recruit him. Such a corrupt man.
 ranking=6.556188078552348 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=20, rank=104, date=174
That's not news. Here's some crow for you to sup on:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news …
 ranking=6.503183132875144 from {coleman=0.13, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.23, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.10, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.09}
 orders: orig=37, rank=105, date=157
Again SHUT up you trump troll!
 ranking=6.493652147766324 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=161, rank=106, date=34
They’re going to take you down with them.  Get out while you still can.
 ranking=6.404190221797059 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.06, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=71, rank=107, date=123
Who cares what you say Kellyanne?
No one!
 ranking=6.318598760124303 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0.40, smog=0.30, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=137, rank=108, date=58
You have encouraged so many eye rolls. ..... 
 ranking=6.313972493864279 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0.35, smog=0.85, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=50, rank=109, date=144
 ranking=6.212006578123724 from {coleman=2.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.54, lix=0.99, time=0.37, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=2.02, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=35, rank=110, date=159
Girl. You need to find another job.
 ranking=6.198971346402773 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=75, rank=111, date=119
I know! Eye roll and question mark.
 ranking=6.030331705356522 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=1.25, smog=0.30, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=23, rank=112, date=171
The CNN kool ade is strong in this thread
 ranking=5.805066940010117 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.01, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=64, rank=113, date=130
You are proof of the Peter Principle. 
 ranking=5.703057805596465 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=104, rank=114, date=91
You got more stories then Walt Disney
 ranking=5.4787838733431515 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=153, rank=115, date=42
My eye roll is directed at you
 ranking=5.46518525957114 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0.80, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=96, rank=116, date=99
You are really bad at sarcasm
 ranking=5.377520977810804 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=33, rank=117, date=161
You suck.  U will all go down in history as POSs
 ranking=5.286824718837863 from {coleman=0.17, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=46, rank=118, date=148
They have to lie Kellyanne the truth hurts them
 ranking=5.285335094271074 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.35, smog=0.30, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=105, rank=119, date=90
Oh you really blew it this time didn't you?
 ranking=5.279862177835052 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=67, rank=120, date=127
Says the spin master of the clown show.
 ranking=5.2168750644329895 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=63, rank=121, date=131
Agreed. He’s a lightweight!
 ranking=5.038159063439808 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, pop=3.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=0.96, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.03}
 orders: orig=93, rank=122, date=102
You rith  but karma is coming
 ranking=5.006349742268041 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=34, rank=123, date=160
Yeah. But that's not what ya said.....
 ranking=4.896598109965636 from {coleman=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=95, rank=124, date=100
I dunno seems pretty straight forward Kelly.
 ranking=4.787193298969072 from {coleman=0.77, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.35, lix=0.05, time=0.38, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=36, rank=125, date=158
Sarcasm, eh?  Riiiiggghhbtttt!
 ranking=4.521418470790378 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.85, lix=0.99, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.03}
 orders: orig=143, rank=126, date=52
Well....he DID swing the election.
 ranking=4.473290051980577 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0.80, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=132, rank=127, date=63
Misleading? You literally said it!
 ranking=4.464845789463734 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0.49, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.48, ari=0.31, lix=0.07, time=0.82, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.85}
 orders: orig=79, rank=128, date=115
You were on TV u could have done it 
 ranking=4.238998797250859 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=131, rank=129, date=64
You said it. I heard you.
 ranking=4.163230412371134 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.29, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=40, rank=130, date=154
If you have to explain a joke it wasn't funny.
 ranking=3.930891122565865 from {coleman=0.19, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=19, rank=131, date=175
Yup sounds alternative
 ranking=2.615200392556713 from {coleman=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.65, ari=0.57, lix=0.05, time=0.03, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.73}
 orders: orig=5, rank=132, date=192
So alternative facts or not?
 ranking=2.3142028667835164 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=152, rank=133, date=43
Remember this …
 ranking=2.2798037430721765 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=0.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=32, rank=134, date=162
So very proud of Kellyanne!
 ranking=2.1408174072163 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.49, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=0, fuzzy=1.65, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=192, rank=135, date=3
 ranking=2.140315786082474 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.16, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=160, rank=136, date=35
Didn't sound like sarcasm.
 ranking=1.2904194158075604 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.48, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=144, rank=137, date=51
Zero eye rolls & zero ?'s, @KellyannePolls
 ranking=0.7943279826322223 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0.28, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=145, rank=138, date=50
Better watch what you say!
 ranking=0.442966907216495 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=129, rank=139, date=66
Comey a crook!!!
 ranking=0.3944967199310768 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0.49, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=0, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=58, rank=140, date=136
Great Women!
 ranking=0.2988778506630382 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=6, rank=141, date=189
I’m Ron Burgundy?
 ranking=0.10372036082474256 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=0.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=47, rank=142, date=147
The Russians helped.
 ranking=0.01657061855670164 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=0.13, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=12, rank=143, date=182 …
 ranking=-0.007883747275106101 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.30, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=126, rank=144, date=69
 ranking=-0.08604587628865965 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=21, rank=145, date=173
 ranking=-0.2407056701030934 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=188, rank=146, date=7  “I shot the clerk (?)”
 ranking=-0.4904318298969075 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=103, rank=147, date=92
I f-cking love Kellyanne!
 ranking=-0.4976485180786385 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.40, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=0.15, numword=0, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=14, rank=148, date=180
as usual.
 ranking=-0.5624652061855666 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=-0.20, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=125, rank=149, date=70 …
 ranking=-0.8247422680412371 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=114, rank=150, date=81
Sorry, that’s what you said.
 ranking=-0.9279833762886596 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.23, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=119, rank=151, date=76
 ranking=-1.0618556701030928 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=91, rank=152, date=104
 ranking=-1.6288659793814433 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=133, rank=153, date=62
have info for you , inbox ?
 ranking=-1.6618165979381447 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=22, rank=154, date=172 …
 ranking=-1.8041237113402062 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=18, rank=155, date=176
 ranking=-2.0328493556701033 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.08, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=155, rank=156, date=40
#fail y
 ranking=-2.055826030927835 from {coleman=-0.05, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.43, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=140, rank=157, date=55

 ranking=-2.2268041237113403 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=74, rank=158, date=120
You said it ...
 ranking=-3.0769757731958776 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.29, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=8, rank=159, date=187
 ranking=-3.1955510309278354 from {coleman=-0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.58, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=42, rank=160, date=152
 ranking=-8.618186133717154 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.48, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.90, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=183, rank=161, date=11
 ranking=-9.373188984380192 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.79, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.84, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=178, rank=162, date=17
 ranking=-9.391752577319588 from {coleman=0, numsent=2.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.61, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=156, rank=163, date=39
Muller &
 ranking=-9.497282989690724 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=17, rank=164, date=177
 ranking=-10.422266479233869 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.04, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.12, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=11, rank=165, date=183
 ranking=-10.63674972665655 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.67, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=162, rank=166, date=33
I’m dizzy from all this
 ranking=-10.65375657216495 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.03, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.70, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=165, rank=167, date=30
 ranking=-10.797406701030928 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=134, rank=168, date=61
 ranking=-11.030927835051546 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.97, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=191, rank=169, date=4
 ranking=-11.123711340206185 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.88, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=182, rank=170, date=13
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 orders: orig=176, rank=171, date=19
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 orders: orig=174, rank=172, date=21
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 orders: orig=170, rank=173, date=25
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 orders: orig=166, rank=174, date=29
 ranking=-11.31958762886598 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=163, rank=175, date=32
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 orders: orig=154, rank=176, date=41
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 orders: orig=148, rank=179, date=47
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 orders: orig=136, rank=180, date=59
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 orders: orig=130, rank=181, date=65
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And @abcnews does it
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 orders: orig=24, rank=191, date=170
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 orders: orig=15, rank=192, date=179
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 orders: orig=3, rank=194, date=191

