This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @benshapiro and noteworthy replies to that tweet.
Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1js" algorithm).
Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.
Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.
The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.
Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.
Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).
Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 01:12:47: Yes, they're all undergoing the threat of positive media coverage, more bargaining power with their employers, and heightened social media presence. It's just like Solzhenitsyn. … | |||
Status | Number of replies | Percent suppressed replies | Percent hidden replies |
Bad | 71 (list is complete) | 28% | 0% |
Anomalous elevated tweets: | |||
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets: | |||
Other hidden tweets: | |||
show totalRepliesActual=71 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988873752724361218, from: @trumps_all (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:09(HIGH,0,11,0) Someone has GOT to post a list of questions they have asked since Trump has been in office, and show them how “combative” they have been, never once asking about something positive. Surely someone like @JoeConchaTV has that.] [tweet: 988874306334621697, from: @morecowbell_usa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:21(HIGH,1,7,0) Snowflake MSMs complain about everything. Especially when it impacts their core narrative.] [tweet: 988874693795954689, from: @darksecretplace (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:54(HIGH,0,6,0) A Day In The Life Of Jim Acosta.] [tweet: 988874739023335425, from: @martinbridge (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:18:04(HIGH,0,3,0) Imagine if they were shot at by a psycho while at a baseball practice?] [tweet: 988874172737769472, from: @arlove316 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:49(HIGH,0,4,0) Imagine that! They just make up whatever that want anyway.] [tweet: 988874158867005440, from: @acme_computer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:46(HIGH,0,3,0) It just breaks my heart to hear #FakeNews whining] [tweet: 988874028503924736, from: @chas28344556 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:15(HIGH,0,3,0) Three of the most combative douchebags on the tube] [tweet: 988873890498863105, from: @chilton_fulmer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:42(HIGH,0,3,0) Three stooges] [tweet: 988874329428545536, from: @tiko_bl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:27(HIGH,1,4,1)] [tweet: 988876799324184584, from: @liz49310570 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:26:16(HIGH,0,2,0) Trump won’t kiss ass he doesn’t have to.] [tweet: 988875577330421764, from: @jachfo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:24(HIGH,0,2,0) Soldiers come home from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria with severe physical and mental trauma, but yeah these reporters have it so much worse when President Trump calls them names. It’s tough when you have to EARN those participation trophies.] [tweet: 988875403833085952, from: @bobroninlive (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:43(HIGH,0,2,0) It’s never been harder to be an anonymous source...] [tweet: 988875105571889153, from: @davethewave10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:19:32(HIGH,0,2,0) Personally threatening? Hahahahahahahahahahaha......Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha....oh, and Hahahahahahahahahahaha.] [tweet: 988874227980881920, from: @bp1944 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:03(HIGH,0,2,0) It must be those particular “reporters.” This is a very transparent administration] [tweet: 988875455146192896, from: @randybuyland (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:55(HIGH,0,1,0) These so-called "journalists" are just tired of having their asses handed to them every day when they ask an ignorant questions of Sarah Huckabee @PressSec] [tweet: 988874154450579462, from: @arquipuccio8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:45(HIGH,0,1,0) Why do I get an Arnold Ziffel vibe whenever I see April Ryan? #MAGA] [tweet: 988874102403403783, from: @andrewsteeves6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:33(HIGH,0,1,0) Idiots on parade] [tweet: 988883395882246146, from: @jchaby (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:52:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Perhaps behaving like real journalists will make their environment seem less combative and/or threatening, just a thought!] [tweet: 988878194018324481, from: @gatormoss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:31:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Leftism can all be boiled down to the left want to be the people that run the elementary school and the people are the students and the money comes from imanginary land.] [tweet: 988884945941749760, from: @tsideshow28 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:58:38(HIGH,0,0,0) They look so tough and mean ready to go to war. Just attack dogs trying to muddy up the water.] [tweet: 988877951381929984, from: @myredheadedrant (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:30:50(HIGH,0,0,0) How come these are truly the only ones who complain?] [tweet: 988877368273063936, from: @00001kat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:28:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Ask a stupid question......get schooled. Seriously.] [tweet: 988876243692122112, from: @hithere144 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:24:03(HIGH,0,0,0) ...down that same dark path into an uncertain (and yet, famous) future trod by so many Academy Award winners and late night talk show hosts...] [tweet: 988876001475051520, from: @glendav51285318 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:05(HIGH,0,0,0) So delicate...] [tweet: 988875706624069633, from: @bereasonable1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh boo hoo hoo. So now that you're on the opposite side of the president and have to work for it and you have problems? Yes, im certain unlike Obama you no longer have your scripts written for you. Do your damn job, be objective, report FACTS have integrity quit the commentary.] [tweet: 988875563665383424, from: @identifyashulk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:21(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988875556056961025, from: @jhiiid (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:19(HIGH,0,0,0) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT MEEK BEING FREED] [tweet: 988875544845606918, from: @steven41124878 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Boy people that watch CNN must have no life whatsoever] [tweet: 988875468228132864, from: @denise_actress (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:58(HIGH,0,0,0) These correspondents are irrelevant because of Twitter. CNN correspondents are dumpster divers.] [tweet: 988875460279877632, from: @silverpatriot1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:56(HIGH,0,0,0) CNN better award Acosta, Hazard Pay!] [tweet: 988874905335816192, from: @jasontoddgcpd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:18:44(HIGH,0,0,0) It’s a faster paced world, isn’t it. You can’t just sit there and cover one topic, dragging your feet with it. It used to be that Californians talked really slow, and New Yorkers talked really fast. They want new topics on the news not you biased dinosaurs mining deep into] [tweet: 988874598807678976, from: @ironic_name (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:31(HIGH,0,0,0) But they say they are being scrutinized more. This is worse than being one of the first to land on the beaches of Normandy.] [tweet: 988874570672164864, from: @jdftmfw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:24(HIGH,0,0,0) They should all start carrying guns to protect themselves.] [tweet: 988874454364184576, from: @nightstokker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Fighting for Truth,Justice and the American way] [tweet: 988874204945813505, from: @favuzzadeb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:57(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988874094220279809, from: @gators1205 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:31(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988873845246312448, from: @andyhuggins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:31(HIGH,0,0,1) That dude looks like George Clooney] [tweet: 988873837948428290, from: @coach_mwsmith (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:30(HIGH,0,0,0) 1st World Problems] [tweet: 988873672982134784, from: @mack72789266 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:13:50(HIGH,0,0,2) It’s like what? I don’t know that last word] [tweet: 988874485397966848, from: @joshuapatricktv (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:04(HIGH,0,0,1) …] [tweet: 988877248357978113, from: @leftpatriot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:28:03(HIGH,0,1,1) Clearly you don't care about the safety of our press. Freedom of press is a first amendment right!] [tweet: 988873958756843521, from: @mtoni93 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:58(HIGH,0,0,1) Like what?] [tweet: 988874349812834305, from: @freesoilandrew (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:32(HIGH,0,0,1) You don't know who Alexander Solzhenitsyn was? …] [tweet: 988875308349747206, from: @xdavidwooderson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:20(HIGH,0,3,2) Actually, they receive death threats pretty often because the POTUS calls them the enemy of the American people. Kind of like the white nationalists whom you encourage to commit acts of terror.] [tweet: 988874336332341248, from: @bstn_trumpstah (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:28(HIGH,0,2,0) If it wasnt for trump we wouldnt know who these puppets i mean journalists names.. like ever] [tweet: 988874142912049152, from: @just_whatever (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:42(HIGH,0,2,0) Funny, but what @RealCandaceO has said about “Victim mentality versus victor mentality” applies also here. Imagine that Acosta and co are enjoying their victim mentality so much, they actually brag about it on social media.] [tweet: 988875132922990592, from: @the1_oscar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:19:38(HIGH,0,1,0) It's a war zone and they're losing the war.] [tweet: 988874366476840961, from: @retcol02 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:36(HIGH,0,1,0) Shouldn’t be so hard. I mean what the hell they just make up their own stories....insert the victim group and xxxxxphobia, racism, etc adjectives and they can go home for the day.] [tweet: 988874286243999746, from: @jasondowney1981 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:16(HIGH,0,1,0) Well since those 3 say they feel threatened and in the name of safety The white house should ban them from covering trump then since its so dangerous for them. Its an easy fix. Dont let them in press pool since they feel so scared.] [tweet: 988874230463979520, from: @indy_roons (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:03(HIGH,0,1,0) the celebrity news culture relishes this role. it's disgusting...don't lecture me about "freedom of the press", when they've perverted what's supposed to be objective reporting into whatever the hell we have now as "news".] [tweet: 988873684881309696, from: @45jonnyboy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:13:53(HIGH,1,1,0) You should watch the Liverpool game] [tweet: 988884478025256960, from: @mikelatessa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:56:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Nope, not going into battle with anyone pictured here. Real tough gig they have. Very scary duty. Take cover in the WH correspondent safe space.] [tweet: 988881981961375744, from: @luca12nancy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Political correspondents? That’s what you call three imbeciles that sit in the White House press room daily and ask questions to the press secretary that constantly demean themselves?] [tweet: 988881299808153601, from: @springerchris88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:44:09(HIGH,0,0,0) If @Acosta wasn’t such an a-hole it wouldn’t be so combative. Show some respect, ask INTELLIGENT questions and I have a feeling u will enjoy ur job a lot more.] [tweet: 988879549562634240, from: @linda75168254 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:37:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Well stop asking really dumb questions!] [tweet: 988879520814972928, from: @courageforl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:37:04(HIGH,0,0,0) they are bingo callers reading scripts that are written for them - their voices and opinions are irrelevant] [tweet: 988879332578877446, from: @brianc3201972 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:36:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump could come up with the cure for cancer and these “journalist” would spin it as Trump puts 1000s of research scientists out of business. And then these same “journalists“ wonder why they are treated with hostility. Journalism is dead...the founding fathers would be so sad.] [tweet: 988878971927441410, from: @mcoop69 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:34:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Ben, you should cover the woman who was attacking Kyle Kashuv. They tried to get Laura fired for saying Hogg was whining. This woman was saying that Kyle's "parents are failures" & that he's "dangerous", "seriously ill", "disturbed", & "full of crap". I have her] [tweet: 988878747242844161, from: @gdub (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:34:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Have you read Solzhenitsyn? Maybe you have, but surely a good 95% of your minions haven't. So they don't get what you're saying, but give you prop anyway. Really?] [tweet: 988878728972460032, from: @trumptasticgal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:33:56(HIGH,0,0,0) They also misspelled Alinski operatives!] [tweet: 988878581848666112, from: @jackieshakiba (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:33:21(HIGH,0,0,0) Reporters have not been so combative toward @POTUS . I am glad media and Democrats are not invited to state dinner.] [tweet: 988878278566920193, from: @kagcommittee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:32:08(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 988877719214620675, from: @trumptasticgal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:55(HIGH,0,0,0) They misspelled Liberal Reporters] [tweet: 988876997853089793, from: @javadisciple (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:27:03(HIGH,0,0,0) "Oh, the humanities."] [tweet: 988876288722059265, from: @merica1966 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:24:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Good, i love seeing the media get its ass kicked on a daily basis. Mass media has become clowns for our daily amusement.] [tweet: 988875443628584961, from: @seitzpf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Really, this must be a parody...] [tweet: 988875080737415180, from: @zachpiazza (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:19:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Hey Ben I found someone online who is impersonating you to sell get rich quick schemes. Pretty sure might wanna file some legal action against this] [tweet: 988874667044859907, from: @lrod1952 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Get out of then kitchen!] [tweet: 988874333987721221, from: @yeahkenny (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Lamest album cover ever] [tweet: 988874183017984006, from: @scoobasteve7132 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Yo Ben do you like sports bro?] [tweet: 988874087144480768, from: @gato_danger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:29(HIGH,0,0,0) That jealousy will eat you up] totalReplies=102 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= Someone has GOT to post a list of questions they have asked since Trump has been in office, and show them how “combative” they have been, never once asking about something positive. Surely someone like @JoeConchaTV has that. ranking=16.13615305601124 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.42, smog=0.97, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.39, pop=3.09, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.94, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.53} orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=3 Snowflake MSMs complain about everything. Especially when it impacts their core narrative. ranking=15.52234512228268 from {coleman=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.47, pop=2.83, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.61, ari=0.59, lix=0.11, time=1.44, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.62} orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=21 Funny, but what @RealCandaceO has said about “Victim mentality versus victor mentality” applies also here. Imagine that Acosta and co are enjoying their victim mentality so much, they actually brag about it on social media. ranking=15.348818811736553 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.54, smog=1.07, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.47, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, ari=0.53, lix=0.05, time=1.69, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.58} orders: orig=46, rank=3, date=12 It’s a faster paced world, isn’t it. You can’t just sit there and cover one topic, dragging your feet with it. It used to be that Californians talked really slow, and New Yorkers talked really fast. They want new topics on the news not you biased dinosaurs mining deep into ranking=15.21535623333141 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.16, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.19, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.32} orders: orig=31, rank=4, date=34 Well since those 3 say they feel threatened and in the name of safety The white house should ban them from covering trump then since its so dangerous for them. Its an easy fix. Dont let them in press pool since they feel so scared. ranking=15.104006175120936 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=4.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.39} orders: orig=49, rank=5, date=20 Oh boo hoo hoo. So now that you're on the opposite side of the president and have to work for it and you have problems? Yes, im certain unlike Obama you no longer have your scripts written for you. Do your damn job, be objective, report FACTS have integrity quit the commentary. ranking=14.783695336959696 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0.18, smog=0.91, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.26, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.45} orders: orig=25, rank=6, date=48 Actually, they receive death threats pretty often because the POTUS calls them the enemy of the American people. Kind of like the white nationalists whom you encourage to commit acts of terror. ranking=14.747428947537308 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.22, smog=0.97, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.42, pop=2.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.50, lix=0.05, time=0.96, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.51} orders: orig=44, rank=7, date=38 the celebrity news culture relishes this role. it's disgusting...don't lecture me about "freedom of the press", when they've perverted what's supposed to be objective reporting into whatever the hell we have now as "news". ranking=14.203194798430408 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=1.52, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.71, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, ari=0.83, lix=0.99, time=1.49, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.93} orders: orig=50, rank=8, date=19 Personally threatening? Hahahahahahahahahahaha......Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha....oh, and Hahahahahahahahahahaha. ranking=12.899074261412082 from {coleman=2.60, cos=0, smog=0.97, fww=-5, kincaid=1.77, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=3.55, ari=1.69, lix=0.99, time=1.01, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.54} orders: orig=13, rank=9, date=36 Soldiers come home from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria with severe physical and mental trauma, but yeah these reporters have it so much worse when President Trump calls them names. It’s tough when you have to EARN those participation trophies. ranking=12.623484590701215 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.48, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.61, lix=0.05, time=0.70, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.64} orders: orig=11, rank=10, date=47 It must be those particular “reporters.” This is a very transparent administration ranking=12.602876124258087 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.47, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.61, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=1.52, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.79} orders: orig=14, rank=11, date=18 Ben, you should cover the woman who was attacking Kyle Kashuv. They tried to get Laura fired for saying Hogg was whining. This woman was saying that Kyle's "parents are failures" & that he's "dangerous", "seriously ill", "disturbed", & "full of crap". I have her ranking=12.539514300176064 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.21, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.35} orders: orig=58, rank=12, date=63 Trump could come up with the cure for cancer and these “journalist” would spin it as Trump puts 1000s of research scientists out of business. And then these same “journalists“ wonder why they are treated with hostility. Journalism is dead...the founding fathers would be so sad. ranking=11.795648893862602 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=1.01, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=0.23, numword=4.00, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.31, fog=0.52} orders: orig=57, rank=13, date=64 These so-called "journalists" are just tired of having their asses handed to them every day when they ask an ignorant questions of Sarah Huckabee @PressSec ranking=11.462151901388001 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.26, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.52, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.38, ari=0.64, lix=0.06, time=0.87, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.63} orders: orig=15, rank=14, date=41 Imagine that! They just make up whatever that want anyway. ranking=11.426568081461657 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.38, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50} orders: orig=5, rank=15, date=15 Shouldn’t be so hard. I mean what the hell they just make up their own stories....insert the victim group and xxxxxphobia, racism, etc adjectives and they can go home for the day. ranking=11.29670907751475 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.24, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.30, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.37} orders: orig=48, rank=16, date=26 Perhaps behaving like real journalists will make their environment seem less combative and/or threatening, just a thought! ranking=11.212495169324079 from {coleman=1.01, cos=0.50, smog=1.52, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.57, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.57, ari=0.77, lix=0.99, time=0.08, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.95} orders: orig=18, rank=17, date=69 These correspondents are irrelevant because of Twitter. CNN correspondents are dumpster divers. ranking=10.949580135033973 from {coleman=1.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.76, cos=0, smog=0.97, ari=0.69, lix=0.11, time=0.82, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.57, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.62} orders: orig=29, rank=18, date=43 Leftism can all be boiled down to the left want to be the people that run the elementary school and the people are the students and the money comes from imanginary land. ranking=10.762345678924582 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.74, lix=0.08, time=0.39, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.77} orders: orig=19, rank=19, date=58 Political correspondents? That’s what you call three imbeciles that sit in the White House press room daily and ask questions to the press secretary that constantly demean themselves? ranking=10.699633867529874 from {coleman=0.82, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.42, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, ari=0.56, lix=0.06, time=0.11, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.64} orders: orig=53, rank=20, date=68 You should watch the Liverpool game ranking=10.36551645585476 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=2.30, fog=0.45} orders: orig=51, rank=21, date=2 Good, i love seeing the media get its ass kicked on a daily basis. Mass media has become clowns for our daily amusement. ranking=10.312401369179746 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.87, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.16, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.32} orders: orig=65, rank=22, date=51 You don't know who Alexander Solzhenitsyn was? … ranking=10.19283429759923 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0.54, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.52, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.68, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=1.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.79} orders: orig=43, rank=23, date=25 Nope, not going into battle with anyone pictured here. Real tough gig they have. Very scary duty. Take cover in the WH correspondent safe space. ranking=10.006027806921598 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.07, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.21} orders: orig=52, rank=24, date=70 If it wasnt for trump we wouldnt know who these puppets i mean journalists names.. like ever ranking=9.705191005765872 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.30, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=1.38, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.46} orders: orig=45, rank=25, date=23 Hey Ben I found someone online who is impersonating you to sell get rich quick schemes. Pretty sure might wanna file some legal action against this ranking=9.627409548055194 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.34} orders: orig=67, rank=26, date=35 Why do I get an Arnold Ziffel vibe whenever I see April Ryan? #MAGA ranking=9.615881631880889 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.16, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.28} orders: orig=16, rank=27, date=13 ...down that same dark path into an uncertain (and yet, famous) future trod by so many Academy Award winners and late night talk show hosts... ranking=9.567528979100638 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.58, lix=0.05, time=0.62, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.66} orders: orig=23, rank=28, date=50 Clearly you don't care about the safety of our press. Freedom of press is a first amendment right! ranking=9.548466913667768 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.29} orders: orig=41, rank=29, date=54 Have you read Solzhenitsyn? Maybe you have, but surely a good 95% of your minions haven't. So they don't get what you're saying, but give you prop anyway. Really? ranking=9.364122292089592 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0.26, smog=0.57, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=2.00, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.21} orders: orig=59, rank=30, date=62 But they say they are being scrutinized more. This is worse than being one of the first to land on the beaches of Normandy. ranking=9.35966775950337 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.32} orders: orig=32, rank=31, date=30 Imagine if they were shot at by a psycho while at a baseball practice? ranking=9.305258402051027 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.29, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.22, lix=0.05, time=1.10, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.57} orders: orig=4, rank=32, date=33 Three of the most combative douchebags on the tube ranking=9.123656373211322 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.62} orders: orig=7, rank=33, date=8 they are bingo callers reading scripts that are written for them - their voices and opinions are irrelevant ranking=8.837706238421267 from {coleman=0.75, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.59, lix=0.10, time=0.20, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.45, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.58} orders: orig=56, rank=34, date=65 If @Acosta wasn’t such an a-hole it wouldn’t be so combative. Show some respect, ask INTELLIGENT questions and I have a feeling u will enjoy ur job a lot more. ranking=8.544809935620009 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.41} orders: orig=54, rank=35, date=67 It just breaks my heart to hear #FakeNews whining ranking=8.518645608679362 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.36, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.20} orders: orig=6, rank=36, date=14 Reporters have not been so combative toward @POTUS . I am glad media and Democrats are not invited to state dinner. ranking=8.296039239108204 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, cos=0.63, smog=0.97, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.51} orders: orig=61, rank=37, date=60 It’s like what? I don’t know that last word ranking=8.254728899499364 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0.47, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.12, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.07} orders: orig=39, rank=38, date=1 That dude looks like George Clooney ranking=8.142923877451855 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.42, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.12} orders: orig=37, rank=39, date=5 They should all start carrying guns to protect themselves. ranking=7.773473496472303 from {coleman=0.81, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.44, lix=0.07, time=1.21, numword=0, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.40} orders: orig=33, rank=40, date=29 It’s never been harder to be an anonymous source... ranking=7.51992563341379 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41} orders: orig=12, rank=41, date=39 A Day In The Life Of Jim Acosta. ranking=7.504998463168282 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.17, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.16} orders: orig=3, rank=42, date=32 Fighting for Truth,Justice and the American way ranking=7.416659441307984 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.31, lix=0.08, time=1.27, numword=0, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.41} orders: orig=34, rank=43, date=27 Boy people that watch CNN must have no life whatsoever ranking=7.361789951871363 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.12, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.40} orders: orig=28, rank=44, date=44 They look so tough and mean ready to go to war. Just attack dogs trying to muddy up the water. ranking=7.0665695410604155 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0.27, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.06, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.20} orders: orig=20, rank=45, date=71 CNN better award Acosta, Hazard Pay! ranking=6.53859542253521 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=0, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.12} orders: orig=30, rank=46, date=42 That jealousy will eat you up ranking=5.908506220657277 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.12} orders: orig=71, rank=47, date=9 How come these are truly the only ones who complain? ranking=5.608870211267606 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.20} orders: orig=21, rank=48, date=57 Ask a stupid question......get schooled. Seriously. ranking=5.5984882394366196 from {coleman=0.80, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.26, lix=0.07, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.05} orders: orig=22, rank=49, date=55 Trump won’t kiss ass he doesn’t have to. ranking=5.390866309476698 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.12} orders: orig=10, rank=50, date=52 Really, this must be a parody... ranking=5.146933450704226 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.12} orders: orig=66, rank=51, date=40 Well stop asking really dumb questions! ranking=5.117205751173708 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.12, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.12} orders: orig=55, rank=52, date=66 It's a war zone and they're losing the war. ranking=5.074812673517691 from {coleman=0.18, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.14} orders: orig=47, rank=53, date=37 Yo Ben do you like sports bro? ranking=4.68970895294532 from {coleman=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0.42, smog=0.30, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.14} orders: orig=70, rank=54, date=16 They also misspelled Alinski operatives! ranking=4.580651712434743 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.62, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.84, ari=0.70, lix=0.99, time=0.31, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.50} orders: orig=60, rank=55, date=61 They misspelled Liberal Reporters ranking=4.5105133945935965 from {coleman=1.42, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.88, ari=0.79, lix=0.99, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=1.08} orders: orig=63, rank=56, date=56 Three stooges ranking=3.7247893988055196 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=1.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.04} orders: orig=8, rank=57, date=6 "Oh, the humanities." ranking=2.3361504917774667 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.65, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=0.54, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.73} orders: orig=64, rank=58, date=53 Like what? ranking=2.279107869509121 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.94, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.04} orders: orig=42, rank=59, date=7 So delicate... ranking=1.9574848814488286 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.16, lix=0.10, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.04} orders: orig=24, rank=60, date=49 Idiots on parade ranking=1.7926737063815414 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.72, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.06} orders: orig=17, rank=61, date=11 Lamest album cover ever ranking=0.9633251760563382 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08} orders: orig=69, rank=62, date=24 … ranking=0.84887453215241 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=40, rank=63, date=28 HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT MEEK BEING FREED ranking=0.6176446302816899 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.76, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fog=0.16, mostlycaps=-3} orders: orig=27, rank=64, date=45 1st World Problems ranking=0.5213762910798116 from {coleman=0.78, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.26, lix=0.05, time=1.92, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.06} orders: orig=38, rank=65, date=4 Get out of then kitchen! ranking=0.35599957746478816 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.10} orders: orig=68, rank=66, date=31 ranking=-1.4507042253521127 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=35, rank=67, date=17 … ranking=-1.6338028169014085 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=62, rank=68, date=59 ranking=-8.818960573534866 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.77, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.41, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=9, rank=69, date=22 ranking=-11.253521126760564 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.75, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=36, rank=70, date=10 ranking=-12.267605633802816 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.73, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=26, rank=71, date=46 |
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 12:23:55: This doesn’t appear to be intentional; the car jumped the curb following an accident … | |||
Status | Number of replies | Percent suppressed replies | Percent hidden replies |
Worse | 33 (list is complete) | 6% | 36% |
Anomalous elevated tweets: | |||
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets: | |||
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show totalRepliesActual=33 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988861362687434752, from: @john_w_fleming (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:24:55(HIGH,0,7,0) Most likely. DC drivers are terrible.] [tweet: 988861631655428096, from: @icebluminkk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:59(HIGH,1,7,1) We should ban cars] [tweet: 988863515611009024, from: @thejtlewis (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:33:28(HIGH,1,3,0) Hey @benshapiro we talked a while ago. Can I get a follow?] [tweet: 988861677402603521, from: @juditweets45 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:26:10(HIGH,0,3,0) How ridiculous to wait for facts before offering up a motive or mapping out a scenario.] [tweet: 988861429695565824, from: @michaelepfeffer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:11(HIGH,0,2,0) The AI is trying to kill John Connor, NOTHING IS AN ACCIDENT, BEN.] [tweet: 988863838551494657, from: @cha1nsawlust (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:34:45(HIGH,1,1,0) Can't see the plates but I'm sure that this has to do with Marylandism. #BuildTheWall] [tweet: 988881974856105984, from: @adams6624 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:50(HIGH,0,0,0) A great piece by @JoeTalkShow when he compared speed limits to cars. Why can cars go faster than the fastest speed limit? Why aren't they regulated to not do that. Speed kills doesn't it?] [tweet: 988875144096616448, from: @tet_rafa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:19:41(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988874302400450562, from: @keithclick1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:20(HIGH,0,0,0) The left wants it to be intentional so bad they can taste it.] [tweet: 988868461244960772, from: @jssgriffi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:53:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Whether by accident or not, why when something terrible happens it seems it happens in groups] [tweet: 988867840064225281, from: @jwill2say (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:50:40(HIGH,0,0,0) I really hope this was not the result of texting and driving. Way to many people losing their lives every year just to say "LOL"] [tweet: 988866314260373504, from: @chipsahoying (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:44:36(HIGH,0,0,0) I know we shouldn't jump to conclusions, but it would help if a bit more clarification was used by MSM... They could have added *following an accident*] [tweet: 988862528875913217, from: @thematthew26 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:33(HIGH,0,0,0) As bad as drivers are around where I live, surprised this doesn't happen more. Of course there are very few pedestrians where I live.] [tweet: 988862461381136384, from: @vm101ispresent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:17(HIGH,0,0,0) It's a shame when we consider this good news...] [tweet: 988861621958299649, from: @toothluhs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:57(HIGH,0,0,0) i have to agree] [tweet: 988861416697421824, from: @santiagoshang (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:08(HIGH,0,0,0) just lost the control... that's normal.] [tweet: 988863833476419587, from: @amirica24 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:34:44(HIGH,0,1,0) I only follow Ben's twitter to read the dumb responses. This thread doesn't disappoint] [tweet: 988883268635365376, from: @scarskadgar64 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:51:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Watch, @CNN will twist the story to fit their narrative.] [tweet: 988869762406117378, from: @stephaniesevio1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:58:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Off topic, what's a good email for you? I have a question] [tweet: 988863345561358338, from: @sabastiant90 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:32:48(HIGH,0,0,0) #bancars] [tweet: 988862429860855808, from: @gravehog (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Who will weep for those begonias?] [tweet: 988862632919814144, from: @knt_of_reason (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:58(LOW,0,2,0) We should ban these fully-semiautomatic assault vehicles!!!] [tweet: 988871739089309696, from: @theonlyslappy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:09(LOW,0,0,0) *without your input*: <insert knee jerk reaction here. Thank you for not being so reactionary...] [tweet: 988864155200446464, from: @evertt_knowtiss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:36:01(LOW,0,0,0) #DavidHogg calls for a ban on AAA and cars in general] [tweet: 988864005740605441, from: @tigerjim12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:35:25(LOW,0,0,0) Still! Blood on the hands of whoever produced that silver sedan!] [tweet: 988863377740107781, from: @cwitherspoon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:32:56(LOW,0,0,0) Pwn them with logic, daddy!] [tweet: 988863206490689536, from: @kenogulabz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:32:15(LOW,0,0,0) How dare you make categorical distinctions, bigot!] [tweet: 988862535985057792, from: @mericaissogreat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:35(LOW,0,0,0) Women, for pity's sake, don't drive! …] [tweet: 988862515831549953, from: @dcaven123 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:30(LOW,0,0,0) Our default assumption is that it was intentional. Sad comment on where we are at. Ready for major change.] [tweet: 988862259316379649, from: @t1_matthew (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:28:29(LOW,0,0,0) Enough is enough! We need to ban all automatic vehicles!] [tweet: 988862113731969024, from: @tgheretford (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:27:54(LOW,0,0,0) People are twitchy after what happened in Toronto. And quick to blame the online bachelor communities.] [tweet: 988862043758440449, from: @jayk813 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:27:38(LOW,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988861346497417223, from: @captainweenie17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:24:51(LOW,0,0,0) God’s plan.] totalReplies=34 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= I know we shouldn't jump to conclusions, but it would help if a bit more clarification was used by MSM... They could have added *following an accident* ranking=11.545848801253404 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0.43, smog=1.07, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.55, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.57} orders: orig=12, rank=1, date=25 The AI is trying to kill John Connor, NOTHING IS AN ACCIDENT, BEN. ranking=11.224210275268414 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.41} orders: orig=5, rank=2, date=4 How ridiculous to wait for facts before offering up a motive or mapping out a scenario. ranking=10.103385399833176 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.45, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.42, ari=0.37, lix=0.07, time=1.64, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.57} orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=7 A great piece by @JoeTalkShow when he compared speed limits to cars. Why can cars go faster than the fastest speed limit? Why aren't they regulated to not do that. Speed kills doesn't it? ranking=9.82611251286793 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.57, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.22} orders: orig=7, rank=4, date=32 Our default assumption is that it was intentional. Sad comment on where we are at. Ready for major change. ranking=9.705561043665828 from {coleman=0.53, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0.50, smog=0.75, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.34} orders: orig=29, rank=5, date=13 Most likely. DC drivers are terrible. ranking=9.647001269009198 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06} orders: orig=1, rank=6, date=2 Whether by accident or not, why when something terrible happens it seems it happens in groups ranking=9.438504718483907 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.36, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.46, lix=0.10, time=0.42, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.42, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.57} orders: orig=10, rank=7, date=27 People are twitchy after what happened in Toronto. And quick to blame the online bachelor communities. ranking=8.920080322656682 from {coleman=0.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.38, lix=0.06, time=1.52, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.30, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41} orders: orig=31, rank=8, date=9 As bad as drivers are around where I live, surprised this doesn't happen more. Of course there are very few pedestrians where I live. ranking=8.850444546741954 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.32} orders: orig=13, rank=9, date=14 I only follow Ben's twitter to read the dumb responses. This thread doesn't disappoint ranking=8.804606859277232 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.45} orders: orig=17, rank=10, date=21 Enough is enough! We need to ban all automatic vehicles! ranking=8.692338012050621 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.50} orders: orig=30, rank=11, date=10 Can't see the plates but I'm sure that this has to do with Marylandism. #BuildTheWall ranking=8.48211397432757 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.28} orders: orig=6, rank=12, date=22 How dare you make categorical distinctions, bigot! ranking=8.191506842401655 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.69, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.52, lix=0.05, time=1.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.54, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.71} orders: orig=27, rank=13, date=17 We should ban these fully-semiautomatic assault vehicles!!! ranking=8.149117676200817 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.30, lix=0.06, time=1.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.45} orders: orig=22, rank=14, date=16 Hey @benshapiro we talked a while ago. Can I get a follow? ranking=7.651634425821068 from {coleman=0.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.11} orders: orig=3, rank=15, date=20 I really hope this was not the result of texting and driving. Way to many people losing their lives every year just to say "LOL" ranking=7.230451484848485 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.25} orders: orig=11, rank=16, date=26 *without your input*: |
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 11:52:15: The first picture is of a gift the French gave us in 1881. The second picture is of a gift the French gave us yesterday. They've really gotten | |||
Status | Number of replies | Percent suppressed replies | Percent hidden replies |
Bad | 236 (list is complete) | 30% | 0% |
Anomalous elevated tweets: | |||
