Search run analysis for @ajitpaifcc from Sat, March 16, 2019 at 10:38:06 -0700 (logged in)


This page shows how Twitter rearranges replies, hiding some of them. Each table below shows a tweet from @ajitpaifcc and noteworthy replies to that tweet.

Each reply tweet was re-ranked by a formula designed to determine whether a reply is on-topic and good quality. (In this case, the re-ranking was done using the "formula1js" algorithm).

Then, the revised ranking was compared with how Twitter ordered the tweet replies in the page. The revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown higher than they should have been. Those tweets are listed in the "Anomalous elevated tweets" section in each table.

Likewise, the revised ranking was used to select tweets that Twitter seems to have shown lower than they should have been. Those tweets are in the "Anomalous suppressed/hidden tweets" section in each table. That section contains both tweet replies that were suppressed (shown lower than they should have been) and hidden.

The "Other hidden tweets" in each table has additional hidden tweets, those that weren't ranked highly in the revised ranking.

Note: a hidden tweet is one that's hidden behind the "Show more replies" link at the end of the reply page. Few probably click that link, and the account that was replied to might not see those hidden tweets on their "Notifications" page depending on their settings.

Hidden tweets are highlighted in light red. Each tweet is followed by three orders: the original order (as shown by Twitter), the rank order (as determined by the revised ranking; lower rankings are better), and the date order (earlier tweets have a lower order).

Some tweets are put even lower down, into an "AbusiveQuality" section. Those are highlighted in light purple.

Note that Twitter only shows around a maximum of 200 replies, even if there are hundreds more. For instance, assume that "Number of replies" is "194 of 1841 (reached end)", "Available" is 10%, and "Hidden" is 0%. That means the tweet was listed as having 1841 replies, but a maximum of 194 were retrieved: Twitter wouldn't show any more. The "reached end" means that the app scrolled until no more replies were available. The "Available" column has the percentage (in this case 194/1841 as a percentage ). In cases like this, the "Hidden" column isn't reliable because it wasn't possible to scroll the list of replies low enough to reach the hidden section. The closer the "Available" column is to 100%, the more reliable is the "Hidden" column.

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 06:14:21: Unfortunately for would-be tourists, it would appear that Xingu River serpents are enjoying a solid keto diet. H/T @JonahNRO …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:

[tweet: 1106879705020579842, from: @evan_rink (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/19 04:27:41(HIGH,0,1,0) I thought that was a video of @ATT lawyers leaving the meeting where they said they would do something about the #robocalls]
[tweet: 1106729551026102273, from: @cherylkth (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 06:31:01(HIGH,0,0,0) ]



I thought that was a video of @ATT lawyers leaving the meeting where they said they would do something about the #robocalls
 ranking=9.837655754563333 from {coleman=0.57, cos=0, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.44, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, ari=0.54, lix=0.09, time=1.00, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.61}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=2

 ranking=-1.0 from {coleman=0, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, smog=0, fww=-5, ari=0, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, kincaid=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 02:37:47: 30 years ago today, @mgorbachev called for a "radical reversal of the Soviet Union's 60-year history of centralized farming, including the immediate dismantling of the state agricultural bureaucracy and the gradual introduction of free markets." …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 100%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • Right. Ajit Pai. Commie Warrior. Personally, I like to think of you as a character in the movie Yellowbeard w/Graham Chapman. That character is....wait for it....Mr. Prostitute. Congrats. You hurt people for money. Eat shit. I throw that in for the "eat shit" bot @chug_soylent .
    [original: #2, ranking: #1, date: #2] From @geezerwilliam on 03/16/19 09:50:41
  • You can stop robocalls. are you even a real person? or a robo..caller.
    [original: #1, ranking: #2, date: #1] From @ccbuffet83 on 03/15/19 02:51:22

[tweet: 1106674273811259392, from: @ccbuffet83 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 02:51:22(LOW,0,0,0) You can stop robocalls. are you even a real person? or a robo..caller.]
[tweet: 1106960990963298304, from: @geezerwilliam (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/16/19 09:50:41(ABUSIVE,0,0,0) Right. Ajit Pai. Commie Warrior. Personally, I like to think of you as a character in the movie Yellowbeard w/Graham Chapman. That character is....wait for it....Mr. Prostitute. Congrats. You hurt people for money. Eat shit. I throw that in for the "eat shit" bot @chug_soylent .]