@kellyannepolls tweeted on 04/15/18 01:36:08: Beautifully said. …
Status Number of replies Percent suppressed replies Percent hidden replies
Worse 183 (list is complete) 37% 0%
Anomalous elevated tweets:
    [original: #52, ranking: #183, date: #169] From @russiaconnects on 04/16/18 11:50:16
    [original: #36, ranking: #178, date: #161] From @tkdmike on 04/16/18 09:19:38
  • Ditto
    [original: #60, ranking: #170, date: #118] From @bobjharris on 04/16/18 05:58:34
  • And worse off because of @realDonaldTrump
    [original: #61, ranking: #169, date: #117] From @pibbleracing on 04/16/18 05:56:39
  • being sent. @georgebush
    [original: #38, ranking: #166, date: #148] From @free2meetu on 04/16/18 06:36:06
  • [original: #27, ranking: #162, date: #138] From @the626killa on 04/16/18 06:23:28
  • [original: #39, ranking: #160, date: #147] From @old_sales on 04/16/18 06:35:39
  • Meanwhile, you are just SAD.
    [original: #43, ranking: #157, date: #120] From @centrone_cfl on 04/16/18 06:05:38
  • Amen.
    [original: #34, ranking: #155, date: #180] From @maryjjones10 on 04/16/18 06:04:55
  • …
    [original: #28, ranking: #149, date: #122] From @tfe61 on 04/16/18 06:06:36
  • What about my tribute
    [original: #46, ranking: #146, date: #47] From @trvdyw on 04/15/18 02:10:48
  • Love, Respect and Prayers
    [original: #30, ranking: #145, date: #108] From @hcm09 on 04/16/18 12:47:09
  • Great Lady one of the kind.
    [original: #54, ranking: #139, date: #163] From @olgagonse on 04/16/18 10:06:20
  • Prayers & Many blessings
    [original: #32, ranking: #137, date: #104] From @slimmeryu on 04/15/18 10:10:06
  • Where is the response from Trump and his crime family?
    [original: #53, ranking: #125, date: #165] From @corwinstn on 04/16/18 10:20:44
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets:
  • @nikkihaley @SecNielsen @PressSec @WhiteHouse @Cabinet @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @PressSec @Scavino45 …
    [original: #142, ranking: #2, date: #177] From @angieesslinger on 04/16/18 04:22:35
  • I can't stand Kellyanne Conway. She has sold her soul to work for Trump. She is so unethical & such a liar. Anyone can see through her. It is all about the paycheck, soo sad. Someone should pray for her. We need to promote good people & stop uplifting the wrong kind in America.
    [original: #162, ranking: #5, date: #112] From @nefertari_gibbs on 04/16/18 04:49:49
  • So when is POTUS going to tweet something about Barbara Bush? Oh wait, he is too busy today creating new low intelligence epithets for Comey and others. Too busy tweeting his nasty tweets to have some compassion for Barbara Bush. Sad that he has so little concern for humanity.
    [original: #138, ranking: #10, date: #25] From @magistraoosty on 04/15/18 01:43:09
  • Make her this remedy 1 hot cup of water With a Half spoon of tumeric and Half spoon of Fresh Minced Garlic While she drinks it Have her lay in the sun The sunlight will activate thru her eyelids & Boost the effect of the Anti inflammatory & Anti-oxident Trust me.
    [original: #129, ranking: #11, date: #98] From @sickboypolitics on 04/15/18 08:25:57
  • The Bush clan of scoundrels spear-headed the Mexican invasion & the Globalist agenda that culminated in thousands of factories and millions of jobs overseas - the rust belt is mute testimony to their treachery. Between globalism and the Mexican invasion they gutted this nation
    [original: #155, ranking: #12, date: #133] From @thelampoonist1 on 04/16/18 06:15:25
  • @KellyannePolls you don't deserve to mention anything having to do with the Bush family. You aren't worthy of even mentioning her name. You're national embarrassment. You're one of Trump's most evil spinmasters. You're all destroying the Republican Party.
    [original: #175, ranking: #13, date: #75] From @diegogarciaiii on 04/15/18 04:58:49
  • Yes. She is great. And all Americans deserve to receive palliative care at home at the end of their lives. Her choice should be policy in this chaotic government. Thank you Barbara Bush. Good passage.
    [original: #178, ranking: #14, date: #71] From @marcyfraser on 04/15/18 04:25:53
  • @KellyannePolls Hey!...Good Afternoon! Hope you and your family had a nice weekend.Thanks for sharing. My thoughts and prayers go out to @GeorgeHWBush #FirstLadyBarbaraBush #PresidentBush @LauraWBush @JebBush #MrsBush and the entire Bush Family...God Bless Them!
    [original: #135, ranking: #17, date: #36] From @jon_kinsley on 04/15/18 01:48:20
  • I know you think you have to politically back scratch, but there will come a time when politicians will be judged on their merits, not their position.
    [original: #139, ranking: #28, date: #17] From @paul2morrow on 04/15/18 01:40:51
  • And people like you make our country worse. I didn't agree with the Bushes, but I respected them. This president and administration is one I have zero respect for because morals and values are nonexistent with this group.
    [original: #169, ranking: #29, date: #96] From @euphoricopinion on 04/15/18 08:17:39
  • Classy, REAL lady, she is what she is..has no problems speaking her mind, even when it's not flattering for the current @POTUS ...and that's what I admire about her..she feels, lives and speaks the truth
    [original: #180, ranking: #36, date: #69] From @olliemom427 on 04/15/18 03:54:55
  • I believe this First Lady exemplifies the epitome of what First Ladies should strive to be... Total Class & Dignity with Unwavering Support for Her Entire Family....
    [original: #166, ranking: #40, date: #101] From @chief12121221 on 04/15/18 08:35:39
  • She is a true lady and a devoted Wife and Mother. And she loves this country. My prayers are with her and her entire family. God be with all of them.
    [original: #167, ranking: #44, date: #99] From @dhiibel1544 on 04/15/18 08:27:46
  • Shes so far out of your league. You have a world to learn from a woman of grace. Think she would’ve put her feet up in the oval? You child
    [original: #177, ranking: #45, date: #72] From @lombie208 on 04/15/18 04:26:26
  • Sad that her and her husband forgot to pass on any "Family Jewels" to their sons! Yes, she definitely was/is the Le Patrona!
    [original: #136, ranking: #48, date: #34] From @magapowerdotcom on 04/15/18 01:47:30
  • If Nikki Haley were a Democrat she’d be their biggest rising star and on the liberal media circuit. #JimmyKimmel #TheView #TheView #SNL
    [original: #161, ranking: #61, date: #115] From @superstimpy on 04/16/18 05:47:30
Other hidden tweets:

[tweet: 985620154833711104, from: @davidro43736268 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:45:31(HIGH,4,86,0) Here's a lady that if she ever ran for president would have won in a landslide. However, if by chance she did lose she would have never blamed it on anyone or played the gender card.  Barbara is a class act and a true patriot.  Sending love and prayers to her and her family.]
[tweet: 985619934867873792, from: @eileen55901 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:44:39(HIGH,0,33,0) Praying for the Bush family  God bless and give them strength during these difficult days.]
[tweet: 985618661053517825, from: @gpierce082754 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:35(HIGH,0,23,0) May God be with her and The Family.]
[tweet: 985625981330206721, from: @american2jr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:08:40(HIGH,0,16,0) Barbara is a incredibly gifted and wonderful lady full of love and sincerity I have felt her warmth and Kindness on more then occasion ( God Bless her and the Family)]
[tweet: 985682546804576259, from: @barryfran1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 05:53:26(HIGH,0,10,1) God watch over her family and friends. She was like a Mom to all of us in United States.]
[tweet: 985993592853348352, from: @davidjsidebotto (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:29:26(HIGH,0,1,4) But the three Bushes, (George, George W and Jeb) turned out to be traitors when @realDonaldTrump needed their supoport!]
[tweet: 986002734624231426, from: @barryfran1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:05:45(HIGH,0,2,0) 2017 to now the Bush family had more on their plate with Father and Mother health. If you are a good running President you do not not help from pass Presidents.]
[tweet: 985698738927751168, from: @rupwen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:57:47(HIGH,0,11,0) God Bless Barbara! You make us so proud!]
[tweet: 985866358696153089, from: @mellieruth54 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:03:51(HIGH,0,7,0) Did you just say on CNN that Comey swung the election?]
[tweet: 985642394707222530, from: @pennyho08799303 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:13:53(HIGH,0,10,0) Thoughts and prayers for a wonderful First Lady.]
[tweet: 985638069738135552, from: @angielovesus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:56:42(HIGH,0,10,0) God bless Mrs. Barbara and her family.]
[tweet: 985621879720423426, from: @carizapata1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:52:22(HIGH,0,9,0) Faith in God and honest woman.  Prayers!]
[tweet: 985929096776515584, from: @wolf_counselor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:13:09(HIGH,5,6,0) One of the ways Barbara Bush has made our country better is by speaking the truth about y'all's terrible boss.  CC: @nikkihaley …]
[tweet: 985873333190197249, from: @whensquidsparty (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:31:33(HIGH,1,5,0) Something tells me Mrs. Bush would not like Kellyanne in the least.]
[tweet: 985856535569096704, from: @paulfesta (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:24:49(HIGH,1,6,0) She loathes you soulless lowlives and you know it. @nikkihaley]
[tweet: 985683002691866624, from: @coolxxdes (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 05:55:15(HIGH,0,5,0) God Bless this woman of substance #BarbaraBush]
[tweet: 985672733844475904, from: @kgraham52 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 05:14:27(HIGH,0,5,0) Prayers for you and your family Mrs. Bush.]
[tweet: 985917957346873344, from: @joyreaper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:28:53(HIGH,1,4,0) I pray for her soul.  I hope her great faith is in Jesus Christ!]
[tweet: 985869055323144192, from: @michael47785660 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:14:34(HIGH,0,4,0) I am praying for her to go peacefully]
[tweet: 985624039908524032, from: @robcardenaz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:00:57(HIGH,0,3,0) She didn't do too bad for a Crowley.]
[tweet: 985619305860485121, from: @babetcohen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:42:09(HIGH,0,3,0) Time is near for Barbara , we pray]
[tweet: 985622229000994816, from: @aelnick1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:53:46(HIGH,0,5,1) What I have to say is best left unsaid.]
[tweet: 985875594322890753, from: @doug_stormy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:40:33(HIGH,2,4,1) Yes! Nikki Haley is a first class lady that is acknowledging a wonderful woman. Mrs. Bush has done so much for so many. Her literacy program has helped so many. Such good work. Mrs.Bush is a fine lady and is in my thoughts and prayers.]
[tweet: 985866853917577217, from: @scottbritton13 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:05:49(HIGH,0,4,1) re: monday morning @ChrisCuomo @CNN interview...OMG,  Kellyanne is as #unhinged as the #blowhard she works for. Girl, you look and act #crazy! Recommend meds and a long vacation!]
[tweet: 985876719360933888, from: @gailincleveland (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:45:01(HIGH,0,2,0) Barbara Bush does NOT like Trump.]
[tweet: 985872647882969088, from: @bigbluevoter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:28:50(HIGH,0,2,0) You wouldn't know beautiful if you could see it in a mirror! I thought taxpayers were paying for a makeup artist for you and SHS, you two need a magician!]
[tweet: 985871295895220224, from: @the626killa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:23:28(HIGH,0,2,0) ]
[tweet: 985867054485041154, from: @tfe61 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:06:36(HIGH,0,2,0) …]
[tweet: 985842123944718336, from: @joannejumper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:27:33(HIGH,0,2,0) Couldn’t agree more Nicki - such a sad story - but such a legacy]
[tweet: 985786661995859968, from: @hcm09 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:47:09(HIGH,0,2,0) Love, Respect and Prayers]
[tweet: 985758841626226689, from: @bjkimm21 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 10:56:37(HIGH,0,2,0) She was a great roll model for women and girls. She was tough but fair. Bless her and the Bush family. Thoughts and prayers are with them.]
[tweet: 985747137328631808, from: @slimmeryu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 10:10:06(HIGH,0,2,0) Prayers & Many blessings]
[tweet: 985707021897879552, from: @julius_perera (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 07:30:42(HIGH,0,2,0) She is royalty of American politics..Bush dynasty was recognised for her charisma and for the grace she showed on public platform... she was a force behind the scenes.. Pillar of strength to the Bush family..]
[tweet: 986047821668372480, from: @maryjjones10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:04:55(HIGH,0,1,0) Amen.]
[tweet: 985942422826860544, from: @markandmary21g3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:06:06(HIGH,1,0,0) Sorry I don't like president Bush because when they had that hurricane she said some horrible things to those people that were suffering so]
[tweet: 985915629504024577, from: @tkdmike (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:19:38(HIGH,1,3,0)]
[tweet: 985912997930520577, from: @terripalumbo1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 09:09:10(HIGH,0,1,0) I so agree. Say what you’d like, but I will always appreciate and respect the Bush family.]
[tweet: 985874476880596992, from: @free2meetu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:36:06(HIGH,0,1,0) being sent. @georgebush]
[tweet: 985874363319771137, from: @old_sales (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:35:39(HIGH,1,1,0) ]
[tweet: 985872368038961153, from: @steveballer10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:27:43(HIGH,0,1,0) CMN is so popular that you force yourself to go on with Chris cuomo. Lolololo Lololo. You need cnn]
[tweet: 985870150632001536, from: @free4mdonny (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:18:55(HIGH,0,1,0) Remember the time you guys attached her son? I’m sure she felt great about that]
[tweet: 985868558411288578, from: @steveballer10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:12:35(HIGH,0,1,0) Your interview right now with Chris cuomo is demonstrating how angry and flustered you are about your boss who’s soon to be fully exposed by Robert mueller.  You got blood coming out of your....WHEREVER]
[tweet: 985866808962973699, from: @centrone_cfl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:05:38(HIGH,0,1,0) Meanwhile, you are just SAD.]
[tweet: 985712992993054722, from: @bonnieuber (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 07:54:25(HIGH,0,1,0) Prayers for a very gracious lady as she takes her final journey here.]
[tweet: 985628948506685440, from: @henrywallacevp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:20:28(HIGH,0,1,0) Are you both trying to get fired?]
[tweet: 985626515680481281, from: @trvdyw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:10:48(HIGH,0,1,0) What about my tribute]
[tweet: 987163239439060992, from: @juvau (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 07:57:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Our country has lost a beautiful, kind First Lady. Prayers for the Bush Family.]
[tweet: 986066237879930881, from: @walkerhound2304 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:18:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh my this is so true. Prayers for Barbara Bush and all of the Family.]
[tweet: 986032242202955781, from: @jj_mcool (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:03:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Mrs Bush you were a great women in every way. Mrs Obama may want to follow your gracious and beautiful way. Too bad we had to live thru her bigoted and racist 8 years but because people like you came before her we know there was light at the end of their dark tunnel. RIP]
[tweet: 986016621146886144, from: @civellophilip (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:00:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes, Mrs Bush is a nat'l treasure. You did ur best to tear down what was once the GOP. @KellyannePolls]
[tweet: 986001601566359552, from: @melabroohaha (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 03:01:15(HIGH,0,0,0) I notice POTUS has no kind words for the Former President Bushs.]
[tweet: 985953540878331904, from: @russiaconnects (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:50:16(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985931006149562368, from: @corwinstn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:20:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Where is the response from Trump and his crime family?]
[tweet: 985927383420194816, from: @olgagonse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:06:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Great Lady one of the kind.]
[tweet: 985893936064589826, from: @sissywilliams7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:53:26(HIGH,0,0,0) We love you Mrs.Bush and will continue praying for you and your family. You are a National Treasure! God Bless.]
[tweet: 985888675887271937, from: @kindandbe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:32:31(HIGH,0,0,0) yes, I'm glad you and Nikki at least can recognize an admirable woman]
[tweet: 985881187066499072, from: @carol89922442 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:02:46(HIGH,0,0,0) prayers for another human being who stuck by her husband,]
[tweet: 985871249925660672, from: @cam1eddie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:23:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Great job mopping the floor with @ChrisCuomo   And yes Go Eagles!!!]
[tweet: 985868909550227458, from: @remdog420 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:13:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Thanks for making a complete ass out of yourself on @CNN, it's a great Monday!  Instead of rolling your eyes, answer the questions, dipshit.]
[tweet: 985865030695501826, from: @bobjharris (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:58:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Ditto]
[tweet: 985864549663375362, from: @pibbleracing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:56:39(HIGH,0,0,0) And worse off because of @realDonaldTrump]
[tweet: 985860460271538181, from: @mdub2829 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:40:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Too bad the president doesn’t have that same love for America.]
[tweet: 985843907954167809, from: @kevinsneedgop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:34:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers to you Barbara Bush.  Your service to this country is unmeasurable and priceless both.  A life well lived and widely loved. Jesus will greet you one day with many crowns. #AlwaysTreasured]
[tweet: 985788523465920512, from: @winwithtrump45 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:54:33(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m not a Bush fan with the exception of Barbara. I wish her well and sending prayers her way.]
[tweet: 985710939445047296, from: @votehaas (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 07:46:16(HIGH,0,0,0) @nikkihaley nothing nikki hokey says should be taken seriously. SHE WORKS FOR HIM,!]
[tweet: 985703256813916161, from: @greasedog (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 07:15:44(HIGH,0,0,0) The Comey interview is on right now. Barbara Bush has our prayers but you don’t need to try to distract from this interview.]
[tweet: 985697677584355328, from: @didelkad (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:53:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 985694048802496512, from: @catraylor (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:39:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Praying for speedy recovery.]
[tweet: 985691691825819648, from: @roxanne22ramsey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:29:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 985688137342038021, from: @jw_jwmaryholmes (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:15:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 985647065437847552, from: @elvinsantos (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:32:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Praying for First Lady Barbara Bush, healing graces. Be blessed!]
[tweet: 985646077889179654, from: @thekaren4theusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:28:32(HIGH,0,0,0) We are just under 4 hours away from the James Comey Interview on ABC, and Trump has already lost the feud by having a nervous breakdown in front of the world on Twitter.  Congrats!]
[tweet: 985645898960076800, from: @dianeschoessel (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:27:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Praying for you, Barbara Bush.  We have always admired you.]
[tweet: 985645814302363648, from: @gicki (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:27:29(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985631787564060672, from: @leah63648 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:31:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen]
[tweet: 985629576482246656, from: @saraadelkuwaiti (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:22:57(HIGH,0,0,0) Beautiful]
[tweet: 985628834199474176, from: @luannebenson1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:20:00(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985625326888693760, from: @boongonewild (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:06:04(HIGH,0,0,0) You smell]
[tweet: 985624050167898113, from: @marywal13072003 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:01:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers and blessings to her family.  The Gretest First Lady!]
[tweet: 985621079753359361, from: @rebeccacjunkins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:49:12(HIGH,0,0,0) She  is truly loved]
[tweet: 985620799934447616, from: @sherryn4293983 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:48:05(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985619072099471369, from: @mopopskull (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:41:13(HIGH,0,0,0) Uh huh.]
[tweet: 985618311210729472, from: @trumplove1970 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:38:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Such a beautiful woman!]
[tweet: 985618138703151104, from: @shawgerald4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:37:30(HIGH,14,53,9) Best President ever.  #KeepAmericaGreat!  :)]
[tweet: 985618756406857730, from: @susie11191987 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:58(HIGH,0,3,1)]
[tweet: 985626066499915776, from: @alt_uscis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:09:00(HIGH,0,35,3) oh kellyanne. no one is going to care about you...]
[tweet: 985619647352524802, from: @khansen1217 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:43:30(HIGH,0,21,3) Barbara Bush most likely despises you.]
[tweet: 985620260547170306, from: @sleepwalkerinsp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:45:56(HIGH,0,2,0) And in the end. The Love you take. Is equal to the love you make. Mrs Bush made a lot of love.]
[tweet: 985620468714606594, from: @jimfoley313a (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:46:46(HIGH,0,32,1) A true FLOTUS. God bless her and family]
[tweet: 985619219604819968, from: @dandenoble (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:41:48(HIGH,0,16,2) Agreed for once! And I agree with Mrs Bush and her distain for @POTUS]
[tweet: 985618670079660032, from: @joemed3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:37(HIGH,0,14,1) What a Republican use to be.  Grace, integrity and honesty.]
[tweet: 985619540804624385, from: @xblackdahhlia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:43:05(HIGH,0,4,1) shes going to hell]
[tweet: 985618992135098369, from: @elitesarecabal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:40:54(HIGH,4,9,1) She was Alistair Crowley’s daughter. #MAGA #GreatAwakening #Qanon @realDonaldTrump]
[tweet: 985623451863076865, from: @seizuremom2012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:58:37(HIGH,1,6,1) @nikkihaley …]
[tweet: 985620154653577217, from: @nixbryan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:45:31(HIGH,0,5,2) Now we’re stuck with a gold-digging do-nothing as “First Lady”.]