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show totalRepliesActual=236 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988855050163380226, from: @bradthor (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:59:50(HIGH,21,247,7) And here is a picture of the gift we gave to the French in] [tweet: 988855553047842817, from: @bradthor (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:01:50(HIGH,12,164,11) All kidding aside, the French have been a big, and appreciated, part of our history for a long, long time.] [tweet: 988863309196734464, from: @mike_chromedome (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:32:39(HIGH,0,46,3) Yeah. We love to make fun of them. For example. In WWII, the french had more grenades than Germany did. Why were they defeated then? Because the french would throw the grenades, and the Germans would pull the pins and thrown them back.] [tweet: 988853456004829184, from: @boltfanindenver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:30(HIGH,2,38,2) …] [tweet: 988853538586480645, from: @boltfanindenver (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:50(HIGH,1,50,0) It actually has a pretty cool meaning.] [tweet: 988855555358953473, from: @jackjolis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:01:51(HIGH,6,61,2) And this was the gift the French gave us in 1781 (The French fleet at Yorktown... the gift that put us over the top.)] [tweet: 988862663450136577, from: @theangryanalyst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:30:05(HIGH,0,7,0) As an Englishman, I'm ambivalent about this.] [tweet: 988854710986686464, from: @jonnyassae (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:58:29(HIGH,8,70,2) Wow Trump... does this guy ever stop working? Now he's doing the landscaping at the WH too? Amazing #MAGA one tree at a time.] [tweet: 988853867147350016, from: @schoolshooter47 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:08(HIGH,1,13,1) A gift is by its meaning, not by its worth. I thought you knew that.] [tweet: 988862743938822150, from: @maizeandb1ue (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:30:24(HIGH,0,10,0) He’s making a joke. He figured you’d know that.] [tweet: 988853695877087232, from: @ewerickson (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:27(HIGH,0,21,3) They surrendered to the fainting couch.] [tweet: 988856906964926464, from: @headrusch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:13(HIGH,2,13,1) As a Marine, I’ll take a tree from Belleau Wood every day over a Skyscraper size statue of a Masonic idol.] [tweet: 988857044479434752, from: @tomneven1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:46(HIGH,7,33,0) I realize you're joking, but that sapling from Belleau Wood actually has great historical significance to the relationship between the U.S. and France. It's a sign of great appreciation for the sacrifices we have made to ensure France's freedom today.] [tweet: 988856375324348416, from: @true_right_free (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:05:06(HIGH,2,21,0) I enjoy seeing Trump and Macron do this. It's nice. It's heartwarming. It's symbolic of French-US relations in WW1. It's nice to see presidents digging in the dirt. It's humanizing. I wouldn't complain.] [tweet: 988864500068630528, from: @multitasker333 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:37:23(HIGH,2,13,0) We already have a statue. The tree is a beautiful gift; it will grow and blossom with time, as hopefully will our continued alliance with France.] [tweet: 988862589525413888, from: @funwithpaul (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:48(HIGH,3,12,0) It was actually kind of thoughtful. An old historic oak was just cut down on the White House grounds (because of old age/disease). President Macron thought to replace it. Hopefully it will live 200 years and be remembered as a gift from France.] [tweet: 988861538915135488, from: @gforrest47 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:37(HIGH,1,14,0) I love the oak tree gift. I know you’re trying to be funny... but the story about where the young oak tree comes from and what it symbolizes is lovely.] [tweet: 988862147709956096, from: @lorijoe5 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:28:02(HIGH,1,7,0) That tree may last 100s of years! I love it] [tweet: 988854442186375168, from: @angusparvo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:57:25(HIGH,0,7,0) I know, at least bring some wine and maybe a nice wheel of brie] [tweet: 988854178591268869, from: @mattsneetworld (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:22(HIGH,0,5,0) meanwhile in Japan they're building giant gundam statues] [tweet: 988856649464074242, from: @jonbeckers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:06:11(HIGH,2,10,1) You’re forgetting all of the other things they gave us like French fries, French bread, French kisses, French press, French braid, french poodle, Inspector Clouseau and most of all, the way underutilized bidet.] [tweet: 988861718129455106, from: @e2akpema (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:26:20(HIGH,0,3,0)] [tweet: 988854382325387264, from: @jasontoddgcpd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:57:11(HIGH,0,4,0) They haven’t been the same since the 70’s when Santa Cruz wines started beating them at the world wine tasting contests.] [tweet: 988854140544708608, from: @allieoop1208 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:13(HIGH,0,3,0) But the bond is unbreakable remember?] [tweet: 988853968406220801, from: @dougydoug79 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:32(HIGH,0,3,0) Since they have to support so many "refugees" they're probably a lil strapped for cash these days.] [tweet: 988853920381448192, from: @bisquettet (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:21(HIGH,0,4,5) <<<<Should the French give us better gifts to show how great we are?>>>>] [tweet: 988865322043232258, from: @7munkee (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:40:39(HIGH,0,2,0) Times are hard, Ben.] [tweet: 988863218864001026, from: @sisyphus_in_gp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:32:18(HIGH,0,2,0) Which does more to reduce carbon emissions?] [tweet: 988861406261989376, from: @britanny813 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:06(HIGH,0,2,0) Lol] [tweet: 988860696849940482, from: @joeangermeier (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:22:16(HIGH,0,2,0)] [tweet: 988859754679341057, from: @james__ok (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:18:32(HIGH,1,2,0) Real classy, Shapiro.] [tweet: 988859103228448769, from: @aceinnice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:15:56(HIGH,0,2,0) Ben... that's not nice! ;)] [tweet: 988855904987529219, from: @littlered_ace (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:03:14(HIGH,0,2,0) That tree likely cost more to plant than the Statue of Liberty] [tweet: 988878094592282624, from: @mike121948 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:31:24(HIGH,1,0,0) Retaliation for James Taylor from Obama] [tweet: 988870757001216000, from: @taushalh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:15(HIGH,0,1,0) No matter how small it's the gestures that count. Has nothing to do with Trump hate. It was a nice thing for them to do] [tweet: 988853523461877760, from: @k_brinst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:46(HIGH,0,25,1) The first gift was freedom from Britain so really it's all been downhill from there] [tweet: 988854807808151553, from: @ayankowsky (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:58:52(HIGH,0,3,2) You'd rather be under British control?] [tweet: 988859479000338433, from: @ehretjonathan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:17:26(HIGH,1,15,1) I think she's saying that Freedom from the British was the greatest gift ever and nothing can top that.] [tweet: 988860822582636546, from: @lovintexas78612 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:22:46(HIGH,0,5,0) nice save, Jon.] [tweet: 988854105660538881, from: @desireekraft3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:05(HIGH,0,14,3) The symbolism’s are incredible important. The Oak is a symbol of strength.] [tweet: 988855716021784576, from: @rogues2028 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:29(HIGH,0,3,0) Pillar of the world to be precise. Our ancestor goddess was transmitting her wiseness to her 6 son, in the form of a SOW, under an Oak. Our most Just king, Saint Louis was giving justice under an] [tweet: 988853522811699200, from: @strangeland_elf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:46(HIGH,0,22,1) I mean... come on! They could have at least given a tree that grows macarons or something... sad!] [tweet: 988859230181523461, from: @aceinnice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:16:27(HIGH,0,5,1) A croissant tree ;)] [tweet: 988854143417831426, from: @fsharpasharp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:14(HIGH,1,18,2) That's the second and third gift. The first was our independence from Britain, I don't think they owe us anything after that one] [tweet: 988853311880159233, from: @mickeysixx6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:52:56(HIGH,0,9,1) Why’d they give us an old picture of the Statue of Liberty? Cheap asses.] [tweet: 988853605959528448, from: @smith7499 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:06(HIGH,0,3,0)] [tweet: 988859765253173249, from: @ummmno21 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:18:34(HIGH,1,12,1) I just wanna know if they declared that tree through customs.] [tweet: 988855861270507520, from: @johnniebueno1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:03:04(HIGH,1,7,1) Didn't the Japanese give us cherry blossom trees?] [tweet: 988866847117324288, from: @mikeisthegoatt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:46:43(HIGH,1,1,0) Yep] [tweet: 988853653569245185, from: @im_dangerzone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:17(HIGH,0,8,0) "Shoot...forgot the statue... Hey Pierre` to home depot real quick...I something Frency..."] [tweet: 988853942846132226, from: @chris_rogerson_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:26(HIGH,0,3,1) We literally saved their country in two world wars, no gifts were given..... I'll take a tree for no reason....] [tweet: 988855715795226626, from: @mccormackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:29(HIGH,0,2,0) Eh, but they helped make ours by fighting against British with us plus they gave us a big statue, I say we are all even lol] [tweet: 988853386408685570, from: @chris_kelly24 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:13(HIGH,1,19,1) next year it will just be a pack of smokes and a baguette] [tweet: 988854065609166849, from: @scottlear63 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:55(HIGH,0,1,1) You don't know how big that tree will grow...] [tweet: 988855430540644353, from: @mccormackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:01:21(HIGH,1,0,1) Lol, one of the best replies!] [tweet: 988856649950478337, from: @scottlear63 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:06:12(HIGH,0,0,1) Thanks...just a little] [tweet: 988856942981459968, from: @mccormackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:21(HIGH,1,0,1) Careful where u use ur sarcasm, wouldn't want to offend a leftist] [tweet: 988857795280650245, from: @scottlear63 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:10:45(HIGH,1,1,1) Waaaaay too late for Everything offends the left.] [tweet: 988857930232496128, from: @mccormackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:11:17(HIGH,0,1,0) Lol, it's so sad that's the truth] [tweet: 988866842226638848, from: @jasjasusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:46:42(HIGH,0,3,1) At least they gave in past. What other nation has gave US any GIFT so PRICELESS? Let me think! Oh yes NONE. Including the best allies.] [tweet: 988869234532012032, from: @kacie_kellfire (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:12(HIGH,0,2,1) At least this tree won’t cost us millions a year in upkeep and maintenance] [tweet: 988872018924781568, from: @jasjasusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:07:16(HIGH,0,0,1) If you are not happy with the Statue Liberty I don't know what else could make you happy. Have you been there? I have it is the most beautiful Symbole AMERICA stands for. To be honest I don't care spending money on the Statue, because she also brings revenue.] [tweet: 988873964545105927, from: @kacie_kellfire (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:00(HIGH,0,1,3) Why do I have to feel anything for it? If it makes you feel good that’s great. But don’t put down the fact we got a tree. It’s the thought that counts.] [tweet: 988876023008714752, from: @jasjasusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:10(HIGH,0,0,0) And I agree. Any Gift is A GIFT. But I am glad they gave us the STATUE.] [tweet: 988855672153534464, from: @phaedrusanimus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:18(HIGH,0,4,0) Me: All this winning despite dem obstruction and #NeverTrump Ben: hehehe stupid tree...] [tweet: 988854932081033216, from: @robertheath5150 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:59:22(HIGH,0,3,0) The second reduces CO2 maybe we should all do our part and plant one today] [tweet: 988854680615882753, from: @apq11235 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:58:22(HIGH,0,3,0) I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree...] [tweet: 988854037125545984, from: @bradwart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:49(HIGH,0,4,0) Well, shipping’s gotten more expensive.] [tweet: 988856968508067842, from: @air8th (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:28(HIGH,1,2,1) We've certainly done enough for] [tweet: 988874006353739776, from: @flipflopsguy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:10(HIGH,1,1,0) "SURRENDER MONKEYS"] [tweet: 988854131506008064, from: @justadhimmi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:11(HIGH,0,1,1) Some people say that they really didn't give us "french fries." Sad.] [tweet: 988855288580190214, from: @mccormackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:00:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Omg!!! They were made in Belgium not France lol. Just created in a french style. Geez I'm a pain lol, sorry] [tweet: 988854068729843713, from: @rogues2028 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:56(HIGH,0,4,1) What do you complain about? Do you remember what Obama gave us?] [tweet: 988854008025636864, from: @sepzomorodi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:42(HIGH,0,4,1) Wow BEN at least give me credit when you steal my tweets] [tweet: 988867831885434880, from: @deweyolieberman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:50:38(HIGH,1,2,0) That’s an oak from belleau wood. Hard to imagine a more meaningful gift, at least to the men and women of the USMC.] [tweet: 988854888649158656, from: @jamie_lakey (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:59:12(HIGH,0,2,0) @FLOTUS is the real "gift" in this photo. #havemercy] [tweet: 988853807739219968, from: @woemshen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:54(HIGH,0,2,0) The best thing they can do is fix the terrorism in their country that is making its own citizens flee] [tweet: 988853669360783362, from: @1fever (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:21(HIGH,0,2,0) I live in Germany right now and I would honestly take the French over just about any other European nation. Well, except maybe the UK.] [tweet: 988853578478403584, from: @carpheydenim (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:59(HIGH,0,2,0) What with all that new migrant labour you think they could do better] [tweet: 988866448515878918, from: @mountain_tough (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:45:08(HIGH,0,2,1) That @FLOTUS tho] [tweet: 988857573603446785, from: @auntverity (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:52(HIGH,0,2,1) That was disrespectful and rude.] [tweet: 988875827172405248, from: @vivala_ko (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:22:24(HIGH,0,1,0) They're socialists so.....] [tweet: 988873822840356864, from: @flipflopsguy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:26(HIGH,1,0,0) I wonder how much Blood the eastern world would be willing to sacrifice if America were in a reverse situation. Those who forget about the past are doomed to repeat it ! I ALREADY KNOW THE WORLD HATES AMERICA, I NOT] [tweet: 988870686142709760, from: @usa1945_63 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:01:58(HIGH,0,1,0) Funny] [tweet: 988868852426657795, from: @jesus_of_s_p (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:54:41(HIGH,0,1,0) But, the first gift did come with the caveat "Some assembly required"] [tweet: 988866425929523200, from: @mitchbehna (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:45:02(HIGH,0,1,0)] [tweet: 988864410608455680, from: @dogstylist1111 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:37:02(HIGH,0,1,0) Not so. Nowadays to erect a statue like the Liberty, it would take yrs of debate, miles of red tape and tons of wasted $$$. God Bless America! I'll take the tree!] [tweet: 988863935049846784, from: @bobbiehahn20 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:35:08(HIGH,0,1,0) I’m happy someone wants to give us a gift and not a stab in the back!] [tweet: 988860903872442368, from: @stoptalkingthks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:23:06(HIGH,1,0,0) eat shit. trump gave him the remnants of an old WH chair ?] [tweet: 988860805578866688, from: @tagg1957 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:22:42(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh! Dude!] [tweet: 988859931246911490, from: @janedement (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:19:14(HIGH,1,1,0) I usually enjoy reading your tweets, but today you really missed it on this tweet and the one about our FLOTUS’s hat. I’m truly disappointed!] [tweet: 988859745783238658, from: @dsatterfree (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:18:30(HIGH,1,0,0) It is a sapling from an area with ties to marime corp from wwii …] [tweet: 988859578703073280, from: @nunya96693453 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:17:50(HIGH,0,1,0) That lousy statue was NO GIFT. …] [tweet: 988858920025378817, from: @tripl3m (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:15:13(HIGH,0,1,0) @ChrisLeeTN - I imagined Joel Morris saying this... hahaha] [tweet: 988858495230332928, from: @brittag8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:13:32(HIGH,0,1,0) Not lazy, rather a very clever nod to the Paris climate agreement] [tweet: 988858149624078337, from: @nyvetvote (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:12:09(HIGH,1,1,0) #Macron & #Trump's #TrumpTrain are #Unbreakable ~] [tweet: 988858104858079232, from: @fecklessforte (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:11:58(HIGH,0,1,0) What has Israel ever given us?] [tweet: 988857552376156160, from: @marcomnyc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Yeah but but in the interim they gave us French fries] [tweet: 988856486418964481, from: @crazyonsi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:05:33(HIGH,0,1,0) show some class dipshit] [tweet: 988856360774373376, from: @chuckie_chopper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:05:03(HIGH,0,1,0) Ah, but you forget, the Statue of Liberty will eventually be torn down for being racist, sexist or cisgender, but the tree will still be here for the green folks!] [tweet: 988855829804867584, from: @nick_clamorgan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:56(HIGH,0,1,0) Well...the French give what they can dispense with. 1881 the Liberty, today a graft] [tweet: 988855802046894081, from: @basedgreat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:49(HIGH,0,1,0) stop saving them from the Germans] [tweet: 988854741374586882, from: @brianbr9164 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:58:37(HIGH,0,1,0) Remember ,that the mighty oak was once a nut like you.:)] [tweet: 988854394803245056, from: @tianabelle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:57:14(HIGH,0,1,0) Damn Melanie looks great!!] [tweet: 988854255992782848, from: @weirdfellas2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:41(HIGH,0,1,0) They only work 20 hours a week] [tweet: 988854139777150976, from: @micro_mamags (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:13(HIGH,1,1,0) What do you give a country that already has everything? Clean air and more oxygen. Sounds good to me. @benshapiro didn't your parents teach you that it's the thought that counts? Behave and stop trying to stir things up. There's plenty going on to get people excited.] [tweet: 988853520051957766, from: @cynthialaw6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:45(HIGH,0,1,0) By the sentiment behind it, I disagree] [tweet: 988870849179586561, from: @jabob99 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:37(HIGH,0,0,1) Climate change.] [tweet: 988871646219030528, from: @jabob99 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:05:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Bet Gore is proud ( camera pans to Al Gore fossel fueled car drive away to airport to board fossel fueled air plane for home. )] [tweet: 988860963641282560, from: @aceinnice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:23:20(HIGH,0,1,1) What I want to know is how did @EmmanuelMacron get that past US customs? Did he check that box on the US customs form about bringing plants into the USA?????] [tweet: 988859929699274753, from: @brettacuda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:19:14(HIGH,1,1,1) Not as lazy as this joke] [tweet: 988886235849658376, from: @expertresumeman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:03:45(HIGH,0,0,0) The greatest gift France ever gave the USA was a guy named Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier] [tweet: 988886097349480448, from: @therealgremlich (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:03:12(HIGH,0,0,0) cheap, too.] [tweet: 988885757040439296, from: @anonymoo27 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:01:51(HIGH,0,0,0) But the pic alone is worth it] [tweet: 988885640002629632, from: @charliepsl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:01:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Should have been a statue of Lebeau from Hogans Heros. #Trump] [tweet: 988885506476867585, from: @thedaytrade (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:00:52(HIGH,0,0,0) I guarantee in a few years Trump orders it cut down] [tweet: 988885395365478400, from: @billsarkisian45 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:00:25(HIGH,0,0,0) It was a nice gesture, why not leave it at that? The oak sapling was a gift from Macron and was taken from the scene of The Battle of Belleau Wood, a World War One battle, where the U.S. Marine Corps repelled a German offensive in the final year of the war.] [tweet: 988885354538307586, from: @spdstr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:00:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Forgive Ben, he's a dipshit that's never sacrificed for anyone but himself. Do a quick search of the US Marines and Belleau Wood. Semper Fi. And, those are two beautiful women.] [tweet: 988885082462187520, from: @steve13harden (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:59:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Lol. All kidding aside. It is an awesome gift. Whoever suggested it to Macron did a great job.] [tweet: 988884853117607940, from: @fast_edd2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:58:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah, especially considering we Americans bailed them out of being conquered in 2 World Wars. But we do remember their help in the Revolutionary War.] [tweet: 988884761929244672, from: @aubsgotatweeter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:57:54(HIGH,0,0,0) #dead] [tweet: 988884646300651521, from: @steelsolvar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:57:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Jokes aside tho. The meaning of the tree is a really nice gift. Also good to plant trees when you can. Good for the planet. France is great.] [tweet: 988884513756508160, from: @jimhoppe2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:56:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Ass] [tweet: 988884172029743105, from: @hedgeslaker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:55:33(HIGH,0,0,0) In 1881 we had a real President and were a world] [tweet: 988883979540590592, from: @dseasross (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:54:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Come on Man, That's not Cool, anything we can agree on is a help. Your Comment is not that!!!! Find a better thing to Say.] [tweet: 988883831645188100, from: @tlq1958 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:54:12(HIGH,0,0,0) At least the lefties can't confuse a poem at the base of an oak tree at the White House for their Constitutional rights.] [tweet: 988883829208174592, from: @sblmgtrmsl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:54:12(HIGH,0,0,0) And it's planted too deep, it's going to drown.] [tweet: 988883735184486400, from: @faith_rose1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:53:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes, they got lazy! Melania is stunning!] [tweet: 988883561427107841, from: @shinjirarenaai (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:53:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Or less... fond] [tweet: 988883532071231494, from: @bottlingthemoon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:53:01(HIGH,0,0,0) To be fair, they shipped it to us and we had to assemble it. So they saved us a lot of work this time around.] [tweet: 988883488026771456, from: @db_coupe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:52:50(HIGH,0,0,0) The most impressive thing about this picture is the women walking through grass in those heels... holy cow. You could stake down a tent with those suckers.] [tweet: 988883425187676160, from: @spacemanseeds (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:52:35(HIGH,0,0,0) thanks for the invasive tree species france] [tweet: 988883140541370368, from: @mariojoinha (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:51:27(HIGH,0,0,0) Immigrants and the EU keeps the rest because they're not getting lazy they're getting poor.] [tweet: 988883028679282689, from: @samorim77 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:51:01(HIGH,0,0,0) You are joking right? I think you are but your tweet does sound snotty. I like you better as a educator comedy is not your thing.] [tweet: 988882547756199936, from: @alfsgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:49:06(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m so glad to see that some people actually know of this. With all the xenophobia going on lately, I always shout that we should dismantle the statue and ship “return to sender” only to get a “huh?”] [tweet: 988882229131644929, from: @paladin23757879 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:47:50(HIGH,0,0,0) We'll probably have to liberate them again someday. And the French whores will again give our troops the CLAP !] [tweet: 988882066447261697, from: @willbungay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:47:11(HIGH,0,0,0) It's a nice stick.] [tweet: 988881996490342402, from: @vestigiousvege1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Well, it was either that or salad dressing.] [tweet: 988881969923551232, from: @vsmack44 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Been a tough economy.] [tweet: 988881955839184903, from: @deshrasden (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Or maybe they’re broke....] [tweet: 988881934066569216, from: @natebro21 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:40(HIGH,0,0,0) Bahahahahaha lazy is an understatement] [tweet: 988881782836690945, from: @lindastarr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:46:04(HIGH,0,0,0) disgusting to diss a visiting dignitary] [tweet: 988854091664146433, from: @omgdalton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:02(HIGH,0,0,1) What did we ever give them?! Oh, right. August 25th,] [tweet: 988854374867898368, from: @fsharpasharp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:57:09(HIGH,0,2,1) They gave us our freedom first. That was just us repaying the favor] [tweet: 988856382358147072, from: @omgdalton (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:05:08(HIGH,0,0,0) France helped us with training and supplies in the Revolutionary War. We had to expel the Brittish ourselves. The French literally stopped volunteers from coming to the United States to fight. We then had to expel the Nazi's from France too. Those aren't quite one-to-one things] [tweet: 988886288416698368, from: @glisanmelissa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:03:58(HIGH,0,0,0) I prefer living gifts myself. Dust catchers have more maintenance.] [tweet: 988881731452317697, from: @bourbon86056620 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:45:51(HIGH,0,0,0) One shitty assed Charlie Brown tree? Thanks France?] [tweet: 988881698669678593, from: @gypsyjoo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:45:44(HIGH,0,0,0) LOL, no just green.] [tweet: 988881315377438725, from: @treymcmillan83 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:44:12(HIGH,0,0,0) How long will it be before the democrats put up a plaque with an inscription saying we must accept all of the worlds tired hungry and poor tree huggers....] [tweet: 988881198939226112, from: @wasclywabbit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:43:45(HIGH,0,0,0) I sure hope that tree doesn’t turn into an invasive species. On the other hand the French haven’t won an invasion in quite some time so maybe we should let them win this one just to be neighborly.] [tweet: 988881194761801728, from: @emerald_nichole (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:43:44(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988881193709031424, from: @tyger429 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:43:43(HIGH,0,0,0) And this is the gift the French gave us in] [tweet: 988880944139563008, from: @leslieadams1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:42:44(HIGH,0,0,0) I’d prefer the lazy gift.] [tweet: 988880733434507264, from: @usndocfinn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:41:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Slackers] [tweet: 988880526445604864, from: @adamdanilowicz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:41:04(HIGH,0,0,0) Let's admit, those are some nice shovels though.] [tweet: 988880174333743106, from: @thedemureshark (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:39:40(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988879950710263813, from: @malcomjfriend (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:38:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Personal pet peeve (politics aside). You should never give living things as a gift. It's like a permanent homework assignment... "Happy Birthday!!! now take care of this, until it dies"] [tweet: 988879721596366850, from: @elltownsend3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:37:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Don’t be an ingrate.] [tweet: 988879269697806337, from: @ogden_dale (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:36:05(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988879168845897728, from: @psalm2607 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:35:40(HIGH,0,0,0) I think it's a great gift; possibly symbolic. After all, how do you top the Statue of Liberty?] [tweet: 988879047068286976, from: @stand4oldglory (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:35:11(HIGH,0,0,0) And cheap!] [tweet: 988886335065763840, from: @sirvincentiii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:04:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Louisiana was a gift from France in 1803 - US only wanted the port city New Orleans.] [tweet: 988878973231878146, from: @dylanintheshell (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:34:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Am I the only one amazed by how good that photo is? Look at the posing!] [tweet: 988878797129723904, from: @ihaul277chris (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:34:12(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988878696290365440, from: @revolutionsnigh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:33:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Could have been worse...he could have given Trump a copy of all the Obama's speeches. The Queen of England loved it.] [tweet: 988878494422654976, from: @baldorbarian (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:33:00(HIGH,0,0,0) One is from a French Citizen the other is from the French Government ..] [tweet: 988878136677928965, from: @spankmeimirish (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:31:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Now that’s] [tweet: 988878038514446336, from: @candyinsa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:31:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Give them some slack. They are losing a lot of money housing all the fake refugees. I’m sure they’ll think of something better later.] [tweet: 988877821241188352, from: @jack_cummings (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:30:19(HIGH,0,0,0) I thought in the right pic they were burying hussein obama and crooked killary] [tweet: 988877733248815104, from: @mr_bramse (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Give em a break, France has been conquered three times since then.] [tweet: 988877639023710208, from: @moreno2837 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Is ben ever happy or satisfied? He is an angry little guy at times] [tweet: 988877599727411200, from: @mattygrz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:26(HIGH,0,0,0) X] [tweet: 988877509180641280, from: @bw144 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:05(HIGH,0,0,0) The tree is nice, but the roots go deep] [tweet: 988877491820474368, from: @x_atom_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Nah it’s because trump is the president] [tweet: 988877475043258368, from: @catch1818 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:28:57(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988877217416572928, from: @d_clay52 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:27:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump can sure work a shovel] [tweet: 988877155680620544, from: @icarus2112anon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:27:41(HIGH,0,0,0) They weren't part of the EU back then. Devil's Advocate these days?] [tweet: 988876901505789952, from: @michael39792957 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:26:40(HIGH,0,0,0) It was a gift from the Freemasons of France to the Freemasons of America.] [tweet: 988876570323537921, from: @sararucrazy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:25:21(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988876306824744960, from: @brown_denism (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:24:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Inflation is a bastard] [tweet: 988853463089123328, from: @frankjbottaro (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:32(HIGH,0,0,1) well thats probably because we gave them a mini version of what they gave us] [tweet: 988856930327302144, from: @theannoyedman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:18(HIGH,0,1,0) An American expat’s boat on the Seine, in Paris. Note the miniature Statue of Liberty near the bow: …] [tweet: 988876253112320005, from: @russellsritings (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:24:05(HIGH,0,0,0) How come the French keep giving is thing we have to install ourselves? I hope the instructions are at least in English.] [tweet: 988876159134810113, from: @john_smith_usa1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:43(HIGH,0,0,0) The French of the past were great, current France is a bad joke.] [tweet: 988876086351204352, from: @britishdemocrat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Socialism] [tweet: 988876045884510208, from: @embiljesus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:16(HIGH,0,0,0) -] [tweet: 988876034752831490, from: @cobyrobins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:23:13(HIGH,0,0,0) Still think it might be a Trojan horse and a bunch of Frenchmen are going to start pouring out some day and destroy the country.] [tweet: 988875752476200963, from: @jwmcw86 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:22:06(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988875747895992320, from: @someguymj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:22:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Flotus is such a babe] [tweet: 988875548733521920, from: @spicolispool (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:21:17(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988875332009644032, from: @rlgordon18_ruth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:26(HIGH,0,0,0) Lol smart ass] [tweet: 988875248605872129, from: @mikejt1954 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:20:06(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988875148165107718, from: @thomasburnspa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:19:42(HIGH,0,0,0) It’s from Belleau Wood. Marines love it and the POTUS loves the Marines.] [tweet: 988874918447071232, from: @educating_atlas (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:18:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Isn't that the Christmas tree from "A Charlie Brown Christmas"?] [tweet: 988874550279622657, from: @randyinrichmond (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:17:19(HIGH,0,0,0) The statue was not completed until 1886 arriving in New York in June of that year. Apparently you're very lazy about researching facts in order to make a stupid, inaccurate, statement.] [tweet: 988874028428480518, from: @j_sievert (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Uncalled for.] [tweet: 988873987278213121, from: @mikeperrine (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:15:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Did this really take place?] [tweet: 988873849600135170, from: @689rooster (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:32(HIGH,0,0,0) But the real talent and hard work in the second photo are the First Lady and the Prime Ministers wife walking in stilettos in the grass. That's real talent.] [tweet: 988873733963206656, from: @dankscorpio (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Hopefully nobody puts a dumb poem on the tree that shitlibs use as justification to open our borders to the third world.] [tweet: 988873154234933248, from: @czyolman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:11:47(HIGH,0,0,0) You can tell by looking that only one of the leaders have ever held a shovel. #MAGA Apparently Mrs. Macron didn't even know what a shovel is!] [tweet: 988873031605997568, from: @goniissak (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:11:17(HIGH,0,0,0) well at least in the second gift they can not hide troops, like they did with the Trojan horse( I mean like with the statue of liberty.)] [tweet: 988872503627059200, from: @fragital (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:09:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Trying so hard to not sound sexist but how in the blue hell does Melania and her entourage do heels in that dirt like that? O_O] [tweet: 988872014185271296, from: @agenda21observr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:07:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Gather round for SchoolCirlce it’s time for some] [tweet: 988871973768908800, from: @aliciamarks1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:07:05(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988871899387228160, from: @untoldunspokent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:47(HIGH,0,0,0) But ben, its a giving tree.] [tweet: 988871895754969089, from: @robjone26819259 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:46(HIGH,0,0,0) Someone put a picture of Israel up and title it the gift we gave the Jews] [tweet: 988871883109142534, from: @jacobl4242 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Lmfao] [tweet: 988871833750523904, from: @jon22636804 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Somewhere in between is Gerard Depardieu.] [tweet: 988871824955133952, from: @txtreegrower (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:06:30(HIGH,0,0,0) That is one ugly crooked tree. The French clearly need my help. Let's replace that poor ugly thing.] [tweet: 988871613654487041, from: @moonowl52 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:05:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Funny but it is more in tune with what’s important. Trees are vital to our survival. #StopDeforestation #TreesVital #ConvertCo2 #OxygenLevels #GrowHemp #ArborDay #PlantATree #StopSpraying #TreeOfLife] [tweet: 988871554980241408, from: @teresansteve (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:05:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Stop. What could we possibly need? I think it was a really nice gesture.] [tweet: 988871531349626881, from: @jcrsaltman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:05:20(HIGH,0,0,0) No one wants to part with their hard earned dollars, or in this case, francs. Trump, the goniff, but for the physical exertion here, would do likewise.] [tweet: 988871527113379840, from: @countsaknussemm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:05:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Too funny! Then again the Country of France is toast.] [tweet: 988871393688408064, from: @the_stammpede (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:47(HIGH,0,0,0) To be fair, I’d be ticked if the US spend millions of tax dollars building monuments in France] [tweet: 988871387262660609, from: @jeffgra87856416 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Much more American blood went into the second one though.] [tweet: 988871343990026242, from: @luvmyck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:35(HIGH,0,0,0) Great way to celebrate and early Arbor Day 4-27-18 #ArborDay2018] [tweet: 988871224053743616, from: @supershaymus (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Since you didn't appreciate the first gift....] [tweet: 988870985020358656, from: @themackfamily24 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:03:09(HIGH,0,0,0) OMG! Where was the press? Melania is wearing heels in the grass!] [tweet: 988870935280324612, from: @murderwrotes (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:57(HIGH,0,0,0) their women are wonderful unlike the beasts america has been creating lately.] [tweet: 988870910051520512, from: @julianthur (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Brigitte was also present at the unveiling of Lady Liberty, say some nasties.] [tweet: 988870767382355969, from: @so1omonkane (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Also, you should never plant a tree in a round hole; the roots just grow in circles and it takes 10 times as long for them to break through and for the tree to grow. Just my 2 cents.] [tweet: 988870708678877184, from: @lepresan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:02:03(HIGH,0,0,0) Better than nothing.] [tweet: 988870324690276353, from: @dragnwagn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:00:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump, doing jobs illegal aliens wont do.] [tweet: 988870177478459392, from: @myersbmmyers123 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:59:57(HIGH,0,0,0) At least the up keep coat will be alot less] [tweet: 988869566674669569, from: @randyinrichmond (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:57:31(HIGH,0,0,0) This comment shows how little you understand history and is not funny at all.] [tweet: 988869477164093440, from: @broccoli_rabbit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:57:10(HIGH,0,0,0) This is actually the first time Trump’s had to use a shovel, he went through a quick how-to course before the photo op. No WH officials are sure where he got the golden shovel.] [tweet: 988869412135604224, from: @bostonbobantifa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:54(HIGH,0,0,0) I hope they sprayed it. Could be infested with winter moths. It'll kill all the Cherry Trees on the mall. #TheFrench] [tweet: 988869245391040512, from: @jdramir76175750 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:15(HIGH,0,0,0) I don’t think a bigger tree was able to pass thru the X-ray scanning machine at the airport] [tweet: 988869191510904832, from: @z7greens (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:02(HIGH,0,0,0) And after all we did saving their butts twice.] [tweet: 988868960752947200, from: @bndeyo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:55:07(HIGH,0,0,0) beats a blank....while lefties claim that the whole world hates Trump, the French President seems like a pretty good friend.] [tweet: 988868710420176896, from: @eric_barnard4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:54:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Well...when you look at how Liberty has been receded, limited, and assaulted I’d say we aren’t worth such a great symbol. Sad but true.] [tweet: 988868374993219585, from: @nerdygal27 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:52:47(HIGH,0,0,0) Or frugal] [tweet: 988868297004322817, from: @deejsr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:52:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Wow two awesome trunks, standing their and the tree is nice too!] [tweet: 988868223369170944, from: @instantpresence (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:52:11(HIGH,0,0,0) We don't deserve better.] [tweet: 988868215026733056, from: @cle_shonuff (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:52:09(HIGH,0,0,0) More symbolic than anything...THAT WANNABE CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS TREE IS ALL THIS PRESIDENCY/2018 AMERICA DESERVES!!] [tweet: 988868059317391360, from: @schenck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:51:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Well you see Ben, that liberty tree they sent requires some "special" watering, I'm sure Trump won't mind helping some more with that...] totalReplies=379 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= I realize you're joking, but that sapling from Belleau Wood actually has great historical significance to the relationship between the U.S. and France. It's a sign of great appreciation for the sacrifices we have made to ensure France's freedom today. ranking=19.375240349181016 from {coleman=0.74, cos=0, smog=1.17, kincaid=0.52, pop=4.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.48, ari=0.60, lix=0.09, time=1.47, numword=4.00, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.64} orders: orig=13, rank=1, date=63 Yeah. We love to make fun of them. For example. In WWII, the french had more grenades than Germany did. Why were they defeated then? Because the french would throw the grenades, and the Germans would pull the pins and thrown them back. ranking=19.163628424453613 from {pop=4.67, coleman=0.48, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0.73, smog=0.62, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.24} orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=94 I enjoy seeing Trump and Macron do this. It's nice. It's heartwarming. It's symbolic of French-US relations in WW1. It's nice to see presidents digging in the dirt. It's humanizing. I wouldn't complain. ranking=19.11514725468502 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0, smog=0.76, kincaid=0.20, pop=3.87, numsent=7.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.46} orders: orig=14, rank=3, date=54 What do you give a country that already has everything? Clean air and more oxygen. Sounds good to me. @benshapiro didn't your parents teach you that it's the thought that counts? Behave and stop trying to stir things up. There's plenty going on to get people excited. ranking=17.255412548113267 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.61, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.24} orders: orig=106, rank=4, date=27 You’re forgetting all of the other things they gave us like French fries, French bread, French kisses, French press, French braid, french poodle, Inspector Clouseau and most of all, the way underutilized bidet. ranking=16.85274255912351 from {coleman=0.72, cos=1.67, smog=1.25, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.64, pop=3.43, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.94, lix=0.08, time=1.53, numword=3.00, fog=0.83} orders: orig=21, rank=5, date=57 It was actually kind of thoughtful. An old historic oak was just cut down on the White House grounds (because of old age/disease). President Macron thought to replace it. Hopefully it will live 200 years and be remembered as a gift from France. ranking=16.454426539600796 from {pop=3.50, coleman=0.51, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.33, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=1.25, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.20, fog=0.40} orders: orig=16, rank=6, date=90 All kidding aside, the French have been a big, and appreciated, part of our history for a long, long time. ranking=15.715195161683617 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.49, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.35, pop=6.