Right. Ajit Pai. Commie Warrior. Personally, I like to think of you as a character in the movie Yellowbeard w/Graham Chapman. That character is....wait for it....Mr. Prostitute. Congrats. You hurt people for money. Eat shit. I throw that in for the "eat shit" bot @chug_soylent .
 ranking=16.96186441512511 from {coleman=0.52, numsent=9.00, flesch=1.11, cos=0, smog=0.71, ari=0.09, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=4.00, kincaid=0.10, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.34}
 orders: orig=2, rank=1, date=2
You can stop robocalls. are you even a real person? or a robo..caller.
 ranking=8.106323334620742 from {coleman=0.27, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.12, cos=0, smog=0.69, ari=-0.08, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.29}
 orders: orig=1, rank=2, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 12:38:35: For Americans in rural areas, phone calls too often don't go through. That's unacceptable. Whether you're trying to connect with loved ones, to retain customers, or to dial 911, the phone system should work. Today, the @FCC took steps to make sure it does. …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 100%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • Hey most hated man on the internet! See you in The King For Another Day
    [original: #1, ranking: #1, date: #2] From @trev018 on 03/15/19 01:57:57
  • Wouldn't Title I be better for customers, though?
    [original: #2, ranking: #2, date: #1] From @zykb4e1 on 03/15/19 01:20:49

[tweet: 1106660830479896576, from: @trev018 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 01:57:57(LOW,0,0,0) Hey most hated man on the internet! See you in The King For Another Day]
[tweet: 1106651487579435009, from: @zykb4e1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 01:20:49(LOW,0,0,0) Wouldn't Title I be better for customers, though?]



Hey most hated man on the internet! See you in The King For Another Day
 ranking=8.662494224171834 from {coleman=0.31, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.08, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=-0.00, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.11, fuzzy=1.90, fog=0.42}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=2
Wouldn't Title I be better for customers, though?
 ranking=7.105801308393487 from {coleman=0.56, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, cos=0.38, smog=0.85, ari=0.18, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, kincaid=0.20, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 10:58:14: .@asymmetricinfo aims for a constructive approach to the pre-digital dictum of Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) that "to live is to war with trolls in heart and soul."
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 5 of 5 (reached end) 100% 20% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:

[tweet: 1106636600803500035, from: @fifthstreetdude (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 12:21:40(HIGH,0,1,0) Restore #NetNeutrality protections and resign for committing fraud against the American people.  #NetNeutrality is a #1stAmendment issue and WE THE PEOPLE will not allow our speech to be limited by corporate interests. …]
[tweet: 1106622298856013824, from: @dviddles (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 11:24:50(HIGH,0,1,0) Focus on robocalls please]
[tweet: 1106734918955077637, from: @honest_ncta (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 06:52:21(HIGH,0,0,0) The greatest troll job ever: take a job in public service....shill for ISP monopolies.]
[tweet: 1106619257218088960, from: @ml8_ml8 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 11:12:45(HIGH,0,0,0) I counter-troll, therefore I am?]
[tweet: 1106618858763419649, from: @tweet_tracker1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 11:11:10(HIGH,0,0,0) Flyweight respects flyweight.]



Restore #NetNeutrality protections and resign for committing fraud against the American people.

#NetNeutrality is a #1stAmendment issue and WE THE PEOPLE will not allow our speech to be limited by corporate interests. …
 ranking=12.535656184459167 from {coleman=0.69, cos=0, smog=1.40, kincaid=0.52, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.48, ari=0.56, lix=0.09, time=0.80, numword=3.00, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.80}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=4
The greatest troll job ever: take a job in public service....shill for ISP monopolies.
 ranking=6.703734095966705 from {coleman=0.46, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.30, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.25, lix=0, time=0.40, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.34, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=5
Flyweight respects flyweight.
 ranking=4.269883333333333 from {coleman=1.76, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.65, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=1.04, lix=0.99, time=2.00, numword=0, kincaid=0.46, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=5, rank=3, date=1
Focus on robocalls please
 ranking=2.2580822380651115 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.33, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.45, ari=0.32, lix=0, time=1.20, numword=0, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=3
I counter-troll, therefore I am?
 ranking=0.9134350575051662 from {coleman=0.17, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.18, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.24, ari=-0.21, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.58}
 orders: orig=4, rank=5, date=2