[tweet: 985618424553500672, from: @salsansunshine (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:38:38(HIGH,1,5,1) Agreed!  A very admirable woman who represented the United States with grace, dignity, and sincere compassion!]
[tweet: 985618343670378496, from: @mypoophonked (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:38:19(HIGH,0,6,1) What, no thoughts? just prayers?]
[tweet: 985644338943148032, from: @edwardskokan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:21:37(HIGH,0,4,1) The best first lady United States have ever had.]
[tweet: 985627048021495810, from: @threeperros (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:12:54(HIGH,0,4,1) Y’all are pretty much destroying the country First Lady Barbara Bush loved.  Oh, yeah, the country we all love—you know, the one based on the Constitution and not corruption? She thinks all of you are a disgrace and she is correct.]
[tweet: 985619481933307906, from: @the_markrobbins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:42:51(HIGH,0,4,1)]
[tweet: 985618608779915265, from: @timothyhogarth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:22(HIGH,0,3,1) Not that you need to hear it from me...but keep up the good work've got moxie.]
[tweet: 985618930587881472, from: @johnbenne68 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:40:39(HIGH,0,2,1) If you're someone who looks like Quaker Oats man.]
[tweet: 985618517935484934, from: @minnesotavoice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:01(HIGH,0,2,1) “Alternative facts”?]
[tweet: 985877453141921792, from: @arc4freedom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:47:56(HIGH,0,1,1) She supported Bush that helped assassinate JFK??? And he supported the NEW WORLD ORDER!! And grew big gov!!]
[tweet: 985874889356656640, from: @steveballer10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:37:44(HIGH,0,1,1) It’s so wonderful to see you and the administration literally imploding before our very eyes!!!!!!!   We are loving it!!!!!!]
[tweet: 985874313999015941, from: @curvynervygirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:35:27(HIGH,0,1,1) You need a 12-step program! ASAP]
[tweet: 985870349823651841, from: @steveballer10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:19:42(HIGH,0,1,1) James Comey doesn’t need your advice.  His book is not even out yet and 850,000 first print copies are already ready to be sold. Why???  Because Americans want to buy facts and read facts]
[tweet: 985627229823660033, from: @tony14031066 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:13:38(HIGH,0,1,2) Trump is a greatest President we  ever had.]
[tweet: 986071302908928001, from: @dorothyps (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:38:13(HIGH,0,0,1) Barbara Bush cannot stand any of you. How dare any of you fiends even say her name?]
[tweet: 985784182004592641, from: @thelacowboy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 12:37:18(HIGH,0,0,1) You're kidding... right?  Looks A LOT like Alister Crowley to me. YIKES!]
[tweet: 985722655847403520, from: @micki5 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:32:49(HIGH,0,0,1) While I am praying for Barbara Bush, I had no idea you were even still in the picture. Interesting!]
[tweet: 985718591562563584, from: @sman80 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:16:40(HIGH,0,0,1) & the opposite for you]
[tweet: 985715944495476736, from: @longfellowmn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:06:09(HIGH,0,0,1) How will it be better under trump?  How will history judge you?]
[tweet: 985669208510992385, from: @dicarlodora (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 05:00:26(HIGH,0,0,1) It’s too bad we don’t hear from No.45 about Barbra Bush]
[tweet: 985620128195923968, from: @jimfoley313a (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:45:25(HIGH,0,0,1) The Orange Clown is sure to tweet some nonsense or inflammatory remark]
[tweet: 985618759158296577, from: @hankbuldawg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:58(HIGH,0,0,1) Terrible news]
[tweet: 985618176493932545, from: @billywonder1956 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:37:39(HIGH,0,0,1) Who is the secretary of manufacturing  ?]
[tweet: 985617795202408449, from: @tainteddemo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:36:08(HIGH,0,9,3) You're really gonna go all the way down with this ship, aren't you?]
[tweet: 985627341832540161, from: @dbee0530 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:14:05(HIGH,1,7,0) Beautifully]
[tweet: 985621013441536003, from: @daisydarth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:48:56(HIGH,0,3,0) @nikkihaley  Oh please. We all know what she is. When that Law defiling, JFK assassination assisting Crowley bastard gets where she's going, she's sent with a message to tell Beelzebub "That's a start".]
[tweet: 985618906663469056, from: @suannemarie_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:40:33(HIGH,0,3,0) Mrs. Bush despises your president. She was quite vocal about that.  I doubt any of the Trump Crime Syndicate will be be welcome to celebrate her life. Your hypocrisy is showing, Kellyanne.]
[tweet: 985618724269973504, from: @margiwatson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:39:50(HIGH,0,3,0) Really,what did she accomplish?]
[tweet: 985867063540568064, from: @chicadeees (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:06:39(HIGH,0,2,0) The ugly truth about KC. Watch 3]
[tweet: 985863668092035072, from: @resistnow30 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:53:09(HIGH,0,2,0) Morally unfit to serve as President...]
[tweet: 985619417097621506, from: @drumpfgo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:42:35(HIGH,0,2,0) Have you retained legal counsel?  What does @MichaelCohen212 Have on you?]
[tweet: 985971412778315776, from: @berkie636 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:01:17(HIGH,0,1,0) It’s AMAZING TO SEE SOMEONE TAKING PRIDE IN THEIR COUNTRY AND JOB!! SHES TOTAL CLASS!!!]
[tweet: 985871395509948416, from: @smacadam1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:23:51(HIGH,0,1,0) Im sure the Bush fanily doesnt want to hear Conways empty words. Conway = TRUMPWHORE]
[tweet: 985867237105065984, from: @chicadeees (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:07:20(HIGH,1,0,0) Trump, GOP &]
[tweet: 985720928389812229, from: @sickboypolitics (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:25:57(HIGH,0,1,0) Make her this remedy  1 hot cup of water With a Half spoon of tumeric and Half spoon of Fresh Minced Garlic  While she drinks it Have her lay in the sun  The sunlight will activate thru her eyelids & Boost the effect of the Anti inflammatory & Anti-oxident  Trust me.]
[tweet: 985662691766349824, from: @hiserv1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:34:33(HIGH,0,1,0) Lifting the Bushes up in my prayers]
[tweet: 985650770929266688, from: @sisneros_jody (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:47:10(HIGH,0,1,0) Too bad we don't have a First Lady now]
[tweet: 985628744399204352, from: @rogers1242 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:19:39(HIGH,0,1,0) Barbara Bush was and still is the quintessential First Lady.]
[tweet: 985626925652733952, from: @thisrusherthing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:12:25(HIGH,0,1,0) @KellyannePolls no one believes a word you say!!]
[tweet: 985626587143004160, from: @mojicajuanjr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 02:11:05(HIGH,0,1,0) You should take notes because you are nothing like]
[tweet: 985620864422088704, from: @jon_kinsley (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:48:20(HIGH,0,1,0) @KellyannePolls Hey!...Good Afternoon! Hope you and your family had a nice weekend.Thanks for sharing. My thoughts and prayers go out to @GeorgeHWBush #FirstLadyBarbaraBush #PresidentBush @LauraWBush @JebBush #MrsBush and the entire Bush Family...God Bless Them!]
[tweet: 985620653750435841, from: @magapowerdotcom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:47:30(HIGH,0,1,0) Sad that her and her husband forgot to pass on any "Family Jewels" to their sons! Yes, she definitely was/is the Le Patrona!]
[tweet: 985619921890697216, from: @potusbestfriend (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:44:35(HIGH,0,1,0) Barbara Bush, a classy woman who has sealed her place in history. Prayers and blessings.]
[tweet: 985619560077320193, from: @magistraoosty (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:43:09(HIGH,0,1,0) So when is POTUS going to tweet something about Barbara Bush? Oh wait, he is too busy today creating new low intelligence epithets for Comey and others. Too busy tweeting his nasty tweets to have some compassion for Barbara Bush. Sad that he has so little concern for humanity.]
[tweet: 985618981741445122, from: @paul2morrow (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:40:51(HIGH,0,1,0) I know you think you have to politically back scratch, but there will come a time when politicians will be judged on their merits, not their position.]
[tweet: 985618913127026688, from: @trumpateam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 01:40:35(HIGH,0,1,0) Actually Laura Bush did nothing important]
[tweet: 986041636491808769, from: @cwisme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:40:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Praying for the bush family, who btw can’t stand trump so don’t pretend kelly that you care just because she is a republican.]
[tweet: 986022069073793024, from: @angieesslinger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:22:35(HIGH,0,0,0) @nikkihaley @SecNielsen @PressSec  @WhiteHouse @Cabinet @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @PressSec @Scavino45 …]
[tweet: 985981679050346496, from: @ace777 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:42:05(HIGH,0,0,0) This woman is great not afraid to meet her faith. GOD BLESS you BARBARA , HEAVENS GAIT ARE WIDE OPEN FOR YOU .]
[tweet: 985979612755718145, from: @valerielove66 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:33:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Prayers from liars and cheaters don't help]
[tweet: 985953273093017601, from: @jim03220219 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:49:13(HIGH,0,0,0) A time when the Republican Party had integrity & dignity then came Trump!]
[tweet: 985938230355873792, from: @quinjet2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 10:49:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Something we can agree on.]
[tweet: 985908102317801472, from: @whoiskevinjones (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:49:43(HIGH,0,0,0) #BarbaraKnew]
[tweet: 985893669285724161, from: @cherimy438940 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:52:22(HIGH,0,0,0) She despises you and the person you work for....]
[tweet: 985887932706729985, from: @darn_catfish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:29:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes this is another thing everyone can agree on.  A great classy lady!]
[tweet: 985884041810448384, from: @jennahannee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 07:14:07(HIGH,0,0,0) She hates Donald Trump]
[tweet: 985873553722454016, from: @liberalmusing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:32:26(HIGH,0,0,0) That's why you didn't say it.]
[tweet: 985872731479527426, from: @steveballer10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:29:10(HIGH,0,0,0) I thought you guys hate CNN?   Let all that anger out KELLY]
[tweet: 985871896045670402, from: @reluctantzealot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:25:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Strange... Trump was nasty to Barbara Bush.....]
[tweet: 985870350998233088, from: @troygalloway19 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:19:42(HIGH,0,0,0) Not in my book. Not after what she said about Trump]
[tweet: 985869272965701633, from: @thelampoonist1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:15:25(HIGH,0,0,0) The Bush clan of scoundrels spear-headed the Mexican invasion & the Globalist agenda that culminated in thousands of factories and millions of jobs overseas - the rust belt is mute testimony to their treachery. Between globalism and the Mexican invasion they gutted this nation]
[tweet: 985868922154049538, from: @marielct5aolcom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:14:02(HIGH,0,0,0) ]
[tweet: 985868183469948928, from: @jairiburke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:11:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Saw you on CNN thismorning...Ugh.  Your lies & spin were ridiculous.  They are wearing on're getting more haggard...just stop.]
[tweet: 985868104482816000, from: @dumptru81282294 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:10:47(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985868027961987072, from: @dumptru81282294 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:10:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Kelly Ann having a bad hair & makeup day!]
[tweet: 985867114413199362, from: @chicadeees (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:06:51(HIGH,0,0,0) …]
[tweet: 985862245300166657, from: @superstimpy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 05:47:30(HIGH,0,0,0) If Nikki Haley were a Democrat she’d be their biggest rising star and on the liberal media circuit. #JimmyKimmel #TheView #TheView #SNL]
[tweet: 985847727740342272, from: @nefertari_gibbs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 04:49:49(HIGH,0,0,0) I can't stand Kellyanne Conway. She has sold her soul to work for Trump. She is so unethical & such a liar. Anyone can see through her. It is all about the paycheck, soo sad. Someone should pray for her. We need to promote good people & stop uplifting the wrong kind in America.]
[tweet: 985758646754656256, from: @fiedzdimunkese (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 10:55:50(HIGH,0,0,0) Waffole howss pussee]
[tweet: 985737370308894720, from: @bunboy14 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 09:31:17(HIGH,0,0,0) May The Lord bless you]
[tweet: 985723555420758016, from: @replacetrump (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:36:24(HIGH,0,0,0)]
[tweet: 985723366219894785, from: @chief12121221 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:35:39(HIGH,0,0,0) I believe this First Lady exemplifies the epitome of what First Ladies should strive to be... Total Class & Dignity with Unwavering Support for Her Entire Family....]
[tweet: 985721384385916928, from: @dhiibel1544 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:27:46(HIGH,0,0,0) She is a true lady and a devoted Wife and Mother. And she loves this country. My prayers are with her and her entire family. God be with all of them.]
[tweet: 985719535826341888, from: @nanag04 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:20:25(HIGH,0,0,0) This is your First]
[tweet: 985718839101964289, from: @euphoricopinion (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:17:39(HIGH,0,0,0) And people like you make our country worse.  I didn't agree with the Bushes, but I respected them.  This president and administration is one I have zero respect for because morals and values are nonexistent with this group.]
[tweet: 985715033115119618, from: @pigsflyo0 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:02:32(HIGH,0,0,0) you are not worthy to comment on a person of integrity]
[tweet: 985714602141995008, from: @anne184 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:00:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Loving Comey's book, BTW.]
[tweet: 985702974142922752, from: @pgw1620 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 07:14:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Barbara Bush, be well and thank you for your service to our country.]
[tweet: 985698417228898304, from: @kathi48 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 06:56:30(HIGH,0,0,0) She would not be proud of you...she did not lie]
[tweet: 985677341442658304, from: @chance2change4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 05:32:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Tell your boss who Barbara Bush is.]
[tweet: 985668800891838464, from: @diegogarciaiii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:58:49(HIGH,0,0,0) @KellyannePolls you don't deserve to mention anything having to do with the Bush family. You aren't worthy of even mentioning her name. You're national embarrassment. You're one of Trump's most evil spinmasters. You're all destroying the Republican Party.]
[tweet: 985665327089545217, from: @mdr651 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:45:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Amen!]
[tweet: 985660652600549376, from: @lombie208 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:26:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Shes so far out of your league. You have a world to learn from a woman of grace. Think she would’ve put her feet up in the oval? You child]
[tweet: 985660511940313088, from: @marcyfraser (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:25:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes. She is great. And all Americans deserve to receive palliative care at home at the end of their lives. Her choice should be policy in this chaotic government. Thank you Barbara Bush. Good passage.]
[tweet: 985659562987573249, from: @teddymac1958 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 04:22:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Love Mrs Bush!]
[tweet: 985652720697667584, from: @olliemom427 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:54:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Classy, REAL lady, she is what she is..has no problems speaking her mind, even when it's not flattering for the current @POTUS ...and that's what I admire about her..she feels, lives and speaks the truth]
[tweet: 985643665271001090, from: @nantrue (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:18:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Everything you are not!]
[tweet: 985641523231551488, from: @kcollinsojeda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:10:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Kellyanne, please go home and take Trump with you.]
[tweet: 985639161460903936, from: @jgrcookie (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 03:01:03(HIGH,0,0,0) #amen]