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=1.64, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.50} orders: orig=2, rank=7, date=44 At least they gave in past. What other nation has gave US any GIFT so PRICELESS? Let me think! Oh yes NONE. Including the best allies. ranking=15.12812095548924 from {coleman=0.39, cos=1.24, smog=0.65, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.40, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.26} orders: orig=60, rank=8, date=101 Wow Trump... does this guy ever stop working? Now he's doing the landscaping at the WH too? Amazing #MAGA one tree at a time. ranking=14.6540840875418 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.11, pop=5.16, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.33} orders: orig=8, rank=9, date=36 That's the second and third gift. The first was our independence from Britain, I don't think they owe us anything after that one ranking=14.584576457187328 from {coleman=0.51, cos=1.08, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=3.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40} orders: orig=44, rank=10, date=28 France helped us with training and supplies in the Revolutionary War. We had to expel the Brittish ourselves. The French literally stopped volunteers from coming to the United States to fight. We then had to expel the Nazi's from France too. Those aren't quite one-to-one things ranking=14.373948331589823 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0.33, smog=0.79, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.23, fog=0.36} orders: orig=145, rank=11, date=55 If you are not happy with the Statue Liberty I don't know what else could make you happy. Have you been there? I have it is the most beautiful Symbole AMERICA stands for. To be honest I don't care spending money on the Statue, because she also brings revenue. ranking=14.26949763814752 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.17, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.32} orders: orig=62, rank=12, date=144 And this was the gift the French gave us in 1781 (The French fleet at Yorktown... the gift that put us over the top.) ranking=13.391272562610872 from {coleman=0.29, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.33, jrw=0.38, pop=5.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.48} orders: orig=6, rank=13, date=45 Pillar of the world to be precise. Our ancestor goddess was transmitting her wiseness to her 6 son, in the form of a SOW, under an Oak. Our most Just king, Saint Louis was giving justice under an ranking=13.304961605977942 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=1.79, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.41} orders: orig=41, rank=14, date=47 I wonder how much Blood the eastern world would be willing to sacrifice if America were in a reverse situation. Those who forget about the past are doomed to repeat it ! I ALREADY KNOW THE WORLD HATES AMERICA, I NOT ranking=13.268102615899526 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.93, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.32, pop=1.10, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.47} orders: orig=83, rank=15, date=149 Why do I have to feel anything for it? If it makes you feel good that’s great. But don’t put down the fact we got a tree. It’s the thought that counts. ranking=13.257109302820488 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.57, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.01, pop=2.83, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.94, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.21} orders: orig=63, rank=16, date=151 We already have a statue. The tree is a beautiful gift; it will grow and blossom with time, as hopefully will our continued alliance with France. ranking=13.19966125603448 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0.49, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=3.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.30, lix=0.05, time=1.19, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41} orders: orig=15, rank=17, date=97 I love the oak tree gift. I know you’re trying to be funny... but the story about where the young oak tree comes from and what it symbolizes is lovely. ranking=13.198241416232367 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0.40, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.22, pop=3.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.36} orders: orig=17, rank=18, date=87 Personal pet peeve (politics aside). You should never give living things as a gift. It's like a permanent homework assignment... "Happy Birthday!!! now take care of this, until it dies" ranking=12.53999688017009 from {coleman=0.62, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0.38, smog=0.85, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.46} orders: orig=157, rank=19, date=193 It actually has a pretty cool meaning. ranking=12.432014097188475 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=4.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.15, lix=0.05, time=1.94, numword=0, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.14} orders: orig=5, rank=20, date=8 Some people say that they really didn't give us "french fries." Sad. ranking=12.393729436099209 from {coleman=0.47, cos=1.04, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=-0.08, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.83, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.11} orders: orig=71, rank=21, date=25 As a Marine, I’ll take a tree from Belleau Wood every day over a Skyscraper size statue of a Masonic idol. ranking=12.358031658156895 from {pop=3.61, coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=1.51, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.44, fog=0.60} orders: orig=12, rank=22, date=59 The first gift was freedom from Britain so really it's all been downhill from there ranking=12.247749408664978 from {pop=4.01, coleman=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=1.39, smog=0.30, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=1.96, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.21, fog=0.28} orders: orig=36, rank=23, date=6 well thats probably because we gave them a mini version of what they gave us ranking=12.19534133751713 from {coleman=0.43, cos=1.14, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.30} orders: orig=181, rank=24, date=4 This is actually the first time Trump’s had to use a shovel, he went through a quick how-to course before the photo op. No WH officials are sure where he got the golden shovel. ranking=12.184517706283419 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0.19, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.38} orders: orig=226, rank=25, date=116 The symbolism’s are incredible important. The Oak is a symbol of strength. ranking=12.076659691688711 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.76, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.47} orders: orig=40, rank=26, date=24 I mean... come on! They could have at least given a tree that grows macarons or something... sad! ranking=12.028289842433118 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.15, pop=3.89, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40} orders: orig=42, rank=27, date=7 And here is a picture of the gift we gave to the French in ranking=12.022405726893691 from {pop=6.38, coleman=0.16, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=1, rank=28, date=41 A gift is by its meaning, not by its worth. I thought you knew that. ranking=11.754724861549358 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0.76, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.00, pop=3.53, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.15} orders: orig=9, rank=29, date=15 It was a nice gesture, why not leave it at that? The oak sapling was a gift from Macron and was taken from the scene of The Battle of Belleau Wood, a World War One battle, where the U.S. Marine Corps repelled a German offensive in the final year of the war. ranking=11.70553944056659 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.33, smog=0.62, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=5.00, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.37} orders: orig=117, rank=30, date=229 We literally saved their country in two world wars, no gifts were given..... I'll take a tree for no reason.... ranking=11.668778018659076 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.30} orders: orig=51, rank=31, date=17 Not so. Nowadays to erect a statue like the Liberty, it would take yrs of debate, miles of red tape and tons of wasted $$$. God Bless America! I'll take the tree! ranking=11.56279910275131 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=87, rank=32, date=96 I live in Germany right now and I would honestly take the French over just about any other European nation. Well, except maybe the UK. ranking=11.561337662596134 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.46, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.33} orders: orig=78, rank=33, date=12 The statue was not completed until 1886 arriving in New York in June of that year. Apparently you're very lazy about researching facts in order to make a stupid, inaccurate, statement. ranking=11.490530658021727 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.42, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.38, ari=0.43, lix=0.05, time=0.69, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.63} orders: orig=195, rank=34, date=155 They surrendered to the fainting couch. ranking=11.389937243418812 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=4.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.37, lix=0.06, time=1.90, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.45} orders: orig=11, rank=35, date=13 I sure hope that tree doesn’t turn into an invasive species. On the other hand the French haven’t won an invasion in quite some time so maybe we should let them win this one just to be neighborly. ranking=11.329249783420527 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.40, smog=0.85, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.47} orders: orig=150, rank=36, date=200 What do you complain about? Do you remember what Obama gave us? ranking=11.274942789143138 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.85, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.17, pop=2.56, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29} orders: orig=73, rank=37, date=22 Ah, but you forget, the Statue of Liberty will eventually be torn down for being racist, sexist or cisgender, but the tree will still be here for the green folks! ranking=11.230810883699734 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.55, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.68, lix=0.06, time=1.56, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.73} orders: orig=100, rank=38, date=53 Forgive Ben, he's a dipshit that's never sacrificed for anyone but himself. Do a quick search of the US Marines and Belleau Wood. Semper Fi. And, those are two beautiful women. ranking=11.144937404431452 from {coleman=0.53, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.77, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.35} orders: orig=118, rank=39, date=228 Why’d they give us an old picture of the Statue of Liberty? Cheap asses. ranking=11.101753443546215 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.60, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=3.14, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.13} orders: orig=45, rank=40, date=1 Yeah but but in the interim they gave us French fries ranking=11.09502521213695 from {coleman=0.36, cos=1.53, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.40} orders: orig=98, rank=41, date=64 They gave us our freedom first. That was just us repaying the favor ranking=10.832228224934813 from {coleman=0.43, cos=1.04, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.13} orders: orig=144, rank=42, date=31 <<< |
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 11:18:46: This is total and utter crap of the highest order. There are literally THOUSANDS of Hollywood staffers who lived in fear of being found out as Bush supporters. … | |||
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show totalRepliesActual=158 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988857850813386752, from: @ewashingtonstud (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:10:58(HIGH,0,1,1) This old Queen would rather have the disastrous Obama years.] [tweet: 988859632994213888, from: @sweeteypie1012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:18:03(HIGH,0,2,1) Of course. He luuuuved Obama] [tweet: 988860026625380356, from: @ewashingtonstud (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:19:37(HIGH,0,2,1) Hmmmm makes you wonder the extent of that love] [tweet: 988865604143562753, from: @i_am_not_e (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:41:46(HIGH,0,3,1) Oh, my. Set phasers to "fun".] [tweet: 988866295511896066, from: @ewashingtonstud (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:44:31(HIGH,0,1,1) Lol] [tweet: 988869191657771008, from: @sweeteypie1012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:02(HIGH,0,1,1)] [tweet: 988877667763212288, from: @ewashingtonstud (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:29:43(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988852791610257408, from: @dchown (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:50:52(HIGH,0,9,0) @GeorgeTakei is old enough to remember the Bush hatred days. Wasn't as intense as today but the Bush backlash was just as real. Take off the gauzy history glasses. The Hollywood liberal attacks are as old as Takei. Almost.] [tweet: 988846567976292353, from: @cobycoby (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:08(HIGH,1,6,0) Sulu is senile. He should’ve kept his phaser on gum. He’s as relevant as a hubcap.] [tweet: 988867786934906880, from: @caspappas (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:50:27(HIGH,0,3,0) Correct. I am a Hollywood staffer who lived this too. In fact, some of my bosses openly expressed “their disappointment in me”.] [tweet: 988862296905535488, from: @darthhawk12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:28:38(HIGH,0,4,0) For the entire GWB presidency we heard the same "He's an illegitimate President", "He's just like Hitler", "He's a racist", etc. that we hear from the left today. Change the record.] [tweet: 988849795123982336, from: @illlillil (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:38:57(HIGH,0,4,0) Source?] [tweet: 988881389444648961, from: @doctormalibu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:44:30(HIGH,0,2,0) The Left seems to forget the tidal wave of bile they threw at George W every day of his Presidency] [tweet: 988848037534420992, from: @wgamache (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:31:58(HIGH,0,2,0) "If you're not with us, you're against us!" They should put @GeorgeTakei in charge of a committee to just ask people to come clean: Are you now or have you ever been a Trump supporter?] [tweet: 988847418857918465, from: @grayhairedbiker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:29:31(HIGH,1,2,0) Coming from an old queen!] [tweet: 988846357585846279, from: @victoryinlove (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:25:18(HIGH,1,2,0) And those that did, immediately apologized because of the backlash. And let us not forget the treatment @kanyewest @OfficialMLK3 and @IAmSteveHarvey received just for meeting with Trump.] [tweet: 988877165923102721, from: @financeblue (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:27:43(HIGH,0,1,0) Fascinating - Leftists actually speaks about GWB like he is left of @RubinReport and similar people.] [tweet: 988866833062166531, from: @sharonhayman3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:46:39(HIGH,0,1,0) @GeorgeTakei George is usually full of it.] [tweet: 988853918229778438, from: @jwwelker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:20(HIGH,0,1,0) @GeorgeTakei Then why did we have to meet in secret? Why were paparazzi hiding in the bushes trying to "out" anyone who wasn't "left?" Why do I know so many people who were actually fired for not being a far-left democrat?] [tweet: 988853052168855552, from: @ziggybrah (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:51:54(HIGH,0,1,0) Ah, more proof these "entertainers" arent saying these things because they are stupid. They say these things because they know most of the people who follow them will believe everything they say without doing research.] [tweet: 988851546094895104, from: @jjkallday (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:45:55(HIGH,1,1,0) Damn, I was blocked by @GeorgeTakei last year so I can't see what Ben is referring to. …] [tweet: 988850632558809088, from: @tpchamp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:42:17(HIGH,1,3,0) Ask him how the great @RealJamesWoods career has gone since he publicly supported Conservatives] [tweet: 988849426591608833, from: @willmann12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:37:29(HIGH,1,3,0) The left is trying their best to demonize President Trump and his supporters. They have placed themselves in strategic positions especially during Obama’s presidency. Many appear fanatical and infected with some type of mental illness. It’s beyond comprehension by rational people] [tweet: 988848569263177728, from: @kittykatnip1970 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:34:05(HIGH,1,1,0) @GeorgeTakei Are you kidding me? What planet are you living on?! And Georgie Porgie-Hollywood has 'values'??? You all value MONEY & FAME and all that comes with it. But there IS a God who is taking note & judgment day is coming: …] [tweet: 988846412321513472, from: @entityjim1bj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:25:31(HIGH,1,1,0) We all know how tolerant they are at Berkley ,USC, UCLA to Conservative Voices. Takei, what happened to u? I was in Alaska on a cruise ship years ago with u(u were Star Trek Man on Cruise).WE shared Chopper over Mendenhall Glacier& talked. I had no idea Ude become this] [tweet: 988845073747140609, from: @juliedawson2802 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:20:12(HIGH,0,1,0) And the proof of this is?] [tweet: 988846311205093376, from: @ihatethemedia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:25:07(HIGH,1,4,2) Well, we know George doesn't like bush...] [tweet: 988845292194877440, from: @thegifking (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:04(HIGH,0,1,1) Source?] [tweet: 988886715262750720, from: @c_kimmerle (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:05:40(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m disappointed that I ever watched Star Trek George. Now that I know you are nothing but a communist dunder head that is okay with people you perceive as below you starving to death.] [tweet: 988884199598796801, from: @jqsgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:55:40(HIGH,0,0,0) The Friends of Abe …] [tweet: 988883698392027136, from: @cynica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:53:40(HIGH,0,0,1) Don't forget they did some viral compilation of videos and photos saying "sorry" to the rest of the world. It was vitriolic and hateful then, but time is a magical salve, apparently.] [tweet: 988884218947059712, from: @cynica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:55:45(HIGH,0,0,0) Sorry, Everybody: An Apology to the World for the Re-Election of George W. Bush …] [tweet: 988881629526593536, from: @5dallas345 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:45:27(HIGH,0,0,0) I think George got beamed up once to often.] [tweet: 988880438239354880, from: @tonyebowers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:40:43(HIGH,0,0,0) Our real thought leaders like @benshapiro defended her rights] [tweet: 988878827051986944, from: @patrick_dixon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:34:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Uhh, not to mention Shania Twain being shamed into apologizing less than a week ago…] [tweet: 988878717379375104, from: @haggerskme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:33:53(HIGH,0,0,0) On a scale of 1 to 10, the left hated Bush at a 10, and hates Trump at a 10. The left doesn't do half-assed hate.] [tweet: 988876966324588544, from: @livebiger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:26:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Because their ideas are far superior to conservatives, the ends justify the means. He’s just justifying the liberal tactic of bullying.] [tweet: 988875921586294784, from: @snuttree (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:22:46(HIGH,0,0,1) You know this as a fact?] [tweet: 988885231636631552, from: @jqsgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:59:46(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 988873742590803969, from: @jdawgmiller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:07(HIGH,0,0,0) Is George Taki that star wars guy?] [tweet: 988873237261008896, from: @jjsmith910 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:12:06(HIGH,0,0,0) Indeed. It’s odd the left now seems to be fondly remembering Bush now.] [tweet: 988872359028371457, from: @amrslaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:08:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Agreed. Total bull] [tweet: 988869301762428929, from: @itshonesttalk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:56:28(HIGH,0,0,0) You know because you spent a lot of time in Hollywood back in the day?] [tweet: 988862776310403072, from: @covfefesally (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:30:32(HIGH,0,0,0) @GeorgeTakei molested any more young men lately? Go back into hiding monster] [tweet: 988862629203525632, from: @michael_posner (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:57(HIGH,0,0,0) TaKrapei] [tweet: 988862002301894662, from: @bobleesays (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:27:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Uh Oh... Crazy @GeorgeTakai got "yard privileges" at The Home again. He really needs to be sedated 24/7 for his own good.] [tweet: 988861919888134149, from: @brettacuda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:27:08(HIGH,0,0,0) As if anyone working in Hollywood would waste their time talking to you] [tweet: 988859422062579712, from: @bybizzy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:17:12(HIGH,0,0,0) There's something wrong with you When you refer to "My community" it implies that you consider yourself to be an elitist. We are all in the same country with the same President. Do what you can to support him and our great nation.] [tweet: 988857671980863490, from: @adam_hamby (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:10:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Except for #ClintEastwood. He gave exactly 0 ****'s about what Hollywood thought of him.] [tweet: 988857624769646598, from: @ocmomforanthem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:10:04(HIGH,0,0,0) He’s still in Outer space] [tweet: 988857531089981440, from: @shadowman_no9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:42(HIGH,0,0,0) You're wrong, Ben. How would know anyway? Rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite? Utter crap of the highest order is your thing, loser.] [tweet: 988855365113704448, from: @onepinkflamingo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:01:05(HIGH,0,0,0) 'Member when.... …] [tweet: 988855299212759041, from: @davontej11 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:00:50(HIGH,0,0,0) Two totally different reasons] [tweet: 988855163820564481, from: @manopausing (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:00:17(HIGH,0,0,1) Ben have you ever worked in Hollywood? I knew dozens of these people. None of them lived in fear of being discovered. Quit lying to pander to your base.] [tweet: 988885489842180097, from: @jqsgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:00:48(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 988854465490030592, from: @joe_in_indiana (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:57:31(HIGH,0,0,0) .@GeorgeTakei Must wear blinders and earplugs so he is not aware of the actuality around him.] [tweet: 988854087956553728, from: @captainspauld17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:01(HIGH,0,0,0) We know for a fact that @GeorgeTakei hates BUSH!] [tweet: 988853793826603009, from: @piping_cold (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:54:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh my ...] [tweet: 988853465622331393, from: @3pointgrotto (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Weren't there celebrities who said they'd leave the country if Bush won?] [tweet: 988853369182695424, from: @hobiekona (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:09(HIGH,0,0,0) they called george bush a murderer & war criminal every day] [tweet: 988852480732749824, from: @mistermischa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:49:38(HIGH,0,0,0) Dixie chicks right?] [tweet: 988850118559494144, from: @orayjohnson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:40:14(HIGH,0,0,0) “Thousands”...] [tweet: 988849789906378753, from: @benjaminholm86 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:38:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah, revisionist history] [tweet: 988848641791156224, from: @jrslander (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:34:22(HIGH,0,0,0) Lol its still worse] [tweet: 988848476665491457, from: @auhsdbond (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:33:43(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988848265834704896, from: @cherylynn617 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:32:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Revisionist history much, @GeorgeTakei] [tweet: 988847798551531520, from: @ohfscratch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:31:01(HIGH,0,0,0) cc @PatriciaHeaton] [tweet: 988846487382773761, from: @keith53707199 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:25:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Ah Tokey just like the sound of being wrong. When you're reduced to living off of convention appearances and store openings you tend to get bitter.] [tweet: 988844982193852418, from: @louisafc_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:19:50(HIGH,0,0,0) What’s everyone’s opinion on the British baby being taken off life support?] [tweet: 988845268245340160, from: @ne0liberal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:20:58(HIGH,0,9,2) For once, Ben is right] [tweet: 988847624781533187, from: @districtyoder (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:30:20(HIGH,0,2,1) Look, I work in film and have known right wingers in my industry for years. This is BS.] [tweet: 988851424288296961, from: @straytski (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:45:26(HIGH,0,10,1) The left has always been hateful and intolerant. This is not Trump’s fault.] [tweet: 988849010558500864, from: @naninani51 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:35:50(HIGH,1,4,1) @RealJamesWoods is one of the few outspoken, and thank you Mr. Woods …] [tweet: 988845011964919808, from: @jptruss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:19:57(HIGH,0,4,1) THEY WANTED HIM IMPEACHED AS A WAR CRIMINAL.] [tweet: 988847287345479680, from: @jfitz3269 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:28:59(HIGH,0,2,1) Does he not remember the Dixie Chicks?] [tweet: 988844956096909313, from: @danielmilleresq (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:19:44(HIGH,0,1,1) lol "lived in fear"] [tweet: 988845776821538816, from: @jasontrujillo_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:59(HIGH,0,0,1) And by contrast, how many entertainers have been ostracized in Hollywood (and elsewhere) for speaking against Obama/Hilary or speaking for Bush/Trump?] [tweet: 988846673546960897, from: @ironic_name (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:33(HIGH,0,17,2) I remember literally the day after Bush won people were marching and protesting wearing shirts reading "Not MY president" and holding signs reading "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him." When Democrats aren't busy trying to silence opposing voices they are rewriting history.] [tweet: 988845756655206402, from: @themohill (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:54(HIGH,0,13,0) There were multiple episodes of Scrubs from the time that Elliot (played by @sarahchalke) feared that she would be discovered as a Republican. There was a “coming out” episode where her best friends looked at her in disgust] [tweet: 988845653961818112, from: @rb777ftw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:30(HIGH,0,10,0) Phil Donahue was fired from MSNBC for criticizing the Iraq War. Spare us the lecture, dude.] [tweet: 988872140765052929, from: @admomof3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:07:45(HIGH,0,2,0) I remember back in day when i watched the View and Rosie spewed and spit about Bush. Counting deaths of soldiers.] [tweet: 988848784825253893, from: @martinbridge (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:34:56(HIGH,0,2,0) @MelissaJoanHart supported Bob Dole in 1996. Ask her how that was recieved.] [tweet: 988879982440144896, from: @antoniaiadi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:38:54(HIGH,1,1,0) george Takei your values??? Corruption at the highest level of gov by Obama who weaponized FBI CIA NSA DOJ IRS against his opponent and against democracy and the American voter. you put away your integrity values (if any) when the other party does not agree with you???? NAZI] [tweet: 988879249959354368, from: @guidot124 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:36:00(HIGH,0,1,0) @GeorgeTakei Attacked "our" communities, institutions & values? Which planet are you from?] [tweet: 988869525474103296, from: @yastreblyansky (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:57:21(HIGH,0,1,0) If it's secret, what's your source for the numbers?] [tweet: 988855290249572352, from: @marcgiller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:00:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Tom Wolfe said that when he admitted voting for George W. Bush at a Manhattan cocktail party, his hostess looked at him as if he had confessed to being a child molester. So yeah, Takei is full of crap.] [tweet: 988847997415899136, from: @hardenunderwood (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:31:49(HIGH,0,1,0) George... maybe your values are just crap.] [tweet: 988847270857715714, from: @thebestrumphole (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:28:55(HIGH,0,1,0) You're probably right. But remind me again what happened to the Dixie chicks? I forget.] [tweet: 988845725348978689, from: @theposieparker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:47(HIGH,0,1,0) To be fair I'd be as concerned if someone said they worked in Hollywood. Woke misogynist bros... shudder.] [tweet: 988885438072086530, from: @gimblin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 02:00:35(HIGH,0,0,0) LOL! Sulu never heard of "Chimpy McBushHitler"! Right!] [tweet: 988872764349005824, from: @hberica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:10:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Ben, please go to Washington and help clean up the swamp! America needs you!] [tweet: 988872023198793733, from: @rabidcow1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:07:17(HIGH,0,0,0) I feel like I need to wash my phone having just seen George’s name pop up. Please Ben never ever bring him on our timelines again.] [tweet: 988870175444303877, from: @janilinderpoo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:59:56(HIGH,0,0,0) I really believe that the Hollywood elite spew what they're told to spew to save their jobs. The elite have "handlers" to keep them in line and employed, and if they don't walk the line then they never get work in that town again.....] [tweet: 988862597146460160, from: @dgoldgorin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:29:49(HIGH,0,0,0) All they did was blame Bush for everything during Obama's two terms. Now he's accepted?] [tweet: 988856362145808387, from: @mrwillbury (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:05:03(HIGH,0,0,0) That’s BS Sulu. You need to be beamed back to Uranus.] [tweet: 988854056453107712, from: @jamesfswilson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:53(HIGH,0,0,0) He said entertainers, not staffers. If this was the case there would be stories about this backlash. Sources?] [tweet: 988853933857759232, from: @jsm4truth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:24(HIGH,0,0,0) What George fails to understand is that Trump has done more for this country than he and his fellow Star Trek cast. I love Star Trek but given the choice, I'd rather have 4 more years of Trump than one now Star Trek movie. Why? Because America and real values are more important.] [tweet: 988853913863442432, from: @mlicariesq (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:55:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Maybe George W Bush after the Iraq ar turned out to be a farce. Certainly not during W's beginning of his first term and certainly not Papa Bush.] [tweet: 988852844903055362, from: @ny6964black (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:51:04(HIGH,0,0,0) How has trump attacked communities???? be specific!! STHU!!] [tweet: 988852391096172544, from: @latinaliberty (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:49:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Yup.] [tweet: 988852330312351744, from: @barkleypeigi (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:49:02(HIGH,0,0,0) How exactly did he attack our communities and institutions?] [tweet: 988850834283810816, from: @jwerz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:43:05(HIGH,0,0,0) Do you expect anything less from @georgetakei ? Nobody listens to this nut job!?!?!] [tweet: 988850729128484864, from: @bulldogg444 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:42:40(HIGH,0,0,0) George] [tweet: 988850552560812033, from: @gdub (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:41:58(HIGH,0,0,0) "Literally THOUSANDS", and how do you know this? I worked in Silicon Valley throughout the Bush years and I didn't meet any Bush supporters who were afraid to express their opinions. Literally ZERO--but I will qualify that by saying I didn't know THOUSANDS of people while there.] [tweet: 988850529810894849, from: @lrelias3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:41:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump never attacked anyone's 'community, institution or values'. What a load of BS!] [tweet: 988850464585371648, from: @keasmom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:41:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump is disassembling the massive human/child sex trafficking ring that FUELS Hollywood, they are all mad about their pedovores being exposed.] [tweet: 988850406288637953, from: @x_files_girl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:41:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Instead of "Island of Misfit toys" it's "La La land of the delusional".] [tweet: 988850268107411457, from: @gavelhunter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:40:50(HIGH,0,0,0) Remember what happened to the Dixie chicks when they criticized Bush?] [tweet: 988850241087590400, from: @mwbank (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:40:44(HIGH,0,0,0) Uh, nevermind how it's "utter crap" for its description of what Trump has supposedly done...] [tweet: 988850100716752896, from: @johnjnovak2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:40:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Hollywood Staffers Living in Fear for being Republican. Sounds like a click bait headline for your website.] [tweet: 988850098099630080, from: @k_brinst (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:40:09(HIGH,0,0,0) Deservedly so] [tweet: 988849213692874752, from: @johnmorrow17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:36:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Bush derangement syndrome morphed into Trump derangement syndrome & will happen to the next Republican President regardless of who it is.] [tweet: 988849121946615809, from: @donskippywater (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:36:17(HIGH,0,0,0) How do you know this? Amazing that this assertion is sufficiently supported (in your mind), but a corroborated story about the Starbucks incident required video proof.] [tweet: 988848669796503553, from: @realleogarc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:34:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Illegal aliens are not communities, the gov't is not an institution and liberalism is not a value..@GeorgeTakei] [tweet: 988848666176819201, from: @barband49536936 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:34:28(HIGH,0,0,0) God, how old are you?] [tweet: 988848366091202561, from: @natewatkins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:33:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Ooh, now do the Dixie Chicks...] [tweet: 988848149090447360, from: @istherebutterin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:32:25(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988847895418982400, from: @adamisnottaken (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:31:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Reminder, Takei is a serial sex offender.] [tweet: 988847799033774080, from: @sicani6 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:31:01(HIGH,0,0,0) Name all thousand please. Waiting, still waiting. Source???] [tweet: 988847040544362497, from: @mecalnan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:28:01(HIGH,0,0,0) The quislings have short memories....@GeorgeTakei …] [tweet: 988846942930153472, from: @bryanpaysen (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:27:37(HIGH,0,0,0) It hasn't been safe for someone to have a conservative bumper sticker in Los Angeles county in the past 15+ years. I roll down my windows and blast AM radio as I drive by in an attempt to passively convey my political opinions.] [tweet: 988846883564072960, from: @craigmillerlaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:27:23(HIGH,0,0,0) THOUSANDS. Really? You know that for a fact?] [tweet: 988846861938249728, from: @edrouant (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:27:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Take I blocked me the day he said he was being hounded by Russian bots. What did he say this time?] [tweet: 988846778807177216, from: @putins_bitch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:58(HIGH,0,0,0) No] [tweet: 988845842273591297, from: @ckcohen1972 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:23:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Sulu be trippin'.] [tweet: 988845656251879425, from: @courageforl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:30(HIGH,0,0,0) why are we acknowledging this irrelevant twit - is it because we're so dumbfounded by his nonsense - Takei is a fringe voice at best - all noise no signal] [tweet: 988845397358477312, from: @lorensethc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:29(HIGH,0,0,0) gotta love revisionist history where Chimpy McBushitler is now seen as noble and respectable, and of course the Dems treated him respectfully not unlike the evil new Hitler of Trump] [tweet: 988845381298671616, from: @themohill (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:25(HIGH,0,0,0) It was so common that in season 4 of Curb Your Enthusiam, Larry David wouldn’t have sex with a woman after he found out she was a Bush voting Republican.] [tweet: 988845379511713792, from: @kingtutsucks (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:24(HIGH,0,0,0) They still do. Many have to shield themselves anonymously to prevent liberal lynching.] [tweet: 988851119345483778, from: @hilohaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:44:13(HIGH,2,7,1) Rewriting history (a.k.a., lying) is one of leftists' favorite methods.] [tweet: 988868387227881472, from: @hilohaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:52:50(HIGH,0,0,1) Ad hominem attacks, baseless accusations, and projection of their own faults onto the opposition are other favorite tactics.] [tweet: 988850345836236804, from: @60shadesof_gray (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:41:09(HIGH,0,8,1) Matt stone and Trey Parker said they used to go to Hollywood parties and pretty much clear out rooms by being like "so I think bush is doing a pretty good job"] [tweet: 988845664904929280, from: @hashtagglorious (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:33(HIGH,0,5,1) What galaxy is this guy living in? One far, far away? . . . . . Yes, I'm trolling.] [tweet: 988845236041338881, from: @dralexmanners (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:20:50(HIGH,1,6,1) I love this revisionist history about how they didn’t constantly act like Bush 43 was Adolf Hitler reincarnate constantly during his time in office] [tweet: 988845437825290240, from: @kerrywmoss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:38(HIGH,0,3,2) You don't think the same was true for Obama supporters in rural communities? Obama supporters in many police precincts?] [tweet: 988845088792109056, from: @bryanbabb316 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:20:15(HIGH,0,1,1) I live in fear of being discovered as a Shapiro supporter because then all my friends will come to me for their political commentary.] [tweet: 988848171697618944, from: @tahomabays (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:32:30(HIGH,0,0,1) Name 1 thousand of them. OK I'll make it easier, name 10!] [tweet: 988846631901650945, from: @overtaxed1000 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:23(HIGH,0,1,1) "We are not in ordinary times". The new resistance motto, every Leftist is saying this now. Other than the group shart that is the Left, what exactly is so "not ordinary" about our current times?] [tweet: 988846602663153664, from: @budfoxx87 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:16(LOW,0,6,0) Just think how much worse it would have been if social media was as it big as it is today back in 2000-2008. That’s whats scary.] [tweet: 988845686698528769, from: @devvoflava (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:38(LOW,0,5,0) Dixie Chicks] [tweet: 988847376474476544, from: @truther_dare (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:29:21(LOW,1,3,0) Michael Moore got booed off stage at the Oscars for expressing his opposition to the war in Iraq in 2004 The Dixie Chicks basically lost their career for publicly opposing Bush. Facts don’t care about your feelings] [tweet: 988849383918751745, from: @phinsup70207 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:37:19(LOW,0,2,0) George lives in an echo chamber so no surprise with his idiotic and senile statement.] [tweet: 988848816659906560, from: @thebarkybark (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:35:04(LOW,0,1,0) hahaha...George Takei has values??? hahahaha] [tweet: 988847698290860033, from: @philipj13815947 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:30:37(LOW,0,1,0) George your just bat crazy!!] [tweet: 988847668171599874, from: @duke9555 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:30:30(LOW,0,1,0) Takei is a tired old queen] [tweet: 988846847937662977, from: @bmac5611 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:27:15(LOW,0,1,0) Never mind an entertainer no one should care who a Canadian would’ve voted for. And George is full of shit] [tweet: 988845724157857792, from: @john_reddick (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:22:47(LOW,0,1,0) Ben speaks with authority on this, having written a well-researched book on just this subject. Takei's assertion is at best naïve, and more likely deliberately deceptive.] [tweet: 988883598710362112, from: @indymillburray (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:53:17(LOW,0,0,0) Yea! Not to mention the bs imbedded within the rest of the tweet] [tweet: 988882420031246336, from: @vin_nyc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:48:36(LOW,0,0,0) That’s right. The Hollywood Left completely embraced George Bush, his supporters and never took issue with him or the Republicans when he was POTUS.] [tweet: 988882291245174784, from: @dkleinmeyer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:48:05(LOW,0,0,0) George crawl back under the rock you’ve been hiding under, it misses you!!] [tweet: 988882221720395778, from: @tatecasey4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:47:48(LOW,0,0,0) George, A lot of us are old enough to remember when Hollywood elites bullied anyone who voted for Bush. You are full of crap] [tweet: 988880320798908417, from: @mtublacksheep (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:40:15(LOW,0,0,0) The worst part is that @GeorgeTakei knows it is bullshit. He would have been first in line to badger hell out of them.] [tweet: 988873749406601218, from: @timewithtravis (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:14:08(LOW,0,0,0) Apparently he doesn’t remember when the Bush’s were racists who singlehandedly destroyed New Orleans with a hurricane.] [tweet: 988872251721170944, from: @hincetopher (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:08:11(LOW,0,0,0) I'm blocked, what did he George say?] [tweet: 988870511412334594, from: @branicole (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:01:16(LOW,0,0,0) He forget about the Bush Derangement syndrome in Hollywood during the Bush years.] [tweet: 988870234827194368, from: @7stepdrop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:00:10(LOW,0,0,0) I only watched Hollywood movies and I was scared of being found out.] [tweet: 988870201356816385, from: @nutzopalace (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:00:02(LOW,0,0,0) Entertainer != staffer makes your whole counter argument invalid. Also you didn't present any facts about the THOUSANDS] [tweet: 988868763343728640, from: @yawndogg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:54:20(LOW,0,0,0) LOL lived in fear my god what that must have been like?] totalReplies=226 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= The left is trying their best to demonize President Trump and his supporters. They have placed themselves in strategic positions especially during Obama’s presidency. Many appear fanatical and infected with some type of mental illness. It’s beyond comprehension by rational people ranking=18.281579049783282 from {coleman=0.92, cos=0.22, smog=1.21, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.44, pop=2.20, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.54, lix=0.07, time=1.22, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.76} orders: orig=23, rank=1, date=63 I remember literally the day after Bush won people were marching and protesting wearing shirts reading "Not MY president" and holding signs reading "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him." When Democrats aren't busy trying to silence opposing voices they are rewriting history. ranking=18.149556150178494 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0.41, smog=1.32, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.54, pop=3.78, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.46, ari=0.65, lix=0.11, time=1.65, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.75} orders: orig=78, rank=2, date=29 We all know how tolerant they are at Berkley ,USC, UCLA to Conservative Voices. Takei, what happened to u? I was in Alaska on a cruise ship years ago with u(u were Star Trek Man on Cruise).WE shared Chopper over Mendenhall Glacier& talked. I had no idea Ude become this ranking=16.867113397876103 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=5.