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 10:10:30: The violent attacks yesterday in #Christchurch were horrifying. Deepest condolences to the victims and their families, and extending solidarity with the courageous people of #NewZealand as they confront this terrible tragedy. …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 2 of 2 (reached end) 100% 0% 50%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • Loser.
    [original: #2, ranking: #2, date: #2] From @nunyabidness929 on 03/15/19 10:18:03

[tweet: 1106605008072642561, from: @mottdewitt (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 10:16:08(HIGH,0,0,0) Goober.]
[tweet: 1106605490342162437, from: @nunyabidness929 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 10:18:03(LOW,0,0,0) Loser.]



 ranking=2.317149999999999 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1
 ranking=0.6871500000000001 from {coleman=0.68, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=2, rank=2, date=2

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 08:19:15: The @FCC just made available a huge amount of high-band, 95 GHz spectrum & created a new category of experimental licenses. This will be a huge boost for unlicensed innovation—and long-term “science fiction will become reality,” as presenter Ted Rappaport from @nyutandon put
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 6 of 6 (reached end) 100% 0% 66%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • You should resign for committing fraud against the American public. If you want to save face, why don't you restore #NetNeutrality protections on your way out the door, you corpo-fascist?
    [original: #3, ranking: #1, date: #6] From @fifthstreetdude on 03/15/19 03:27:00
Other hidden replies:
  • #goober
    [original: #4, ranking: #4, date: #5] From @behindbehindhdl on 03/15/19 11:45:13
  • Shut up Goober.
    [original: #5, ranking: #5, date: #3] From @mottdewitt on 03/15/19 08:24:40
    [original: #6, ranking: #6, date: #1] From @apiratemonk on 03/15/19 08:20:10

[tweet: 1106576925559087105, from: @torchiest (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 08:24:32(HIGH,0,1,0) "unlicensed innovation"  That phrase is music to my ears. The exact opposite of the progress-destroying Precautionary Principle.]
[tweet: 1106590793601568769, from: @marykayakers1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 09:19:39(HIGH,0,0,1) Please make damn sure the 95gZ thing does not hypnotize or mind control susceptible people.]
[tweet: 1106683242395115520, from: @fifthstreetdude (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 03:27:00(LOW,1,1,0) You should resign for committing fraud against the American public. If you want to save face, why don't you restore #NetNeutrality protections on your way out the door, you corpo-fascist?]
[tweet: 1106627427084718080, from: @behindbehindhdl (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 11:45:13(LOW,0,0,0) #goober]
[tweet: 1106576959302184960, from: @mottdewitt (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 08:24:40(LOW,0,1,0) Shut up Goober.]
[tweet: 1106575824730226690, from: @apiratemonk (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 08:20:10(LOW,0,1,0)]



You should resign for committing fraud against the American public. If you want to save face, why don't you restore #NetNeutrality protections on your way out the door, you corpo-fascist?
 ranking=14.053260156388227 from {coleman=0.58, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.36, pop=1.61, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.39, lix=0.05, time=0.33, numword=3.00, fuzzy=2.40, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=3, rank=1, date=6
"unlicensed innovation"

That phrase is music to my ears. The exact opposite of the progress-destroying Precautionary Principle.
 ranking=11.469767942079857 from {coleman=0.83, cos=0.47, smog=1.07, kincaid=0.45, pop=0.69, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.55, ari=0.42, lix=0.06, time=1.67, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.66}
 orders: orig=1, rank=2, date=2
Please make damn sure the 95gZ thing does not hypnotize or mind control susceptible people.
 ranking=11.406091248342248 from {coleman=0.70, cos=0, smog=1.07, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.30, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.50, lix=0.05, time=1.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=2.00, fog=0.57}
 orders: orig=2, rank=3, date=4
 ranking=1.183816666666666 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=0.67, numword=0, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=4, rank=4, date=5
Shut up Goober.
 ranking=0.875697180559945 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.05, lix=0, time=1.33, numword=0, fuzzy=1.00, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=5, rank=5, date=3
 ranking=-10.306852819440055 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=0.69, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=2.00, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=6, rank=6, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 06:51:50: .@wsj's @bysarahkrouse on my proposal for "a new [@FCC] standard that would for the first time specify how precise the in-building vertical location data that wireless carriers send 911 call centers must be." An important #publicsafety priority. …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 1 of 1 (reached end) 100% 0% 100%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:
  • #goober
    [original: #1, ranking: #1, date: #1] From @behindbehindhdl on 03/15/19 07:25:49