@nikkihaley …
 ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, ari=0, lix=0.99, time=1.56, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=94, rank=1, date=41
@nikkihaley @SecNielsen @PressSec  @WhiteHouse @Cabinet @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @PressSec @Scavino45 …
 ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0.99, time=0.08, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=142, rank=2, date=177
Here's a lady that if she ever ran for president would have won in a landslide. However, if by chance she did lose she would have never blamed it on anyone or played the gender card.  Barbara is a class act and a true patriot.  Sending love and prayers to her and her family.
 ranking=18.918743493972176 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.21, pop=5.21, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=1, rank=3, date=30
Yes! Nikki Haley is a first class lady that is acknowledging a wonderful woman. Mrs. Bush has done so much for so many. Her literacy program has helped so many. Such good work. Mrs.Bush is a fine lady and is in my thoughts and prayers. 
 ranking=15.92747580111952 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.94, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=23, rank=4, date=150
I can't stand Kellyanne Conway. She has sold her soul to work for Trump. She is so unethical & such a liar. Anyone can see through her. It is all about the paycheck, soo sad. Someone should pray for her. We need to promote good people & stop uplifting the wrong kind in America.
 ranking=15.48200102758151 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.66, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=162, rank=5, date=112
Best President ever.

#KeepAmericaGreat!  :)
 ranking=14.803183155989542 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.34, pop=5.26, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.50, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=1.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=84, rank=6, date=2
Barbara is a incredibly gifted and wonderful lady full of love and sincerity I have felt her warmth and Kindness on more then occasion ( God Bless her and the Family)
 ranking=14.796985034203502 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=1.40, kincaid=0.61, pop=3.47, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.73, lix=0.09, time=1.52, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.87}
 orders: orig=4, rank=7, date=45
Mrs. Bush despises your president. She was quite vocal about that.  I doubt any of the Trump Crime Syndicate will be be welcome to celebrate her life. Your hypocrisy is showing, Kellyanne.
 ranking=14.555886652191608 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.91, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.79, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=121, rank=8, date=14
Y’all are pretty much destroying the country First Lady Barbara Bush loved.  Oh, yeah, the country we all love—you know, the one based on the Constitution and not corruption? She thinks all of you are a disgrace and she is correct.
 ranking=14.437255615896321 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.37}
 orders: orig=99, rank=9, date=50
So when is POTUS going to tweet something about Barbara Bush? Oh wait, he is too busy today creating new low intelligence epithets for Comey and others. Too busy tweeting his nasty tweets to have some compassion for Barbara Bush. Sad that he has so little concern for humanity.
 ranking=14.368079891431384 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.91, kincaid=0.28, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=138, rank=10, date=25
Make her this remedy