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.38} orders: orig=25, rank=3, date=24 There were multiple episodes of Scrubs from the time that Elliot (played by @sarahchalke) feared that she would be discovered as a Republican. There was a “coming out” episode where her best friends looked at her in disgust ranking=15.757890376267412 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.39, pop=3.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.77, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.59} orders: orig=79, rank=4, date=19 @GeorgeTakei is old enough to remember the Bush hatred days. Wasn't as intense as today but the Bush backlash was just as real. Take off the gauzy history glasses. The Hollywood liberal attacks are as old as Takei. Almost. ranking=15.632274238049385 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.63, smog=0.72, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.89, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=8, rank=5, date=85 Matt stone and Trey Parker said they used to go to Hollywood parties and pretty much clear out rooms by being like "so I think bush is doing a pretty good job" ranking=15.48358080209526 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.48, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.51, pop=3.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.66, lix=0.06, time=1.11, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.70} orders: orig=132, rank=6, date=71 And by contrast, how many entertainers have been ostracized in Hollywood (and elsewhere) for speaking against Obama/Hilary or speaking for Bush/Trump? ranking=15.207607082465218 from {coleman=0.82, cos=0.31, smog=1.40, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.58, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.69, lix=0.99, time=1.76, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.80} orders: orig=77, rank=7, date=20 "Literally THOUSANDS", and how do you know this? I worked in Silicon Valley throughout the Bush years and I didn't meet any Bush supporters who were afraid to express their opinions. Literally ZERO--but I will qualify that by saying I didn't know THOUSANDS of people while there. ranking=14.843982643767122 from {coleman=0.59, cos=1.37, smog=1.01, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.31, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.40, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.52} orders: orig=104, rank=8, date=75 george Takei your values??? Corruption at the highest level of gov by Obama who weaponized FBI CIA NSA DOJ IRS against his opponent and against democracy and the American voter. you put away your integrity values (if any) when the other party does not agree with you???? NAZI ranking=14.498594652194656 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.21, smog=1.07, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.39, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.33, ari=0.40, lix=0.05, time=0.20, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.57} orders: orig=83, rank=9, date=143 "We are not in ordinary times". The new resistance motto, every Leftist is saying this now. Other than the group shart that is the Left, what exactly is so "not ordinary" about our current times? ranking=14.431957221328412 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.27, pop=1.95, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.40} orders: orig=138, rank=10, date=28 Bush derangement syndrome morphed into Trump derangement syndrome & will happen to the next Republican President regardless of who it is. ranking=14.328454942417936 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0.27, smog=1.52, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.67, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.78, lix=0.99, time=1.24, numword=2.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.90} orders: orig=112, rank=11, date=61 Michael Moore got booed off stage at the Oscars for expressing his opposition to the war in Iraq in 2004 The Dixie Chicks basically lost their career for publicly opposing Bush. Facts don’t care about your feelings ranking=13.544396302450563 from {pop=2.20, coleman=0.62, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0.23, smog=1.07, ari=0.50, lix=0.05, time=1.53, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.42, fog=0.58} orders: orig=141, rank=12, date=38 @GeorgeTakei Are you kidding me? What planet are you living on?! And Georgie Porgie-Hollywood has 'values'??? You all value MONEY & FAME and all that comes with it. But there IS a God who is taking note & judgment day is coming: … ranking=13.51275927485915 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.08, pop=1.61, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.15} orders: orig=24, rank=13, date=53 I love this revisionist history about how they didn’t constantly act like Bush 43 was Adolf Hitler reincarnate constantly during his time in office ranking=13.502588175902174 from {pop=3.00, coleman=0.72, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, cos=0.27, smog=1.07, ari=0.71, lix=0.08, time=1.94, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.59, fog=0.63} orders: orig=134, rank=14, date=6 What George fails to understand is that Trump has done more for this country than he and his fellow Star Trek cast. I love Star Trek but given the choice, I'd rather have 4 more years of Trump than one now Star Trek movie. Why? Because America and real values are more important. ranking=13.493142379307631 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.77, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.19, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.38} orders: orig=97, rank=15, date=93 It was so common that in season 4 of Curb Your Enthusiam, Larry David wouldn’t have sex with a woman after he found out she was a Bush voting Republican. ranking=13.440449811560388 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0.62, smog=1.07, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.58, lix=0.05, time=1.89, numword=3.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.72} orders: orig=128, rank=16, date=10 I live in fear of being discovered as a Shapiro supporter because then all my friends will come to me for their political commentary. ranking=13.273897758556473 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.36, smog=1.40, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.55, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.41, ari=0.60, lix=0.10, time=1.95, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.81} orders: orig=136, rank=17, date=5 gotta love revisionist history where Chimpy McBushitler is now seen as noble and respectable, and of course the Dems treated him respectfully not unlike the evil new Hitler of Trump ranking=12.83660783652932 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=1.40, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.65, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.86, lix=0.09, time=1.87, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.87} orders: orig=127, rank=18, date=11 And those that did, immediately apologized because of the backlash. And let us not forget the treatment @kanyewest @OfficialMLK3 and @IAmSteveHarvey received just for meeting with Trump. ranking=12.820172527235584 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.40, lix=0.07, time=1.72, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41} orders: orig=16, rank=19, date=23 You don't think the same was true for Obama supporters in rural communities? Obama supporters in many police precincts? ranking=12.813148834412265 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0.55, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.38, pop=2.77, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.51} orders: orig=135, rank=20, date=12 Ben have you ever worked in Hollywood? I knew dozens of these people. None of them lived in fear of being discovered. Quit lying to pander to your base. ranking=12.795122027606567 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.83, smog=0.69, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.61, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.28} orders: orig=54, rank=21, date=97 Correct. I am a Hollywood staffer who lived this too. In fact, some of my bosses openly expressed “their disappointment in me”. ranking=12.603356294024204 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.71, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.79, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.33} orders: orig=10, rank=22, date=118 You're wrong, Ben. How would know anyway? Rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite? Utter crap of the highest order is your thing, loser. ranking=12.592058512847602 from {coleman=0.58, cos=1.43, smog=0.57, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.19, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.20} orders: orig=51, rank=23, date=102 It hasn't been safe for someone to have a conservative bumper sticker in Los Angeles county in the past 15+ years. I roll down my windows and blast AM radio as I drive by in an attempt to passively convey my political opinions. ranking=12.563856933577584 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=1.17, ari=0.44, lix=0.07, time=1.58, numword=4.00, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.45, fog=0.65} orders: orig=121, rank=24, date=34 For the entire GWB presidency we heard the same "He's an illegitimate President", "He's just like Hitler", "He's a racist", etc. that we hear from the left today. Change the record. ranking=12.478239014495776 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.34, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.35, lix=0, time=0.61, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.49} orders: orig=11, rank=25, date=111 Rewriting history (a.k.a., lying) is one of leftists' favorite methods. ranking=12.359280721957784 from {coleman=0.88, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.44, pop=3.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, ari=0.49, lix=0.99, time=1.01, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.62} orders: orig=130, rank=26, date=79 Don't forget they did some viral compilation of videos and photos saying "sorry" to the rest of the world. It was vitriolic and hateful then, but time is a magical salve, apparently. ranking=12.313753975671377 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.40, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.63} orders: orig=31, rank=27, date=152 Ah, more proof these "entertainers" arent saying these things because they are stupid. They say these things because they know most of the people who follow them will believe everything they say without doing research. ranking=12.309535714556972 from {coleman=0.72, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.39, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.57, lix=0.05, time=0.91, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.46} orders: orig=20, rank=28, date=87 Ben speaks with authority on this, having written a well-researched book on just this subject. Takei's assertion is at best naïve, and more likely deliberately deceptive. ranking=12.218908143050374 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.39, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.40, lix=0.05, time=1.78, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.57} orders: orig=147, rank=29, date=18 What galaxy is this guy living in? One far, far away? . . . . . Yes, I'm trolling. ranking=12.210666741998022 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.01, pop=2.71, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.01, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.07} orders: orig=133, rank=30, date=15 There's something wrong with you When you refer to "My community" it implies that you consider yourself to be an elitist. We are all in the same country with the same President. Do what you can to support him and our great nation. ranking=12.101636904754962 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=1.01, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.29, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.05, time=0.67, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.52} orders: orig=48, rank=31, date=106 Phil Donahue was fired from MSNBC for criticizing the Iraq War. Spare us the lecture, dude. ranking=12.031588123997519 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.29} orders: orig=80, rank=32, date=13 Ad hominem attacks, baseless accusations, and projection of their own faults onto the opposition are other favorite tactics. ranking=12.002860590635802 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=1.64, kincaid=0.72, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.76, ari=0.74, lix=0.99, time=0.51, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.03} orders: orig=131, rank=33, date=119 @GeorgeTakei Then why did we have to meet in secret? Why were paparazzi hiding in the bushes trying to "out" anyone who wasn't "left?" Why do I know so many people who were actually fired for not being a far-left democrat? ranking=11.999193182233563 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.85, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.36} orders: orig=19, rank=34, date=92 That’s right. The Hollywood Left completely embraced George Bush, his supporters and never took issue with him or the Republicans when he was POTUS. ranking=11.964897557101361 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0.89, smog=1.07, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.34, jrw=0.38, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.58} orders: orig=149, rank=35, date=150 Tom Wolfe said that when he admitted voting for George W. Bush at a Manhattan cocktail party, his hostess looked at him as if he had confessed to being a child molester. So yeah, Takei is full of crap. ranking=11.649681972139717 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0.50, smog=0.75, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.36} orders: orig=86, rank=36, date=98 Trump is disassembling the massive human/child sex trafficking ring that FUELS Hollywood, they are all mad about their pedovores being exposed. ranking=11.490701909871225 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0.31, smog=1.40, jac=0.44, kincaid=0.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, ari=0.72, lix=0.09, time=1.09, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.80} orders: orig=106, rank=37, date=73 The left has always been hateful and intolerant. This is not Trump’s fault. ranking=11.377456715706701 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=3.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.45} orders: orig=72, rank=38, date=80 I really believe that the Hollywood elite spew what they're told to spew to save their jobs. The elite have "handlers" to keep them in line and employed, and if they don't walk the line then they never get work in that town again..... ranking=11.30066708617248 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0.21, smog=0.69, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.33, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.47} orders: orig=93, rank=39, date=124 Sulu is senile. He should’ve kept his phaser on gum. He’s as relevant as a hubcap. ranking=11.259235366154613 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.11, pop=2.71, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.24} orders: orig=9, rank=40, date=26 Ah Tokey just like the sound of being wrong. When you're reduced to living off of convention appearances and store openings you tend to get bitter. ranking=11.092985924895506 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.49} orders: orig=68, rank=41, date=25 Because their ideas are far superior to conservatives, the ends justify the means. He’s just justifying the liberal tactic of bullying. ranking=10.96021268189971 from {coleman=0.80, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.45, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.45, lix=0.08, time=0.28, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.60} orders: orig=37, rank=42, date=137 "If you're not with us, you're against us!" They should put @GeorgeTakei in charge of a committee to just ask people to come clean: Are you now or have you ever been a Trump supporter? ranking=10.886729839727973 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.38} orders: orig=14, rank=43, date=47 Uh, nevermind how it's "utter crap" for its description of what Trump has supposedly done... ranking=10.871449178969511 from {coleman=0.64, cos=0.76, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.38, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=1.14, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.80, fog=0.71} orders: orig=109, rank=44, date=69 How do you know this? Amazing that this assertion is sufficiently supported (in your mind), but a corroborated story about the Starbucks incident required video proof. ranking=10.692047653054155 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=1.17, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.49, lix=0.07, time=1.25, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.64} orders: orig=113, rank=45, date=60 Entertainer != staffer makes your whole counter argument invalid. Also you didn't present any facts about the THOUSANDS ranking=10.552561698284094 from {coleman=0.92, cos=0.32, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.52, ari=0.43, lix=0.09, time=0.43, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.48} orders: orig=157, rank=46, date=125 they called george bush a murderer & war criminal every day ranking=10.496430319465901 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0.38, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.60} orders: orig=60, rank=47, date=88 To be fair I'd be as concerned if someone said they worked in Hollywood. Woke misogynist bros... shudder. ranking=10.426020238574804 from {coleman=0.60, cos=0.36, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.25, lix=0.05, time=1.80, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41} orders: orig=89, rank=48, date=17 They still do. Many have to shield themselves anonymously to prevent liberal lynching. ranking=10.382483416618971 from {coleman=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.40, lix=0.08, time=1.90, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.59} orders: orig=129, rank=49, date=9 Apparently he doesn’t remember when the Bush’s were racists who singlehandedly destroyed New Orleans with a hurricane. ranking=10.361365916698096 from {coleman=0.94, cos=0, smog=1.40, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.69, lix=0.99, time=0.30, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.83} orders: orig=153, rank=50, date=135 Never mind an entertainer no one should care who a Canadian would’ve voted for. And George is full of shit ranking=10.3467215868326 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.40} orders: orig=146, rank=51, date=31 Hollywood Staffers Living in Fear for being Republican. Sounds like a click bait headline for your website. ranking=10.335659723419763 from {coleman=0.75, cos=0.97, smog=0.85, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=1.16, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41} orders: orig=110, rank=52, date=67 why are we acknowledging this irrelevant twit - is it because we're so dumbfounded by his nonsense - Takei is a fringe voice at best - all noise no signal ranking=10.238737784139243 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.64, lix=0.08, time=1.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.67} orders: orig=126, rank=53, date=14 Ask him how the great @RealJamesWoods career has gone since he publicly supported Conservatives ranking=10.111283892387638 from {coleman=0.73, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.38, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.47, lix=0.05, time=1.05, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41} orders: orig=22, rank=54, date=76 Remember what happened to the Dixie chicks when they criticized Bush? ranking=10.056310182739935 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, cos=0.44, smog=1.07, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=1.13, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.58} orders: orig=108, rank=55, date=70 He forget about the Bush Derangement syndrome in Hollywood during the Bush years. ranking=10.054947235722729 from {coleman=0.75, cos=1.07, smog=1.07, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.47, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.50, ari=0.49, lix=0.05, time=0.41, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.57} orders: orig=155, rank=56, date=127 Just think how much worse it would have been if social media was as it big as it is today back in 2000-2008. That’s whats scary. ranking=10.037230225737368 from {pop=2.48, coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.24} orders: orig=139, rank=57, date=27 This old Queen would rather have the disastrous Obama years. ranking=9.974712010357948 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.40} orders: orig=1, rank=58, date=105 George lives in an echo chamber so no surprise with his idiotic and senile statement. ranking=9.820995798293863 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.38, ari=0.40, lix=0.07, time=1.23, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.57} orders: orig=142, rank=59, date=62 Illegal aliens are not communities, the gov't is not an institution and liberalism is not a value..@GeorgeTakei ranking=9.651658208364763 from {coleman=0.59, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.57, cos=0, smog=1.40, ari=0.43, lix=0.07, time=1.30, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.57, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.82} orders: orig=114, rank=60, date=56 I remember back in day when i watched the View and Rosie spewed and spit about Bush. Counting deaths of soldiers. ranking=9.641216469203092 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.31, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.16, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=81, rank=61, date=129 George, A lot of us are old enough to remember when Hollywood elites bullied anyone who voted for Bush. You are full of crap ranking=9.61191424623904 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.89, smog=0.97, jac=0.47, kincaid=0.24, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.49} orders: orig=151, rank=62, date=148 Well, we know George doesn't like bush... ranking=9.551316096647055 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.48, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=3.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.12} orders: orig=27, rank=63, date=22 Look, I work in film and have known right wingers in my industry for years. This is BS. ranking=9.524370357926937 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.05, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.18} orders: orig=71, rank=64, date=40 Indeed. It’s odd the left now seems to be fondly remembering Bush now. ranking=9.52059977761486 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0.32, smog=0.69, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.07, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.29} orders: orig=41, rank=65, date=133 I’m disappointed that I ever watched Star Trek George. Now that I know you are nothing but a communist dunder head that is okay with people you perceive as below you starving to death. ranking=9.384958815656296 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.38, lix=0.05, time=0.01, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45} orders: orig=29, rank=66, date=158 Maybe George W Bush after the Iraq ar turned out to be a farce. Certainly not during W's beginning of his first term and certainly not Papa Bush. ranking=9.372501707287007 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.49, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.23, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.34} orders: orig=98, rank=67, date=91 The Left seems to forget the tidal wave of bile they threw at George W every day of his Presidency ranking=9.325716380650373 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.35, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.50} orders: orig=13, rank=68, date=146 @GeorgeTakei Attacked "our" communities, institutions & values? Which planet are you from? ranking=9.231329611482833 from {coleman=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.44, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.59, ari=0.49, lix=0.05, time=0.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50} orders: orig=84, rank=69, date=142 I only watched Hollywood movies and I was scared of being found out. ranking=9.156253887036947 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0.96, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.10, fog=0.41} orders: orig=156, rank=70, date=126 Weren't there celebrities who said they'd leave the country if Bush won? ranking=9.111824950606012 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0.48, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.89, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.40} orders: orig=59, rank=71, date=89 You're probably right. But remind me again what happened to the Dixie chicks? I forget. ranking=9.06080801540021 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.56, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.09} orders: orig=88, rank=72, date=36 @RealJamesWoods is one of the few outspoken, and thank you Mr. Woods … ranking=8.701469064555074 from {pop=2.77, coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.40} orders: orig=73, rank=73, date=59 Trump never attacked anyone's 'community, institution or values'. What a load of BS! ranking=8.594696924593775 from {coleman=0.66, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.40, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.45} orders: orig=105, rank=74, date=74 He said entertainers, not staffers. If this was the case there would be stories about this backlash. Sources? ranking=8.59041780105985 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0.44, smog=0.62, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.23} orders: orig=96, rank=75, date=94 How has trump attacked communities???? be specific!! STHU!! ranking=8.548924645078017 from {coleman=0.83, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.44, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.29, lix=0.06, time=0.92, numword=0, kincaid=0.31, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.55} orders: orig=99, rank=76, date=86 Reminder, Takei is a serial sex offender. ranking=8.512527501067884 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.21, lix=0.05, time=1.44, numword=0, kincaid=0.37, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.71} orders: orig=118, rank=77, date=45 Does he not remember the Dixie Chicks? ranking=8.381572360881169 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43} orders: orig=75, rank=78, date=37 What’s everyone’s opinion on the British baby being taken off life support? ranking=8.362199329657065 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.29, lix=0.06, time=1.99, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40} orders: orig=69, rank=79, date=2 Except for #ClintEastwood. He gave exactly 0 ****'s about what Hollywood thought of him. ranking=8.309133550753863 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.40, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.17, lix=0.05, time=0.70, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.28} orders: orig=49, rank=80, date=104 Fascinating - Leftists actually speaks about GWB like he is left of @RubinReport and similar people. ranking=8.159448777468699 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.40, ari=0.47, lix=0.07, time=0.27, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.57} orders: orig=17, rank=81, date=138 I feel like I need to wash my phone having just seen George’s name pop up. Please Ben never ever bring him on our timelines again. ranking=8.03054639791188 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.22, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.33} orders: orig=92, rank=82, date=128 Sorry, Everybody: An Apology to the World for the Re-Election of George W. Bush … ranking=8.019243959903568 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.06, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.40} orders: orig=32, rank=83, date=154 Uh Oh... Crazy @GeorgeTakai got "yard privileges" at The Home again. He really needs to be sedated 24/7 for his own good. ranking=7.960275097240467 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.23} orders: orig=46, rank=84, date=110 Name all thousand please. Waiting, still waiting. Source??? ranking=7.912356619198311 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.35, lix=0.06, time=1.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.05} orders: orig=119, rank=85, date=44 Damn, I was blocked by @GeorgeTakei last year so I can't see what Ben is referring to. … ranking=7.817692242091165 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.43} orders: orig=21, rank=86, date=81 Take I blocked me the day he said he was being hounded by Russian bots. What did he say this time? ranking=7.704531841470765 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.92, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.21} orders: orig=123, rank=87, date=32 LOL lived in fear my god what that must have been like? ranking=7.688146613686586 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.90, cos=0.87, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.49, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=2.50, fog=0.24} orders: orig=158, rank=88, date=120 @MelissaJoanHart supported Bob Dole in 1996. Ask her how that was recieved. ranking=7.592085874353493 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.11} orders: orig=82, rank=89, date=57 How exactly did he attack our communities and institutions? ranking=7.583096880211947 from {coleman=0.85, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.62, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.46, lix=0.07, time=0.97, numword=0, kincaid=0.51, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.62} orders: orig=101, rank=90, date=82 All they did was blame Bush for everything during Obama's two terms. Now he's accepted? ranking=7.579359131875343 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0.38, smog=0.69, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.16, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=94, rank=91, date=112 Name 1 thousand of them. OK I'll make it easier, name 10! ranking=7.579222521179786 from {pop=1.61, coleman=0.25, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.11} orders: orig=137, rank=92, date=49 George... maybe your values are just crap. ranking=7.478796942557716 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0.48, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.14} orders: orig=87, rank=93, date=46 Do you expect anything less from @georgetakei ? Nobody listens to this nut job!?!?! ranking=7.448806456983611 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.29} orders: orig=102, rank=94, date=78 As if anyone working in Hollywood would waste their time talking to you ranking=7.375696653459137 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0.44, smog=0.85, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.63, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.41} orders: orig=47, rank=95, date=109 The worst part is that @GeorgeTakei knows it is bullshit. He would have been first in line to badger hell out of them. ranking=7.253659781357882 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.22} orders: orig=152, rank=96, date=144 .@GeorgeTakei Must wear blinders and earplugs so he is not aware of the actuality around him. ranking=7.250338355717788 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.19, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=56, rank=97, date=96 Instead of "Island of Misfit toys" it's "La La land of the delusional". ranking=7.164425880289976 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41} orders: orig=107, rank=98, date=72 LOL! Sulu never heard of "Chimpy McBushHitler"! Right! ranking=7.080862866227808 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.30} orders: orig=90, rank=99, date=156 Oh, my. Set phasers to "fun". ranking=7.023073964781493 from {coleman=0.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=2.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, ari=-0.25, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.06} orders: orig=4, rank=100, date=115 THOUSANDS. Really? You know that for a fact? ranking=6.987119609352275 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0.53, smog=0.30, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.59, numword=0, kincaid=-0.06, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.05} orders: orig=122, rank=101, date=33 Ben, please go to Washington and help clean up the swamp! America needs you! ranking=6.891101852261043 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.12, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43} orders: orig=91, rank=102, date=132 Uhh, not to mention Shania Twain being shamed into apologizing less than a week ago… ranking=6.736627325437657 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.30, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.43} orders: orig=35, rank=103, date=141 THEY WANTED HIM IMPEACHED AS A WAR CRIMINAL. ranking=6.3846867092705 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.41, mostlycaps=-3} orders: orig=74, rank=104, date=3 Hmmmm makes you wonder the extent of that love ranking=6.357721975367161 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18} orders: orig=3, rank=105, date=108 @GeorgeTakei molested any more young men lately? Go back into hiding monster ranking=6.234454344073647 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.11} orders: orig=44, rank=106, date=114 “Thousands”... ranking=6.218093701826912 from {coleman=1.86, cos=1.07, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=1.15, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.02} orders: orig=62, rank=107, date=68 You know because you spent a lot of time in Hollywood back in the day? ranking=6.130394672372463 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0.40, smog=0.85, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.43} orders: orig=43, rank=108, date=122 That’s BS Sulu. You need to be beamed back to Uranus. ranking=6.063545549810616 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.30} orders: orig=95, rank=109, date=101 On a scale of 1 to 10, the left hated Bush at a 10, and hates Trump at a 10. The left doesn't do half-assed hate. ranking=5.94140621764747 from {coleman=0.03, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0.24, smog=0.30, ari=-0.11, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.24} orders: orig=36, rank=110, date=140 Yeah, revisionist history ranking=5.8588042030747856 from {coleman=1.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.73, lix=0.99, time=1.20, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.73} orders: orig=63, rank=111, date=64 Revisionist history much, @GeorgeTakei ranking=5.836019392948204 from {coleman=1.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.73, lix=0.99, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.73} orders: orig=66, rank=112, date=50 We know for a fact that @GeorgeTakei hates BUSH! ranking=5.43673031610333 from {coleman=0.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0.53, smog=0.30, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.16} orders: orig=57, rank=113, date=95 Yea! Not to mention the bs imbedded within the rest of the tweet ranking=5.423733130477117 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.13} orders: orig=148, rank=114, date=151 And the proof of this is? ranking=5.308030830348975 from {coleman=0.14, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.18, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12} orders: orig=26, rank=115, date=4 Takei is a tired old queen ranking=5.116343066635895 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.12} orders: orig=145, rank=116, date=41 George crawl back under the rock you’ve been hiding under, it misses you!! ranking=5.068519778481012 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.24} orders: orig=150, rank=117, date=149 lol "lived in fear" ranking=4.960549448752049 from {coleman=0.24, cos=1.23, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=2.60, fog=0.08} orders: orig=76, rank=118, date=1 Our real thought leaders like @benshapiro defended her rights ranking=4.922546439873417 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.36, lix=0.08, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.16} orders: orig=34, rank=119, date=145 Two totally different reasons ranking=4.703428728391242 from {coleman=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.56, lix=0.99, time=0.76, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.58} orders: orig=53, rank=120, date=99 @GeorgeTakei George is usually full of it. ranking=4.670317750180199 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.12} orders: orig=18, rank=121, date=117 If it's secret, what's your source for the numbers? ranking=4.6554505259487335 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14} orders: orig=85, rank=122, date=123 Deservedly so ranking=4.3168127473785844 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=1.04} orders: orig=111, rank=123, date=66 Ooh, now do the Dixie Chicks... ranking=4.28494694092827 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12} orders: orig=116, rank=124, date=51 You know this as a fact? ranking=4.165102152940429 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.12} orders: orig=38, rank=125, date=136 hahaha...George Takei has values??? hahahaha ranking=3.6268015278389143 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.69, fww=-5, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.54} orders: orig=143, rank=126, date=58 I think George got beamed up once to often. ranking=3.5121598452883256 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.15, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.18} orders: orig=33, rank=127, date=147 I'm blocked, what did he George say? ranking=3.3499469409282705 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.12} orders: orig=154, rank=128, date=130 Is George Taki that star wars guy? ranking=3.309919981916817 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.14} orders: orig=40, rank=129, date=134 For once, Ben is right ranking=3.0581251430865954 from {coleman=0.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=3.33, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.10} orders: orig=70, rank=130, date=7 Of course. He luuuuved Obama ranking=2.8938674254374854 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.02, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.66, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.05} orders: orig=2, rank=131, date=107 Source? ranking=2.738452554118603 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02} orders: orig=28, rank=132, date=8 Dixie Chicks ranking=2.7035866752725264 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.04} orders: orig=140, rank=133, date=16 TaKrapei ranking=2.549428481012658 from {coleman=1.57, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.84, lix=0.99, time=0.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.02} orders: orig=45, rank=134, date=113 Source? ranking=2.1504649594013534 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02} orders: orig=12, rank=135, date=65 Coming from an old queen! ranking=1.471967490827465 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10} orders: orig=15, rank=136, date=39 Agreed. Total bull ranking=0.9388354462618692 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.62, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.03} orders: orig=42, rank=137, date=131 The quislings have short memories....@GeorgeTakei … ranking=0.8869952531645571 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=0, kincaid=-0.00, fog=0.04} orders: orig=120, rank=138, date=35 Sulu be trippin'. ranking=0.7227187763713077 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.02, lix=0.05, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.06} orders: orig=125, rank=139, date=21 George your just bat crazy!! ranking=0.5060298387877927 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.10} orders: orig=144, rank=140, date=42 He’s still in Outer space ranking=-0.05442674050632945 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.08} orders: orig=50, rank=141, date=103 Lol its still worse ranking=-0.4256735759493675 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.08} orders: orig=64, rank=142, date=54 Dixie chicks right? ranking=-0.4734162447257384 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.06} orders: orig=61, rank=143, date=84 Lol ranking=-0.518636053476333 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02} orders: orig=5, rank=144, date=116 'Member when.... … ranking=-0.7092895569620254 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=0, kincaid=0.14, fog=0.04} orders: orig=52, rank=145, date=100 God, how old are you? ranking=-0.8936743037974693 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.24, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.10} orders: orig=115, rank=146, date=55 Yup. ranking=-1.8468246835443043 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.96, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.02} orders: orig=100, rank=147, date=83 … ranking=-1.9493670886075949 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=39, rank=148, date=155 … ranking=-1.9746835443037976 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=55, rank=149, date=157 The Friends of Abe … ranking=-2.013500632911394 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, jac=0.39, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.05, lix=0.05, time=0.08, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=30, rank=150, date=153 No ranking=-2.2059386075949377 from {coleman=-0.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.58, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02} orders: orig=124, rank=151, date=30 cc @PatriciaHeaton ranking=-2.2704955696202545 from {coleman=-0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.58, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02} orders: orig=67, rank=152, date=43 Oh my ... ranking=-2.690707278481013 from {coleman=-0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.55, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04} orders: orig=58, rank=153, date=90 ranking=-2.7468354430379747 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=7, rank=154, date=139 George ranking=-10.280875316455697 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.04, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.02} orders: orig=103, rank=155, date=77 ranking=-10.573077192716838 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.95, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.48, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=6, rank=156, date=121 ranking=-11.594936708860759 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=117, rank=157, date=48 ranking=-11.645569620253164 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.35, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=65, rank=158, date=52 |
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 11:03:17: Cool! Now do lying about the formation of the Iran nuclear deal. … | |||