[tweet: 1106562148342353922, from: @behindbehindhdl (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 07:25:49(LOW,0,0,0) #goober]



 ranking=2.317149999999999 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=0.37, lix=0, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.60, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/19 06:48:22: The @FCC's March meeting will be held today! We'll be voting on opening up new airwaves to unlicensed innovation, more precise vertical location info for 911 callers, and more. A preview: … You can watch here starting at 10:30AM EST: .
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Bad 4 of 3 (reached end) 133% 25% 0%
Anomalous elevated replies:
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
Other hidden replies:

[tweet: 1106555874552803328, from: @ww0b (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 07:00:53(HIGH,0,1,0) is "unlicensed innovation" the new euphemism for "corporate giveaway" then?]
[tweet: 1106555690456440833, from: @adpackman (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 07:00:10(HIGH,0,0,0) March madness indeed]
[tweet: 1106553269676052480, from: @dviddles (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 06:50:32(HIGH,0,0,1) Don't forget robocalls]
[tweet: 1106625117302382592, from: @desmondschacht (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/19 11:36:02(HIGH,0,0,0) He probably did or only wanted to address it so he can get people to think he cares]



is "unlicensed innovation" the new euphemism for "corporate giveaway" then?
 ranking=13.289772263219975 from {coleman=1.01, cos=1.07, smog=1.40, jac=0.40, kincaid=0.60, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.73, ari=0.62, lix=0.99, time=1.00, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.80, fog=1.00}
 orders: orig=1, rank=1, date=3
Don't forget robocalls
 ranking=7.6620354699392665 from {coleman=1.42, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.73, pop=1.61, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.07, ari=0.74, lix=0.10, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=1
He probably did or only wanted to address it so he can get people to think he cares
 ranking=5.453008333333333 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.10, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.24, lix=0, time=0.50, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.26, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.36}
 orders: orig=4, rank=3, date=4
March madness indeed
 ranking=2.063169297345637 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0.50, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=0.42, lix=0.05, time=1.50, numword=0, fuzzy=1.10, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=2, rank=4, date=2

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/18 02:47:42: On this date in 1985,  became the first registered .com Internet domain name. (Also the oldest, as it's still registered: ). …
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Normal 7 of 14 (reached end) 50% 14% 14%
Anomalous elevated replies:
    [original: #1, ranking: #7, date: #1] From @goddess_hylia_ on 03/15/18 02:50:51
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • And soon, if you want to see it, you’ll have to upgrade to the premium plan at $25 per month. Please make check payable to Paiisapussy. #NetNeutrality
    [original: #6, ranking: #1, date: #4] From @littlegmac on 03/15/18 03:37:45
Other hidden replies:
  • On 14 Dec 2017 you wrecked #NetNeutrality.
    [original: #7, ranking: #4, date: #2] From @worldgonemad1 on 03/15/18 02:59:56

[tweet: 974402571413655553, from: @goddess_hylia_ (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 02:50:51(HIGH,0,3,0)]
[tweet: 974441394726211584, from: @fightfortitleii (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 05:25:07(HIGH,0,2,0) #VerizonShill]
[tweet: 974410198340308996, from: @altondrew (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 03:21:09(HIGH,0,2,0) Wow. It would be another four years before I even heard of the internet.]
[tweet: 974487420744929281, from: @tw00ps (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 08:28:00(HIGH,0,0,0) You’re evil.]
[tweet: 974424996260048896, from: @frenzy05854365 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 04:19:57(HIGH,0,0,0) Fuckin amerilards in this thread crying becuz they'll be nonetz in the future >lmaoing at ur lyf]
[tweet: 974414373702664192, from: @littlegmac (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 03:37:45(HIGH,1,7,0) And soon, if you want to see it, you’ll have to upgrade to the premium plan at $25 per month.  Please make check payable to Paiisapussy. #NetNeutrality]
[tweet: 974404857997094912, from: @worldgonemad1 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 02:59:56(LOW,0,2,0) On 14 Dec 2017 you wrecked #NetNeutrality.]