1 hot cup of water
With a Half spoon of tumeric and Half spoon of Fresh Minced Garlic

While she drinks it
Have her lay in the sun 
The sunlight will activate thru her eyelids & Boost the effect of the Anti inflammatory & Anti-oxident

Trust me.
 ranking=13.98173473065964 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.91, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, ari=1.10, lix=0.99, time=0.94, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.09}
 orders: orig=129, rank=11, date=98
The Bush clan of scoundrels spear-headed the Mexican invasion & the Globalist agenda that culminated in thousands of factories and millions of jobs overseas - the rust belt is mute testimony to their treachery. Between globalism and the Mexican invasion they gutted this nation
 ranking=13.693528627888991 from {coleman=0.78, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.54, cos=0, smog=1.52, ari=0.70, lix=0.99, time=0.56, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.60, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.90}
 orders: orig=155, rank=12, date=133
@KellyannePolls you don't deserve to mention anything having to do with the Bush family. You aren't worthy of even mentioning her name. You're national embarrassment. You're one of Trump's most evil spinmasters. You're all destroying the Republican Party.
 ranking=13.560261024149481 from {coleman=0.75, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.41, cos=0, smog=0.90, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=1.19, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.33, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.51}
 orders: orig=175, rank=13, date=75
Yes. She is great. And all Americans deserve to receive palliative care at home at the end of their lives. Her choice should be policy in this chaotic government. Thank you Barbara Bush. Good passage.
 ranking=13.353039345549703 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.23, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=178, rank=14, date=71
Oh please. We all know what she is.
When that Law defiling, JFK assassination assisting Crowley bastard gets where she's going, she's sent with a message to tell Beelzebub "That's a start".
 ranking=13.216333872563784 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.79, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=120, rank=15, date=37
Agreed!  A very admirable woman who represented the United States with grace, dignity, and sincere compassion!
 ranking=12.633878592402931 from {coleman=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.44, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=1.95, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.54}
 orders: orig=96, rank=16, date=6
@KellyannePolls Hey!...Good Afternoon! Hope you and your family had a nice weekend.Thanks for sharing. My thoughts and prayers go out to @GeorgeHWBush #FirstLadyBarbaraBush #PresidentBush @LauraWBush @JebBush #MrsBush and the entire Bush Family...God Bless Them! 
 ranking=12.29050097162556 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=135, rank=17, date=36
She was Alistair Crowley’s daughter. #MAGA #GreatAwakening #Qanon @realDonaldTrump
 ranking=12.250240769267803 from {coleman=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.40, pop=3.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.56, ari=0.35, lix=0.07, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=93, rank=18, date=18
What a Republican use to be. 
Grace, integrity and honesty. 
 ranking=12.095339463233941 from {pop=3.50, coleman=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.14, lix=0.05, time=1.90, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.26, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=91, rank=19, date=10
James Comey doesn’t need your advice.  His book is not even out yet and 850,000 first print copies are already ready to be sold. Why???  Because Americans want to buy facts and read facts
 ranking=12.022153788785074 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.41, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.57, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=107, rank=20, date=135
Mrs Bush you were a great women in every way. Mrs Obama may want to follow your gracious and beautiful way. Too bad we had to live thru her bigoted and racist 8 years but because people like you came before her we know there was light at the end of their dark tunnel. RIP
 ranking=12.004366185608022 from {coleman=0.36, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.57, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=49, rank=21, date=178
Prayers to you Barbara Bush.  Your service to this country is unmeasurable and priceless both.  A life well lived and widely loved. Jesus will greet you one day with many crowns. #AlwaysTreasured
 ranking=11.98493558128526 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.65, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.25}
 orders: orig=63, rank=22, date=111
Praying for the Bush family 
God bless and give them strength during these difficult days.

 ranking=11.96961866565181 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=4.19, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.70, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=2, rank=23, date=28
She is royalty of American politics..Bush dynasty was recognised for her charisma and for the grace she showed on public platform... she was a force behind the scenes.. Pillar of strength to the Bush family..
 ranking=11.469665343568805 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.37, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.41, lix=0.05, time=1.04, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.46}
 orders: orig=33, rank=24, date=89
re: monday morning @ChrisCuomo @CNN interview...OMG,  Kellyanne is as #unhinged as the #blowhard she works for. Girl, you look and act #crazy! Recommend meds and a long vacation!
 ranking=11.422122876458763 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.69, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=24, rank=25, date=121
Barbara Bush most likely despises you.
 ranking=11.169408114957202 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=4.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.33, lix=0.06, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=87, rank=26, date=26
 ranking=11.119270019457025 from {coleman=1.86, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, jac=0.45, kincaid=1.01, jrw=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=1.40, numword=0, fuzzy=2.50, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=76, rank=27, date=56
I know you think you have to politically back scratch, but there will come a time when politicians will be judged on their merits, not their position.
 ranking=10.855235609150837 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.53, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.66, lix=0.07, time=1.83, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.76}
 orders: orig=139, rank=28, date=17
And people like you make our country worse.  I didn't agree with the Bushes, but I respected them.  This president and administration is one I have zero respect for because morals and values are nonexistent with this group.
 ranking=10.793549119312875 from {coleman=0.59, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.34, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=169, rank=29, date=96
And in the end. The Love you take. Is equal to the love you make. Mrs Bush made a lot of love.
 ranking=10.412239728730421 from {coleman=0.13, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.06, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.87, ari=-0.20, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=88, rank=30, date=32
Agreed for once! And I agree with Mrs Bush and her distain for @POTUS
 ranking=10.250025114290095 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.02, pop=3.74, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.13}
 orders: orig=90, rank=31, date=20
She was a great roll model for women and girls. She was tough but fair. Bless her and the Bush family. Thoughts and prayers are with them.
 ranking=10.248824210846667 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.01, pop=1.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.94, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=31, rank=32, date=106
You wouldn't know beautiful if you could see it in a mirror!
I thought taxpayers were paying for a makeup artist for you and SHS, you two need a magician!
 ranking=10.219615208619404 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=26, rank=33, date=142
Your interview right now with Chris cuomo is demonstrating how angry and flustered you are about your boss who’s soon to be fully exposed by Robert mueller.  You got blood coming out of your....WHEREVER
 ranking=10.199753259239975 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.33, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=42, rank=34, date=129
One of the ways Barbara Bush has made our country better is by speaking the truth about y'all's terrible boss.

CC: @nikkihaley …
 ranking=10.099051100977006 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=13, rank=35, date=164
Classy, REAL lady, she is what she is..has no problems speaking her mind, even when it's not flattering for the current @POTUS ...and that's what I admire about her..she feels, lives and speaks the truth
 ranking=10.052498158598063 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.71, lix=0.07, time=1.26, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.57, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.67}
 orders: orig=180, rank=36, date=69
oh kellyanne. no one is going to care about you...
 ranking=9.97218297780179 from {pop=4.44, coleman=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=86, rank=37, date=46
2017 to now the Bush family had more on their plate with Father and Mother health. If you are a good running President you do not not help from pass Presidents.
 ranking=9.904092896943407 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.27, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=7, rank=38, date=175
It’s so wonderful to see you and the administration literally imploding before our very eyes!!!!!!!   We are loving it!!!!!!
 ranking=9.86494825727676 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.38, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.62}
 orders: orig=105, rank=39, date=149
I believe this First Lady exemplifies the epitome of what First Ladies should strive to be... Total Class & Dignity with Unwavering Support for Her Entire Family....
 ranking=9.854628064540396 from {coleman=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=0.97, ari=0.44, lix=0.05, time=0.91, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.49}
 orders: orig=166, rank=40, date=101
We are just under 4 hours away from the James Comey Interview on ABC, and Trump has already lost the feud by having a nervous breakdown in front of the world on Twitter.