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show totalRepliesActual=62 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988841529824497671, from: @brianjlow3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:06:07(HIGH,0,26,0) You mean that little thing preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and blowing Israel off the map? Cool story, bro.] [tweet: 988842108780982272, from: @arthur_klein1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:08:25(HIGH,0,15,0) What was the lie Ben ? it seems to me there is a copy of the whole JPOA that the countries signed and everyone can read it.] [tweet: 988847291627847680, from: @malachi400w (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:29:00(HIGH,0,7,0) Have you ever read the Iran Nuclear Deal, or are you too dense to do so for the sake of your narrative??] [tweet: 988843077371613189, from: @chasflemming (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:12:16(HIGH,0,3,0) So far, the only person I've seen saying Trump denied it is Comey. Do we have any other witnesses?] [tweet: 988841107617435649, from: @limptakes (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:26(HIGH,0,4,0) lol you sure got him, Ben. out of the park] [tweet: 988859484243091456, from: @zombieinjeans (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:17:27(HIGH,0,3,1) Why is the defense of trump always an attack on someone else. We get it, a lot of other people suck, all we want is for people to admit he sucks too. After that, we can discuss who really sucks more and why, including the long term effects on our political culture and what-not.] [tweet: 988851260613971969, from: @scottstoneba (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:44:47(HIGH,0,2,0) #whataboutism] [tweet: 988841343177768961, from: @mcgannoncannon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:05:22(HIGH,0,2,0)] [tweet: 988841460035473409, from: @asteriwilde (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:05:50(HIGH,0,2,2) i spent a night in moscow ^there, I have easily disproved the argument.] [tweet: 988845455634321409, from: @etcanhear (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:43(HIGH,0,1,0) Prove it] [tweet: 988843314941177857, from: @kevindagunny (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:13:12(HIGH,0,1,0) Didn’t Bloomberg submit a correction for their article about flight times.] [tweet: 988884703347343360, from: @silvermanclara (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:57:40(HIGH,0,0,0) LOL] [tweet: 988866154595737600, from: @usaf_dbw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:43:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Or You can keep your Doctor & Keep your plan.] [tweet: 988857533841494016, from: @michellethern (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:42(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988857183940104193, from: @edwardbeamon7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:08:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Trump need to let everybody know what's really going on I know he can't right now but that would really get a whole lot more people behind him] [tweet: 988844104866934784, from: @dizzyspaceship1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:16:21(HIGH,0,0,0) @kanyewest] [tweet: 988842976473440256, from: @coreyographic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:11:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Sad] [tweet: 988842398401925122, from: @tafari (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:09:34(HIGH,0,2,1) whataboutwhatabout?] [tweet: 988854306823639040, from: @rromona (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:53(HIGH,0,1,1) Better yet - let's do one about the entire #ClintonFoundation #ClintonCash] [tweet: 988841650494504960, from: @fdgalvan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:06:35(HIGH,0,28,2) You’re the personification of “but Hillary.”] [tweet: 988841169873289216, from: @mtrelins (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:41(HIGH,0,29,10) good old Ben "Whataboutism" Shapiro - can't defend his trashy party so always points out the crap someone else did.] [tweet: 988841317877755904, from: @killerb112 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:05:16(HIGH,0,9,1) Yesss, deliver that sweet, sweet whataboutism right into my bloodstream.] [tweet: 988841100893982726, from: @formernewspaper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:24(HIGH,0,4,1) No one in history has ever lied writing a memo about a meeting with a person zhe loathes.] [tweet: 988841881579630592, from: @yesitismatt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:07:31(HIGH,0,0,1) @jonlovett would love to see the 2 of you have some intellectual discourse on @RubinReport's show] [tweet: 988841117893341184, from: @hautesioux (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:28(HIGH,0,5,0) He didn't lie, he said he didn't stay in a hotel. He didn't say he wasn't there. More liberal spin.] [tweet: 988861611019554817, from: @babsben (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:54(HIGH,0,1,0) Your leading conservative thinker, ladies and germs.] [tweet: 988846321711726592, from: @clifford996 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:25:09(HIGH,0,1,0) Whataboutism at its finest] [tweet: 988845297815228418, from: @putins_bitch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:21:05(HIGH,0,1,0) So, I was told to follow Ben if I wanted to follow a smart, conservative voice, however, his entire "shtick" seems to be WHATABOUT-ISM! Is this the best you guys got? Anyone else I should follow that actually has something interesting to say?] [tweet: 988879870984933378, from: @gc0723 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:38:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Holding a conversation with conservatives is so difficult nowadays. You bring up a subject and their reply is always about something completely unrelated to the topic you are attempting to] [tweet: 988862705120436224, from: @cat_guy_steve (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:30:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Textbook whataboutism.] [tweet: 988862119029428224, from: @brettacuda (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:27:56(HIGH,0,0,0) I'd say you were a troll, but you're clearly too short for that moniker] [tweet: 988844695601209345, from: @jackisue410 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:18:41(HIGH,0,0,0) Oh no, why bring that up! Trump wasn't involved in that, we only do Trump!] [tweet: 988844683639119872, from: @calbears04 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:18:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Wow Ben defending trump] [tweet: 988843493677240331, from: @jigglesack (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:13:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Facts don’t care about your feelings little Ben] [tweet: 988843263606996992, from: @robertbcoop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:13:00(HIGH,0,0,0) You don’t see the difference?] [tweet: 988842670960164864, from: @carousilly (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:10:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Jon--That's possibly the dumbest tweet I've ever read.] [tweet: 988841324672503808, from: @jtpaar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:05:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Hey, guys was just a YouTube video.] [tweet: 988841680735481856, from: @huntert2929 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:06:43(HIGH,0,11,1) I think my favorite @benshapiro tweets are the ones that start off with “Now do...”. It’s so much more clever than your standard whataboutism.] [tweet: 988845792210313216, from: @jordanwade_1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:23:03(HIGH,0,5,3) This is what’s funny about you, you say you’re not a pro Trumper, but anyone who criticizes him from the “left”, you attack.] [tweet: 988847538743664640, from: @la__jordan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:29:59(HIGH,0,4,1) This exactly. He’s lambasted Hillary for private emails, but not a peep on trump using his cell phone. Hard to take him seriously when he selectively chooses facts//stories that fit his agenda.] [tweet: 988841832825151488, from: @willy_mcdilly (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:07:19(HIGH,0,1,1) The backlash to trump is going to make you miss obama] [tweet: 988843450060566528, from: @robertbcoop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:13:44(HIGH,0,2,1) Why is the only defense any righties have of @realDonaldTrump is to criticize something from @BarackObama or @HillaryClinton?] [tweet: 988841216354734082, from: @bryang33 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:52(HIGH,0,2,1) Whataboutism] [tweet: 988841163967877120, from: @realveryserious (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:04:39(LOW,0,8,0) What about Obama!!!] [tweet: 988853399071444998, from: @hornechuck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:53:17(LOW,0,2,0) And the emails, the emails.] [tweet: 988869492112375808, from: @yawndogg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:57:13(LOW,0,1,0) whataboutism 101] [tweet: 988857075626201088, from: @bunny_slick (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:53(LOW,0,1,0) ridiculous false eqivalency, another tool in the Trump shed] [tweet: 988873542644260865, from: @uncleal_2012 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:13:19(LOW,0,0,0) Ben - "2 wrongs make a right!"] [tweet: 988866144474836992, from: @quetheeskimo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:43:55(LOW,0,0,0) Nice, what we need more of on twitter. Out of context criticism in the form of a whataboutism. Try harder.] [tweet: 988864671431254017, from: @ray_rayisok (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:38:04(LOW,0,0,0) Wait! Who's @jonlovett?] [tweet: 988861386578161664, from: @byronaaugust (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:25:01(LOW,0,0,0) This is more of "that black guy just looked guilty to me". Shocking that it is coming from the Left.] [tweet: 988857460638105602, from: @kittywhisperer7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:25(LOW,0,0,0) Don’t forget hiding pallets of cash] [tweet: 988857386042507264, from: @seanmorris1010 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:09:07(LOW,0,0,0) Shapiro is his typical needle self] [tweet: 988854190641438720, from: @sashaleygerman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:25(LOW,0,0,0) there is no wonder we are having trump, with such shameless misrepresenters and propagondones , who screwed up brain in about 38% of population] [tweet: 988853312920354822, from: @sashaleygerman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:52:56(LOW,0,0,0) whatabout Iran deal? Everything is kosher there, regardless of Bibi BS and yours] [tweet: 988844245531361280, from: @crumbcollector (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:16:54(LOW,0,0,0) Yes, check with Ben Rhoades] [tweet: 988844224589287424, from: @randyduke4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:16:49(LOW,0,0,0) Perfect.] [tweet: 988844114149040128, from: @rickpurdy3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:16:23(LOW,0,0,0) Russia, Russia, Russia, so 2016. Move on] [tweet: 988843855431852032, from: @jerpaderpa (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:15:21(LOW,0,0,0) Cool, now go support the guy who called for regime change in a sovereign nation] [tweet: 988843580570636290, from: @love_timhortons (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:14:16(LOW,0,0,0) You have to love some of these threads. Just dig a little into them there just isn’t enough crazy to describe it.] [tweet: 988841994242818048, from: @real_j_mark (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:07:57(LOW,0,0,0) Cool! Another dimwitted attempt at a tu quoque fallacy...AKA whataboutism.] [tweet: 988841660661497856, from: @towgc (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:06:38(LOW,0,0,0) yea, ben? why don't you tell us. let's see how well you're able to recite your BIBI talking points] totalReplies=75 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= You mean that little thing preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and blowing Israel off the map? Cool story, bro. ranking=14.728743684387956 from {coleman=0.61, cos=1.21, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.27, pop=3.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.40} orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=11 Why is the defense of trump always an attack on someone else. We get it, a lot of other people suck, all we want is for people to admit he sucks too. After that, we can discuss who really sucks more and why, including the long term effects on our political culture and what-not. ranking=14.664550611045335 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.75, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.40, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43} orders: orig=6, rank=2, date=51 good old Ben "Whataboutism" Shapiro - can't defend his trashy party so always points out the crap someone else did. ranking=13.757385415453758 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.39, pop=4.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.52, lix=0.05, time=1.87, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.47} orders: orig=21, rank=3, date=5 Whataboutism ranking=13.44280681226074 from {coleman=2.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.60, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=3.33, ari=1.78, lix=0.99, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=2.02} orders: orig=43, rank=4, date=6 I think my favorite @benshapiro tweets are the ones that start off with “Now do...”. It’s so much more clever than your standard whataboutism. ranking=13.09090057398812 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.48, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.24, pop=3.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.40} orders: orig=38, rank=5, date=14 Have you ever read the Iran Nuclear Deal, or are you too dense to do so for the sake of your narrative?? ranking=12.878029523345704 from {coleman=0.28, cos=1.60, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.33, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.53} orders: orig=3, rank=6, date=39 So, I was told to follow Ben if I wanted to follow a smart, conservative voice, however, his entire "shtick" seems to be WHATABOUT-ISM! Is this the best you guys got? Anyone else I should follow that actually has something interesting to say? ranking=12.869282090473805 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.93, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.90, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.47} orders: orig=28, rank=7, date=35 This exactly. He’s lambasted Hillary for private emails, but not a peep on trump using his cell phone. Hard to take him seriously when he selectively chooses facts//stories that fit his agenda. ranking=12.810647607349342 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.24, pop=2.56, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.27} orders: orig=40, rank=8, date=40 You’re the personification of “but Hillary.” ranking=12.165608589854171 from {pop=4.19, coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.84, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.47, lix=0.08, time=1.65, numword=0, kincaid=0.62, fog=0.50} orders: orig=20, rank=9, date=12 Yesss, deliver that sweet, sweet whataboutism right into my bloodstream. ranking=11.991277498073858 from {pop=3.14, coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.59, lix=0.06, time=1.81, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.36, fog=0.60} orders: orig=22, rank=10, date=7 #whataboutism ranking=11.502844337979894 from {coleman=2.74, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.60, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=3.33, ari=1.78, lix=0.99, time=0.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=2.02} orders: orig=7, rank=11, date=41 This is what’s funny about you, you say you’re not a pro Trumper, but anyone who criticizes him from the “left”, you attack. ranking=11.49350567884034 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, pop=3.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=0.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.52} orders: orig=39, rank=12, date=37 Holding a conversation with conservatives is so difficult nowadays. You bring up a subject and their reply is always about something completely unrelated to the topic you are attempting to ranking=11.469817910709256 from {coleman=0.76, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.61, cos=0, smog=1.40, ari=0.54, lix=0.09, time=0.06, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.58, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.83} orders: orig=29, rank=13, date=61 What was the lie Ben ? it seems to me there is a copy of the whole JPOA that the countries signed and everyone can read it. ranking=11.41635092720101 from {pop=3.40, coleman=0.29, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.45, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.34} orders: orig=2, rank=14, date=18 He didn't lie, he said he didn't stay in a hotel. He didn't say he wasn't there. More liberal spin. ranking=11.09580193831196 from {pop=2.30, coleman=0.17, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=-0.17, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.23} orders: orig=25, rank=15, date=3 i spent a night in moscow ^there, I have easily disproved the argument. ranking=10.662776537244493 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.29, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41} orders: orig=9, rank=16, date=10 Didn’t Bloomberg submit a correction for their article about flight times. ranking=9.858269254194143 from {coleman=0.89, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.47, ari=0.52, lix=0.06, time=1.26, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.40} orders: orig=11, rank=17, date=24 Cool! Another dimwitted attempt at a tu quoque fallacy...AKA whataboutism. ranking=9.824435453516394 from {coleman=0.85, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.48, cos=0.53, smog=0.85, ari=0.35, lix=0.09, time=1.48, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.36, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.53} orders: orig=61, rank=18, date=17 Why is the only defense any righties have of @realDonaldTrump is to criticize something from @BarackObama or @HillaryClinton? ranking=9.816417698190607 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.34, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.31, lix=0.07, time=1.23, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.57} orders: orig=42, rank=19, date=25 So far, the only person I've seen saying Trump denied it is Comey. Do we have any other witnesses? ranking=9.799788449010087 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.42, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.11, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.29} orders: orig=4, rank=20, date=22 No one in history has ever lied writing a memo about a meeting with a person zhe loathes. ranking=9.744291024128202 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.39, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.29, ari=0.31, lix=0.06, time=2.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.36} orders: orig=23, rank=21, date=1 there is no wonder we are having trump, with such shameless misrepresenters and propagondones , who screwed up brain in about 38% of population ranking=9.574811384295046 from {coleman=0.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.60, cos=0, smog=1.40, ari=0.70, lix=0.08, time=0.61, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.67, fog=0.81} orders: orig=54, rank=22, date=44 whatabout Iran deal? Everything is kosher there, regardless of Bibi BS and yours ranking=9.075598177276804 from {coleman=0.71, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, cos=1.07, smog=0.97, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.35, fog=0.59} orders: orig=55, rank=23, date=42 whataboutwhatabout? ranking=9.075451973551063 from {coleman=4.51, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=2.78, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=5.02, ari=3.19, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.42, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=2.02} orders: orig=18, rank=24, date=19 Better yet - let's do one about the entire #ClintonFoundation #ClintonCash ranking=8.775882413305347 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.40, lix=0.06, time=0.58, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.40, fog=0.40} orders: orig=19, rank=25, date=45 Cool, now go support the guy who called for regime change in a sovereign nation ranking=8.732661036370532 from {coleman=0.47, cos=0.96, smog=0.85, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.43} orders: orig=59, rank=26, date=28 Nice, what we need more of on twitter. Out of context criticism in the form of a whataboutism. Try harder. ranking=8.638956149263398 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.33} orders: orig=49, rank=27, date=57 @jonlovett would love to see the 2 of you have some intellectual discourse on @RubinReport's show ranking=8.620612835530665 from {coleman=0.37, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.43} orders: orig=24, rank=28, date=16 ridiculous false eqivalency, another tool in the Trump shed ranking=8.146256464273542 from {coleman=0.85, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.51, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.62, ari=0.46, lix=0.07, time=0.55, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.85} orders: orig=47, rank=29, date=46 Trump need to let everybody know what's really going on I know he can't right now but that would really get a whole lot more people behind him ranking=7.787303676270021 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0.34, smog=0.85, ari=0.52, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.41, fog=0.60} orders: orig=15, rank=30, date=47 The backlash to trump is going to make you miss obama ranking=7.674992700374961 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.36, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.13, fog=0.22} orders: orig=41, rank=31, date=15 You have to love some of these threads. Just dig a little into them there just isn’t enough crazy to describe it. ranking=7.553751036866359 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.21} orders: orig=60, rank=32, date=27 Your leading conservative thinker, ladies and germs. ranking=7.550628954654973 from {coleman=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.45, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.57, ari=0.58, lix=0.09, time=0.32, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.43} orders: orig=26, rank=33, date=53 lol you sure got him, Ben. out of the park ranking=7.463318477163706 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.12, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.88, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.01, fog=0.20} orders: orig=5, rank=34, date=2 yea, ben? why don't you tell us. let's see how well you're able to recite your BIBI talking points ranking=6.536859475806452 from {coleman=0.33, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16} orders: orig=62, rank=35, date=13 I'd say you were a troll, but you're clearly too short for that moniker ranking=6.486482638150328 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.41} orders: orig=31, rank=36, date=54 Textbook whataboutism. ranking=6.343662073634199 from {coleman=2.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.49, ari=1.33, lix=0.99, time=0.26, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=1.04} orders: orig=30, rank=37, date=55 This is more of "that black guy just looked guilty to me". Shocking that it is coming from the Left. ranking=6.31207370967742 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.20} orders: orig=51, rank=38, date=52 Jon--That's possibly the dumbest tweet I've ever read. ranking=5.577955107526883 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.30, lix=0.06, time=1.39, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.12} orders: orig=36, rank=39, date=20 Oh no, why bring that up! Trump wasn't involved in that, we only do Trump! ranking=5.480091013824885 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.94, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fog=0.14} orders: orig=32, rank=40, date=34 Shapiro is his typical needle self ranking=5.379118525247101 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0.06, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45} orders: orig=53, rank=41, date=48 Facts don’t care about your feelings little Ben ranking=4.80301267281106 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.14} orders: orig=34, rank=42, date=26 Hey, guys was just a YouTube video. ranking=4.77280069124424 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.14} orders: orig=37, rank=43, date=8 Russia, Russia, Russia, so 2016. Move on ranking=4.623826843317972 from {coleman=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.06, numword=0, kincaid=-0.12, fog=0.07} orders: orig=58, rank=44, date=30 Don’t forget hiding pallets of cash ranking=4.563082903225805 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10} orders: orig=52, rank=45, date=49 whataboutism 101 ranking=3.774776996129628 from {coleman=1.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.07, ari=0.74, lix=0.10, time=0.13, numword=0, fog=1.04} orders: orig=46, rank=46, date=59 What about Obama!!! ranking=3.4570311953580597 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=2.77, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=44, rank=47, date=4 Or You can keep your Doctor & Keep your plan. ranking=3.3215514336917558 from {coleman=0.32, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.18} orders: orig=13, rank=48, date=58 Whataboutism at its finest ranking=2.756033850968338 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.58} orders: orig=27, rank=49, date=38 Ben - "2 wrongs make a right!" ranking=2.3379658602150535 from {coleman=0.19, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.10, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fog=0.12} orders: orig=48, rank=50, date=60 Perfect. ranking=2.2694080645161288 from {coleman=1.27, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.60, lix=0.99, time=1.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.42, fog=0.02} orders: orig=57, rank=51, date=31 You don’t see the difference? ranking=1.0987576381503275 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.58} orders: orig=35, rank=52, date=23 And the emails, the emails. ranking=0.9317256514424715 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.10} orders: orig=45, rank=53, date=43 Wow Ben defending trump ranking=0.7086769929890369 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.97, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.58} orders: orig=33, rank=54, date=33 Yes, check with Ben Rhoades ranking=-0.9809299999999999 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.10} orders: orig=56, rank=55, date=32 Wait! Who's @jonlovett? ranking=-1.3905185483870974 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.18, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.78, ari=-0.12, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.01} orders: orig=50, rank=56, date=56 Prove it ranking=-1.4050100775045715 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.20, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, fog=0.04} orders: orig=10, rank=57, date=36 @kanyewest ranking=-1.903225806451613 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=16, rank=58, date=29 Sad ranking=-1.9540112903225813 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02} orders: orig=17, rank=59, date=21 ranking=-2.5806451612903225 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.42, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=14, rank=60, date=50 LOL ranking=-5.976591935483872 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3} orders: orig=12, rank=61, date=62 ranking=-9.871770155009141 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.74, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=8, rank=62, date=9 |
@benshapiro tweeted on 04/24/18 08:35:08: But why would anyone think politicians are a bunch of pandering squishes? | |||
Status | Number of replies | Percent suppressed replies | Percent hidden replies |
Bad | 129 (list is complete) | 26% | 12% |
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show totalRepliesActual=129 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 988807533690277888, from: @rscpower (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:51:01(HIGH,3,31,2) While I am not a huge Mitt Romney fan, he was the Governor of Mass. He went to BYU and has lived in Salt Lake City. Both shirts make sense for him. Hilary on the other hand....................................] [tweet: 988808556433559552, from: @ggmasterfunk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:55:05(HIGH,0,13,1) Same for hillary..she went on to move there. Born in Illinois and now home in NY. It's not pandering it's called life, we change. But good try @benshapiro to be the naysayer you are.] [tweet: 988811127202119680, from: @austinr67614974 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:05:18(HIGH,0,9,0) I’m gonna go out a limb and say he was joking.] [tweet: 988804297113653248, from: @jasonbmoeller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:38:10(HIGH,0,1,1) so Mitt holding a towel and wearing a jersey from his state, and a photo shopped HRC? What a bad take....] [tweet: 988804812232908801, from: @ggolt65 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:40:12(HIGH,0,2,1) That's not a photo shop?] [tweet: 988805165779177472, from: @jasonbmoeller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:41:37(HIGH,0,2,2) I call BS. That Yankees cap is shopped. not saying she isn't a politician, but this is just bad clickbait.] [tweet: 988805346318868480, from: @ggolt65 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:42:20(HIGH,0,8,2) That's literally from the Yankees visiting the white house in 99, it's not photo shopped. Lol.] [tweet: 988805523809230848, from: @ggolt65 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:43:02(HIGH,0,1,2) Go Vikings though.] [tweet: 988806599232970754, from: @jasonbmoeller (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:47:19(HIGH,0,1,0) Skol baby.] [tweet: 988807026384998401, from: @_wolfenn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:49:00(HIGH,0,5,1) The Romney one makes sense... He was governor in Massachusetts but is from Utah. Makes sense that he would root for his constituents team and for his home team. Hillary though... she has no real ties to Chicago whatsoever.] [tweet: 988810416959582208, from: @setneufkcire (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:02:29(HIGH,0,10,1) She was born and raised in Chicago though?] [tweet: 988810907802329089, from: @_wolfenn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:04:26(HIGH,0,5,1) Ah, you're right. I forgot she wasn't from Arkansas... that's what happens when you tweet on impulse. my bad.] [tweet: 988876989187706886, from: @azad_sxt (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:27:01(HIGH,0,0,1) Also that pic of her in a yankee hat looks like during a photo op for the Yankees World Series championship visit so that makes sense too] [tweet: 988880329137184769, from: @_wolfenn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:40:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah, she was a Senator in NY too so that makes sense either way.] [tweet: 988831227376357376, from: @byufancj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:25:10(HIGH,1,7,1) #5ForTheFight not everything is] [tweet: 988840496343597056, from: @richbeeker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:02:00(HIGH,0,1,1) That's a great cause but lets not pretend that Romney doesn't pander like every other politician in the world...] [tweet: 988842172861431808, from: @byufancj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:08:40(HIGH,0,1,0) Well in this context he wasn't. Just like Trump if we are going to be outraged, let's make it legitimate outrage.] [tweet: 988805181918851073, from: @worfosaur (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:41:41(HIGH,0,5,0) I mean, Mitt lives in Utah now. When I moved from Utah to Texas, I cheered for the local teams too] [tweet: 988856856775868417, from: @schmieg__ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:07:01(HIGH,0,4,0) I'm an actual Jazz fan and I've seen Mitt at the Jazz arena before he was even running. Also, Mitt Romney just taunted Westbrook last night for getting 4 fouls in the first half. Do you really think the entire state of Utah isn't voting for him after that??] [tweet: 988852745049292801, from: @robthadawg916 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:50:41(HIGH,0,4,0) Yeah cause no one has ever lived in two cities before huh] [tweet: 988835204335681537, from: @willlarrick (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:40:59(HIGH,0,3,0) Romney’s not allowed to root for 2 teams? 2 teams in two difference conferences mind you? I do. A lot of people I know do. Seems reasonable he would root for both his home state and the state where he spent so many years as governor.] [tweet: 988815924986773504, from: @colindmcgrath (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:24:22(HIGH,0,4,0) The jersey he’s wearing was a gift from Qualtrics’ 5 For the Fight foundation. He wasn’t planning on even wearing it until he got to the game.] [tweet: 988812133310709760, from: @ivorydove (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:09:18(HIGH,0,4,0) Yes. They] [tweet: 988804239974641669, from: @editorbrian (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:56(HIGH,0,4,0) Never forget John Kerry's favorite baseball player, "Manny Ortez."] [tweet: 988874830333149184, from: @taxlawfirm (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:18:26(HIGH,0,2,0) Ben you dont understand Utah sports. Mormons love Utah teams as well as have a favorite somewhere else. It is Utah.] [tweet: 988855684723855360, from: @kyle_allen5 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:02:21(HIGH,0,2,0) I didn’t know this. Now I have to burn all my Cubs gear.] [tweet: 988817349699624966, from: @colindmcgrath (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:30:02(HIGH,0,2,0)] [tweet: 988816912426655744, from: @cruadin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:28:17(HIGH,0,2,0) Meh, waving various team colors is as ubiquitous as kissing babies - and it's probably the least consequential of all political hypocrisies.] [tweet: 988803942061690881, from: @darcangel21 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:36:45(HIGH,0,2,0) Politicians are the worst, no matter what team they root for.] [tweet: 988871307688198144, from: @schmieg__ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:26(HIGH,0,1,0) The jersey was given to him with the number 5 bc of his donations to #5ForTheFight, which is a campaign to fight] [tweet: 988845821448933376, from: @englebridget (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:23:10(HIGH,0,1,0) Don't forget undocumented Cuomo....] [tweet: 988838242341543936, from: @krajdayalan (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:53:03(HIGH,0,1,0) Thomas Jefferson famously said (I'm paraphrasing) he was a citizen of two countries: America and France. Not sure why Romney can't love more than one state. #thinkbig] [tweet: 988832223813087236, from: @p_henderson4 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:29:08(HIGH,0,1,0) my favorite was Stanford graduate Carly Fiorina rooting for Iowa to beat Stanford back in 2016 in advance of the Iowa caucauses] [tweet: 988818344219324417, from: @tylerflake (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:33:59(HIGH,0,1,0) So to be authentic you have to pick ONLY ONE team (corporation) to cheer for throughout your life?] [tweet: 988817769205399552, from: @dougglez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:31:42(HIGH,0,1,0) To be fair, the Jazz jersey has a number 5 on it to represent 5 For The Fight, a cancer research charity. It was gifted to Romney.] [tweet: 988815866711060480, from: @ojmayonnaise (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:24:08(HIGH,0,1,0) He’s disqualified from having deep connections in both states ? Lol] [tweet: 988811510121197569, from: @morismcl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:06:49(HIGH,0,1,0)] [tweet: 988809937538072576, from: @tmirkin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:00:34(HIGH,0,1,0) Dear Hillary, Please stick to the cubs hat. Sincerely Yours, The Dark Side/The Evil Empire/Yankee Fans] [tweet: 988808399415525376, from: @willamettem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:54:28(HIGH,0,1,0) Romney in the boxing ring] [tweet: 988807806798135296, from: @hugs4freexoxo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:52:06(HIGH,0,1,0) Sneaky hugs incoming Everyone make sure to grab a partner today and break out into a joyful] [tweet: 988804602936999936, from: @cryinglibs1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:39:23(HIGH,0,1,0) Right 'Cause EVERYONE carries a bottle of hot sauce on their person, while being interviewed on a black radio host's show.] [tweet: 988804343100043265, from: @tourdefronz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:38:21(HIGH,1,3,0) I mean in Mitt's defense, they put those towels on every seat at a playoff game. I wouldn't call holding a free giveaway pandering] [tweet: 988812785369993217, from: @melikesamerica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:11:53(HIGH,1,0,1) I guess maybe it’s different for folks in the limelight, but I have a Cubs and White Sox hat. I don’t live near any professional team of any sport and I travel to Chicago frequently for work, so I support both. Don’t see an issue, wouldn’t scope this is flip flop] [tweet: 988884427420946432, from: @hard_parkour97 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:56:34(HIGH,0,0,0) To be fair Mitt did actually live in both Mass. and Utah.] [tweet: 988874299753811969, from: @shaneopalooza (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:16:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Alright. We definitely disagree on this. It's rare that I defend Hillary on much of anything, but I think it's perfectly ok to root for an AL team and an NL team, even with the amount of interleague play in the MLB today. I love the @Dodgers and the @Orioles. Am I a bad guy?] [tweet: 988869579106652164, from: @jaredworkman02 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:57:34(HIGH,0,0,0) This Jersey was given to him from the #5ForTheFight group that is trying to find a cure for cancer that the #Utah jazz sponsored this season. While I agree they are guilty of pandering to their audience, this was given to him to promote a good cause. Check it out #5ForTheFight] [tweet: 988851865797439495, from: @incablancowebb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:47:11(HIGH,0,0,0) @cronair @Schmieg__] [tweet: 988849386871513088, from: @tylerweltz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:37:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Ben, what teams do you like?] [tweet: 988837012076744704, from: @john_leib (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:48:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Not Chris] [tweet: 988836824134004736, from: @brucewillke (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:47:25(HIGH,0,0,0) I think this is a good example of them pandering. But to be fair, have you see most 'rappers' today? They wear any and every team depending on their outfit and style choices.] [tweet: 988833002674311168, from: @shifty___ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:32:14(HIGH,0,0,0) At least Mitt has ties to both cities] [tweet: 988826501817626624, from: @_sethtoom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:06:24(HIGH,0,0,1) come on he is literally from Utah... smh] [tweet: 988853139540393984, from: @mctendies (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:52:15(HIGH,0,0,0) Wrong. He was born and raised in Michigan.] [tweet: 988824093389619200, from: @audumnblossom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:56:49(HIGH,0,0,0) ] [tweet: 988821738317266944, from: @kdrewmorris (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:47:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Plus the owner of the Celtics, Ainge, is a fellow Mormon from Utah] [tweet: 988814413464514565, from: @tyshute331 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:18:22(HIGH,0,0,1) He was given a Celtic towel, that they pass out at games. He’s wearing a Jazz jersey he purchased. It’s obvious which one he is a fan of.] [tweet: 988818431293079554, from: @mosesstone1980 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:34:20(HIGH,0,0,0) He didn't purchase the jersey, it was given to him from the 5 for the Fight group.] [tweet: 988812287283736577, from: @robertodavianno (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:09:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Dude, the Hillary Clinton pic with the Yankees cap is definitely photoshopped. Stop spreading fake (and useless) news.] [tweet: 988811643659354114, from: @realmarkhohe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:07:21(HIGH,0,0,0) Romney in the bball jersey is the best! Hilarious.] [tweet: 988810920947212288, from: @richard30954558 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:04:29(HIGH,0,0,0) These photos don't make Mitt a squish, we already know he is one.] [tweet: 988810808900702208, from: @alizyousuf (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:04:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Let’s not forget though, Romney actually knows basketball …] [tweet: 988810656257323009, from: @jesusman312 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:03:26(HIGH,0,0,0) I can sort of see why though. Try walking around philadelphia with a yankees cap] [tweet: 988809696659279872, from: @crossfollower12 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:59:37(HIGH,0,0,0) Politicians are devils in human] [tweet: 988809427883933702, from: @breauxdy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:58:33(HIGH,0,0,0) How is Hillary relevant? Can’t criticize a republican by themselves?] [tweet: 988809001881260033, from: @zlieberz (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:56:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Nothing worse than a fucking front runner] [tweet: 988807079937953795, from: @fitsumbelay (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:49:13(HIGH,0,0,0) ... asks a pandering squish] [tweet: 988806621190152192, from: @victoryinlove (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:47:24(HIGH,0,0,0) True fans love all teams, especially when it benefits them politically.] [tweet: 988806487681183744, from: @ceeja_be (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:46:52(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 988806274480357376, from: @dhrazin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:46:01(HIGH,0,0,0) That’s no Celtic; THIS is a Celtic!] [tweet: 988805821155995649, from: @digicruiter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:44:13(HIGH,0,0,0) To be fair, both Romney and Clinton do have strong connections to the cities they are repping in these photos. It's not that outlandish, but yeah the point remains.] [tweet: 988805815774662657, from: @nalapuck (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:44:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Kind of harmless] [tweet: 988805344397807616, from: @srs_cat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:42:19(HIGH,0,0,0) ya but doesn't hillary have more of a claim to supporting the cubs than you do to supporting the white sox? hrrrmmmmm] [tweet: 988805213111939073, from: @la_lola_larue (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:41:48(HIGH,0,0,0) Hmmm...every time I go to a sporting event I just wear whatever teams colors I like best lol] [tweet: 988805082165665792, from: @agoopit32 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:41:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Talk about the Genocide Ben pls] [tweet: 988804750509576192, from: @cjtruth (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:39:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Was the absolute worst pandering last night. It was almost like he lost an election …] [tweet: 988804720608399362, from: @jakegiggity (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:39:51(HIGH,0,0,0) Can we please not forget Carly Fiorina rooting for Iowa over her alma mater because she wanted to win the primary there] [tweet: 988804419516010496, from: @jimmyparkerpm4l (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:38:39(HIGH,0,0,0) Didn't Chris Christie get grilled because he remained a Cowboys fan even though he served NJ?] [tweet: 988804096781180928, from: @palmerism (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:22(HIGH,0,0,0) None of these teams are rivalries so it's kind of a moot point, Ben. Show me a pic of Mitt wearing a Bosox cap and then a Yankees cap. Then, it's on.] [tweet: 988804082088497158, from: @jaggedjon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:18(HIGH,0,0,0) Good to see Hillary's "Sportsball" programming hard at work.] [tweet: 988803789992886273, from: @mitchbehna (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:36:09(HIGH,0,0,0) "We deserve a pay raise for our hard work!"] [tweet: 988804531008950272, from: @kevfarns (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:39:05(HIGH,1,9,1) He was Governor of Massachusetts and lives in Utah. Calm down.] [tweet: 988804126288080896, from: @jasonpinter (VERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:29(HIGH,0,33,1) The Infinity War of terrible] [tweet: 988804095845847040, from: @scriptjumper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:22(HIGH,0,1,1) In fairness, the unwritten rules of baseball allow you to cheer for exactly one AL club, and one NL club.] [tweet: 988804755710533632, from: @thekevinstewart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:39:59(HIGH,0,0,1) would love to see your reaction if a photo of Hillary in a White Sox hat ever surfaced] [tweet: 988803926442106880, from: @blessupamerica (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:36:41(HIGH,0,0,1) And yet Bernie still hasn’t given up his Brooklyn fandom] [tweet: 988810365625610242, from: @entityjim1bj (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:02:17(HIGH,1,0,0) I can’t imagine why either, except for maybe because they are pandering pos corrupted swamp gas #MAGA] [tweet: 988809942063861760, from: @jsbach1801 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:00:36(HIGH,0,1,0) "Squishes" is my new word.] [tweet: 988806803076067328, from: @eggeymceggerson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:48:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Lol nicely played with the Hillary burn. Gotta dunk on her every time to stoke the angers and get the free points!] [tweet: 988883520230776834, from: @milkmanjk (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:52:58(HIGH,0,0,0) Reminds me of ben and the gun debate...] [tweet: 988865658124423170, from: @drew675r (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:41:59(HIGH,0,0,0) In fairness, Utah is to Mormonism what Israel is to Judaism.] [tweet: 988853164001648642, from: @wokebossgirl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:52:20(HIGH,0,0,0) when you're affiliated with America in many ways, you get attached to many teams.] [tweet: 988848348068220928, from: @gdub (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:33:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Slow "news" day today, Ben?] [tweet: 988846654584373249, from: @stenberg_jon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:26:28(HIGH,0,0,0) Mitt has close ties to both Boston and Utah. But HRC...what ties to Chicago?] [tweet: 988838987145011200, from: @zuldiras (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:56:00(HIGH,0,0,0) Try every person.] [tweet: 988833419130953728, from: @sinsliss (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:33:53(HIGH,0,0,0) Wait, so if your team gets knocked out early your nor allowed to cheer for another team? That's crazy talk.] [tweet: 988829428028399616, from: @drakecrockett3 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:18:01(HIGH,0,0,0) I’m a pretty big fan of yours but this is a pretty stupid post lol. Go home] [tweet: 988828039730618368, from: @bossportsfan1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:12:30(HIGH,0,0,0) @bewilkins22] [tweet: 988821396707950592, from: @luv2hugtreez (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:46:07(HIGH,0,0,0) What is your point?!] [tweet: 988816229522657280, from: @chefcharliem (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:25:35(HIGH,0,0,0) Mitt is just another Democrat run as a Republican] [tweet: 988814968178003973, from: @writer63 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:20:34(HIGH,0,0,0) Hillary, Obama and others like them, tell the liberal brainwashed general public that the pee on your boots was really a rainstorm, and that yellow snow is really a snow with lemon flavoring. & the Liberal Brainwashed General Public or> (LBGP) would never know the difference.] [tweet: 988812681032491009, from: @maryjanesmall (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:11:29(HIGH,0,0,0) Please take that Yankee hat off Hillary.] [tweet: 988809157208936449, from: @emerald7knight (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:57:28(HIGH,0,0,0) The real time data that can be had by today's technology is awesome] [tweet: 988807838100283392, from: @oceanavseurasia (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:52:14(HIGH,0,0,0) You forgot the best one! Hot sauce!] [tweet: 988806987516399618, from: @gambler1647 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:48:51(HIGH,0,0,0) If Romney didn't buy a house in Utah yet, now he could rethink that and move to some other unsuspecting state.] [tweet: 988806842183757825, from: @craigmillerlaw (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:48:16(HIGH,0,0,0) To be fair to Hillary, there are a number of people that have favorite NL and AL teams. Props to Obama though who always rooted for his dreadful White Sox.] [tweet: 988806657441435648, from: @bryang33 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:47:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Everyone does this with sports. Even you. …] [tweet: 988804316965343233, from: @martine25515018 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:38:14(HIGH,0,0,0) So touchdowns in baseball and homeruns in basketball....Dorks] [tweet: 988803931928236032, from: @thecenter_point (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:36:43(HIGH,0,0,0) LOL. I like when they come down south and put on a fake southern accent.] [tweet: 988806031491960832, from: @tm0s41 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:45:03(HIGH,0,3,2) Rather have a panderer than a cockroach Cowboy] [tweet: 988808861795536898, from: @simpnation (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:56:18(HIGH,0,0,2) Well, he is a Mormon and he was the Governor of Massachusetts.. right? So it makes sense if these were his two teams to represent] [tweet: 988803769264558081, from: @colly_wolly (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:36:04(HIGH,0,0,1) For god’s sake Ben.] [tweet: 988805171269586944, from: @bornrevival25 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:41:38(HIGH,0,4,1)] [tweet: 988804041944780802, from: @lisabrite (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:09(HIGH,0,0,1) Right? I would almost rather have politicians admit that they know nothing about the local sports teams than to pander like this. It's embarrassing to watch.] [tweet: 988840682868563968, from: @williamivory108 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:02:45(LOW,0,1,0) Hahahaha imagine they would fight each other like a actuall physical fight between 2 politicians would be an amazing spectacle to Romney vs al franken in the ring no shirt and boxing shirts OMG would be to good to be true!] [tweet: 988829312227991553, from: @pmurph321 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:17:34(LOW,0,1,0) My favorite pandering was Obama claiming to be a White Sox fan and some radio host without even meaning to exposed him as a liar when he asked him who his favorite White Sox player of all time was couldn’t name a single one.] [tweet: 988828805014917120, from: @jforde88 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:15:33(LOW,0,1,0) Obama's favourite Chicago White Sox player: "all of them".] [tweet: 988821909805547520, from: @jrusshall (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:48:09(LOW,0,1,0) I think Romney is and would be a really good politician. But my goodness is he a dweeb.] [tweet: 988810347938242560, from: @insertcoinhere1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:02:12(LOW,0,1,0) Pandering? Nooooo. Got any hot sauce?] [tweet: 988804839000956930, from: @joechoo8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:40:19(LOW,0,1,0) And he just got on the jazz bandwagon. That's why he a facing a primary and losing.] [tweet: 988804089499803648, from: @glennmartel5 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 08:37:20(LOW,0,1,0) Romney's a loser...take your millions and retire..] [tweet: 988869846296334336, from: @darylmox (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:58:38(LOW,0,0,0) Perfect to have these two together.] [tweet: 988854133942902787, from: @deangelothunder (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:56:12(LOW,0,0,0) Mitt BLEEDS Jazz.] [tweet: 988841943076560896, from: @libsfearme (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:07:45(LOW,0,0,0) Omg get that Cubs hat off her greazy head.] [tweet: 988835849952530432, from: @untoldunspokent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:43:32(LOW,0,0,0) Yeah, how dare people like more than one team! Damn politicians.] [tweet: 988831675214893056, from: @mindlessrobots (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:26:57(LOW,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 988826167833542656, from: @perillo_joshua (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 10:05:04(LOW,0,0,0) Do better, @benshapiro] [tweet: 988824244091080705, from: @mikedaitch (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:57:25(LOW,0,0,0) If you were ever to run for any office, is there anything that could get you to wear a baseball hat for a team other than the White Sox? I’d lose an election before I wore a hat with any other logo than the Orioles’.] [tweet: 988824135810867201, from: @melvinramone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:57:00(LOW,0,0,0) Where's the one of the guy wearing the MAGA hat?] [tweet: 988820283262930946, from: @mcdadillac (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:41:41(LOW,0,0,0) Their position evolved on that issue.] totalReplies=173 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= I guess maybe it’s different for folks in the limelight, but I have a Cubs and White Sox hat. I don’t live near any professional team of any sport and I travel to Chicago frequently for work, so I support both. Don’t see an issue, wouldn’t scope this is flip flop ranking=15.414745238884821 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.44} orders: orig=43, rank=1, date=70 The Romney one makes sense... He was governor in Massachusetts but is from Utah. Makes sense that he would root for his constituents team and for his home team. Hillary though... she has no real ties to Chicago whatsoever. ranking=15.15790259611483 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.71, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.40} orders: orig=10, rank=2, date=43 Romney’s not allowed to root for 2 teams? 