And soon, if you want to see it, you’ll have to upgrade to the premium plan at $25 per month.  Please make check payable to Paiisapussy. #NetNeutrality
 ranking=11.787545193524426 from {pop=2.83, coleman=0.43, numsent=3.00, flesch=1.06, cos=0, smog=0.75, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.14, numword=2.00, kincaid=0.12, fog=0.33}
 orders: orig=6, rank=1, date=4
Wow. It would be another four years before I even heard of the internet.
 ranking=9.76112694780447 from {coleman=0.41, cos=0.39, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.20, pop=1.39, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.21, ari=0.06, lix=0, time=1.43, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.43}
 orders: orig=3, rank=2, date=3
Fuckin amerilards in this thread crying becuz they'll be nonetz in the future
>lmaoing at ur lyf
 ranking=7.564156039648023 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.31, cos=0, smog=0.85, ari=0.39, lix=0, time=0.86, numword=1.00, kincaid=0.38, fuzzy=0.80, fog=0.45}
 orders: orig=5, rank=3, date=5
On 14 Dec 2017 you wrecked #NetNeutrality.
 ranking=7.233633882910772 from {coleman=0.46, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.11, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.07, ari=0.13, lix=0, time=1.71, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.41}
 orders: orig=7, rank=4, date=2
 ranking=3.497320490053627 from {coleman=0.98, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=0.44, pop=1.39, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.64, ari=0.39, lix=0.10, time=0.57, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=1.04}
 orders: orig=2, rank=5, date=6
You’re evil.
 ranking=-0.957135714285715 from {coleman=0.39, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.42, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.63, ari=-0.10, lix=0, time=0.29, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.02}
 orders: orig=4, rank=6, date=7
 ranking=-9.208240530771945 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.79, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=2.00, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=1, rank=7, date=1

@ajitpaifcc tweeted on 03/15/16 07:33:43: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Beware the #IdesOfMarch!
Status Number of replies Available Suppressed Hidden
Worse 10 of 23 (reached end) 43% 0% 40%
Anomalous elevated replies:
  • Get out of our memes
    [original: #1, ranking: #9, date: #10] From @hoxtinhintz on 03/15/18 02:41:32
Anomalous suppressed/hidden replies:
  • Kind of like you stabbing millions of Americans in the back. Good metaphor.
    [original: #7, ranking: #1, date: #5] From @honest_ncta on 03/15/18 07:43:33
  • How appropriate. A bunch of rich aristrocratic Optimates believe they are "saving" the republic when they were stabbing Caesar, but they were laying the foundations for its devastation.
    [original: #9, ranking: #2, date: #9] From @melcalc on 03/15/18 02:18:27
Other hidden replies:
  • Just like it's your fault that you sold us out.
    [original: #10, ranking: #4, date: #8] From @desmondschacht on 03/15/18 12:14:22
    [original: #8, ranking: #10, date: #6] From @iamthesherm on 03/15/18 08:38:55