 ranking=9.832901115077188 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=1.29, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=72, rank=41, date=66
Who is the secretary of manufacturing  ?
 ranking=9.826034991511648 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.78, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.68, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.33, lix=0.06, time=1.98, numword=0, kincaid=0.52, fog=0.79}
 orders: orig=117, rank=42, date=3
A true FLOTUS. God bless her and family
 ranking=9.822342228640975 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=4.23, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=89, rank=43, date=33
She is a true lady and a devoted Wife and Mother. And she loves this country. My prayers are with her and her entire family. God be with all of them.
 ranking=9.731871829279042 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=167, rank=44, date=99
Shes so far out of your league. You have a world to learn from a woman of grace. Think she would’ve put her feet up in the oval? You child
 ranking=9.681954491709062 from {coleman=0.21, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=3.00, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=177, rank=45, date=72
Sorry I don't like president Bush because when they had that hurricane she said some horrible things to those people that were suffering so
 ranking=9.574855327749747 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.46, pop=1.10, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.64, lix=0.08, time=0.19, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.72}
 orders: orig=35, rank=46, date=167
God watch over her family and friends. She was like a Mom to all of us in United States.
 ranking=9.401383913737915 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.19}
 orders: orig=5, rank=47, date=79
Sad that her and her husband forgot to pass on any "Family Jewels" to their sons! Yes, she definitely was/is the Le Patrona!
 ranking=9.372939777475768 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.31}
 orders: orig=136, rank=48, date=34
You're really gonna go all the way down with this ship, aren't you?
 ranking=9.31974847055739 from {pop=3.50, coleman=0.31, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=118, rank=49, date=1
You're kidding... right?  Looks A LOT like Alister Crowley to me. YIKES!
 ranking=9.284248763398777 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.10, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=110, rank=50, date=107
The Orange Clown is sure to tweet some nonsense or inflammatory remark
 ranking=9.264087040977518 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.34, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=115, rank=51, date=29
She supported Bush that helped assassinate JFK??? And he supported the NEW WORLD ORDER!! And grew big gov!!
 ranking=9.220056357695102 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=104, rank=52, date=152
But the three Bushes, (George, George W and Jeb) turned out to be traitors when @realDonaldTrump needed their supoport!
 ranking=9.1151030345429 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=3.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.47}
 orders: orig=6, rank=53, date=173
Thoughts and prayers for a wonderful First Lady.
 ranking=8.950548376141123 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.11, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.31, lix=0.08, time=1.34, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=10, rank=54, date=61
Faith in God and honest woman.  Prayers!
 ranking=8.620381925733792 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=2.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=12, rank=55, date=39
While I am praying for Barbara Bush, I had no idea you were even still in the picture. Interesting!
 ranking=8.585104560255877 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=111, rank=56, date=100
Something tells me Mrs. Bush would not like Kellyanne in the least.
 ranking=8.582934551578724 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=14, rank=57, date=144
The Comey interview is on right now. Barbara Bush has our prayers but you don’t need to try to distract from this interview.
 ranking=8.506780158101291 from {coleman=0.48, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=66, rank=58, date=88
May God be with her and The Family.
 ranking=8.433290952500023 from {coleman=0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=3.83, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=3, rank=59, date=9
Trump is a greatest President we  ever had.
 ranking=8.430512369861473 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=108, rank=60, date=51
If Nikki Haley were a Democrat she’d be their biggest rising star and on the liberal media circuit. #JimmyKimmel #TheView #TheView #SNL
 ranking=8.366258418160903 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=161, rank=61, date=115
Have you retained legal counsel? 
What does @MichaelCohen212 Have on you?
 ranking=8.319456164398579 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.51, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=125, rank=62, date=22
Our country has lost a beautiful, kind First Lady. Prayers for the Bush Family.
 ranking=8.282977296369376 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=47, rank=63, date=183
Not that you need to hear it from me...but keep up the good work've got moxie.
 ranking=8.269782540557934 from {pop=2.40, coleman=0.21, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.10, fog=0.30}
 orders: orig=101, rank=64, date=8
Did you just say on CNN that Comey swung the election? 
 ranking=8.259676037145264 from {pop=2.64, coleman=0.36, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=9, rank=65, date=119
Actually Laura Bush did nothing important
 ranking=8.243055940250903 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.49, lix=0.11, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=140, rank=66, date=15
Barbara Bush, a classy woman who has sealed her place in history. Prayers and blessings.
 ranking=8.137099175095464 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=1.72, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=137, rank=67, date=27
How will it be better under trump?  How will history judge you?
 ranking=8.090736136477815 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.98, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=113, rank=68, date=94
She loathes you soulless lowlives and you know it. @nikkihaley
 ranking=8.075101264982605 from {pop=2.71, coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=0.78, numword=0, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=15, rank=69, date=113
Barbara Bush was and still is the quintessential First Lady.
 ranking=8.070098727136148 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=132, rank=70, date=53
We love you Mrs.Bush and will continue praying for you and your family. You are a National Treasure! God Bless. 
 ranking=8.042421999551493 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=55, rank=71, date=158
Now we’re stuck with a gold-digging do-nothing as “First Lady”.
 ranking=8.034184849666403 from {pop=3.00, coleman=0.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=95, rank=72, date=31
CMN is so popular that you force yourself to go on with Chris cuomo. Lolololo Lololo. You need cnn
 ranking=7.949505254058177 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.42, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=40, rank=73, date=141
God Bless Barbara! You make us so proud! 
 ranking=7.920543204724437 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=3.09, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=8, rank=74, date=86
God bless Mrs. Barbara and her family.   
 ranking=7.803674311024717 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=11, rank=75, date=58
The best first lady United States have ever had.
 ranking=7.761170395712902 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=98, rank=76, date=63
Thanks for making a complete ass out of yourself on @CNN, it's a great Monday!