2 teams in two difference conferences mind you? I do. A lot of people I know do. Seems reasonable he would root for both his home state and the state where he spent so many years as governor. ranking=15.067018582085613 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.79, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.48, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33} orders: orig=21, rank=3, date=99 While I am not a huge Mitt Romney fan, he was the Governor of Mass. He went to BYU and has lived in Salt Lake City. Both shirts make sense for him. Hilary on the other hand.................................... ranking=14.903394282681257 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.57, kincaid=0.05, pop=4.39, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.32, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.24} orders: orig=1, rank=4, date=45 Hillary, Obama and others like them, tell the liberal brainwashed general public that the pee on your boots was really a rainstorm, and that yellow snow is really a snow with lemon flavoring. & the Liberal Brainwashed General Public or> (LBGP) would never know the difference. ranking=14.82705114825698 from {coleman=0.66, cos=0, smog=1.64, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.99, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.67, ari=1.22, lix=0.99, time=0.90, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=1.17} orders: orig=100, rank=5, date=72 Hahahaha imagine they would fight each other like a actuall physical fight between 2 politicians would be an amazing spectacle to Romney vs al franken in the ring no shirt and boxing shirts OMG would be to good to be true! ranking=14.666857199705973 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0.34, smog=1.52, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.85, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.54, ari=0.99, lix=0.99, time=0.37, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=1.06} orders: orig=114, rank=6, date=106 Same for hillary..she went on to move there. Born in Illinois and now home in NY. It's not pandering it's called life, we change. But good try @benshapiro to be the naysayer you are. ranking=14.654241513950046 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0.42, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.06, pop=3.43, numsent=4.00, flesch=0.99, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.28} orders: orig=2, rank=7, date=49 My favorite pandering was Obama claiming to be a White Sox fan and some radio host without even meaning to exposed him as a liar when he asked him who his favorite White Sox player of all time was couldn’t name a single one. ranking=14.101092564259073 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.30, smog=1.25, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.81, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.95, lix=0.99, time=0.59, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=1.00} orders: orig=115, rank=8, date=92 Alright. We definitely disagree on this. It's rare that I defend Hillary on much of anything, but I think it's perfectly ok to root for an AL team and an NL team, even with the amount of interleague play in the MLB today. I love the @Dodgers and the @Orioles. Am I a bad guy? ranking=13.820975240347353 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0.31, smog=0.72, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.17, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.32} orders: orig=45, rank=9, date=124 Right? I would almost rather have politicians admit that they know nothing about the local sports teams than to pander like this. It's embarrassing to watch. ranking=13.206003241894413 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.44, smog=0.75, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.28, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33} orders: orig=113, rank=10, date=6 I'm an actual Jazz fan and I've seen Mitt at the Jazz arena before he was even running. Also, Mitt Romney just taunted Westbrook last night for getting 4 fouls in the first half. Do you really think the entire state of Utah isn't voting for him after that?? ranking=12.6701171754974 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.29, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.08, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.31} orders: orig=19, rank=11, date=119 I call BS. That Yankees cap is shopped. not saying she isn't a politician, but this is just bad clickbait. ranking=12.571549089920142 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.62, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.09, pop=2.64, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.23} orders: orig=6, rank=12, date=25 How is Hillary relevant? Can’t criticize a republican by themselves? ranking=12.36760345218722 from {coleman=0.91, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.76, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.40, lix=0.99, time=1.19, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.55, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.98} orders: orig=64, rank=13, date=53 Meh, waving various team colors is as ubiquitous as kissing babies - and it's probably the least consequential of all political hypocrisies. ranking=12.223991278455804 from {coleman=0.86, cos=0, smog=1.40, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.73, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.74, ari=0.75, lix=0.11, time=0.84, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.80} orders: orig=28, rank=14, date=76 If you were ever to run for any office, is there anything that could get you to wear a baseball hat for a team other than the White Sox? I’d lose an election before I wore a hat with any other logo than the Orioles’. ranking=12.00379742681724 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.41, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.62} orders: orig=127, rank=15, date=87 He was Governor of Massachusetts and lives in Utah. Calm down. ranking=11.981500261840955 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=3.26, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.47} orders: orig=81, rank=16, date=17 This Jersey was given to him from the #5ForTheFight group that is trying to find a cure for cancer that the #Utah jazz sponsored this season. While I agree they are guilty of pandering to their audience, this was given to him to promote a good cause. Check it out #5ForTheFight ranking=11.762940887172505 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.32, smog=0.62, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.28, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.42} orders: orig=46, rank=17, date=121 I mean in Mitt's defense, they put those towels on every seat at a playoff game. I wouldn't call holding a free giveaway pandering ranking=11.691781701590328 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0.44, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.20, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.31} orders: orig=42, rank=18, date=15 I think this is a good example of them pandering. But to be fair, have you see most 'rappers' today? They wear any and every team depending on their outfit and style choices. ranking=11.684977314039575 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0.84, smog=0.75, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.19, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.34} orders: orig=50, rank=19, date=101 In fairness, the unwritten rules of baseball allow you to cheer for exactly one AL club, and one NL club. ranking=11.434514434575865 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.44, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.32, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=1.86, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.60} orders: orig=83, rank=20, date=10 Well, he is a Mormon and he was the Governor of Massachusetts.. right? So it makes sense if these were his two teams to represent ranking=11.271638563763362 from {coleman=0.40, cos=0, smog=0.97, kincaid=0.27, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.49} orders: orig=110, rank=21, date=50 That's literally from the Yankees visiting the white house in 99, it's not photo shopped. Lol. ranking=11.252528120997301 from {pop=3.26, coleman=0.60, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0.05, time=1.55, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fog=0.43} orders: orig=7, rank=22, date=30 To be fair, both Romney and Clinton do have strong connections to the cities they are repping in these photos. It's not that outlandish, but yeah the point remains. ranking=10.835623526497415 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.42} orders: orig=70, rank=23, date=33 He was given a Celtic towel, that they pass out at games. He’s wearing a Jazz jersey he purchased. It’s obvious which one he is a fan of. ranking=10.682073645886693 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=1.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=2.00, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.17} orders: orig=56, rank=24, date=71 so Mitt holding a towel and wearing a jersey from his state, and a photo shopped HRC? What a bad take.... ranking=10.6592767326655 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.10, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.21} orders: orig=4, rank=25, date=13 Right 'Cause EVERYONE carries a bottle of hot sauce on their person, while being interviewed on a black radio host's show. ranking=10.599120458328558 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.38, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.52, lix=0.05, time=1.74, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.60} orders: orig=41, rank=26, date=18 Never forget John Kerry's favorite baseball player, "Manny Ortez." ranking=10.577576825262405 from {coleman=0.94, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.48, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.60, ari=0.51, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.66} orders: orig=24, rank=27, date=12 I mean, Mitt lives in Utah now. When I moved from Utah to Texas, I cheered for the local teams too ranking=10.544706936847867 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.16, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.21} orders: orig=18, rank=28, date=27 None of these teams are rivalries so it's kind of a moot point, Ben. Show me a pic of Mitt wearing a Bosox cap and then a Yankees cap. Then, it's on. ranking=10.526331758264899 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.27} orders: orig=78, rank=29, date=9 Ah, you're right. I forgot she wasn't from Arkansas... that's what happens when you tweet on impulse. my bad. ranking=10.333443351614426 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=2.71, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.29} orders: orig=12, rank=30, date=62 Thomas Jefferson famously said (I'm paraphrasing) he was a citizen of two countries: America and France. Not sure why Romney can't love more than one state. #thinkbig ranking=10.280842697089746 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.28, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=0.42, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.49} orders: orig=32, rank=31, date=103 Ben you dont understand Utah sports. Mormons love Utah teams as well as have a favorite somewhere else. It is Utah. ranking=10.252143441327162 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=1.39, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.08, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.43} orders: orig=25, rank=32, date=125 The jersey he’s wearing was a gift from Qualtrics’ 5 For the Fight foundation. He wasn’t planning on even wearing it until he got to the game. ranking=10.117839930564143 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.24, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.33} orders: orig=22, rank=33, date=74 my favorite was Stanford graduate Carly Fiorina rooting for Iowa to beat Stanford back in 2016 in advance of the Iowa caucauses ranking=10.042000632747165 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.61, lix=0.99, time=0.53, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.51, fog=0.62} orders: orig=33, rank=34, date=96 To be fair to Hillary, there are a number of people that have favorite NL and AL teams. Props to Obama though who always rooted for his dreadful White Sox. ranking=9.788266629194387 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.37} orders: orig=105, rank=35, date=41 Was the absolute worst pandering last night. It was almost like he lost an election … ranking=9.689882803790901 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0.54, smog=0.97, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.23, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.55} orders: orig=75, rank=36, date=20 I can’t imagine why either, except for maybe because they are pandering pos corrupted swamp gas #MAGA ranking=9.548676432171357 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0.52, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.10, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.36, ari=0.48, lix=0.07, time=1.12, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.57} orders: orig=86, rank=37, date=58 Politicians are the worst, no matter what team they root for. ranking=9.514993612634763 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0.73, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=1.94, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fog=0.40} orders: orig=29, rank=38, date=5 Lol nicely played with the Hillary burn. Gotta dunk on her every time to stoke the angers and get the free points! ranking=9.404646017769247 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.22} orders: orig=88, rank=39, date=40 Rather have a panderer than a cockroach Cowboy ranking=9.384264622768203 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.26, pop=2.77, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=1.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41} orders: orig=109, rank=40, date=34 He’s disqualified from having deep connections in both states ? Lol ranking=9.351132334964335 from {coleman=0.91, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.29, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=0.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.53} orders: orig=36, rank=41, date=73 Dude, the Hillary Clinton pic with the Yankees cap is definitely photoshopped. Stop spreading fake (and useless) news. ranking=9.258099592216345 from {coleman=0.78, cos=0, smog=0.97, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.41, lix=0.08, time=0.96, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.51} orders: orig=58, rank=42, date=68 Also that pic of her in a yankee hat looks like during a photo op for the Yankees World Series championship visit so that makes sense too ranking=9.23662967751894 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.49, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.57, lix=0.05, time=0.06, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.61} orders: orig=13, rank=43, date=126 ya but doesn't hillary have more of a claim to supporting the cubs than you do to supporting the white sox? hrrrmmmmm ranking=9.07740807799243 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.40} orders: orig=72, rank=44, date=29 And yet Bernie still hasn’t given up his Brooklyn fandom ranking=9.07002460494056 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.18} orders: orig=85, rank=45, date=3 True fans love all teams, especially when it benefits them politically. ranking=8.984826250834164 from {coleman=0.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.43, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.47, lix=0.06, time=1.43, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.77} orders: orig=67, rank=46, date=38 To be fair, the Jazz jersey has a number 5 on it to represent 5 For The Fight, a cancer research charity. It was gifted to Romney. ranking=8.97720910260532 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.20, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.81, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.34} orders: orig=35, rank=47, date=78 Pandering? Nooooo. Got any hot sauce? ranking=8.920996302320106 from {coleman=0.63, cos=0.73, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.05, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.37} orders: orig=118, rank=48, date=57 That's a great cause but lets not pretend that Romney doesn't pander like every other politician in the world... ranking=8.917626664608814 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.38, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.43, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.46} orders: orig=16, rank=49, date=105 Sneaky hugs incoming Everyone make sure to grab a partner today and break out into a joyful ranking=8.891113548843837 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.35, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=1.30, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.58} orders: orig=40, rank=50, date=46 And he just got on the jazz bandwagon. That's why he a facing a primary and losing. ranking=8.691316493862857 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.29} orders: orig=119, rank=51, date=23 If Romney didn't buy a house in Utah yet, now he could rethink that and move to some other unsuspecting state. ranking=8.535506142776484 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50} orders: orig=104, rank=52, date=42 So to be authentic you have to pick ONLY ONE team (corporation) to cheer for throughout your life? ranking=8.476338746442256 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.36, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.40, lix=0.05, time=0.79, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.58} orders: orig=34, rank=53, date=79 Can we please not forget Carly Fiorina rooting for Iowa over her alma mater because she wanted to win the primary there ranking=8.467691596194502 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.53, lix=0.06, time=1.72, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.43, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.44} orders: orig=76, rank=54, date=19 Well in this context he wasn't. Just like Trump if we are going to be outraged, let's make it legitimate outrage. ranking=8.319761049656412 from {coleman=0.43, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.34, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.30} orders: orig=17, rank=55, date=108 would love to see your reaction if a photo of Hillary in a White Sox hat ever surfaced ranking=8.1704798374987 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.29, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.69, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.36} orders: orig=84, rank=56, date=21 Didn't Chris Christie get grilled because he remained a Cowboys fan even though he served NJ? ranking=8.095431860465116 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.42, lix=0.09, time=1.77, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.30} orders: orig=77, rank=57, date=16 I think Romney is and would be a really good politician. But my goodness is he a dweeb. ranking=8.051764987380476 from {coleman=0.32, cos=0.62, smog=0.69, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.29} orders: orig=117, rank=58, date=84 The jersey was given to him with the number 5 bc of his donations to #5ForTheFight, which is a campaign to fight ranking=7.996290869848058 from {coleman=0.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.42, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.58} orders: orig=30, rank=59, date=123 Dear Hillary, Please stick to the cubs hat. Sincerely Yours, The Dark Side/The Evil Empire/Yankee Fans ranking=7.930557641426535 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.28} orders: orig=38, rank=60, date=55 I can sort of see why though. Try walking around philadelphia with a yankees cap ranking=7.897741319116866 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.69, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.15, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.09, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.28} orders: orig=62, rank=61, date=60 So touchdowns in baseball and homeruns in basketball....Dorks ranking=7.859367710216013 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.28, lix=0.09, time=1.80, numword=0, kincaid=0.37, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.71} orders: orig=107, rank=62, date=14 I’m gonna go out a limb and say he was joking. ranking=7.8263625718496534 from {coleman=0.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=2.89, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.20} orders: orig=3, rank=63, date=64 #5ForTheFight not everything is ranking=7.791511688604346 from {coleman=0.35, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=3.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.43} orders: orig=15, rank=64, date=94 Mitt is just another Democrat run as a Republican ranking=7.767879809678421 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=0.85, numword=0, kincaid=0.44, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.85} orders: orig=99, rank=65, date=75 She was born and raised in Chicago though? ranking=7.57548226866665 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=3.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.10, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16} orders: orig=11, rank=66, date=59 Yeah, how dare people like more than one team! Damn politicians. ranking=7.477689882880135 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0.58, smog=0.69, jac=0.38, kincaid=0.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.06, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=0.47, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29} orders: orig=124, rank=67, date=100 Wait, so if your team gets knocked out early your nor allowed to cheer for another team? That's crazy talk. ranking=7.354915786681125 from {coleman=0.43, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.09, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.30} orders: orig=95, rank=68, date=98 Hmmm...every time I go to a sporting event I just wear whatever teams colors I like best lol ranking=7.328926729871787 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.46} orders: orig=73, rank=69, date=28 Yeah cause no one has ever lived in two cities before huh ranking=7.240607723850379 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.19, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.11, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.24} orders: orig=20, rank=70, date=114 LOL. I like when they come down south and put on a fake southern accent. ranking=7.210126705426356 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.15} orders: orig=108, rank=71, date=4 Good to see Hillary's "Sportsball" programming hard at work. ranking=7.102030551691212 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.85, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.19, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.31, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41} orders: orig=79, rank=72, date=7 The real time data that can be had by today's technology is awesome ranking=6.938336494822879 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.21, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.57} orders: orig=102, rank=73, date=52 Everyone does this with sports. Even you. … ranking=6.585747476370464 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, kincaid=0.13, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.36} orders: orig=106, rank=74, date=39 Obama's favourite Chicago White Sox player: "all of them". ranking=6.54160215085581 from {coleman=0.65, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.28, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41} orders: orig=116, rank=75, date=91 I didn’t know this. Now I have to burn all my Cubs gear. ranking=6.536865872747798 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.12} orders: orig=26, rank=76, date=118 when you're affiliated with America in many ways, you get attached to many teams. ranking=6.444893240499682 from {coleman=0.57, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.34, lix=0.05, time=0.22, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.57} orders: orig=91, rank=77, date=116 Talk about the Genocide Ben pls ranking=6.413658410218345 from {coleman=0.49, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=1.64, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.45} orders: orig=74, rank=78, date=24 Plus the owner of the Celtics, Ainge, is a fellow Mormon from Utah ranking=6.3980783243887895 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.23, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.73, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.29, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.26} orders: orig=55, rank=79, date=83 come on he is literally from Utah... smh ranking=6.392650634667949 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.19, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.41} orders: orig=52, rank=80, date=89 I’m a pretty big fan of yours but this is a pretty stupid post lol. Go home ranking=6.094099660852713 from {coleman=0.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.00, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.91, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.16} orders: orig=96, rank=81, date=93 Romney's a loser...take your millions and retire.. ranking=5.990890048777 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.89, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10} orders: orig=120, rank=82, date=8 In fairness, Utah is to Mormonism what Israel is to Judaism. ranking=5.888365862649634 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.35, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0.06, time=0.16, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.35, fog=0.40} orders: orig=90, rank=83, date=120 These photos don't make Mitt a squish, we already know he is one. ranking=5.817197189922481 from {coleman=0.34, cos=0, smog=0.30, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.24} orders: orig=60, rank=84, date=63 Yeah, she was a Senator in NY too so that makes sense either way. ranking=5.811973471126429 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.16, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.25, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.42} orders: orig=14, rank=85, date=127 Romney in the bball jersey is the best! Hilarious. ranking=5.738976952191801 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.31} orders: orig=59, rank=86, date=66 Their position evolved on that issue. ranking=5.731604146652453 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.30, lix=0.06, time=0.76, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.45} orders: orig=129, rank=87, date=81 Mitt has close ties to both Boston and Utah. But HRC...what ties to Chicago? ranking=5.632544827072151 from {coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.31, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.13} orders: orig=93, rank=88, date=110 Let’s not forget though, Romney actually knows basketball … ranking=5.426292441860465 from {coleman=0.88, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.41, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12} orders: orig=61, rank=89, date=61 That’s no Celtic; THIS is a Celtic! ranking=5.38105988372093 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.12} orders: orig=69, rank=90, date=35 "We deserve a pay raise for our hard work!" ranking=5.326979457364341 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.18} orders: orig=80, rank=91, date=2 Perfect to have these two together. ranking=5.319278565257104 from {coleman=0.63, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.22, lix=0.06, time=0.12, numword=0, kincaid=0.22, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.45} orders: orig=121, rank=92, date=122 You forgot the best one! Hot sauce! ranking=5.22413241971207 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=0, kincaid=-0.04, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.07} orders: orig=103, rank=93, date=47 He didn't purchase the jersey, it was given to him from the 5 for the Fight group. ranking=5.096984423449612 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.20, fog=0.32} orders: orig=57, rank=94, date=80 Nothing worse than a fucking front runner ranking=5.08941334440753 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=1.22, numword=0, kincaid=0.20, fog=0.14} orders: orig=65, rank=95, date=51 Wrong. He was born and raised in Michigan. ranking=4.940318974155626 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.03, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=0.23, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33} orders: orig=53, rank=96, date=115 Please take that Yankee hat off Hillary. ranking=4.798629291251384 from {coleman=0.60, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.95, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.14} orders: orig=101, rank=97, date=69 At least Mitt has ties to both cities ranking=4.602459156976743 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.01, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.16} orders: orig=51, rank=98, date=97 Where's the one of the guy wearing the MAGA hat? ranking=4.565764987080104 from {coleman=0.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.68, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.18} orders: orig=128, rank=99, date=86 To be fair Mitt did actually live in both Mass. and Utah. ranking=4.520608042635658 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=0.02, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.14, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.24} orders: orig=44, rank=100, date=129 Don't forget undocumented Cuomo.... ranking=3.7116678000806154 from {coleman=1.47, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.81, lix=0.05, time=0.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.73} orders: orig=31, rank=101, date=109 Ben, what teams do you like? ranking=3.5085947674418603 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=0, kincaid=-0.07, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.12} orders: orig=48, rank=102, date=112 Reminds me of ben and the gun debate... ranking=3.3350890019379844 from {coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=0.03, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.16} orders: orig=89, rank=103, date=128 Omg get that Cubs hat off her greazy head. ranking=3.1984058139534883 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.36, numword=0, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.18} orders: orig=123, rank=104, date=107 Go Vikings though. ranking=3.1490070373848997 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=1.53, numword=0, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.06} orders: orig=8, rank=105, date=31 ... asks a pandering squish ranking=2.3170774324205627 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0.94, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.58} orders: orig=66, rank=106, date=44 That's not a photo shop? ranking=1.1193556819873829 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08} orders: orig=5, rank=107, date=22 For god’s sake Ben. ranking=1.0266545791007677 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06} orders: orig=111, rank=108, date=1 "Squishes" is my new word. ranking=0.6843130438474346 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0.94, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10} orders: orig=87, rank=109, date=56 Romney in the boxing ring ranking=0.07753501001730978 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.27, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.10} orders: orig=39, rank=110, date=48 Kind of harmless ranking=0.07192984496123955 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.10, lix=0.05, time=1.52, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.06} orders: orig=71, rank=111, date=32 Skol baby. ranking=-0.3691173543237758 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04} orders: orig=9, rank=112, date=37 Try every person. ranking=-0.8156825581395359 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=94, rank=113, date=104 Do better, @benshapiro ranking=-0.9349622093023251 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04} orders: orig=126, rank=114, date=88 What is your point?! ranking=-1.4431014534883726 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.09, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.08} orders: orig=98, rank=115, date=82 … ranking=-1.4573643410852712 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.54, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=125, rank=116, date=95 Mitt BLEEDS Jazz. ranking=-1.7745662790697678 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.06} orders: orig=122, rank=117, date=117 Slow "news" day today, Ben? ranking=-1.8915563565891476 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.10} orders: orig=92, rank=118, date=111 ranking=-2.302325581395349 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=54, rank=119, date=85 @bewilkins22 ranking=-2.37984496124031 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.62, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=97, rank=120, date=90 @cronair @Schmieg__ ranking=-2.7364341085271318 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=47, rank=121, date=113 The Infinity War of terrible ranking=-3.659166325143441 from {coleman=0.62, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.26, pop=4.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.34, ari=0.18, lix=0.08, fwwp=-10, time=1.84, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50} orders: orig=82, rank=122, date=11 Politicians are devils in human ranking=-6.83330382726936 from {coleman=0.80, cos=0.94, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.67, ari=0.33, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.50} orders: orig=63, rank=123, date=54 Yes. They ranking=-8.68766427227365 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.22, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.02} orders: orig=23, rank=124, date=67 ranking=-8.82264754176327 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.56, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.61, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=112, rank=125, date=26 ranking=-10.79200021252352 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.82, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=27, rank=126, date=77 ranking=-11.299100881455558 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.01, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=37, rank=127, date=65 Not Chris ranking=-11.370016472868215 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.90, fog=0.04} orders: orig=49, rank=128, date=102 ranking=-11.54263565891473 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.46, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=68, rank=129, date=36 |
@benshapiro tweeted on 02/05/16 08:03:24: Facts don't care about your feelings. | |||
Status | Number of replies | Percent suppressed replies | Percent hidden replies |
Bad | 208 (list is complete) | 29% | 0% |
Anomalous elevated tweets: | |||
Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets: | |||
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show totalRepliesActual=208 _sourcetweets= [tweet: 970833824077811712, from: @jeremyt22485 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/05/18 05:29:55(HIGH,26,306,19) Ben, when you convinced me of my flawed-liberal ideology, my mindset changed. It went from blame the government for my problems to holding myself accountable. It's made me so much happier and successful. You really do change peoples lives. Deep, I know, but true. Don't stop!] [tweet: 976828264902680578, from: @unopeneddoor (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/22/18 07:29:41(HIGH,0,29,4) You know just because you're a left winger doesn't mean you "blame the government" right?] [tweet: 977382010334433280, from: @jeremyt22485 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/23/18 08:10:04(HIGH,0,9,2) Not only do you blame the government, you then seek them out to have total control over fixing the very issues you say they've failed to eradicate.] [tweet: 978382133990342657, from: @unopeneddoor (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 02:24:12(HIGH,0,29,1) Like the way they seek the government to control birth control, whether kids say a pledge in school, drugs and whether people need IDs to vote. Wait...] [tweet: 978388455775457281, from: @jeremyt22485 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 02:49:20(HIGH,0,12,4) Birth Control: we believe people of faith should be allowed to not be forced to offer BC. You all do! If it were Muslims trying to not offer it due to their religion, you'd all be on board with it.] [tweet: 978388882415869952, from: @jeremyt22485 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 02:51:01(HIGH,0,9,7) Kids say a pledge in school out of respect for those who've died so we could be free to having a conversation right now without fear of reprimand for not having a certain opinion. It's called free speech and it's yet another cherished American tradition you libs want to eradicate] [tweet: 978988901808287744, from: @unopeneddoor (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/28/18 06:35:17(HIGH,0,1,0) IDGAF. And I am not a "lib"] [tweet: 972186328371638272, from: @laurenarielday (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/09/18 11:04:17(HIGH,10,111,5) @benshapiro I heard you were uninvited to UMontana last year by our previous president due to backlash from students and faculty. I now listen to your videos LOUDLY on campus and revel in the dirty looks. Will you ever consider returning now that we have a new president?] [tweet: 972186392854851584, from: @benshapiro (VERIFIED) on 03/09/18 11:04:33(HIGH,3,118,4) Of course!] [tweet: 972249568296538112, from: @hellojayjo (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/09/18 03:15:35(HIGH,0,18,4) Said the dude who looks like Norman Bates. Sorry not sorry.] [tweet: 971187467310202880, from: @hzy_fxy (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/06/18 04:55:10(HIGH,0,8,1) If that's not REPRESSIVE, I don't know what is, my man] [tweet: 974137462342680576, from: @flcantilever (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/14/18 09:17:24(HIGH,0,15,2) Hey, not an attack. I honestly want to know. Is thst irony? Or, do you think feelings change what us factual? Or, do you mean something else? Trying to understand.] [tweet: 974834650140106752, from: @hzy_fxy (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/18 07:27:46(HIGH,0,4,1) Muted] [tweet: 974835549008809984, from: @flcantilever (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/18 07:31:21(HIGH,1,32,2) Of course I'm muted. And, you know, limiting my free speech was really effective. I've completely come over to your side. B/c hanging out with people who don't answer questions and then cut off my speech is my favorite thing to do.] [tweet: 977813232026095617, from: @brad_lewis_01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 12:43:36(HIGH,2,13,1) I don’t think they will ever come to understand this. They never seem to stop. It’s painful to watch truthfully] [tweet: 977875747284176896, from: @hzy_fxy (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 04:52:00(HIGH,0,2,1) I hold that every person is a Buddha who has forgotten that they’re a Buddha, and that’s what I have to hold] [tweet: 978339991721005059, from: @flcantilever (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 11:36:45(HIGH,0,3,3) @Brad_Lewis_01 -- wondering if u meant me or @hzy_fxy in ur reply. I got snarkier than I meant 2 & that's not what's needed now. But, I honestly didn't know ppl are rejecting stuff established by the "cis-white-hetero" scientific method and it has me very confused/alarmed.] [tweet: 978345934747729922, from: @brad_lewis_01 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 12:00:22(HIGH,0,3,1) I was talking to you about @hzy_fxy . As for Jordan Peterson and trans biological science and gender. I may have missed the thing that you refer to, but from my perspective it is not a matter of compassion, which is not a problem, but that added into law which is.] [tweet: 985982967909580801, from: @idansimpson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 01:47:12(HIGH,1,22,1) I wonder how what your feelings are on these facts... …] [tweet: 986230854459551744, from: @idansimpson (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 06:12:13(HIGH,1,2,1) …] [tweet: 988130949987819524, from: @davingoodman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:02:31(HIGH,0,2,0) He doesn't care about facts only spurring on white privileged men to defend their status quo] [tweet: 980794856032362496, from: @alizeeyeezy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/02/18 06:11:30(HIGH,2,60,6)] [tweet: 971211276750766080, from: @jcdav (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/06/18 06:29:47(HIGH,0,13,1) It’s weird. I have retweeted and liked this tweet at least a half a dozen times] [tweet: 971240795574538240, from: @damion_stein (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/06/18 08:27:05(HIGH,0,6,0) Same lol and yet it doesn’t show it on my timeline] [tweet: 979768561278185472, from: @lil_waaang (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/30/18 10:13:22(HIGH,1,21,2) Guessing twitter isn’t a fan of facts because every freaking time I visit your page my account has mysteriously unliked this tweet.] [tweet: 988130680679878657, from: @davingoodman (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 12:01:27(HIGH,0,0,1) Cuz he doesn't actually have facts he just spins bs] [tweet: 988169009739649024, from: @lil_waaang (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 02:33:45(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 985996463204372480, from: @johnalmoni (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 02:40:50(HIGH,0,21,0)] [tweet: 988151859511734273, from: @drbiochemiker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:25:36(HIGH,0,5,1) I feel like I've liked this tweet before but feelings aren't facts. To investigate, I've taken a screen cap to show that I did indeed like the tweet. I am concerned that Twitter is unliking things for] [tweet: 988786256711766016, from: @ghammockjr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 07:26:29(HIGH,0,1,1) Same here on numerous posts I have liked and retweeted finding them unliked/untweeted. #Resistance] [tweet: 988788491650846720, from: @drbiochemiker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 07:35:21(HIGH,0,1,1) @Twitter is unliking things that I liked. Here's] [tweet: 988793167259586560, from: @drbiochemiker (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 07:53:56(HIGH,0,1,0) @TwitterSupport @jack Can you explain why things that I have liked or retweeted get unliked or unretweeted? Does it decrement the like/retweet counter when this happens? Is this a glitch or a way of subtly downranking tweets?] [tweet: 972619733974466560, from: @rws_rws (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/10/18 03:46:29(HIGH,0,4,1) It’s a fact I love you, do you care ;)] [tweet: 974138021430820864, from: @flcantilever (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/14/18 09:19:37(HIGH,0,1,0) I alternate-timeline "ship" you two. :-)] [tweet: 987072961365643264, from: @moa6five (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 01:58:27(HIGH,0,10,0) For a dude who is always talking about others feelings and “snowflakes” you really are easily offended or “triggered” I appreciate your takes but I guess that’s just the GOP in you] [tweet: 980467663339118592, from: @lucasjacobson7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/01/18 08:31:21(HIGH,0,10,0) I just got a Twitter account specifically for your feed and no other reason at all,] [tweet: 987195745588609025, from: @somethingsosada (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 10:06:21(HIGH,0,6,0) Are you calling yourself Facts now?] [tweet: 987091676270342149, from: @glitteracidpoop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 03:12:49(HIGH,1,6,0) See you] [tweet: 981464088743170049, from: @carolindeza73 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/04/18 02:30:48(HIGH,0,4,0) Exactly! But they can be distorted, placed out of context, buried in useless information. With a population that lacks critical thinking and is completely detached from politics and immersed in an electronic hallucination, you have a very fertile ground to do your circus.] [tweet: 979358348922388480, from: @globelamp (VERIFIED) on 03/29/18 07:03:20(HIGH,0,5,0) Factory farms are destroying the environment. Fact] [tweet: 977998112001114112, from: @lucys_legacy (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 12:58:14(HIGH,0,5,0) And thank God for that. If science allowed emotion to reign, we would still be living in caves and clubbing our] [tweet: 976900849741025280, from: @mkolken (VERIFIED) on 03/22/18 12:18:07(HIGH,0,6,0) Why is it that I have to constantly re-heart this sticky?] [tweet: 976846988263215104, from: @kristinkellyusa (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/22/18 08:44:05(HIGH,5,13,0) I have to keep redoing this retweet and like. @Twitter seems to get its feelings hurt when I retweet it. Lol. I find it unretweeted on a regular basis. Hmmmm... #FactsDontCareAboutYourFeelings either, @Twitter] [tweet: 973994877473075200, from: @1tmathew (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/14/18 11:50:49(HIGH,0,5,0) Cool. Tell Trump.] [tweet: 987173813178613760, from: @jamiheinricher (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 08:39:12(HIGH,0,8,1) You mean like the fact that there are no urinals in a ladies' room?] [tweet: 982279370248093696, from: @thefeiler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/06/18 08:30:26(HIGH,0,8,1) It’d be really cool if you started using them sometime.] [tweet: 987147322541953025, from: @shackvalley (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 06:53:56(HIGH,0,4,0) Aww, did someone hurt your