[tweet: 974400227565191168, from: @hoxtinhintz (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 02:41:32(HIGH,0,1,0) Get out of our memes]
[tweet: 709763127420854272, from: @jdabsher (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/16 08:28:10(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC Et tu, Newman's Own?]
[tweet: 709758204410863616, from: @geralynwichers (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/16 08:08:37(HIGH,0,1,0) @AjitPaiFCC bwhahahaha!]
[tweet: 842206262888611841, from: @rrogers512 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/17 07:49:55(HIGH,0,0,0) @MrTonySays et tu, Crutons ?]
[tweet: 709771693334507521, from: @samkoch49 (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/16 09:02:13(HIGH,0,0,0) @AjitPaiFCC @nicklandsverk March 15th]
[tweet: 974322063086440450, from: @kris_windom (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 09:30:56(HIGH,0,0,0) That's the only good use for Caesar dressing.]
[tweet: 974295037562548224, from: @honest_ncta (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 07:43:33(LOW,0,4,0) Kind of like you stabbing millions of Americans in the back. Good metaphor.]
[tweet: 974308971044659200, from: @iamthesherm (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 08:38:55(LOW,0,2,0)]
[tweet: 974394420752678913, from: @melcalc (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 02:18:27(LOW,0,0,0) How appropriate. A bunch of rich aristrocratic Optimates believe they are "saving" the republic when they were stabbing Caesar, but they were laying the foundations for its devastation.]
[tweet: 974363191147864064, from: @desmondschacht (NOTVERIFIED) on 03/15/18 12:14:22(LOW,0,0,0) Just like it's your fault that you sold us out.]



Kind of like you stabbing millions of Americans in the back. Good metaphor.
 ranking=10.656862176108078 from {coleman=0.59, cos=0, smog=0.85, kincaid=0.25, pop=2.08, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.30, ari=0.20, lix=0.05, time=1.20, numword=1.00, fuzzy=0.70, fog=0.44}
 orders: orig=7, rank=1, date=5
How appropriate. A bunch of rich aristrocratic Optimates believe they are "saving" the republic when they were stabbing Caesar, but they were laying the foundations for its devastation.
 ranking=10.325779726621944 from {coleman=0.82, cos=0, smog=1.25, jac=0.39, kincaid=0.50, numsent=2.00, flesch=1.52, ari=0.57, lix=0.07, time=0.40, numword=2.00, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.71}
 orders: orig=9, rank=2, date=9
@AjitPaiFCC bwhahahaha!
 ranking=9.904019738065113 from {coleman=2.15, cos=0, smog=0.85, fww=-5, kincaid=1.01, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=2.48, ari=1.31, lix=0.99, time=2.00, numword=0, fuzzy=0.40, fog=2.02}
 orders: orig=3, rank=3, date=1
Just like it's your fault that you sold us out.
 ranking=6.5489234478532135 from {coleman=0.29, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.87, cos=0.71, smog=0.30, ari=0.02, lix=0, time=0.60, numword=1.00, kincaid=-0.01, fuzzy=1.60, fog=0.18}
 orders: orig=10, rank=4, date=8
That's the only good use for Caesar dressing.
 ranking=4.506607142857143 from {coleman=0.51, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, cos=0, smog=0.30, ari=0.15, lix=0, time=0.80, numword=0, kincaid=0.12, fuzzy=0.40, fog=0.14}
 orders: orig=6, rank=5, date=7
@AjitPaiFCC @nicklandsverk March 15th
 ranking=0.16087499999999944 from {coleman=0.54, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.80, cos=1.00, smog=0.30, fww=-5, ari=0.04, lix=0, time=1.60, numword=0, kincaid=-0.15, fog=0.04}
 orders: orig=5, rank=6, date=3
@AjitPaiFCC Et tu, Newman's Own?
 ranking=-0.5196361527733877 from {coleman=-0.10, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=-0.13, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=0.81, ari=-0.45, lix=0, time=1.80, numword=0, fuzzy=0.50, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=2, rank=7, date=2
@MrTonySays et tu, Crutons ?
 ranking=-0.5774500000000007 from {coleman=0.29, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.07, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.09, ari=-0.13, lix=0.05, time=1.40, numword=0, fuzzy=0.30, fog=0.06}
 orders: orig=4, rank=8, date=4
Get out of our memes
 ranking=-1.6237828194400554 from {coleman=0.15, cos=0, smog=0.30, fww=-5, kincaid=0.03, pop=0.69, numsent=1.00, flesch=1.00, ari=-0.19, lix=0, time=0.20, numword=0, fuzzy=0.10, fog=0.10}
 orders: orig=1, rank=9, date=10
 ranking=-10.61370563888011 from {coleman=0, smog=0, fww=-5, kincaid=0, pop=1.39, numsent=0, flesch=2.00, ari=0, lix=0, fwwp=-10, time=1.00, numword=0, fog=0}
 orders: orig=8, rank=10, date=6