Instead of rolling your eyes, answer the questions, dipshit.
 ranking=7.601495752608047 from {coleman=0.59, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.31, lix=0.06, time=0.59, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=59, rank=77, date=130
“Alternative facts”?
 ranking=7.549248364349583 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.07, ari=0.86, lix=0.10, time=1.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=103, rank=78, date=7
God Bless this woman of substance #BarbaraBush 
 ranking=7.385278364851969 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=16, rank=79, date=80
If you're someone who looks like Quaker Oats man. 
 ranking=7.3686214011067115 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=102, rank=80, date=16
What I have to say is best left unsaid.
 ranking=7.306526248461044 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=2.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=22, rank=81, date=40
Praying for the bush family, who btw can’t stand trump so don’t pretend kelly that you care just because she is a republican.
 ranking=7.258850699581669 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.47, lix=0.06, time=0.05, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.39, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.52}
 orders: orig=141, rank=82, date=179
Remember the time you guys attached her son? I’m sure she felt great about that
 ranking=7.238500745469524 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.28}
 orders: orig=41, rank=83, date=134
Prayers and blessings to her family.  The Gretest First Lady!
 ranking=7.2186536065573765 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.21, lix=0.05, time=1.54, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=79, rank=84, date=43
Saw you on CNN thismorning...Ugh.  Your lies & spin were ridiculous.  They are wearing on're getting more haggard...just stop.
 ranking=7.179254832273668 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.10, fog=0.23}
 orders: orig=157, rank=85, date=128
Morally unfit to serve as President...
 ranking=7.152377984198828 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.26, lix=0.06, time=0.74, numword=0, kincaid=0.32, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=124, rank=86, date=116
Praying for First Lady Barbara Bush, healing graces. Be blessed!
 ranking=7.145358524590164 from {coleman=0.74, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.28, lix=0.08, time=1.28, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=71, rank=87, date=67
I pray for her soul.  I hope her great faith is in Jesus Christ!
 ranking=7.107225288411173 from {pop=2.40, coleman=0.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=18, rank=88, date=162
It’s too bad we don’t hear from No.45 about Barbra Bush
 ranking=6.8468470312865595 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=114, rank=89, date=76
I so agree. Say what you’d like, but I will always appreciate and respect the Bush family.
 ranking=6.826571847147901 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=37, rank=90, date=160
Im sure the Bush fanily doesnt want to hear Conways empty words. Conway = TRUMPWHORE
 ranking=6.816129030677041 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=127, rank=91, date=139
Barbara Bush cannot stand any of you. How dare any of you fiends even say her name?
 ranking=6.772335541813721 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.17}
 orders: orig=109, rank=92, date=182
Praying for you, Barbara Bush.  We have always admired you.
 ranking=6.7192164480874315 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0.05, time=1.30, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=73, rank=93, date=65
Too bad the president doesn’t have that same love for America.
 ranking=6.719158991645855 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.60}
 orders: orig=62, rank=94, date=114
Prayers for you and your family Mrs. Bush. 
 ranking=6.66156525009787 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=17, rank=95, date=77
This woman is great not afraid to meet her faith. GOD BLESS you BARBARA , HEAVENS GAIT ARE WIDE OPEN FOR YOU .
 ranking=6.628751112412178 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.21}
 orders: orig=143, rank=96, date=172
I’m not a Bush fan with the exception of Barbara. I wish her well and sending prayers her way.
 ranking=6.626231576879395 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=64, rank=97, date=109
A time when the Republican Party had integrity & dignity then came Trump!
 ranking=6.579064223886292 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=0.17, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.34, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=145, rank=98, date=168
Time is near for Barbara , we pray
 ranking=6.496073091398234 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=21, rank=99, date=21
Prayers for a very gracious lady as she takes her final journey here.
 ranking=6.471090623182896 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=1.02, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=44, rank=100, date=91
Yes this is another thing everyone can agree on.  A great classy lady!
 ranking=6.468360525138626 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=149, rank=101, date=155
I am praying for her to go peacefully
 ranking=6.415801360113964 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.31, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=19, rank=102, date=132
@nikkihaley nothing nikki hokey says should be taken seriously. SHE WORKS FOR HIM,!
 ranking=6.378347404371585 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=65, rank=103, date=90
yes, I'm glad you and Nikki at least can recognize an admirable woman
 ranking=6.375545098203233 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=56, rank=104, date=156
@KellyannePolls no one believes a word you say!!
 ranking=6.278601002702113 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=133, rank=105, date=49
Couldn’t agree more Nicki - such a sad story - but such a legacy 
 ranking=6.24882389415516 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.22}
 orders: orig=29, rank=106, date=110
you are not worthy to comment on a person of integrity
 ranking=6.2140444402672115 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=170, rank=107, date=93
You need a 12-step program! ASAP
 ranking=6.1628256955034 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.11, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=0, kincaid=0.10, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=106, rank=108, date=146
prayers for another human being who stuck by her husband,
 ranking=6.085055371712816 from {coleman=0.59, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.29, lix=0.06, time=0.34, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=57, rank=109, date=153
You should take notes because you are nothing like
 ranking=5.929969311707485 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=134, rank=110, date=48
I notice POTUS has no kind words for the Former President Bushs.
 ranking=5.8411163416581715 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=51, rank=111, date=174
She didn't do too bad for a Crowley.
 ranking=5.7585648946769235 from {coleman=0.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.05, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.16, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=20, rank=112, date=42
Barbara Bush, be well and thank you for your service to our country.
 ranking=5.729659289617485 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.15, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.26}
 orders: orig=172, rank=113, date=87
The ugly truth about KC. Watch 3
 ranking=5.4388431706437 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, kincaid=-0.04, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=123, rank=114, date=123
Lifting the Bushes up in my prayers
 ranking=5.3114405060868775 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.08, lix=0.05, time=1.21, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=130, rank=115, date=73
Not in my book. Not after what she said about Trump
 ranking=5.2501515275707895 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.11}
 orders: orig=154, rank=116, date=136
Great job mopping the floor with @ChrisCuomo   And yes Go Eagles!!!
 ranking=5.146996202185792 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=58, rank=117, date=137
I thought you guys hate CNN?   Let all that anger out KELLY
 ranking=5.129779098360656 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.02, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=152, rank=118, date=143
Barbara Bush does NOT like Trump.
 ranking=5.045808432158142 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=25, rank=119, date=151
Yes, Mrs Bush is a nat'l treasure. You did ur best to tear down what was once the GOP. @KellyannePolls
 ranking=5.032359471766849 from {coleman=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.02, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=50, rank=120, date=176
Oh my this is so true. Prayers for Barbara Bush and all of the Family.
 ranking=4.918758551912568 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.15}
 orders: orig=48, rank=121, date=181
 Such a beautiful woman!
 ranking=4.895860293471385 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, jrw=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=83, rank=122, date=4
Are you both trying to get fired?
 ranking=4.720733246133716 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.05, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=45, rank=123, date=55
Strange... Trump was nasty to Barbara Bush.....
 ranking=4.672470745511318 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.07}
 orders: orig=153, rank=124, date=140
Where is the response from Trump and his crime family?
 ranking=4.599985273224044 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.20}
 orders: orig=53, rank=125, date=165
She would not be proud of you...she did not lie
 ranking=4.588228324225865 from {coleman=0.16, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=173, rank=126, date=85
Kellyanne, please go home and take Trump with you.
 ranking=4.568785701275045 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=182, rank=127, date=60
Too bad we don't have a First Lady now 
 ranking=4.4409879934014755 from {coleman=0.13, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=131, rank=128, date=68
She despises you and the person you work for....
 ranking=4.362176746940502 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.30, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.40}
 orders: orig=148, rank=129, date=157
Tell your boss who Barbara Bush is.
 ranking=4.23279137392662 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=174, rank=130, date=78
 ranking=3.9612009796615615 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28, mostlycaps=-3}
 orders: orig=126, rank=131, date=170
Kelly Ann having a bad hair & makeup day!
 ranking=3.7704610314207647 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16}
 orders: orig=159, rank=132, date=126
What, no thoughts? just prayers?
 ranking=3.72271249706168 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.14, pop=2.83, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.17, lix=0.07, time=1.96, numword=0, fog=0.05}
 orders: orig=97, rank=133, date=5
Prayers from liars and cheaters don't help
 ranking=3.6542681693989074 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.30, lix=0.06, time=0.14, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=144, rank=134, date=171
 ranking=3.580800458780355 from {coleman=2.45, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, jrw=0.41, pop=2.83, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.54, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.44, numword=0, fuzzy=1.55, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=119, rank=135, date=52
Really,what did she accomplish?
 ranking=3.4604624092468823 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=122, rank=136, date=11
Prayers & Many blessings
 ranking=2.7131613010106017 from {coleman=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.57, lix=0.99, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=32, rank=137, date=104
Terrible news
 ranking=2.6521653714504936 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=1.87, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=116, rank=138, date=13
Great Lady one of the kind.
 ranking=2.559033196721311 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.12}
 orders: orig=54, rank=139, date=163
That's why you didn't say it.
 ranking=2.208942008196721 from {coleman=0.02, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, smog=0.30, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=0, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=151, rank=140, date=145
& the opposite for you
 ranking=1.9255505655676814 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=0, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=112, rank=141, date=95
shes going to hell
 ranking=1.6262957372429565 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=0, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=92, rank=142, date=24
Praying for speedy recovery.
 ranking=1.4847601941171882 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, ari=0.44, lix=0.11, time=1.10, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=68, rank=143, date=83
Everything you are not!
 ranking=1.4007683908384991 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=181, rank=144, date=62
Love, Respect and Prayers
 ranking=0.8936079540160649 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.26, lix=0.11, time=0.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=30, rank=145, date=108
What about my tribute
 ranking=0.7186274401227865 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=46, rank=146, date=47
 ranking=0.14512814207650204 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=75, rank=147, date=57
 ranking=0.12327021857923426 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=183, rank=148, date=59 …
 ranking=0.0638899895351911 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=28, rank=149, date=122
 ranking=-0.0406642076502739 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=176, rank=150, date=74
 ranking=-0.11716693989071114 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=70, rank=151, date=81
 ranking=-0.12809590163934503 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.11, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=69, rank=152, date=82
 ranking=-0.1499538251366126 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=67, rank=153, date=84
Waffole howss pussee 
 ranking=-0.17739535519125715 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=0.86, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=163, rank=154, date=105
 ranking=-0.5059869724455198 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=34, rank=155, date=180
Something we can agree on.
 ranking=-0.5552861310194241 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.50}
 orders: orig=146, rank=156, date=166
Meanwhile, you are just SAD.
 ranking=-0.5883292675274862 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=0, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=43, rank=157, date=120
 ranking=-0.6179009562841529 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=0.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=147, rank=158, date=159
Loving Comey's book, BTW.
 ranking=-0.8686521857923506 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=171, rank=159, date=92

 ranking=-0.9861905028664462 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=39, rank=160, date=147
She  is truly loved
 ranking=-0.9916590846994549 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=80, rank=161, date=38

 ranking=-1.110973398442951 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=27, rank=162, date=138
She hates Donald Trump
 ranking=-1.111418647540984 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=150, rank=163, date=154
You smell
 ranking=-1.1740703551912572 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=78, rank=164, date=44 …
 ranking=-1.3442622950819674 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=160, rank=165, date=124
being sent. @georgebush
 ranking=-1.3525351964892356 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=38, rank=166, date=148
Love Mrs Bush! 
 ranking=-1.3602150273224045 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.13, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=179, rank=167, date=70

 ranking=-1.3715846994535519 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=81, rank=168, date=35
And worse off because of @realDonaldTrump
 ranking=-1.4606895628415302 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=61, rank=169, date=117
 ranking=-1.5275385245901645 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=60, rank=170, date=118

 ranking=-1.5792349726775956 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=77, rank=171, date=54
May The Lord bless you
 ranking=-1.606884098360656 from {coleman=0.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=164, rank=172, date=103

 ranking=-1.6885245901639345 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.31, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=74, rank=173, date=64
Uh huh.
 ranking=-1.69584631147541 from {coleman=-0.05, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.43, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=82, rank=174, date=19

 ranking=-2.420765027322404 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=156, rank=175, date=131
 ranking=-8.675487801008408 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.56, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.76, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=100, rank=176, date=23
 ranking=-8.722323306436602 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.40, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.88, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=85, rank=177, date=12
 ranking=-10.551409302445201 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.20, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.25, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=36, rank=178, date=161
Trump, GOP &
 ranking=-10.960703968162491 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.10, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.64, numword=0, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=128, rank=179, date=125
This is your First
 ranking=-11.636467827868849 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.08}
 orders: orig=168, rank=180, date=97
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 orders: orig=165, rank=181, date=102
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