facts?] [tweet: 986828698883121152, from: @lovesmasher (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 09:47:50(HIGH,0,4,0) You sure act like they care about yours.] [tweet: 982192125881151488, from: @yodleso (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/06/18 02:43:45(HIGH,0,2,0) And the truth doesn't care what you believe] [tweet: 981641630712131584, from: @fumikechu (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/04/18 02:16:17(HIGH,0,2,0) Someone should tell trump that …] [tweet: 979404503333122048, from: @amysuds (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/29/18 10:06:44(HIGH,0,3,0) Where is my ‘like’ @Twitter ? Vanished again] [tweet: 978418686414422017, from: @sansa2018 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 04:49:27(HIGH,1,3,0) @benshapiro please run for president] [tweet: 977944963697860613, from: @fl_jaronovitch (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 09:27:03(HIGH,0,4,0) It’s just unfortunate that the Left can’t comprehend this!] [tweet: 977672487466164224, from: @noswad983 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/24/18 03:24:19(HIGH,0,1,1) Where are your tweets during this march I need them] [tweet: 977819380657545217, from: @glorygovernance (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 01:08:02(HIGH,0,3,1) Sabbath bro] [tweet: 976682080359866369, from: @erok23 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/21/18 09:48:48(HIGH,0,3,0) Neither does the universe] [tweet: 976440943032328192, from: @jagermeer (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/21/18 05:50:36(HIGH,0,4,0) I love your show and channel. You are doing g-d's work. But I have one serious question. When is @blueapron going to be offering kosher meals? #AmericanMaccabee] [tweet: 976264298287726593, from: @roselaoutaris (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/20/18 06:08:41(HIGH,0,3,0) Iconic] [tweet: 974132392171573248, from: @popular_voter (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/14/18 08:57:15(HIGH,0,3,0) Ha. Tell that to the entire Trump administration] [tweet: 984183103517265920, from: @lisamonahan9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 02:35:11(HIGH,2,0,4) Hello Ben, this came up one day while reading a Christian post that was posted to my FB page. This was during the time of Obama's re-election campaign. FB claimed it wasn't FB...I can not post this through messenger. I took picture with phone so I could show. Your thoughts?] [tweet: 984184303763456005, from: @lisamonahan9 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 02:39:57(HIGH,0,1,0) FB or not I find it threatening and ominous.] [tweet: 975445736593743873, from: @obsessedabroad (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/18/18 11:56:01(HIGH,1,6,1) I feel you are one of my favorite conservatives. #fact] [tweet: 986469632159567872, from: @sheriherman10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:01:02(HIGH,1,1,1) I absolutely abhor this sentiment. Just because FACTS are primary does not mean all compassion is lost. Better to be a cyborg like Mark Zuckerberg. He is all facts. Not a feeling in his robotic body.] [tweet: 986694543641788416, from: @peggyruppe (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 12:54:45(HIGH,0,1,0) Agree] [tweet: 988262256050814976, from: @jcdav (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 08:44:17(HIGH,0,2,0) Just liked and retweeted. For the fourth time. Why do my likes of this tweet disappear?] [tweet: 987481989593759745, from: @chicanogimli (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 05:03:47(HIGH,0,2,0) Fact: you’re a little man.] [tweet: 987422173550686208, from: @hartzellwriter (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 01:06:06(HIGH,0,2,0) And we don't care about your lies] [tweet: 987324223176749056, from: @ayindebutler (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 06:36:53(HIGH,0,2,0) Then why is it that you ignore the facts and focus only on your feelings when black people are dealing with racism?] [tweet: 987184554510290944, from: @ally7ally (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 09:21:53(HIGH,0,2,0) Oh so you’re atheist? Cool.] [tweet: 986702842927853569, from: @themstems (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 01:27:44(HIGH,0,2,0) Are you ready to update this, to reflect viewpoint of the right, which, in fact, is, “my feelings don’t care about facts”? I care about facts & while it’s an upsetting feeling to know that the right doesn’t care about facts, it‘s a fact & I must accept & work with it.] [tweet: 983929909641924608, from: @mannygop (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 09:49:05(HIGH,3,2,0)] [tweet: 983174511599202304, from: @msxenix (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/08/18 07:47:24(HIGH,0,2,0) I love the "facts don't care about your feelings" line. It's just undeniably correct.] [tweet: 981374116547657733, from: @prmndave (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/03/18 08:33:17(HIGH,0,2,0) To quote John Adams, 'Facts are stubborn things.' So true in so many ways.] [tweet: 980070625279692801, from: @bruthabeebop (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/31/18 06:13:40(HIGH,0,2,0) Debate @kurteichenwald .] [tweet: 979552418416480256, from: @garybitsicas (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/29/18 07:54:30(HIGH,2,4,0) Which is why #AlternativeFacts was] [tweet: 977801836676767744, from: @zhailill (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/24/18 11:58:19(HIGH,0,1,0) Something you ought to learn Ben!!!!] [tweet: 976451506391207937, from: @kapilguptamd (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/21/18 06:32:35(HIGH,0,2,0) Neither do people.] [tweet: 974768775198400513, from: @mudflappretty (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/18 03:06:00(HIGH,1,0,0) Fact: we have a left lung. We have a right lung. Our heart is protected right in the middle. Sleep on those "feelings" facts are evidence of each sides "righteousness"] [tweet: 973428854655209472, from: @doreenpalmieri (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/12/18 10:21:39(HIGH,0,2,0) Do you have a bumper sticker of this quote? If not may I make one up with appropriate cite?] [tweet: 972782114067251200, from: @sheenaharvy4sl (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/11/18 03:31:44(HIGH,0,1,0) My all time favorite quote by Ben! lol Nice!] [tweet: 970732059735060481, from: @arkadynikolay (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/05/18 10:45:33(HIGH,0,1,0) Da] [tweet: 988642920084443137, from: @jpeterstsr (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 09:56:54(HIGH,0,1,0) Lol you should put that on a shirt lol] [tweet: 988275229960081414, from: @passiochristi__ (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 09:35:50(HIGH,0,1,0) I find that hurtful.] [tweet: 988103460582240256, from: @dallasriggs4211 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:13:17(HIGH,0,1,0)] [tweet: 988036482362462208, from: @shepardlovesmac (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 05:47:08(HIGH,0,1,0) Facts may not care about your feelings but "facts" can be easily manufactured. CIA can provide "facts" and a fake dossier on you within 24 hours..] [tweet: 987007229156085761, from: @sprywit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 09:37:15(HIGH,0,1,0) That's what we keep trying to tell you.] [tweet: 986974565573181440, from: @amand_amaclean (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 07:27:28(HIGH,0,1,0) Facts …] [tweet: 986656717109977088, from: @lunchbox_lb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 10:24:27(HIGH,0,1,0) LOLZ, what do you and your party know of facts?] [tweet: 986271174245146624, from: @izonorion71 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:52:26(HIGH,0,1,0) If it wasnt for you, I would not have a great library now improved with Mr. Peterson as well!] [tweet: 984877962343297024, from: @dstraight17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/13/18 12:36:19(HIGH,0,1,0) Trump campaign foreign policy adviser: pleads guilty Trump personal lawyer and close confidant: under criminal investigation] [tweet: 984695630818766848, from: @rugglord (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/13/18 12:31:47(HIGH,0,1,0) RUN FOR PRESIDENT 2024] [tweet: 984570677989662720, from: @beforrest45 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 04:15:16(HIGH,0,1,0) So very true!] [tweet: 984560895270555654, from: @young7103 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 03:36:24(HIGH,0,1,0) Soooo TRUE Ben!!!] [tweet: 984547971135131648, from: @catoaspmo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 02:45:02(HIGH,0,1,0) Feelings are hurting my facts] [tweet: 984512952664551429, from: @bolshewiki (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 12:25:53(HIGH,0,1,0)] [tweet: 984386088566448131, from: @flagis4freedom (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 04:01:47(HIGH,0,1,0) Why are we mainstreaming delusion?] [tweet: 984142643318927363, from: @rylo54ken (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 11:54:25(HIGH,1,4,0) Ben what would it take to get you to come to Rochester to educate some liberals on campus, asking for a friend] [tweet: 983887829032996864, from: @fireandaudit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 07:01:52(HIGH,0,1,0) Bank of America Says It Will Stop Lending to Military-Style Gunmakers... what??? weren’t these the same crooked cats that took our “bailout money”??? Now they want our 2nd amendment rights too? FIRE and AUDIT All the SWAMPIES! WTH is going on ‘round here?] [tweet: 983467855692918784, from: @autismgamer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/09/18 03:13:03(HIGH,1,1,0) Daaaaaaaam!!!!!] [tweet: 982303136315527169, from: @shaunofthedad85 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/06/18 10:04:52(HIGH,0,1,0) True. Conversely, and unfortunately, a lot of people's feelings don't include "care for the facts" either. So, there is that too.] [tweet: 982192587015536640, from: @_kevin_1601 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/06/18 02:45:35(HIGH,0,1,0) Couldn't agree more] [tweet: 982076904311279616, from: @hyersenses (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/05/18 07:05:54(HIGH,0,1,0) Facts my guy GG guys] [tweet: 981988357671608320, from: @maedaddow (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/05/18 01:14:03(HIGH,0,1,0) Mayor Shapiro] [tweet: 981948169129988096, from: @alansb (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/05/18 10:34:21(HIGH,0,1,0) Especially when eating over Passover and trying to make up for it in the] [tweet: 981730252971020288, from: @stevetatum85 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/04/18 08:08:26(HIGH,0,1,0) Here's Ben playing "My Heart Bleeds For You" about the Left's] [tweet: 981618346767667202, from: @blackbastiat (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/04/18 12:43:46(HIGH,0,1,0) Say it a little louder please.] [tweet: 981560758889627649, from: @svizzerams (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/04/18 08:54:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Facts don’t care about your lies.] [tweet: 981061542711037952, from: @gaeleigh (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/02/18 11:51:13(HIGH,0,0,0) Is that why you don’t care about facts?] [tweet: 980862425011572737, from: @nathanielrobl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/02/18 10:40:00(HIGH,0,0,0) And you've clearly never cared about facts in your entire life.] [tweet: 980830418919305216, from: @thejasongregory (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/02/18 08:32:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Living breathing hypocrisy in human form - Ben Shapiro.] [tweet: 980274122692415488, from: @sanhearn (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/31/18 07:42:18(HIGH,0,1,0) Ben, Hogg is the one who announced to the world that he was being rejected by colleges. Did he not expect anybody to say anything about it? He's not very bright. He can't spell, he can't punctuate correctly, he can't construct a proper sentence. He might not be college material.] [tweet: 979892748135235585, from: @jack_carlsonp1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/30/18 06:26:51(HIGH,0,1,0) Hey Ben Shapiro, my Name is Jack Carlson and I recently had this debate in a Fb post and perhaps you could see if I’m in the right here? Anyone is welcome... …] [tweet: 979849598255579136, from: @zacharielsoda (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/30/18 03:35:23(HIGH,0,1,0) Hey are you going to debate this dude ? Asking cause I’d really be interested in seeing that if you do make sure to keep us posted] [tweet: 979713131298553857, from: @brigan_g (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/30/18 06:33:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Thank you for not being afraid to speak!] [tweet: 979435900022280192, from: @johncen78797725 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/29/18 12:11:30(HIGH,0,1,0) But what if feelings care about your facts?] [tweet: 979381664089608192, from: @aaroncastillo52 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/29/18 08:35:59(HIGH,0,1,0) @fakenewswatch4] [tweet: 979104562383499264, from: @1947jamie (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/28/18 02:14:53(HIGH,0,1,0) sometimes humans do though] [tweet: 979089982764797952, from: @great_sweetleaf (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/28/18 01:16:57(HIGH,0,1,0)] [tweet: 978966356522610689, from: @amysuds (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/28/18 05:05:42(HIGH,0,1,0) My ‘like’ disappeared again. Is Twitter taking away ‘likes’ from your posts Ben?] [tweet: 978272968978542594, from: @tuangaming335 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/26/18 07:10:25(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh mighty @benshapiro how could we ever survive without you!!!] [tweet: 977828835533058049, from: @kalman42 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/25/18 01:45:36(HIGH,0,1,0) This is very true Ben. But conversely, their feelings don't care about facts.] [tweet: 977442701359697920, from: @virtuoustreatyb (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/24/18 12:11:14(HIGH,0,1,0) Sadly the UK would disagree.] [tweet: 977377652360146944, from: @joenoneck1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/23/18 07:52:45(HIGH,0,1,0) But....but...I has feewings.] [tweet: 977376676991635456, from: @archingwithaphd (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/23/18 07:48:53(HIGH,0,1,0) Have you told that to @realDonaldTrump yet?] [tweet: 977263159512895488, from: @leeboone (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/23/18 12:17:48(HIGH,0,0,0) See Three Arrows scat and bebop all over Ben. (And also Ben.) …] [tweet: 977236738216165378, from: @triggerwarnband (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/23/18 10:32:49(HIGH,0,1,0) My most quoted #shapiroism] [tweet: 976788679719927808, from: @unopeneddoor (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/22/18 04:52:23(HIGH,1,7,0)] [tweet: 975920856802254849, from: @reallitesleeper (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/19/18 07:23:58(HIGH,0,1,0) USS Liberty] [tweet: 975888097165697024, from: @ashleyloveleee (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/19/18 05:13:48(HIGH,1,0,0) Feeling which you don’t have] [tweet: 974887309035257856, from: @canadianconser2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/18 10:57:01(HIGH,0,1,0) I agree with that statement 100%! My Canadian friends could learn that!] [tweet: 974690242954514433, from: @candrewtoo (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/18 09:53:57(HIGH,0,1,0) I think @jordanbpeterson would say: "But the truth does."] [tweet: 974164569022058496, from: @zizabella (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/14/18 11:05:07(HIGH,0,1,0) Facts and Shapoopy don't mix well. #BenShapoopy] [tweet: 972146672607227904, from: @theliberalbully (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/09/18 08:26:43(HIGH,0,1,0) Oh, the irony @Jeller0450] [tweet: 983924016476860417, from: @lovescienceart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 09:25:40(HIGH,0,1,1) I don’t care for your musical choices] [tweet: 983924720876773377, from: @lovescienceart (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 09:28:28(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 973025180728532992, from: @electjeredgavin (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/11/18 07:37:35(HIGH,0,1,1) @benshapiro I would love to have a discussion with you. I am running for Congress in Washington state, campaigning for "We The People", and fighting to bring our constitution back to the forefront of congress. -Thank you for your] [tweet: 988882749535739904, from: @kind_of_hoping (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:49:54(HIGH,0,0,0) Says the guy who wouldn’t recognize a fact if it bit him in the ass.] [tweet: 988877413076668423, from: @leftpatriot (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:28:42(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes they do. It is a fact that people will hurt feelings do things they wouldn't normally do. Thus hurting feelings factually has negative impacts] [tweet: 988871443260653569, from: @jradheshwar (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 01:04:59(HIGH,0,0,0) All thought is driven by emotion. To fail to acknowledge how emotion drives your thought makes your claims suspect and renders your motivations obviously disingenuous. Feeling and thinking and understanding reality are intimately and inherently connected physiological processes.] [tweet: 988863700386926593, from: @gr81alexander (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:34:13(HIGH,0,0,0) The environmental impact on intelligence is large enough that it can explain racial IQ gap. Since there is a Flynn Effect that is observed, it is not predestined that the gap can not be closed! …] [tweet: 988861023837917189, from: @gr81alexander (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 12:23:34(HIGH,0,0,0) What about the facts from Angus Deaton’s work on Deaths of Despair? Should we deport all rural whites since the consume the most drugs and alcohol? #Facts] [tweet: 988842871003533312, from: @embraca1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 11:11:26(HIGH,0,0,0) A thought to consider: why is it the Right is this all hatred group that seeks to promote violence, but yet we hope to open doors to dialogue, while the Leftist medium promote subtle messages that paint us as barbaric emotionless creatures as this video] [tweet: 988824718898851840, from: @kool363 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 09:59:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Nooice!!] [tweet: 988783247592181766, from: @ash_the_ceo (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/24/18 07:14:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Says the guy who thinks women stand next to each other in the bathroom.] [tweet: 988568314388664320, from: @alobregon23 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 05:00:27(HIGH,0,0,0) unless their wrong....then all kinds of feelings come out...] [tweet: 988520553395998720, from: @dk_beansandrice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 01:50:40(HIGH,0,0,0) I was wondering if that was at all legal?] [tweet: 988520454091689985, from: @dk_beansandrice (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 01:50:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Hello Ben, my name is Dakota and well your probably never going to see this ,but my family has a problem. Where a foster family and have foster my sister for more then a year now. Recently though a judge during court apperently got upset and dismissed the case to grandma.] [tweet: 988420526560497665, from: @stixie1234 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 07:13:12(HIGH,0,0,0) Hey how's that Russian collusion working out for ya Ben?] [tweet: 988346741693956101, from: @truejosephmwii (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/23/18 02:20:00(HIGH,0,0,0) They sure in the hell don't... Facts are allergic to BS and Feeling] [tweet: 988297086104780800, from: @xantogs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:02:41(HIGH,0,0,0) <3] [tweet: 988284970769698818, from: @justthinking84 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 10:14:33(HIGH,0,0,0) #ThorShapiro2020 :-)] [tweet: 988232338428444672, from: @xxeper (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 06:45:24(HIGH,0,0,0) And conservatives don't care about facts.] [tweet: 988196794759876608, from: @silaswalker_10 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 04:24:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Damn right brotha!!!] [tweet: 988150515900043264, from: @ryanhdd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:20:16(HIGH,0,0,0) Best tweet all year!] [tweet: 988150191537639424, from: @hellomarisaduma (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 01:18:59(HIGH,0,0,0) Yeah, yeah.] [tweet: 988122452978003973, from: @jackandjill888 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 11:28:45(HIGH,0,0,0) You keep saying George Stephanopoulos was Clinton's chief of staff - that's a lie. You keep mentioning that Clinton paid for the dossier - the republicans paid for it first then clinton took over after the primary. Thank your republican friends for the existence of that dossier.] [tweet: 988057846213480450, from: @sublimefly (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 07:12:02(HIGH,0,0,0) Does this mean you finally realized ladies rooms don't have urinals and your daughter should be trying to use urinals?] [tweet: 988047222972604417, from: @jeshua15755757 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/22/18 06:29:49(HIGH,0,0,0) I swear this what every democrat need to get around they head] [tweet: 987809993196847104, from: @drkirstenn (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 02:47:09(HIGH,0,0,0) When someone goes to a doctors office with a BMI of 16, reporting he or she feels fat and insists on loosing weight, should docs continue to recommend behavioral therapy & antidepressants or perhaps a weight loss plan is more conducive to the next potential civil rights movement?] [tweet: 987792529272791041, from: @alexjaybrady (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 01:37:45(HIGH,0,0,2)] [tweet: 987792555545899008, from: @alexjaybrady (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 01:37:52(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 987712435548278784, from: @jones631simon (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/21/18 08:19:30(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 987408710225092609, from: @eddyfleekyfast (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 12:12:36(HIGH,0,0,0) Now say this to yourself in the mirror scumbag.] [tweet: 987329070672306176, from: @unsaltedsummers (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/20/18 06:56:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Empirical reasoning has been truncated & replaced by #opinions and #feels @benshapiro keep up the great work!] [tweet: 987057170435850240, from: @flondyy (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 12:55:42(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 987017038068682755, from: @gradysteiner17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 10:16:14(HIGH,0,0,0) Conservatives are wrong] [tweet: 987010040967127040, from: @jgchirps (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 09:48:26(HIGH,0,0,0) What about your feels re your daughter seeing a transgender person's anatomy in a restroom, or that the scenario you imagined where that could happen seems to neglect the fact that toilets in women's restrooms are enclosed unlike urinals in men's restrooms.] [tweet: 986990124759216128, from: @beetkid (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 08:29:17(HIGH,0,0,0) Alex Bissonnette is a big fan of yours. Easy to see why.] [tweet: 986955806821281792, from: @kee20005 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 06:12:55(HIGH,0,0,0) Fact-hunt!] [tweet: 986944800992710657, from: @sassysavior (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/19/18 05:29:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Says the man spouting opinions. 1+1= 2 is a fact, all trans women being sexual predators is your opinion.] [tweet: 986840388919934976, from: @mojosphone (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 10:34:17(HIGH,0,0,0) feels don't care about your facts.] [tweet: 986789776471797760, from: @itsyouboisp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 07:13:11(HIGH,0,0,0) These comments man, hOly helll] [tweet: 986770484074307584, from: @bradenburd (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 05:56:31(HIGH,0,0,0) Yes] [tweet: 986765080552407040, from: @scrappy2gs83 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 05:35:03(HIGH,0,0,0) I would love to have a sit down with you on my show. I agree with many things that you say and disagree with just as many. I'd love to pick your mind ad debate a few issues] [tweet: 986745156262080512, from: @codyhairbangs (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/18/18 04:15:52(HIGH,0,0,0) Still, want to confirm your daughter is not pissing in my sons urinal... I’m worried.] [tweet: 986448687848189953, from: @yuppyscum2 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 08:37:49(HIGH,0,0,0) New hashtag idea that will drive leftists mad. Science doesn't care about your feelings. #sciencedoesntcareaboutyourfeelings] [tweet: 986312367771398149, from: @trevorbland7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 11:36:07(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 986297637555990528, from: @asjmhfoundation (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 10:37:35(HIGH,0,0,0) Subsaharan Africa can be self sustaining in 10 years or less if my Charity's rehabilitation program work the way they're supposed to.] [tweet: 986243518267121664, from: @robtdfischl (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 07:02:32(HIGH,0,0,0) Omission of a material fact is wrong - Comey is too smart to have made that error by mistake] [tweet: 986208035080204293, from: @iburnedmyfinger (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:41:33(HIGH,0,0,0) This is why you have no right to complain about the fact you inspired the mosque shooter. Because facts don't care about your feelings.] [tweet: 986204276090441728, from: @postordinary (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 04:26:36(HIGH,0,0,0) How does it feel to be the white man's "Dabiq", Ben?] [tweet: 986160036304117760, from: @muhummadjihad (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 01:30:49(HIGH,0,0,0) Bud do feelings care about your facts?] [tweet: 986156137958408193, from: @jnorris (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 01:15:19(HIGH,0,0,0) You don't care about facts.] [tweet: 986130058170568704, from: @patanicsanic (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 11:31:41(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 986059524720087042, from: @brian_gilberg (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:51:25(HIGH,0,0,0) Will Trump get re-elected?] [tweet: 986058913891176448, from: @nerdkryptonite (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:48:59(HIGH,0,0,0) …] [tweet: 986047517845532678, from: @torrenttp (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:03:42(HIGH,0,0,0) this. is. EPIC.] [tweet: 986047191327346688, from: @mcbenefit (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 06:02:24(HIGH,0,0,0) Ironic coming from someone who peddles in lies like Trump peddles in extramarital affairs.] [tweet: 985910685136715778, from: @zonetelevision (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/16/18 08:59:59(HIGH,0,0,1) If that’s true then provide us with FACTS that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people and it WASN’T a false flag @realDonaldTrump. Otherwise I call b.s.] [tweet: 986171197548249088, from: @william_arent (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/17/18 02:15:10(HIGH,0,0,0) UK & France made themselves targets of their neighbor Russia. A risk only justified if they had good intel. & Syria blocked UN investigators.] [tweet: 985722501551489024, from: @leftistpatrol (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/15/18 08:32:12(HIGH,0,0,0)] [tweet: 985369245545521157, from: @givemebanhammer (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/14/18 09:08:30(HIGH,0,0,0) You statement now is a little ironic considerig how you were quick to jump on Assad being the perpetrator of the chemical attack when the facts indicate there’s no reason for him to do] [tweet: 985365190001733632, from: @anonymo56745067 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/14/18 08:52:23(HIGH,0,0,0) True.] [tweet: 985203885647200256, from: @jasmin_live_cam (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/14/18 10:11:25(HIGH,0,0,0) great post] [tweet: 984999229364912129, from: @demisane (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/13/18 08:38:11(HIGH,0,0,0) Facts may sometimes be fabricated. For example, elliptical planetary orbits are really not elliptical. Or that time was never constant.] [tweet: 984877930516856832, from: @dstraight17 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/13/18 12:36:11(HIGH,0,0,0) First off I sincerely enjoy your commentary and agree with much of what you say. But please tell me how you feel about these facts: Trump former campaign chairman: indicted Trump WH national security adviser: pleads guilty Trump former deputy campaign chairman: pleads guilty] [tweet: 984822353120112640, from: @fausseseptique (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/13/18 08:55:20(HIGH,0,0,0) Having a catchphrase is the sure sign of intellectual achievement] [tweet: 984554350113624064, from: @sarahdearmond (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 03:10:23(HIGH,0,0,0) Absolutely correct! …] [tweet: 984493752520663040, from: @conspirafact (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 11:09:36(HIGH,0,0,0) EXACTLY!] [tweet: 984489261037686787, from: @matthagen3535 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 10:51:45(HIGH,0,0,0) And feelings don't consider facts.] [tweet: 984448442515603456, from: @annasoprano (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/12/18 08:09:33(HIGH,0,0,0) You need a soul first to have feelings.] [tweet: 984322936122130433, from: @michaelmoneal (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 11:50:50(HIGH,0,0,0) “Mood? What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises — no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.” - Gurney Halleck] [tweet: 984192762672287745, from: @skin_munchkin (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 03:13:34(HIGH,0,0,0) you're feelings are not facts] [tweet: 984179235093929985, from: @everett_ridley (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 02:19:49(HIGH,0,0,0) No they don’t but they can be used in n untruthful malevolent manner. They can be used to deceive and manipulate. They can be used to push a short sighted Nd not so well thought out agenda. So yeh it’s a fact. Your quote is fucking stupid.] [tweet: 984100887625953282, from: @justin4241999 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 09:08:29(HIGH,0,0,0) And thus don't care about you] [tweet: 984046891791978498, from: @kling45815154 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/11/18 05:33:56(HIGH,0,0,0) Are Michael knowles and you getting along? Or I should ask “ Are you going to fire him?” Hope not. I like him. Again, are you going to fire him seriously??] [tweet: 983779476843659264, from: @billsnewaccount (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 11:51:19(HIGH,0,0,0) Yo Ben, when you use a cutting board are you eye level with those veggies or did you get special made counters that are like 2 feet off the ground?] [tweet: 983750560514957312, from: @carmendaddow7 (NOTVERIFIED) on 04/10/18 09:56:25(HIGH,0,0,0) This is Carmen Mae Daddow from Salt Lake City Utah] totalReplies=9268 rankingFunctionName=formula1js _rankedtweets= Fact-hunt! ranking=NaN from {coleman=0, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=0, ari=0, lix=0.99, time=0.54, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0} orders: orig=169, rank=1, date=153 Ben, when you convinced me of my flawed-liberal ideology, my mindset changed. It went from blame the government for my problems to holding myself accountable. It's made me so much happier and successful. You really do change peoples lives. Deep, I know, but true. Don't stop! ranking=22.01341429300807 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.17, pop=6.67, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.99, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33} orders: orig=1, rank=2, date=2 I have to keep redoing this retweet and like. @Twitter seems to get its feelings hurt when I retweet it. Lol. I find it unretweeted on a regular basis. Hmmmm... #FactsDontCareAboutYourFeelings either, @Twitter ranking=18.909806163748524 from {pop=3.71, coleman=0.45, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.12, cos=1.89, smog=0.62, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.69, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.23} orders: orig=43, rank=3, date=33 @benshapiro I heard you were uninvited to UMontana last year by our previous president due to backlash from students and faculty. I now listen to your videos LOUDLY on campus and revel in the dirty looks. Will you ever consider returning now that we have a new president? ranking=18.85210023653084 from {pop=5.62, coleman=0.53, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.37, lix=0.05, time=1.94, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.38, fog=0.57} orders: orig=8, rank=4, date=7 Kids say a pledge in school out of respect for those who've died so we could be free to having a conversation right now without fear of reprimand for not having a certain opinion. It's called free speech and it's yet another cherished American tradition you libs want to eradicate ranking=17.88263064808589 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=1.32, kincaid=0.56, pop=3.97, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.43, ari=0.60, lix=0.08, time=1.49, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.77} orders: orig=6, rank=5, date=54 Hey, not an attack. I honestly want to know. Is thst irony? Or, do you think feelings change what us factual? Or, do you mean something else? Trying to understand. ranking=17.810563386756296 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0.58, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.09, pop=3.69, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=1.86, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.23} orders: orig=12, rank=6, date=16 Of course I'm muted. And, you know, limiting my free speech was really effective. I've completely come over to your side. B/c hanging out with people who don't answer questions and then cut off my speech is my favorite thing to do. ranking=17.746519376119984 from {coleman=0.52, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=4.34, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.40} orders: orig=14, rank=7, date=22 Hello Ben, this came up one day while reading a Christian post that was posted to my FB page. This was during the time of Obama's re-election campaign. FB claimed it wasn't FB...I can not post this through messenger. I took picture with phone so I could show. Your thoughts? ranking=16.694529442065686 from {pop=3.26, coleman=0.42, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.00, cos=0, smog=0.54, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.04, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.08, fog=0.23} orders: orig=60, rank=8, date=101 Exactly! But they can be distorted, placed out of context, buried in useless information. With a population that lacks critical thinking and is completely detached from politics and immersed in an electronic hallucination, you have a very fertile ground to do your circus. ranking=15.531210742220598 from {pop=2.08, coleman=0.74, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.49, cos=0, smog=1.19, ari=0.51, lix=0.09, time=1.27, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.49, fog=0.66} orders: orig=39, rank=9, date=77 Ben, Hogg is the one who announced to the world that he was being rejected by colleges. Did he not expect anybody to say anything about it? He's not very bright. He can't spell, he can't punctuate correctly, he can't construct a proper sentence. He might not be college material. ranking=15.507736416741999 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.79, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.20, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.34, numword=5.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.36} orders: orig=111, rank=10, date=70 I absolutely abhor this sentiment. Just because FACTS are primary does not mean all compassion is lost. Better to be a cyborg like Mark Zuckerberg. He is all facts. Not a feeling in his robotic body. ranking=15.488165367607515 from {coleman=0.51, cos=1.03, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.23, pop=2.30, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.25, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.64, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.42} orders: orig=63, rank=11, date=142 @Brad_Lewis_01 -- wondering if u meant me or @hzy_fxy in ur reply. I got snarkier than I meant 2 & that's not what's needed now. But, I honestly didn't know ppl are rejecting stuff established by the "cis-white-hetero" scientific method and it has me very confused/alarmed. ranking=15.201956105585234 from {coleman=0.38, cos=0, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.23, pop=3.04, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.53, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.46} orders: orig=17, rank=12, date=50 Birth Control: we believe people of faith should be allowed to not be forced to offer BC. You all do! If it were Muslims trying to not offer it due to their religion, you'd all be on board with it. ranking=15.154634066601766 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.19, pop=3.78, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.08, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.50, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=5, rank=13, date=53 I was talking to you about @hzy_fxy . As for Jordan Peterson and trans biological science and gender. I may have missed the thing that you refer to, but from my perspective it is not a matter of compassion, which is not a problem, but that added into law which is. ranking=14.690934295151251 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0, smog=0.93, kincaid=0.32, pop=2.40, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.52, numword=4.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.49} orders: orig=18, rank=14, date=51 Bank of America Says It Will Stop Lending to Military-Style Gunmakers... what??? weren’t these the same crooked cats that took our “bailout money”??? Now they want our 2nd amendment rights too? FIRE and AUDIT All the SWAMPIES! WTH is going on ‘round here? ranking=14.517200659020586 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.48, numsent=6.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.12, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.09, fog=0.28} orders: orig=98, rank=15, date=93 When someone goes to a doctors office with a BMI of 16, reporting he or she feels fat and insists on loosing weight, should docs continue to recommend behavioral therapy & antidepressants or perhaps a weight loss plan is more conducive to the next potential civil rights movement? ranking=13.985468689348894 from {coleman=0.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.72, cos=0, smog=1.75, ari=1.25, lix=0.99, time=0.34, numword=4.00, kincaid=1.05, fog=1.24} orders: orig=159, rank=16, date=174 Guessing twitter isn’t a fan of facts because every freaking time I visit your page my account has mysteriously unliked this tweet. ranking=13.878670738910369 from {coleman=0.67, cos=0.64, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.50, pop=4.01, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.62, lix=0.11, time=1.38, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.52} orders: orig=25, rank=17, date=66 Fact: we have a left lung. We have a right lung. Our heart is protected right in the middle. Sleep on those "feelings" facts are evidence of each sides "righteousness" ranking=13.814415867915244 from {coleman=0.49, cos=1.06, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.09, pop=1.10, numsent=4.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.82, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=78, rank=18, date=20 @benshapiro I would love to have a discussion with you. I am running for Congress in Washington state, campaigning for "We The People", and fighting to bring our constitution back to the forefront of congress. -Thank you for your ranking=13.812347260876138 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.55, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=1.01, ari=0.32, lix=0.05, time=1.89, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.29, fog=0.52} orders: orig=136, rank=19, date=12 I love your show and channel. You are doing g-d's work. But I have one serious question. When is @blueapron going to be offering kosher meals? #AmericanMaccabee ranking=13.71103747242438 from {coleman=0.50, cos=0, smog=0.65, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.08, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.16, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.74, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.26} orders: orig=57, rank=20, date=28 For a dude who is always talking about others feelings and “snowflakes” you really are easily offended or “triggered” I appreciate your takes but I guess that’s just the GOP in you ranking=13.576240163594425 from {coleman=0.53, cos=0.60, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.66, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.76, lix=0.09, time=0.47, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.75} orders: orig=35, rank=21, date=160 I feel like I've liked this tweet before but feelings aren't facts. To investigate, I've taken a screen cap to show that I did indeed like the tweet. I am concerned that Twitter is unliking things for ranking=13.484521026095955 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0.98, smog=0.75, kincaid=0.21, pop=2.71, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.24, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.34} orders: orig=29, rank=22, date=184 All thought is driven by emotion. To fail to acknowledge how emotion drives your thought makes your claims suspect and renders your motivations obviously disingenuous. Feeling and thinking and understanding reality are intimately and inherently connected physiological processes. ranking=13.4112088731444 from {coleman=1.06, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.71, cos=0, smog=1.30, ari=0.73, lix=0.99, time=0.03, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.62, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.78} orders: orig=139, rank=23, date=206 What about your feels re your daughter seeing a transgender person's anatomy in a restroom, or that the scenario you imagined where that could happen seems to neglect the fact that toilets in women's restrooms are enclosed unlike urinals in men's restrooms. ranking=13.264569473984693 from {coleman=0.67, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.59, cos=0, smog=1.40, ari=1.07, lix=0.99, time=0.50, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.86, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.99} orders: orig=167, rank=24, date=157 I don’t think they will ever come to understand this. They never seem to stop. It’s painful to watch truthfully ranking=13.072602302592687 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.62, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.61, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.23} orders: orig=15, rank=25, date=43 No they don’t but they can be used in n untruthful malevolent manner. They can be used to deceive and manipulate. They can be used to push a short sighted Nd not so well thought out agenda. So yeh it’s a fact. Your quote is fucking stupid. ranking=13.027224325122186 from {coleman=0.38, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.72, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.05, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=204, rank=26, date=100 A thought to consider: why is it the Right is this all hatred group that seeks to promote violence, but yet we hope to open doors to dialogue, while the Leftist medium promote subtle messages that paint us as barbaric emotionless creatures as this video ranking=12.943375222562159 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.58, cos=0, smog=1.52, ari=1.16, lix=0.99, time=0.06, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.94, fog=1.14} orders: orig=142, rank=27, date=203 Are you ready to update this, to reflect viewpoint of the right, which, in fact, is, “my feelings don’t care about facts”? I care about facts & while it’s an upsetting feeling to know that the right doesn’t care about facts, it‘s a fact & I must accept & work with it. ranking=12.907257630274183 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.38, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, smog=0.69, ari=0.45, lix=0.05, time=0.62, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.41, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.51} orders: orig=70, rank=28, date=145 Like the way they seek the government to control birth control, whether kids say a pledge in school, drugs and whether people need IDs to vote. Wait... ranking=12.80357344562766 from {pop=4.14, coleman=0.51, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.30, lix=0, time=1.51, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.20, fog=0.34} orders: orig=4, rank=29, date=52 Not only do you blame the government, you then seek them out to have total control over fixing the very issues you say they've failed to eradicate. ranking=12.748191564032073 from {pop=3.33, coleman=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.37, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.59, lix=0.05, time=1.63, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.54, fog=0.67} orders: orig=3, rank=30, date=39 First off I sincerely enjoy your commentary and agree with much of what you say. But please tell me how you feel about these facts: Trump former campaign chairman: indicted Trump WH national security adviser: pleads guilty Trump former deputy campaign chairman: pleads guilty ranking=12.535146359344758 from {coleman=0.73, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.37, cos=0.34, smog=1.17, ari=0.69, lix=0.08, time=0.89, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.49, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.67} orders: orig=196, rank=31, date=116 “Mood? What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises — no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.” - Gurney Halleck ranking=12.396068570974371 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.72, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.01, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.31} orders: orig=202, rank=32, date=104 You statement now is a little ironic considerig how you were quick to jump on Assad being the perpetrator of the chemical attack when the facts indicate there’s no reason for him to do ranking=12.101224699168755 from {coleman=0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.55, cos=0.62, smog=1.64, ari=0.78, lix=0.09, time=0.85, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.76, fuzzy=0.30, fog=1.02} orders: orig=192, rank=33, date=121 You keep saying George Stephanopoulos was Clinton's chief of staff - that's a lie. You keep mentioning that Clinton paid for the dossier - the republicans paid for it first then clinton took over after the primary. Thank your republican friends for the existence of that dossier. ranking=11.811400490190723 from {coleman=0.67, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.34, cos=0, smog=1.01, ari=0.45, lix=0.06, time=0.29, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.52} orders: orig=156, rank=34, date=179 Trump campaign foreign policy adviser: pleads guilty Trump personal lawyer and close confidant: under criminal investigation ranking=11.80867306156692 from {coleman=1.18, cos=0, smog=1.52, kincaid=0.75, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.84, ari=0.90, lix=0.99, time=0.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.95} orders: orig=90, rank=35, date=117 You know just because you're a left winger doesn't mean you "blame the government" right? ranking=11.604519845733218 from {pop=4.36, coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.70, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.41} orders: orig=2, rank=36, date=32 New hashtag idea that will drive leftists mad. Science doesn't care about your feelings. #sciencedoesntcareaboutyourfeelings ranking=11.58034511800448 from {coleman=1.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.57, cos=1.46, smog=0.69, ari=0.79, lix=0.07, time=0.65, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.45, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.28} orders: orig=176, rank=37, date=141 Hello Ben, my name is Dakota and well your probably never going to see this ,but my family has a problem. Where a foster family and have foster my sister for more then a year now. Recently though a judge during court apperently got upset and dismissed the case to grandma. ranking=11.572816378384863 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.20, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.36, lix=0, time=0.14, numword=5.00, kincaid=0.32, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.38} orders: orig=147, rank=38, date=194 Facts may sometimes be fabricated. For example, elliptical planetary orbits are really not elliptical. Or that time was never constant. ranking=11.561285741853158 from {coleman=0.86, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.56, cos=0.60, smog=1.01, ari=0.41, lix=0.07, time=0.88, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.44, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.63} orders: orig=195, rank=39, date=118 True. Conversely, and unfortunately, a lot of people's feelings don't include "care for the facts" either. So, there is that too. ranking=11.548705647854774 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.57, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.24, smog=0.75, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.16, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.34} orders: orig=100, rank=40, date=88 I wonder how what your feelings are on these facts... … ranking=11.40188641088912 from {coleman=0.42, smog=0.30, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.12, pop=3.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.82, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.20} orders: orig=19, rank=41, date=124 I feel you are one of my favorite conservatives. #fact ranking=11.357910096641627 from {coleman=0.48, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.36, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.39, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.78, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.60} orders: orig=62, rank=42, date=24 Ben what would it take to get you to come to Rochester to educate some liberals on campus, asking for a friend ranking=11.238123151268464 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=1.25, kincaid=0.45, pop=2.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=1.06, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.71} orders: orig=97, rank=43, date=99 Are Michael knowles and you getting along? Or I should ask “ Are you going to fire him?” Hope not. I like him. Again, are you going to fire him seriously?? ranking=11.08798141025641 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=5.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.08, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.05, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.12} orders: orig=206, rank=44, date=97 It’s a fact I love you, do you care ;) ranking=11.040916573219386 from {coleman=0.02, cos=1.33, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, jrw=0.45, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.22, lix=0, time=1.91, numword=0, fuzzy=2.70, fog=0.16} orders: orig=33, rank=45, date=10 And thank God for that. If science allowed emotion to reign, we would still be living in caves and clubbing our ranking=11.00013535069171 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=1.55, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=41, rank=46, date=48 Said the dude who looks like Norman Bates. Sorry not sorry. ranking=10.911262704721164 from {pop=4.03, coleman=0.47, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.99, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.92, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.11} orders: orig=10, rank=47, date=9 Yes they do. It is a fact that people will hurt feelings do things they wouldn't normally do. Thus hurting feelings factually has negative impacts ranking=10.637192706580828 from {coleman=0.58, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.14, cos=1.19, smog=0.62, ari=0.23, lix=0.05, time=0.02, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.24} orders: orig=138, rank=48, date=207 If that’s true then provide us with FACTS that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people and it WASN’T a false flag @realDonaldTrump. Otherwise I call b.s. ranking=10.618783662082691 from {coleman=0.42, cos=0.64, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.83, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.41} orders: orig=189, rank=49, date=123 @TwitterSupport @jack Can you explain why things that I have liked or retweeted get unliked or unretweeted? Does it decrement the like/retweet counter when this happens? Is this a glitch or a way of subtly downranking tweets? ranking=10.382109971850932 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=0.69, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.28, lix=0.05, time=0.08, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40} orders: orig=32, rank=50, date=201 He doesn't care about facts only spurring on white privileged men to defend their status quo ranking=10.370305072361496 from {coleman=0.58, cos=1.54, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.34, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.27, ari=0.40, lix=0, time=0.27, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.43} orders: orig=21, rank=51, date=181 It’s weird. I have retweeted and liked this tweet at least a half a dozen times ranking=10.36351271730566 from {pop=3.43, coleman=0.37, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.02, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.97, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.15} orders: orig=23, rank=52, date=4 I just got a Twitter account specifically for your feed and no other reason at all, ranking=10.314043532982232 from {coleman=0.44, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.38, pop=3.00, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.31, lix=0.05, time=1.33, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45} orders: orig=36, rank=53, date=71 I don’t care for your musical choices ranking=10.215260270663045 from {coleman=0.49, cos=1.33, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=1.95, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.10, lix=0.06, time=1.11, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.45} orders: orig=134, rank=54, date=94 Which is why #AlternativeFacts was ranking=10.201868989684527 from {coleman=0.63, cos=1.33, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.22, pop=2.64, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.26, ari=0.22, lix=0, time=1.39, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.45} orders: orig=75, rank=55, date=64 I love the "facts don't care about your feelings" line. It's just undeniably correct. ranking=10.17279718292012 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.66, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.19, smog=0.69, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=1.15, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.29} orders: orig=72, rank=56, date=89 I hold that every person is a Buddha who has forgotten that they’re a Buddha, and that’s what I have to hold ranking=10.153597327149077 from {pop=2.20, coleman=0.28, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=1.57, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.32, fog=0.50} orders: orig=16, rank=57, date=46 Factory farms are destroying the environment. Fact ranking=10.057600735307096 from {pop=2.30, coleman=1.02, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.42, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.46, lix=0.08, time=1.43, numword=0, kincaid=0.30, fog=0.36} orders: orig=40, rank=58, date=60 Hey Ben Shapiro, my Name is Jack Carlson and I recently had this debate in a Fb post and perhaps you could see if I’m in the right here? Anyone is welcome... … ranking=9.77430915326466 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.13, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.36, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.31} orders: orig=112, rank=59, date=68 It’s just unfortunate that the Left can’t comprehend this! ranking=9.736623375756484 from {coleman=0.89, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.37, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.45, lix=0.05, time=1.56, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.71} orders: orig=53, rank=60, date=47 You mean like the fact that there are no urinals in a ladies' room? ranking=9.725434830393423 from {coleman=0.30, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.21, pop=3.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.44, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.20, fog=0.42} orders: orig=45, rank=61, date=163 It’d be really cool if you started using them sometime. ranking=9.67913858497218 from {coleman=0.55, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.18, pop=3.04, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=1.17, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40} orders: orig=46, rank=62, date=87 Then why is it that you ignore the facts and focus only on your feelings when black people are dealing with racism? ranking=9.668510425073244 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.45, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.19, cos=1.63, smog=0.30, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=0.41, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.37, fog=0.44} orders: orig=68, rank=63, date=166 If that's not REPRESSIVE, I don't know what is, my man ranking=9.638386448220043 from {pop=3.04, coleman=0.22, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=1.98, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.40} orders: orig=11, rank=64, date=3 The environmental impact on intelligence is large enough that it can explain racial IQ gap. Since there is a Flynn Effect that is observed, it is not predestined that the gap can not be closed! … ranking=9.391441217425761 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.32, cos=0, smog=0.97, ari=0.42, lix=0, time=0.04, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.40, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.52} orders: orig=140, rank=65, date=205 What about the facts from Angus Deaton’s work on Deaths of Despair? Should we deport all rural whites since the consume the most drugs and alcohol? #Facts ranking=9.351604586447372 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.16, cos=1.15, smog=0.62, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=0.05, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.25} orders: orig=141, rank=66, date=204 Same here on numerous posts I have liked and retweeted finding them unliked/untweeted. #Resistance ranking=9.312869245022018 from {coleman=0.71, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.21, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.29, lix=0.05, time=0.10, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.44} orders: orig=30, rank=67, date=199 Ha. Tell that to the entire Trump administration ranking=9.267154919233413 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.26, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.35, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.33} orders: orig=59, rank=68, date=15 But what if feelings care about your facts? ranking=9.148574584406099 from {coleman=0.50, smog=0.30, jac=0.50, kincaid=0.11, jrw=0.50, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.40, numword=0, fuzzy=2.75, fog=0.16} orders: orig=115, rank=69, date=63 Same lol and yet it doesn’t show it on my timeline ranking=9.103502668831629 from {coleman=0.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.05, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=1.96, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40} orders: orig=24, rank=70, date=5 Hey are you going to debate this dude ? Asking cause I’d really be interested in seeing that if you do make sure to keep us posted ranking=9.035353130565303 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.04, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=1.37, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.33} orders: orig=113, rank=71, date=67 Subsaharan Africa can be self sustaining in 10 years or less if my Charity's rehabilitation program work the way they're supposed to. ranking=8.972302721127436 from {coleman=0.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.53, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.55, lix=0.08, time=0.67, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.58, fog=0.70} orders: orig=178, rank=72, date=139 Especially when eating over Passover and trying to make up for it in the ranking=8.895351267383846 from {coleman=0.45, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.34, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.28, ari=0.27, lix=0, time=1.22, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.57} orders: orig=104, rank=73, date=82 Do you have a bumper sticker of this quote? If not may I make one up with appropriate cite? ranking=8.882122554040228 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.12, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.30} orders: orig=79, rank=74, date=13 This is why you have no right to complain about the fact you inspired the mosque shooter. Because facts don't care about your feelings. ranking=8.853259113712374 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, smog=0.30, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.71, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.21, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.23} orders: orig=180, rank=75, date=135 I agree with that statement 100%! My Canadian friends could learn that! ranking=8.83335627652665 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.79, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.45} orders: orig=130, rank=76, date=23 Yo Ben, when you use a cutting board are you eye level with those veggies or did you get special made counters that are like 2 feet off the ground? ranking=8.749811666666666 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.59, lix=0.07, time=1.13, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.49, fog=0.60} orders: orig=207, rank=77, date=92 UK & France made themselves targets of their neighbor Russia. A risk only justified if they had good intel. & Syria blocked UN investigators. ranking=8.743096333728943 from {coleman=0.72, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.41, lix=0.06, time=0.73, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.29, fog=0.40} orders: orig=190, rank=78, date=133 I would love to have a sit down with you on my show. I agree with many things that you say and disagree with just as many. I'd love to pick your mind ad debate a few issues ranking=8.622069611919612 from {coleman=0.24, numsent=3.00, flesch=0.97, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=3.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.25} orders: orig=174, rank=79, date=147 My ‘like’ disappeared again. Is Twitter taking away ‘likes’ from your posts Ben? ranking=8.507758976719149 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.21, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.23, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=1.47, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=119, rank=80, date=56 To quote John Adams, 'Facts are stubborn things.' So true in so many ways. ranking=8.409262302456973 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0.77, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.97, ari=0.05, lix=0, time=1.28, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.14} orders: orig=73, rank=81, date=76 Ironic coming from someone who peddles in lies like Trump peddles in extramarital affairs. ranking=8.325555735175548 from {coleman=0.81, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.58, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.56, lix=0.09, time=0.80, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.55, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.57} orders: orig=188, rank=82, date=126 Are you calling yourself Facts now? ranking=8.31617523953159 from {coleman=0.63, cos=1.33, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.12, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, ari=0.22, lix=0.06, time=0.42, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.12} orders: orig=37, rank=83, date=165 Facts may not care about your feelings but "facts" can be easily manufactured. CIA can provide "facts" and a fake dossier on you within 24 hours.. ranking=8.30230320748838 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.20, smog=0.69, ari=0.29, lix=0, time=0.33, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.27, fog=0.34} orders: orig=85, rank=84, date=175 This is very true Ben. But conversely, their feelings don't care about facts. ranking=8.294726925437097 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, smog=0.69, ari=0.20, lix=0, time=1.58, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.29} orders: orig=121, rank=85, date=45 Having a catchphrase is the sure sign of intellectual achievement ranking=8.228377823087635 from {coleman=0.86, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.56, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.50, lix=0.06, time=0.90, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.48, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.60} orders: orig=197, rank=86, date=115 Why is it that I have to constantly re-heart this sticky? ranking=8.198333957480308 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.06, pop=2.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.68, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.20} orders: orig=42, rank=87, date=34 Just liked and retweeted. For the fourth time. Why do my likes of this tweet disappear? ranking=8.098825412393138 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.48, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.62, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.23} orders: orig=65, rank=88, date=188 Does this mean you finally realized ladies rooms don't have urinals and your daughter should be trying to use urinals? ranking=8.01664950324958 from {coleman=0.65, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.33, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.56, lix=0.08, time=0.31, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.43, fog=0.59} orders: orig=157, rank=89, date=177 And conservatives don't care about facts. ranking=7.969083565339924 from {coleman=0.98, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.67, smog=0.85, ari=0.47, lix=0, time=0.21, numword=0, kincaid=0.50, jrw=0.39, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.50} orders: orig=152, rank=90, date=187 And you've clearly never cared about facts in your entire life. ranking=7.882820964658987 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0.94, smog=0.30, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.30, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.20} orders: orig=109, rank=91, date=74 LOLZ, what do you and your party know of facts? ranking=7.763598103554582 from {coleman=0.27, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.01, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.88, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=1.00, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.20} orders: orig=88, rank=92, date=143 And we don't care about your lies ranking=7.761094574257394 from {coleman=0.29, cos=1.63, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.12} orders: orig=67, rank=93, date=169 Empirical reasoning has been truncated & replaced by #opinions and #feels @benshapiro keep up the great work! ranking=7.706519451896668 from {coleman=0.74, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.44, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.53, lix=0.09, time=0.40, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.46, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.70} orders: orig=164, rank=94, date=167 Where are your tweets during this march I need them ranking=7.7040297644399285 from {pop=1.95, coleman=0.45, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.62, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.20} orders: orig=54, rank=95, date=41 Where is my ‘like’ @Twitter ? Vanished again ranking=7.631104341022926 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.79, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.41, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.06} orders: orig=51, rank=96, date=62 Facts and Shapoopy don't mix well. #BenShapoopy ranking=7.618635794454704 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.64, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0.82, smog=0.30, ari=0.16, lix=0, time=1.84, numword=0, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.07} orders: orig=132, rank=97, date=18 Iconic ranking=7.34263202673322 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.75, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=2.02} orders: orig=58, rank=98, date=27 Says the man spouting opinions. 1+1= 2 is a fact, all trans women being sexual predators is your opinion. ranking=7.3339907766829935 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.38, cos=0, smog=1.25, ari=0.43, lix=0.06, time=0.55, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.46, fog=0.69} orders: orig=170, rank=99, date=152 You sure act like they care about yours. ranking=7.324781022366779 from {coleman=0.39, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.57, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.16} orders: orig=48, rank=100, date=150 Is that why you don’t care about facts? ranking=7.273958273720739 from {coleman=0.30, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.29, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, jrw=0.46, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.14} orders: orig=108, rank=101, date=75 Cuz he doesn't actually have facts he just spins bs ranking=7.2502431078623175 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.94, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=0.28, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.18} orders: orig=26, rank=102, date=180 And thus don't care about you ranking=7.196518078950257 from {coleman=0.33, cos=1.63, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, jrw=0.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.07, numword=0, fuzzy=1.40, fog=0.10} orders: orig=205, rank=103, date=98 They sure in the hell don't... Facts are allergic to BS and Feeling ranking=7.169593914664343 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0.94, smog=0.69, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.07, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.00, lix=0, time=0.16, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29} orders: orig=149, rank=104, date=192 @Twitter is unliking things that I liked. Here's ranking=7.150771945214517 from {coleman=0.51, cos=0, smog=0.69, kincaid=0.05, pop=1.95, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=0.09, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.36} orders: orig=31, rank=105, date=200 You need a soul first to have feelings. ranking=7.002166403763866 from {coleman=0.35, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.99, numword=0, kincaid=0.04, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.16} orders: orig=201, rank=106, date=106 If it wasnt for you, I would not have a great library now improved with Mr. Peterson as well! ranking=6.934554151020577 from {coleman=0.33, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.31, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.30, lix=0.05, time=0.68, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.49} orders: orig=89, rank=107, date=138 Facts don’t care about your lies. ranking=6.924233245495655 from {coleman=0.51, smog=0.30, jac=0.41, kincaid=0.03, jrw=0.48, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.26, numword=0, fuzzy=1.75, fog=0.10} orders: orig=107, rank=108, date=78 My all time favorite quote by Ben! lol Nice! ranking=6.890388891249064 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.32, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.07, lix=0, time=1.90, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.31} orders: orig=80, rank=109, date=11 Living breathing hypocrisy in human form - Ben Shapiro. ranking=6.867496115197474 from {coleman=0.87, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.49, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.45, lix=0.08, time=1.31, numword=0, kincaid=0.41, fog=0.41} orders: orig=110, rank=110, date=73 And the truth doesn't care what you believe ranking=6.861971101046631 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.43, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.97, cos=1.33, smog=0.30, ari=0.08, lix=0, time=1.19, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, fog=0.14} orders: orig=49, rank=111, date=85 Omission of a material fact is wrong - Comey is too smart to have made that error by mistake ranking=6.837579361549175 from {coleman=0.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=1.07, ari=0.33, lix=0.05, time=0.69, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.36, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.58} orders: orig=179, rank=112, date=137 See Three Arrows scat and bebop all over Ben. (And also Ben.) … ranking=6.828653205128205 from {coleman=0.34, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.66, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.12} orders: orig=125, rank=113, date=36 Aww, did someone hurt your facts? ranking=6.796590156982164 from {coleman=0.49, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=2.08, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.10, lix=0, time=0.45, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12} orders: orig=47, rank=114, date=162 Still, want to confirm your daughter is not pissing in my sons urinal... I’m worried. ranking=6.73296042253283 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=0.16, lix=0.05, time=0.61, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.16, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.28} orders: orig=175, rank=115, date=146 Something you ought to learn Ben!!!! ranking=6.518163968834342 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.61, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.45} orders: orig=76, rank=116, date=42 FB or not I find it threatening and ominous. ranking=6.438851114758693 from {coleman=0.36, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.25, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.03, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.62} orders: orig=61, rank=117, date=102 feels don't care about your facts. ranking=6.37722214148732 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=0.56, numword=0, kincaid=0.03, jrw=0.49, fuzzy=2.20, fog=0.10} orders: orig=171, rank=118, date=151 Someone should tell trump that … ranking=6.324895643171173 from {pop=1.39, coleman=0.44, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.95, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.24, numword=0, kincaid=-0.03, fog=0.06} orders: orig=50, rank=119, date=80 This is Carmen Mae Daddow from Salt Lake City Utah ranking=6.211550384615384 from {coleman=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.13, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.13, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.20} orders: orig=208, rank=120, date=91 Absolutely correct! … ranking=6.1329052498128585 from {coleman=1.71, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.49, ari=0.98, lix=0.99, time=0.94, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.04} orders: orig=198, rank=121, date=111 I swear this what every democrat need to get around they head ranking=6.041134416479525 from {coleman=0.44, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.18, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.21, lix=0, time=0.32, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.24, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.41} orders: orig=158, rank=122, date=176 Alex Bissonnette is a big fan of yours. Easy to see why. ranking=6.005887437184844 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.05, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.52, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.07, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.29} orders: orig=168, rank=123, date=155 Here's Ben playing "My Heart Bleeds For You" about the Left's ranking=5.960844189106954 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.12, lix=0, time=1.23, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.05, fog=0.18} orders: orig=105, rank=124, date=81 Oh mighty @benshapiro how could we ever survive without you!!! ranking=5.8054253856881495 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, ari=0.17, lix=0, time=1.54, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18} orders: orig=120, rank=125, date=49 Hey how's that Russian collusion working out for ya Ben? ranking=5.744940933573543 from {coleman=0.55, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.23, lix=0.07, time=0.15, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.25, fog=0.40} orders: orig=148, rank=126, date=193 Thank you for not being afraid to speak! ranking=5.20109381517533 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, ari=0.07, lix=0, time=1.38, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.16} orders: orig=114, rank=127, date=65 Say it a little louder please. ranking=5.177005513893279 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.98, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=1.25, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.12} orders: orig=106, rank=128, date=79 I think @jordanbpeterson would say: "But the truth does." ranking=5.1651515074830225 from {coleman=0.28, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.86, ari=-0.02, lix=0, time=1.83, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16} orders: orig=131, rank=129, date=19 IDGAF. And I am not a "lib" ranking=5.11056778495555 from {coleman=-0.03, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.93, ari=-0.38, lix=0, time=1.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.07} orders: orig=7, rank=130, date=57 Says the guy who wouldn’t recognize a fact if it bit him in the ass. ranking=4.980648656406265 from {coleman=0.16, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.04, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.01, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.17, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.42} orders: orig=137, rank=131, date=208 Of course! ranking=4.908297133678529 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=5.58, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=1.93, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04} orders: orig=9, rank=132, date=8 Bud do feelings care about your facts? ranking=4.8741466018725745 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.74, numword=0, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.12, jrw=0.43, fog=0.14} orders: orig=182, rank=133, date=132 Have you told that to @realDonaldTrump yet? ranking=4.688185001072766 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.84, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=1.65, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.12} orders: orig=124, rank=134, date=37 Says the guy who thinks women stand next to each other in the bathroom. ranking=4.643079945054944 from {coleman=0.41, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.11, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.21, fog=0.28} orders: orig=144, rank=135, date=198 unless their wrong....then all kinds of feelings come out... ranking=4.625626808988644 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, cos=1.03, smog=0.30, ari=0.19, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.16} orders: orig=145, rank=136, date=196 How does it feel to be the white man's "Dabiq", Ben? ranking=4.386888846153846 from {coleman=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.96, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.04, lix=0, time=0.72, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.06, fog=0.20} orders: orig=181, rank=137, date=134 Neither does the universe ranking=4.087848372887067 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, pop=1.79, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.32, lix=0.11, time=1.72, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.58} orders: orig=56, rank=138, date=30 I was wondering if that was at all legal? ranking=4.066154608787217 from {coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=0.13, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.40} orders: orig=146, rank=139, date=195 Now say this to yourself in the mirror scumbag. ranking=3.8091585470085465 from {coleman=0.45, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.39, numword=0, kincaid=0.18, fog=0.18} orders: orig=163, rank=140, date=168 That's what we keep trying to tell you. ranking=3.6447982794610443 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0.26, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.85, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.51, numword=0, kincaid=-0.05, fog=0.14} orders: orig=86, rank=141, date=156 @benshapiro please run for president ranking=3.5514288656106165 from {coleman=0.76, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=2.20, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.26, lix=0, time=1.48, numword=0, fog=0.58} orders: orig=52, rank=142, date=55 Lol you should put that on a shirt lol ranking=3.373681795944561 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, kincaid=-0.01, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, ari=-0.06, lix=0, time=0.12, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.18} orders: orig=82, rank=143, date=197 sometimes humans do though ranking=2.991889930372804 from {coleman=0.90, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.48, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.66, ari=0.38, lix=0, time=1.44, numword=0, fog=0.58} orders: orig=117, rank=144, date=59 Why are we mainstreaming delusion? ranking=2.9704138498014285 from {coleman=0.92, cos=0, smog=1.07, fww=-5, kincaid=0.38, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.51, ari=0.42, lix=0.08, time=1.00, numword=0, fog=0.90} orders: orig=96, rank=145, date=105 Feelings are hurting my facts ranking=2.779340257483022 from {coleman=0.68, smog=0.30, fww=-5, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.17, ari=0.23, lix=0.08, time=0.95, numword=0, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.10} orders: orig=94, rank=146, date=110 Feeling which you don’t have ranking=2.769555557898879 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, pop=1.10, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.77, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.08} orders: orig=129, rank=147, date=25 Conservatives are wrong ranking=2.729990506223114 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.66, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.94, ari=0.65, lix=0.05, time=0.49, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.73} orders: orig=166, rank=148, date=158 Cool. Tell Trump. ranking=2.7127767596607124 from {coleman=0.49, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.16, pop=2.30, numsent=2.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.01, lix=0, time=1.88, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.03} orders: orig=44, rank=149, date=14 And feelings don't consider facts. ranking=2.6456603825638907 from {coleman=0.98, smog=0.85, fww=-5, jac=0.43, kincaid=0.33, jrw=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.44, lix=0.11, time=0.98, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.58} orders: orig=200, rank=150, date=107 Sabbath bro ranking=2.628308734336832 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=2.40, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.16, lix=0.10, time=1.59, numword=0, fog=0.04} orders: orig=55, rank=151, date=44 Debate @kurteichenwald . ranking=2.4495982072737363 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=1.35, numword=0, fog=0.02} orders: orig=74, rank=152, date=69 My most quoted #shapiroism ranking=2.3721591611420347 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.67, numword=0, fog=0.58} orders: orig=126, rank=153, date=35 Muted ranking=2.1237916651538438 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=2.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.81, numword=0, fog=0.02} orders: orig=13, rank=154, date=21 you're feelings are not facts ranking=2.1013693343936763 from {coleman=0.61, smog=0.30, fww=-5, jac=0.46, kincaid=0.04, jrw=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=1.02, numword=0, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.08} orders: orig=203, rank=155, date=103 You don't care about facts. ranking=1.9493163781163432 from {coleman=0.46, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, jrw=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=0.03, lix=0, time=0.75, numword=0, fuzzy=2.80, fog=0.08} orders: orig=183, rank=156, date=131 Facts my guy GG guys ranking=1.8456407958622734 from {coleman=0.15, cos=1.15, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.09, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.83, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=0, fuzzy=1.70, fog=0.10} orders: orig=102, rank=157, date=84 Neither do people. ranking=1.6462802585557872 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=1.73, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=77, rank=158, date=29 USS Liberty ranking=1.4966375651753303 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.16, lix=0.10, time=1.76, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.04} orders: orig=128, rank=159, date=26 But....but...I has feewings. ranking=1.2462529497907142 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.27, lix=0.10, time=1.64, numword=0, fog=0.04} orders: orig=123, rank=160, date=38 RUN FOR PRESIDENT 2024 ranking=1.2150437765266497 from {coleman=0.61, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.91, numword=0, fog=0.58} orders: orig=91, rank=161, date=114 … ranking=1.1868297267110772 from {pop=2.48, coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.70, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=20, rank=162, date=136 Mayor Shapiro ranking=1.0785606420984064 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.14, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.22, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=1.21, numword=0, fog=0.04} orders: orig=103, rank=163, date=83 Oh so you’re atheist? Cool. ranking=0.5413616688121983 from {coleman=0.31, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.00, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.01, ari=-0.14, lix=0, time=0.43, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04} orders: orig=69, rank=164, date=164 Sadly the UK would disagree. ranking=0.4432171805599454 from {coleman=0.56, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.14, lix=0, time=1.63, numword=0, fog=0.10} orders: orig=122, rank=165, date=40 Fact: you’re a little man. ranking=0.44150686111989024 from {coleman=0.24, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.15, lix=0, time=0.38, numword=0, fuzzy=1.50, fog=0.08} orders: orig=66, rank=166, date=170 Facts … ranking=0.27314333440609917 from {coleman=0.68, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.53, numword=0, fuzzy=1.30, fog=0.02} orders: orig=87, rank=167, date=154 Oh, the irony @Jeller0450 ranking=0.24095359081635492 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.95, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=133, rank=168, date=6 Couldn't agree more ranking=-0.36328551174774737 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.18, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.04} orders: orig=101, rank=169, date=86 I alternate-timeline "ship" you two. :-) ranking=-0.47798647328620847 from {coleman=0.02, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.11, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, ari=-0.32, lix=0, time=1.85, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.08} orders: orig=34, rank=170, date=17 EXACTLY! ranking=-0.6916961538461545 from {coleman=1.27, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.60, lix=0.99, time=0.97, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02, mostlycaps=-3} orders: orig=199, rank=171, date=108 this. is. EPIC. ranking=-0.7276801282051294 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.07, ari=-0.25, lix=0, time=0.79, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.03} orders: orig=187, rank=172, date=127 Agree ranking=-0.7307028194400549 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=0.63, numword=0, fuzzy=0.20, fog=0.02} orders: orig=64, rank=173, date=144 I find that hurtful. ranking=-0.8103326271323625 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.04, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.03, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=0.19, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.08} orders: orig=83, rank=174, date=189 @fakenewswatch4 ranking=-0.8837758963631315 from {pop=0.69, coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=1.42, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=116, rank=175, date=61 These comments man, hOly helll ranking=-0.9860069230769242 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=0.23, lix=0, time=0.58, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10} orders: orig=172, rank=176, date=149 Soooo TRUE Ben!!! ranking=-1.003610511747748 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.93, numword=0, fog=0.06} orders: orig=93, rank=177, date=112 Da ranking=-1.1457028194400554 from {coleman=-0.20, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.58, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fog=0.02} orders: orig=81, rank=178, date=1 … ranking=-1.2211538461538463 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.78, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=186, rank=179, date=128 So very true! ranking=-1.2665592296964665 from {coleman=0.19, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=0.92, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=92, rank=180, date=113 #ThorShapiro2020 :-) ranking=-1.3880910256410262 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.18, lix=0.05, time=0.18, numword=0, kincaid=0.07, fog=0.06} orders: orig=151, rank=181, date=190 great post ranking=-1.4737403846153856 from {coleman=0.54, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=0.87, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.04} orders: orig=194, rank=182, date=119 Nooice!! ranking=-1.5515423076923092 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.07, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02} orders: orig=143, rank=183, date=202 … ranking=-1.6346153846153846 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.37, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=162, rank=184, date=171 … ranking=-1.6538461538461537 from {coleman=0, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=0.35, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=161, rank=185, date=173 Will Trump get re-elected? ranking=-1.7602192307692324 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=0.77, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.06} orders: orig=185, rank=186, date=129 True. ranking=-1.8230807692307702 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02} orders: orig=193, rank=187, date=120 Damn right brotha!!! ranking=-1.8782961538461551 from {coleman=0.68, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=0.22, numword=0, kincaid=-0.13, fog=0.06} orders: orig=153, rank=188, date=186 Best tweet all year! ranking=-2.3047875 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.82, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.03, lix=0, time=0.25, numword=0, kincaid=-0.11, fog=0.08} orders: orig=154, rank=189, date=183 Yeah, yeah. ranking=-2.4445096153846158 from {coleman=0.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=0.26, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04} orders: orig=155, rank=190, date=182 Yes ranking=-2.722311538461539 from {coleman=0.09, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.34, lix=0, time=0.59, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02} orders: orig=173, rank=191, date=148 <3 ranking=-4.195773076923078 from {coleman=-0.50, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=-0.81, lix=0, time=0.17, numword=0, kincaid=-0.17, fog=0.02} orders: orig=150, rank=192, date=191 Daaaaaaaam!!!!! ranking=-5.855181318335129 from {coleman=2.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.17, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.79, ari=1.31, lix=0.99, fwwp=-10, time=1.14, numword=0, fog=0.02} orders: orig=99, rank=193, date=90 ranking=-6.63283630044277 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=5.05, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.32, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=22, rank=194, date=72 ranking=-8.454638074024324 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=3.74, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.81, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=28, rank=195, date=125 ranking=-8.455248194405323 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.83, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.71, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=127, rank=196, date=31 ranking=-9.348512181000002 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.56, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.09, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=71, rank=197, date=96 See you ranking=-9.564536337359327 from {coleman=0.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.15, pop=2.71, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, ari=-0.32, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.46, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.04} orders: orig=38, rank=198, date=161 ranking=-10.341645676236723 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=2.30, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.36, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=160, rank=199, date=172 ranking=-10.854929742516978 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.45, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=118, rank=200, date=58 ranking=-11.345314357901593 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.96, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=95, rank=201, date=109 ranking=-11.903846153846153 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.10, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=135, rank=202, date=95 ranking=-12.008775896363131 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.30, numword=0, fog=0} orders: orig=84, rank=203, date=178 ranking=-12.163461538461538 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.84, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=191, rank=204, date=122 ranking=-12.240384615384615 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.76, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=184, rank=205, date=130 ranking=-12.336538461538462 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.66, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=177, rank=206, date=140 ranking=-12.51923076923077 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.48, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=165, rank=207, date=159 ranking=-12.76923076923077 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=0.23, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0} orders: orig=27, rank=208, date=185 |